services: postgres: extends: file: ./docker-compose.yaml service: postgres postgres_connector: image: ports: - 8080:8080 environment: CONNECTION_URI: "postgresql://postgres:password@postgres" RUST_LOG: info volumes: - type: bind source: ./crates/engine/tests/ndc-postgres-configuration target: /etc/connector read_only: true depends_on: postgres: condition: service_healthy custom_connector: build: dockerfile: custom-connector.Dockerfile entrypoint: - ./bin/custom-connector ports: - "8102:8102" environment: RUST_LOG: info healthcheck: test: curl -fsS http://localhost:8102/schema start_period: 5s interval: 5s timeout: 10s retries: 20 custom_connector_ndc_v01: # This is the v3-engine commit version before the custom connector got upgraded to ndc_models v0.2.0 image: ports: - "8101:8101" environment: RUST_LOG: info volumes: postgres: