# Guidelines for adding migrations ## 1. Additive changes should be preferred over transformational changes. For example, We have to change a type of the column `locked` from `bool` to `timestamp with time zone` where when the value of the column is `true` then the new value should be the current timestamp and when the value of the column is `false` it should be `null`. Instead of doing, ```sql ALTER TABLE hdb_catalog.event_log ALTER COLUMN locked TYPE TIMESTAMPTZ USING CASE WHEN locked THEN NOW() ELSE NULL END; ``` It's preferred to do, ```sql ALTER TABLE hdb_catalog.event_log RENAME COLUMN locked TO locked_boolean; ALTER TABLE hdb_catalog.event_log ADD COLUMN locked TIMESTAMPTZ; UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log SET locked = NOW() WHERE locked_boolean = 't'; ALTER TABLE hdb_catalog.event_log DROP COLUMN locked_boolean; ``` This is because in the former way, the `ALTER TABLE` will acquire an lock on the `hdb_catalog.event_log` table and will keep the lock until all the rows are transformed to the new data type. The latter method is preffered although it does 4 queries, because all the DDL statements do not depend on the data contained in the rows. ## 2. Avoid adding a default value while adding a new column to an existing table Instead of doing, ```sql ALTER TABLE