#!/usr/bin/env bash # Run this from root of repo - graphql-engine-mono # ./docs/scripts/pandoc-auto-transform.sh "docs/docs" # Make sure globstar is enabled # shopt -s globstar # cd docs # for f in **/*.rst; do # Whitespace-safe and recursive # # echo "../$1/${f%.*}" # mkdir -pv -- "../$1/${f%/*}" && touch -- "../$1/${f%}.txt"; # pandoc "$f" -f rst -t gfm -s -o "../$1/${f%}.txt"; # done # cd .. # wc -l graphql/**/* > files.txt # tree -f # run on only one file # ./docs/scripts/pandoc-auto-transform.sh "graphql/core/actions/create.rst" # pandoc "docs-old/$1" -f rst -t gfm -s -o "docs/docs/${1%}.txt"; # run on list of files # Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/424142/10208226 to get list of changed files in a commit # git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r 90c8f75 # ./docs/scripts/pandoc-auto-transform.sh # files=( "graphql/core/databases/ms-sql-server/index.rst" "graphql/core/mutations/ms-sql-server/index.rst" "graphql/core/mutations/ms-sql-server/insert.rst" "graphql/core/mutations/ms-sql-server/upsert.rst" "graphql/core/mutations/postgres/upsert.rst" ) # for f in "${files[@]}"; do # mkdir -pv -- "docs/${f%/*}" && touch -- "docs/docs/${f%}.txt"; # pandoc "docs-old/$f" -f rst -t gfm -s -o "docs/docs/${f%}.txt"; # done # mkdir -pv -- "$1/${f%/*}" && touch -- "$1/${f%}.txt"; # pandoc "$f" -f rst -t gfm -s -o "$1/${f%}.txt";