PWD := $(shell pwd) PARENT_DIR := $(shell dirname $(PWD)) VERSION ?= $(shell ../scripts/ PLUGINS_BRANCH ?= master OUTPUT_DIR := _output HAS_GOX := $(shell command -v gox;) HAS_GINKGO := $(shell command -v ginkgo;) ifeq (${CI}, true) CLI_EXT_BIN_DIR := "/build/_cli_ext_output" else CLI_EXT_BIN_DIR := "../cli-ext/bin" endif .PHONY: deps # get dependencies deps: go mod download .PHONY: lint lint: golangci-lint run --timeout 2m # build cli locally, for all given platform/arch .PHONY: build build: export CGO_ENABLED=0 build: copy-cli-ext build: ifndef HAS_GOX cd ~ && go get && cd - endif gox -ldflags '-X$(VERSION) -X$(PLUGINS_BRANCH) -s -w -extldflags "-static"' \ -rebuild \ -osarch="linux/amd64 darwin/amd64 windows/amd64 linux/arm64 darwin/arm64" \ -output="$(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(VERSION)/cli-hasura-{{.OS}}-{{.Arch}}" \ ./cmd/hasura/ # compress .PHONY: compress compress: ls $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(VERSION)/cli-hasura-* | grep -v darwin | xargs upx # to be executed in circle-ci only ci-copy-binary: mkdir -p /build/_cli_output/binaries cp $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(VERSION)/cli-hasura-* /build/_cli_output/binaries echo "$(VERSION)" > /build/_cli_output/version.txt .PHONY: build-cli-ext build-cli-ext: cd ../cli-ext && make deps && make build .PHONY: clean-cli-ext clean-cli-ext: rm -rf ./internal/cliext/bin .PHONY: copy-cli-ext copy-cli-ext: clean-cli-ext cp $(CLI_EXT_BIN_DIR)/cli-ext-hasura-node12-linux-x64 ./internal/cliext/static-bin/linux/amd64/cli-ext cp $(CLI_EXT_BIN_DIR)/cli-ext-hasura-node12-linux-arm64 ./internal/cliext/static-bin/linux/arm64/cli-ext cp $(CLI_EXT_BIN_DIR)/cli-ext-hasura-node12-macos-x64 ./internal/cliext/static-bin/darwin/amd64/cli-ext cp $(CLI_EXT_BIN_DIR)/cli-ext-hasura-node16-macos-arm64 ./internal/cliext/static-bin/darwin/arm64/cli-ext cp $(CLI_EXT_BIN_DIR)/cli-ext-hasura-node12-win-x64.exe ./internal/cliext/static-bin/windows/amd64/cli-ext.exe # run tests .PHONY: test test: copy-cli-ext echo "--- :: run test" if [ -z "${HASURA_TEST_CLI_HGE_DOCKER_IMAGE}" ]; then echo "Please set HASURA_TEST_CLI_HGE_DOCKER_IMAGE env for populating testutil.HasuraDockerImage and run test"; exit 1; fi go test -ldflags "-X$(VERSION)" -v -tags="${TEST_TAGS}" `go list ./... | grep -v integration_test | grep -v commands` integration_tests_config_v3: copy-cli-ext echo "--- :: run integration_tests_config_v3" if [ -z "${HASURA_TEST_CLI_HGE_DOCKER_IMAGE}" ]; then echo "Please set HASURA_TEST_CLI_HGE_DOCKER_IMAGE env for populating testutil.HasuraDockerImage and run test"; exit 1; fi go test -ldflags "-X$(VERSION)" -v -tags="${TEST_TAGS}" -run Commands/config=v3 ./integration_test integration_tests_config_v2: copy-cli-ext echo "--- :: run integration_tests_config_v2" if [ -z "${HASURA_TEST_CLI_HGE_DOCKER_IMAGE}" ]; then echo "Please set HASURA_TEST_CLI_HGE_DOCKER_IMAGE env for populating testutil.HasuraDockerImage and run test"; exit 1; fi go test -ldflags "-X$(VERSION)" -v -tags="${TEST_TAGS}" -run Commands/config=v2 ./integration_test test-e2e: echo "--- :: run e2e tests" ifndef HAS_GINKGO cd ~ && go get && cd - endif cd commands && ginkgo -p -v -failFast test-all: test integration_tests_config_v2 integration_tests_config_v3 test-e2e # clean the output directory .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf "$(OUTPUT_DIR)" .PHONY: all all: deps test build # build cli inside a docker container all-in-docker: docker build -t hasura-graphql-cli-builder -f build/builder.dockerfile build docker run --rm -it \ -v $(PARENT_DIR):/go/src/ \ hasura-graphql-cli-builder \ make all