CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_version ( version TEXT NOT NULL, upgraded_on TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hdb_version_one_row ON hdb_catalog.hdb_version((version IS NOT NULL)); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_table ( table_schema TEXT, table_name TEXT, is_system_defined boolean default false, PRIMARY KEY (table_schema, table_name) ); CREATE FUNCTION hdb_catalog.hdb_table_oid_check() RETURNS trigger AS $function$ BEGIN IF (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables st WHERE st.table_schema = NEW.table_schema AND st.table_name = NEW.table_name)) THEN return NEW; ELSE RAISE foreign_key_violation using message = 'table_schema, table_name not in information_schema.tables'; return NULL; END IF; END; $function$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER hdb_table_oid_check BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON hdb_catalog.hdb_table FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE hdb_catalog.hdb_table_oid_check(); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_relationship ( table_schema TEXT, table_name TEXT, rel_name TEXT, rel_type TEXT CHECK (rel_type IN ('object', 'array')), rel_def JSONB NOT NULL, comment TEXT NULL, is_system_defined boolean default false, PRIMARY KEY (table_schema, table_name, rel_name), FOREIGN KEY (table_schema, table_name) REFERENCES hdb_catalog.hdb_table(table_schema, table_name) ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_permission ( table_schema TEXT, table_name TEXT, role_name TEXT, perm_type TEXT CHECK(perm_type IN ('insert', 'select', 'update', 'delete')), perm_def JSONB NOT NULL, comment TEXT NULL, is_system_defined boolean default false, PRIMARY KEY (table_schema, table_name, role_name, perm_type), FOREIGN KEY (table_schema, table_name) REFERENCES hdb_catalog.hdb_table(table_schema, table_name) ); CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_permission_agg AS SELECT table_schema, table_name, role_name, json_object_agg(perm_type, perm_def) as permissions FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_permission GROUP BY table_schema, table_name, role_name; CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_query_template ( template_name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, template_defn JSONB NOT NULL, comment TEXT NULL, is_system_defined boolean default false ); CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_foreign_key_constraint AS SELECT q.table_schema :: text, q.table_name :: text, q.constraint_name :: text, hdb_catalog.first(q.constraint_oid) :: integer as constraint_oid, hdb_catalog.first(q.ref_table_table_schema) :: text as ref_table_table_schema, hdb_catalog.first(q.ref_table) :: text as ref_table, json_object_agg(ac.attname, afc.attname) as column_mapping, hdb_catalog.first(q.confupdtype) :: text as on_update, hdb_catalog.first(q.confdeltype) :: text as on_delete FROM (SELECT ctn.nspname AS table_schema, ct.relname AS table_name, r.conrelid AS table_id, r.conname as constraint_name, r.oid as constraint_oid, cftn.nspname AS ref_table_table_schema, cft.relname as ref_table, r.confrelid as ref_table_id, r.confupdtype, r.confdeltype, UNNEST (r.conkey) AS column_id, UNNEST (r.confkey) AS ref_column_id FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ct ON r.conrelid = ct.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ctn ON ct.relnamespace = ctn.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class cft ON r.confrelid = cft.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace cftn ON cft.relnamespace = cftn.oid WHERE r.contype = 'f' ) q JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute ac ON q.column_id = ac.attnum AND q.table_id = ac.attrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute afc ON q.ref_column_id = afc.attnum AND q.ref_table_id = afc.attrelid GROUP BY q.table_schema, q.table_name, q.constraint_name; CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_check_constraint AS SELECT n.nspname :: text AS table_schema, ct.relname :: text AS table_name, r.conname :: text as constraint_name, pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(r.oid, true) as check FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ct ON r.conrelid = ct.oid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON ct.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE r.contype = 'c'; CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_unique_constraint AS SELECT tc.table_name, tc.constraint_schema AS table_schema, tc.constraint_name as constraint_name, json_agg(kcu.column_name) AS columns FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu USING (constraint_schema, constraint_name) WHERE constraint_type = 'UNIQUE' GROUP BY tc.table_name, tc.constraint_schema, tc.constraint_name; CREATE VIEW hdb_catalog.hdb_primary_key AS SELECT tc.table_schema, tc.table_name, tc.constraint_name, json_agg(ccu.column_name) as columns FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage ccu ON tc.constraint_name = ccu.constraint_name WHERE constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' GROUP BY tc.table_schema, tc.table_name, tc.constraint_name; CREATE FUNCTION hdb_catalog.inject_table_defaults(view_schema text, view_name text, tab_schema text, tab_name text) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE r RECORD; BEGIN FOR r IN SELECT column_name, column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = tab_schema AND table_name = tab_name AND column_default IS NOT NULL LOOP EXECUTE format('ALTER VIEW %I.%I ALTER COLUMN %I SET DEFAULT %s;', view_schema, view_name, r.column_name, r.column_default); END LOOP; END; $$; CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.event_triggers ( id TEXT DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT UNIQUE, type TEXT NOT NULL, schema_name TEXT NOT NULL, table_name TEXT NOT NULL, configuration JSON, comment TEXT ); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.event_log ( id TEXT DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() PRIMARY KEY, schema_name TEXT NOT NULL, table_name TEXT NOT NULL, trigger_id TEXT NOT NULL, trigger_name TEXT NOT NULL, payload JSONB NOT NULL, delivered BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, error BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, tries INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), locked BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, next_retry_at TIMESTAMP ); CREATE INDEX ON hdb_catalog.event_log (trigger_id); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.event_invocation_logs ( id TEXT DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() PRIMARY KEY, event_id TEXT, status INTEGER, request JSON, response JSON, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES hdb_catalog.event_log (id) ); CREATE INDEX ON hdb_catalog.event_invocation_logs (event_id); CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.remote_schemas ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT UNIQUE, definition JSON, comment TEXT );