module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Merge ( checkSchemaConflicts , checkConflictingNode ) where import Data.Maybe (maybeToList) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G import Hasura.GraphQL.Context import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.Types checkSchemaConflicts :: (MonadError QErr m) => GCtx -> GCtx -> m () checkSchemaConflicts gCtx remoteCtx = do let typeMap = _gTypes gCtx -- hasura typemap -- check type conflicts let hTypes = Map.elems typeMap hTyNames = map G.unNamedType $ Map.keys typeMap -- get the root names from the remote schema rmQRootName = _otiName $ _gQueryRoot remoteCtx rmMRootName = maybeToList $ _otiName <$> _gMutRoot remoteCtx rmSRootName = maybeToList $ _otiName <$> _gSubRoot remoteCtx rmRootNames = map G.unNamedType (rmQRootName:(rmMRootName ++ rmSRootName)) let rmTypes = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> G.unNamedType k `notElem` builtinTy ++ rmRootNames) $ _gTypes remoteCtx isTyInfoSame ty = any (`tyinfoEq` ty) hTypes -- name is same and structure is not same isSame n ty = G.unNamedType n `elem` hTyNames && not (isTyInfoSame ty) conflictedTypes = Map.filterWithKey isSame rmTypes conflictedTyNames = map G.unNamedType $ Map.keys conflictedTypes unless (Map.null conflictedTypes) $ throw400 RemoteSchemaConflicts $ tyMsg conflictedTyNames -- check node conflicts let rmQRoot = _otiFields $ _gQueryRoot remoteCtx rmMRoot = _otiFields <$> _gMutRoot remoteCtx rmRoots = filter (`notElem` builtinNodes ++ rmRootNames) . Map.keys <$> mergeMaybeMaps (Just rmQRoot) rmMRoot hQR = _otiFields <$> (getObjTyM =<< Map.lookup hQRName typeMap) hMR = _otiFields <$> (getObjTyM =<< Map.lookup hMRName typeMap) hRoots = Map.keys <$> mergeMaybeMaps hQR hMR case (rmRoots, hRoots) of (Just rmR, Just hR) -> do let conflictedNodes = filter (`elem` hR) rmR unless (null conflictedNodes) $ throw400 RemoteSchemaConflicts $ nodesMsg conflictedNodes _ -> return () where tyinfoEq a b = case (a, b) of (TIScalar t1, TIScalar t2) -> typeEq t1 t2 (TIObj t1, TIObj t2) -> typeEq t1 t2 (TIEnum t1, TIEnum t2) -> typeEq t1 t2 (TIInpObj t1, TIInpObj t2) -> typeEq t1 t2 _ -> False hQRName = G.NamedType "query_root" hMRName = G.NamedType "mutation_root" tyMsg ty = "types: [ " <> namesToTxt ty <> " ] have mismatch with current graphql schema. HINT: Types must be same." nodesMsg n = "top-level nodes: [ " <> namesToTxt n <> " ] already exist in current graphql schema. HINT: Top-level nodes can't be same." namesToTxt = T.intercalate ", " . map G.unName builtinNodes = ["__type", "__schema", "__typename"] builtinTy = [ "__Directive" , "__DirectiveLocation" , "__EnumValue" , "__Field" , "__InputValue" , "__Schema" , "__Type" , "__TypeKind" , "Int" , "Float" , "String" , "Boolean" , "ID" ] checkConflictingNode :: (MonadError QErr m) => GCtx -> G.Name -> m () checkConflictingNode gCtx node = do let typeMap = _gTypes gCtx hQR = _otiFields <$> (getObjTyM =<< Map.lookup hQRName typeMap) hMR = _otiFields <$> (getObjTyM =<< Map.lookup hMRName typeMap) hRoots = Map.keys <$> mergeMaybeMaps hQR hMR case hRoots of Just hR -> when (node `elem` hR) $ throw400 RemoteSchemaConflicts msg _ -> return () where hQRName = G.NamedType "query_root" hMRName = G.NamedType "mutation_root" msg = "node " <> G.unName node <> " already exists in current graphql schema" mergeMaybeMaps :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => Maybe (Map.HashMap k v) -> Maybe (Map.HashMap k v) -> Maybe (Map.HashMap k v) mergeMaybeMaps m1 m2 = case (m1, m2) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing (Just m1', Nothing) -> Just m1' (Nothing, Just m2') -> Just m2' (Just m1', Just m2') -> Just $ Map.union m1' m2'