description: Explain query with limit and order by table column url: /v1/graphql/explain status: 200 query: query: query: | query { article(limit: 5, order_by: {author_id: desc}){ id title content } } response: - field: article sql: 'SELECT coalesce(json_agg("root" ORDER BY "" DESC NULLS FIRST), ''[]'' ) AS "root" FROM (SELECT "_0_root.base"."author_id" AS "", row_to_json((SELECT "_1_e" FROM (SELECT "_0_root.base"."id" AS "id", "_0_root.base"."title" AS "title", "_0_root.base"."content" AS "content" ) AS "_1_e" ) ) AS "root" FROM (SELECT * FROM "public"."article" WHERE (''true'') ORDER BY "author_id" DESC NULLS FIRST LIMIT 5 ) AS "_0_root.base" ORDER BY "" DESC NULLS FIRST ) AS "_2_root" '