#!/usr/bin/env bash # Some helpful functions yell() { echo -e "${RED}FAILED> $* ${NC}" >&2; } die() { yell "$*"; exit 1; } try() { "$@" || die "failed executing: $*"; } log() { echo -e "--> $*"; } # Colors for colorizing RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' PURPLE='\033[0;35m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' NC='\033[0m' INSTALL_PATH=${INSTALL_PATH:-"/usr/local/bin"} NEED_SUDO=0 function maybe_sudo() { if [[ "$NEED_SUDO" == '1' ]]; then sudo "$@" else "$@" fi } # check for curl hasCurl=$(which curl) if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then die "You need to install curl to use this script." fi release=${1:-latest} log "Selecting version..." # releases.hasura.io is not updated to point to 2.x releases # in the interim, hardcode latest version # TODO: uncommment when releases.hasura.io is updated # # adapted from https://github.com/openfaas/faas-cli/blob/master/get.sh # version=${VERSION:-`echo $(curl -s -f -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ # https://releases.hasura.io/graphql-engine?agent=cli-get.sh) | sed -n -e "s/^.*\"$release\":\"\([^\",}]*\)\".*$/\1/p"`} version=${VERSION:-v2.29.0} if [ ! $version ]; then log "${YELLOW}" log "Failed while attempting to install hasura graphql-engine cli. Please manually install:" log "" log "1. Open your web browser and go to https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/releases" log "2. Download the cli from latest release for your platform. Name it 'hasura'." log "3. chmod +x ./hasura" log "4. mv ./hasura /usr/local/bin" log "${NC}" die "exiting..." fi log "Selected version: $version" log "${YELLOW}" log NOTE: Install a specific version of the CLI by using VERSION variable log 'curl -L https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/raw/stable/cli/get.sh | VERSION=v2.29.0 bash' log "${NC}" # check for existing hasura installation hasCli=$(which hasura) if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then log "" log "${GREEN}You already have the hasura cli at '${hasCli}'${NC}" export n=3 log "${YELLOW}Downloading again in $n seconds... Press Ctrl+C to cancel.${NC}" log "" sleep $n fi # get platform and arch platform='unknown' unamestr=`uname` if [[ "$unamestr" == 'Linux' ]]; then platform='linux' elif [[ "$unamestr" == 'Darwin' ]]; then platform='darwin' fi if [[ "$platform" == 'unknown' ]]; then die "Unknown OS platform" fi arch='unknown' archstr=`uname -m` if [[ "$archstr" == 'x86_64' ]]; then arch='amd64' elif [[ "$archstr" == 'arm64' ]] || [[ "$archstr" == 'aarch64' ]]; then arch='arm64' else die "prebuilt binaries for $(arch) architecture not available, please try building from source https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/blob/master/cli/README.md" fi # some variables suffix="-${platform}-${arch}" targetFile="/tmp/cli-hasura$suffix" if [ -e $targetFile ]; then rm $targetFile fi log "${PURPLE}Downloading hasura for $platform-$arch to ${targetFile}${NC}" url=https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/releases/download/$version/cli-hasura$suffix try curl -L# -f -o $targetFile "$url" try chmod +x $targetFile log "${GREEN}Download complete!${NC}" # check for sudo needSudo=$(mkdir -p ${INSTALL_PATH} && touch ${INSTALL_PATH}/.hasurainstall &> /dev/null) if [[ "$?" == "1" ]]; then NEED_SUDO=1 fi rm ${INSTALL_PATH}/.hasurainstall &> /dev/null if [[ "$NEED_SUDO" == '1' ]]; then log log "${YELLOW}Path '$INSTALL_PATH' requires root access to write." log "${YELLOW}This script will attempt to execute the move command with sudo.${NC}" log "${YELLOW}Are you ok with that? (y/N)${NC}" read a if [[ $a == "Y" || $a == "y" || $a = "" ]]; then log else log log " ${BLUE}sudo mv $targetFile ${INSTALL_PATH}/hasura${NC}" log die "Please move the binary manually using the command above." fi fi log "Moving cli from $targetFile to ${INSTALL_PATH}" try maybe_sudo mv $targetFile ${INSTALL_PATH}/hasura log log "${GREEN}hasura cli installed to ${INSTALL_PATH}${NC}" log if [ -e $targetFile ]; then rm $targetFile fi hasura version --skip-update-check if ! $(echo "$PATH" | grep -q "$INSTALL_PATH"); then log log "${YELLOW}$INSTALL_PATH not found in \$PATH, you might need to add it${NC}" log fi