// @ts-check // Note: type annotations allow type checking and IDEs autocompletion const path = require('path'); const lightCodeTheme = require('prism-react-renderer/themes/vsLight'); const darkCodeTheme = require('prism-react-renderer/themes/dracula'); const BOT_ROUTES = { development: 'ws://localhost:8000/bot/query', production: 'wss://website-api.hasura.io/docs-services/docs-server/bot/query', staging: 'wss://website-api.stage.hasura.io/docs-services/docs-server/bot/query', }; /** @type {import('@docusaurus/types').Config} */ const config = { title: 'Hasura GraphQL Docs', tagline: 'Instant GraphQL on all your data', url: 'https://hasura.io', baseUrl: '/docs/2.0', trailingSlash: true, onBrokenLinks: 'throw', onBrokenMarkdownLinks: 'throw', favicon: '/img/favicon.png', organizationName: 'hasura', projectName: 'graphql-engine', staticDirectories: ['static', 'public'], customFields: { docsBotEndpointURL: (() => { if (process.env.CF_PAGES === '1') { return BOT_ROUTES.staging; // if we're on CF pages, use the staging environment } else { switch (process.env.release_mode) { case 'development': return BOT_ROUTES.development; // if we're on the development environment, use the local server case 'production': return BOT_ROUTES.production; case 'staging': return BOT_ROUTES.production; // if we're in full staging on GCP and not cloudflare pages, use the production environment default: return BOT_ROUTES.development; // default to development if no match (env var not generally set on local dev) } } })(), hasuraVersion: 2, DEV_TOKEN: process.env.DEV_TOKEN, }, scripts: [], webpack: { jsLoader: isServer => ({ loader: require.resolve('swc-loader'), options: { jsc: { parser: { syntax: 'typescript', tsx: true, }, target: 'es2017', }, module: { type: isServer ? 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Useful when our Algolia config crawls multiple documentation sites and we want to navigate with window.location.href to them. // externalUrlRegex: 'external\\.com|domain\\.com', // Optional: Algolia search parameters // searchParameters: {}, }, announcementBar: { id: 'announcementBar-1', // Increment on change content: `The new version of Hasura has launched. Get started with Hasura DDN here.`, // isCloseable: true, // backgroundColor: '#fafbfc', // textColor: '#091E42', }, // announcementBar: { // id: 'announcement-bar-3', // content: // 'Check out the product announcements from HasuraCon’22', // backgroundColor: '#511AAA', // textColor: '#fff', // }, navbar: { hideOnScroll: false, title: '', logo: { alt: 'Hasura Logo', src: '/img/logo.svg', srcDark: '/img/logo-light.svg', href: 'https://hasura.io', }, items: [ { to: 'https://hasura.io/products/', label: 'Product', position: 'left', }, { to: 'https://hasura.io/blog/', label: 'Blog', position: 'left', }, { to: 'https://hasura.io/learn/', label: 'Tutorials', position: 'left', }, { to: 'https://hasura.io/changelog', label: "What's New", id: 'whats-new-link', position: 'left', }, { to: '/hasura-cloud/overview', label: 'Hasura Cloud', className: 'header-hasura-cloud-link', position: 'left', }, { to: '/enterprise/overview', label: 'Hasura Enterprise', className: 'header-hasura-ee-link', position: 'left', }, { type: 'docsVersionDropdown', position: 'right', dropdownActiveClassDisabled: true, dropdownItemsAfter: [ { href: 'https://hasura.io/docs/3.0/index/', label: 'v3.x', }, { href: 'https://hasura.io/docs/1.0/graphql/core/index.html', label: 'v1.x', }, ], }, { type: 'search', position: 'right', }, { href: 'https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine', position: 'right', className: 'header-github-link', 'aria-label': 'GitHub repository', }, { to: 'https://hasura.io/pricing/', label: 'Pricing', position: 'right', }, { to: 'https://cloud.hasura.io/login?pg=docs&plcmt=header&cta=log-in&tech=default', label: 'Login', position: 'right', className: 'nav-link_login', }, { to: 'https://cloud.hasura.io/signup?pg=products&plcmt=header&cta=get_started&tech=default', label: 'Get Started', position: 'right', className: 'nav-link_getting-started', }, ], }, }), }; module.exports = config;