module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.Select ( selectQuerySQL , selectAggregateQuerySQL , connectionSelectQuerySQL , asSingleRowJsonResp , mkSQLSelect , mkAggregateSelect , mkConnectionSelect , PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON ) where import Hasura.Prelude import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q import Control.Lens hiding (op) import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict import Data.Text.Extended import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML as S import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Rewrite import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.BoolExp import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.Column (toJSONableExp) import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.Types import Hasura.Base.Error import Hasura.EncJSON import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common (currentNodeIdVersion, nodeIdVersionInt) import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal import Hasura.RQL.IR.OrderBy import Hasura.RQL.IR.Select import Hasura.RQL.Types hiding (Identifier) import Hasura.SQL.Types selectQuerySQL :: forall pgKind . (Backend ('Postgres pgKind), PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON pgKind) => JsonAggSelect -> AnnSimpleSelect ('Postgres pgKind) -> Q.Query selectQuerySQL jsonAggSelect sel = Q.fromBuilder $ toSQL $ mkSQLSelect jsonAggSelect sel selectAggregateQuerySQL :: forall pgKind . (Backend ('Postgres pgKind), PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON pgKind) => AnnAggregateSelect ('Postgres pgKind) -> Q.Query selectAggregateQuerySQL = Q.fromBuilder . toSQL . mkAggregateSelect connectionSelectQuerySQL :: forall pgKind . ( Backend ('Postgres pgKind) , PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON pgKind ) => ConnectionSelect ('Postgres pgKind) (Const Void) S.SQLExp -> Q.Query connectionSelectQuerySQL = Q.fromBuilder . toSQL . mkConnectionSelect asSingleRowJsonResp :: Q.Query -> [Q.PrepArg] -> Q.TxE QErr EncJSON asSingleRowJsonResp query args = encJFromBS . runIdentity . Q.getRow <$> Q.rawQE dmlTxErrorHandler query args True -- Conversion of SelectQ happens in 2 Stages. -- Stage 1 : Convert input query into an annotated AST -- Stage 2 : Convert annotated AST to SQL Select functionToIdentifier :: QualifiedFunction -> Identifier functionToIdentifier = Identifier . qualifiedObjectToText selectFromToFromItem :: Identifier -> SelectFrom ('Postgres pgKind) -> S.FromItem selectFromToFromItem pfx = \case FromTable tn -> S.FISimple tn Nothing FromIdentifier i -> S.FIIdentifier i FromFunction qf args defListM -> S.FIFunc $ S.FunctionExp qf (fromTableRowArgs pfx args) $ Just $ S.mkFunctionAlias (functionToIdentifier qf) defListM -- This function shouldn't be present ideally -- You should be able to retrieve this information -- from the FromItem generated with selectFromToFromItem -- however given from S.FromItem is modelled, it is not -- possible currently selectFromToQual :: SelectFrom ('Postgres pgKind) -> S.Qual selectFromToQual = \case FromTable table -> S.QualTable table FromIdentifier i -> S.QualifiedIdentifier i Nothing FromFunction qf _ _ -> S.QualifiedIdentifier (functionToIdentifier qf) Nothing aggregateFieldToExp :: AggregateFields ('Postgres pgKind) -> Bool -> S.SQLExp aggregateFieldToExp aggFlds strfyNum = jsonRow where jsonRow = S.applyJsonBuildObj (concatMap aggToFlds aggFlds) withAls fldName sqlExp = [S.SELit fldName, sqlExp] aggToFlds (FieldName t, fld) = withAls t $ case fld of AFCount cty -> S.SECount cty AFOp aggOp -> aggOpToObj aggOp AFExp e -> S.SELit e aggOpToObj (AggregateOp opText flds) = S.applyJsonBuildObj $ concatMap (colFldsToExtr opText) flds colFldsToExtr opText (FieldName t, CFCol col ty) = [ S.SELit t , toJSONableExp strfyNum ty False $ S.SEFnApp opText [S.SEIdentifier $ toIdentifier col] Nothing ] colFldsToExtr _ (FieldName t, CFExp e) = [ S.SELit t , S.SELit e] asSingleRowExtr :: S.Alias -> S.SQLExp asSingleRowExtr col = S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [jsonAgg, S.SELit "null"] Nothing where jsonAgg = S.SEOpApp (S.SQLOp "->") [ S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [S.SEIdentifier $ toIdentifier col] Nothing , S.SEUnsafe "0" ] withJsonAggExtr :: PermissionLimitSubQuery -> Maybe S.OrderByExp -> S.Alias -> S.SQLExp withJsonAggExtr permLimitSubQuery ordBy alias = -- if select has aggregations then use subquery to apply permission limit case permLimitSubQuery of PLSQRequired permLimit -> withPermLimit permLimit PLSQNotRequired -> simpleJsonAgg where simpleJsonAgg = mkSimpleJsonAgg rowIdenExp ordBy rowIdenExp = S.SEIdentifier $ S.getAlias alias subSelAls = Identifier "sub_query" unnestTable = Identifier "unnest_table" mkSimpleJsonAgg rowExp ob = let jsonAggExp = S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [rowExp] ob in S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [jsonAggExp, S.SELit "[]"] Nothing withPermLimit limit = let subSelect = mkSubSelect limit rowIdentifier = S.mkQIdenExp subSelAls alias extr = S.Extractor (mkSimpleJsonAgg rowIdentifier newOrderBy) Nothing fromExp = S.FromExp $ pure $ S.mkSelFromItem subSelect $ S.Alias subSelAls in S.SESelect $ S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = pure extr , S.selFrom = Just fromExp } mkSubSelect limit = let jsonRowExtr = flip S.Extractor (Just alias) $ S.mkQIdenExp unnestTable alias obExtrs = flip map newOBAliases $ \a -> S.Extractor (S.mkQIdenExp unnestTable a) $ Just $ S.Alias a in S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = jsonRowExtr : obExtrs , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp $ pure unnestFromItem , S.selLimit = Just $ S.LimitExp $ S.intToSQLExp limit , S.selOrderBy = newOrderBy } unnestFromItem = let arrayAggItems = flip map (rowIdenExp : obCols) $ \s -> S.SEFnApp "array_agg" [s] Nothing in S.FIUnnest arrayAggItems (S.Alias unnestTable) $ rowIdenExp : map S.SEIdentifier newOBAliases newOrderBy = S.OrderByExp <$> NE.nonEmpty newOBItems (newOBItems, obCols, newOBAliases) = maybe ([], [], []) transformOrderBy ordBy transformOrderBy (S.OrderByExp l) = unzip3 $ flip map (zip (toList l) [1..]) $ \(obItem, i::Int) -> let iden = Identifier $ "ob_col_" <> tshow i in ( obItem{S.oColumn = S.SEIdentifier iden} , S.oColumn obItem , iden ) asJsonAggExtr :: JsonAggSelect -> S.Alias -> PermissionLimitSubQuery -> Maybe S.OrderByExp -> S.Extractor asJsonAggExtr jsonAggSelect als permLimitSubQuery ordByExpM = flip S.Extractor (Just als) $ case jsonAggSelect of JASMultipleRows -> withJsonAggExtr permLimitSubQuery ordByExpM als JASSingleObject -> asSingleRowExtr als -- array relationships are not grouped, so have to be prefixed by -- parent's alias mkUniqArrayRelationAlias :: FieldName -> [FieldName] -> Identifier mkUniqArrayRelationAlias parAls flds = let sortedFields = sort flds in Identifier $ getFieldNameTxt parAls <> "." <> T.intercalate "." (map getFieldNameTxt sortedFields) mkArrayRelationTableAlias :: Identifier -> FieldName -> [FieldName] -> Identifier mkArrayRelationTableAlias pfx parAls flds = pfx <> Identifier ".ar." <> uniqArrRelAls where uniqArrRelAls = mkUniqArrayRelationAlias parAls flds mkObjectRelationTableAlias :: Identifier -> RelName -> Identifier mkObjectRelationTableAlias pfx relName = pfx <> Identifier ".or." <> toIdentifier relName mkComputedFieldTableAlias :: Identifier -> FieldName -> Identifier mkComputedFieldTableAlias pfx fldAls = pfx <> Identifier ".cf." <> toIdentifier fldAls mkBaseTableAlias :: Identifier -> Identifier mkBaseTableAlias pfx = pfx <> Identifier ".base" mkBaseTableColumnAlias :: Identifier -> PGCol -> Identifier mkBaseTableColumnAlias pfx pgColumn = pfx <> Identifier ".pg." <> toIdentifier pgColumn mkOrderByFieldName :: ToTxt a => a -> FieldName mkOrderByFieldName name = FieldName $ toTxt name <> "." <> "order_by" mkAggregateOrderByAlias :: AnnotatedAggregateOrderBy ('Postgres pgKind) -> S.Alias mkAggregateOrderByAlias = (S.Alias . Identifier) . \case AAOCount -> "count" AAOOp opText col -> opText <> "." <> getPGColTxt (pgiColumn col) mkArrayRelationSourcePrefix :: Identifier -> FieldName -> HM.HashMap FieldName [FieldName] -> FieldName -> Identifier mkArrayRelationSourcePrefix parentSourcePrefix parentFieldName similarFieldsMap fieldName = mkArrayRelationTableAlias parentSourcePrefix parentFieldName $ HM.lookupDefault [fieldName] fieldName similarFieldsMap mkArrayRelationAlias :: FieldName -> HM.HashMap FieldName [FieldName] -> FieldName -> S.Alias mkArrayRelationAlias parentFieldName similarFieldsMap fieldName = S.Alias $ mkUniqArrayRelationAlias parentFieldName $ HM.lookupDefault [fieldName] fieldName similarFieldsMap fromTableRowArgs :: Identifier -> FunctionArgsExpTableRow ('Postgres pgKind) S.SQLExp -> S.FunctionArgs fromTableRowArgs pfx = toFunctionArgs . fmap toSQLExp where toFunctionArgs (FunctionArgsExp positional named) = S.FunctionArgs positional named toSQLExp (AETableRow Nothing) = S.SERowIdentifier $ mkBaseTableAlias pfx toSQLExp (AETableRow (Just acc)) = S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias pfx) acc toSQLExp (AESession s) = s toSQLExp (AEInput s) = s -- uses row_to_json to build a json object withRowToJSON :: FieldName -> [S.Extractor] -> (S.Alias, S.SQLExp) withRowToJSON parAls extrs = (S.toAlias parAls, jsonRow) where jsonRow = S.applyRowToJson extrs -- uses json_build_object to build a json object withJsonBuildObj :: FieldName -> [S.SQLExp] -> (S.Alias, S.SQLExp) withJsonBuildObj parAls exps = (S.toAlias parAls, jsonRow) where jsonRow = S.applyJsonBuildObj exps -- | Forces aggregation withForceAggregation :: S.TypeAnn -> S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp withForceAggregation tyAnn e = -- bool_or to force aggregation S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [e, S.SETyAnn (S.SEUnsafe "bool_or('true')") tyAnn] Nothing mkAggregateOrderByExtractorAndFields :: forall pgKind . Backend ('Postgres pgKind) => AnnotatedAggregateOrderBy ('Postgres pgKind) -> (S.Extractor, AggregateFields ('Postgres pgKind)) mkAggregateOrderByExtractorAndFields annAggOrderBy = case annAggOrderBy of AAOCount -> ( S.Extractor S.countStar alias , [(FieldName "count", AFCount S.CTStar)] ) AAOOp opText pgColumnInfo -> let pgColumn = pgiColumn pgColumnInfo pgType = pgiType pgColumnInfo in ( S.Extractor (S.SEFnApp opText [S.SEIdentifier $ toIdentifier pgColumn] Nothing) alias , [ ( FieldName opText , AFOp $ AggregateOp opText [ ( fromCol @('Postgres pgKind) pgColumn , CFCol pgColumn pgType ) ] ) ] ) where alias = Just $ mkAggregateOrderByAlias annAggOrderBy mkAnnOrderByAlias :: Identifier -> FieldName -> SimilarArrayFields -> AnnotatedOrderByElement ('Postgres pgKind) v -> S.Alias mkAnnOrderByAlias pfx parAls similarFields = \case AOCColumn pgColumnInfo -> let pgColumn = pgiColumn pgColumnInfo obColAls = mkBaseTableColumnAlias pfx pgColumn in S.Alias obColAls -- "pfx.or.relname"."" AS "" AOCObjectRelation relInfo _ rest -> let rn = riName relInfo relPfx = mkObjectRelationTableAlias pfx rn ordByFldName = mkOrderByFieldName rn nesAls = mkAnnOrderByAlias relPfx ordByFldName mempty rest in nesAls AOCArrayAggregation relInfo _ aggOrderBy -> let rn = riName relInfo arrPfx = mkArrayRelationSourcePrefix pfx parAls similarFields $ mkOrderByFieldName rn obAls = arrPfx <> Identifier "." <> toIdentifier (mkAggregateOrderByAlias aggOrderBy) in S.Alias obAls AOCComputedField cfOrderBy -> let fieldName = fromComputedField $ _cfobName cfOrderBy in case _cfobOrderByElement cfOrderBy of CFOBEScalar _ -> S.Alias $ mkComputedFieldTableAlias pfx fieldName CFOBETableAggregation _ _ aggOrderBy -> let cfPfx = mkComputedFieldTableAlias pfx fieldName obAls = cfPfx <> Identifier "." <> toIdentifier (mkAggregateOrderByAlias aggOrderBy) in S.Alias obAls processDistinctOnColumns :: Identifier -> NE.NonEmpty PGCol -> ( S.DistinctExpr , [(S.Alias, S.SQLExp)] -- additional column extractors ) processDistinctOnColumns pfx neCols = (distOnExp, colExtrs) where cols = toList neCols distOnExp = S.DistinctOn $ map (S.SEIdentifier . toIdentifier . mkQColAls) cols mkQCol c = S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias pfx) $ toIdentifier c mkQColAls = S.Alias . mkBaseTableColumnAlias pfx colExtrs = flip map cols $ mkQColAls &&& mkQCol type SimilarArrayFields = HM.HashMap FieldName [FieldName] mkSimilarArrayFields :: forall pgKind v . (Backend ('Postgres pgKind), Eq v) => AnnFieldsG ('Postgres pgKind) (Const Void) v -> Maybe (NE.NonEmpty (AnnotatedOrderByItemG ('Postgres pgKind) v)) -> SimilarArrayFields mkSimilarArrayFields annFields maybeOrderBys = HM.fromList $ flip map allTuples $ \(relNameAndArgs, fieldName) -> (fieldName, getSimilarFields relNameAndArgs) where getSimilarFields relNameAndArgs = map snd $ filter ((== relNameAndArgs) . fst) allTuples allTuples = arrayRelationTuples <> aggOrderByRelationTuples arrayRelationTuples = let arrayFields = mapMaybe getAnnArr annFields in flip map arrayFields $ \(f, relSel) -> (getArrayRelNameAndSelectArgs relSel, f) aggOrderByRelationTuples = let mkItem (relName, fieldName) = ( (relName, noSelectArgs) , fieldName ) in map mkItem $ maybe [] (mapMaybe (fetchAggOrderByRels . obiColumn) . toList) maybeOrderBys fetchAggOrderByRels (AOCArrayAggregation ri _ _) = Just (riName ri, mkOrderByFieldName $ riName ri) fetchAggOrderByRels _ = Nothing getArrayRelNameAndSelectArgs :: ArraySelectG ('Postgres pgKind) r v -> (RelName, SelectArgsG ('Postgres pgKind) v) getArrayRelNameAndSelectArgs = \case ASSimple r -> (aarRelationshipName r, _asnArgs $ aarAnnSelect r) ASAggregate r -> (aarRelationshipName r, _asnArgs $ aarAnnSelect r) ASConnection r -> (aarRelationshipName r, _asnArgs $ _csSelect $ aarAnnSelect r) getAnnArr :: (a, AnnFieldG ('Postgres pgKind) r v) -> Maybe (a, ArraySelectG ('Postgres pgKind) r v) getAnnArr (f, annFld) = case annFld of AFArrayRelation (ASConnection _) -> Nothing AFArrayRelation ar -> Just (f, ar) _ -> Nothing withWriteJoinTree :: (MonadWriter JoinTree m) => (JoinTree -> b -> JoinTree) -> m (a, b) -> m a withWriteJoinTree joinTreeUpdater action = pass $ do (out, result) <- action let fromJoinTree joinTree = joinTreeUpdater joinTree result pure (out, fromJoinTree) withWriteObjectRelation :: (MonadWriter JoinTree m) => m ( ObjectRelationSource , HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp , a ) -> m a withWriteObjectRelation action = withWriteJoinTree updateJoinTree $ do (source, nodeExtractors, out) <- action pure (out, (source, nodeExtractors)) where updateJoinTree joinTree (source, nodeExtractors) = let selectNode = SelectNode nodeExtractors joinTree in mempty{_jtObjectRelations = HM.singleton source selectNode} withWriteArrayRelation :: (MonadWriter JoinTree m) => m ( ArrayRelationSource , S.Extractor , HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp , a ) -> m a withWriteArrayRelation action = withWriteJoinTree updateJoinTree $ do (source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors, out) <- action pure (out, (source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors)) where updateJoinTree joinTree (source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors) = let arraySelectNode = MultiRowSelectNode [topExtractor] $ SelectNode nodeExtractors joinTree in mempty{_jtArrayRelations = HM.singleton source arraySelectNode} withWriteArrayConnection :: (MonadWriter JoinTree m) => m ( ArrayConnectionSource , S.Extractor , HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp , a ) -> m a withWriteArrayConnection action = withWriteJoinTree updateJoinTree $ do (source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors, out) <- action pure (out, (source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors)) where updateJoinTree joinTree (source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors) = let arraySelectNode = MultiRowSelectNode [topExtractor] $ SelectNode nodeExtractors joinTree in mempty{_jtArrayConnections = HM.singleton source arraySelectNode} withWriteComputedFieldTableSet :: (MonadWriter JoinTree m) => m ( ComputedFieldTableSetSource , S.Extractor , HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp , a ) -> m a withWriteComputedFieldTableSet action = withWriteJoinTree updateJoinTree $ do (source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors, out) <- action pure (out, (source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors)) where updateJoinTree joinTree (source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors) = let selectNode = MultiRowSelectNode [topExtractor] $ SelectNode nodeExtractors joinTree in mempty{_jtComputedFieldTableSets = HM.singleton source selectNode} processAnnSimpleSelect :: forall pgKind m . ( MonadReader Bool m , MonadWriter JoinTree m , Backend ('Postgres pgKind) , PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON pgKind ) => SourcePrefixes -> FieldName -> PermissionLimitSubQuery -> AnnSimpleSelect ('Postgres pgKind) -> m ( SelectSource , HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp ) processAnnSimpleSelect sourcePrefixes fieldAlias permLimitSubQuery annSimpleSel = do (selectSource, orderByAndDistinctExtrs, _) <- processSelectParams sourcePrefixes fieldAlias similarArrayFields tableFrom permLimitSubQuery tablePermissions tableArgs annFieldsExtr <- processAnnFields (_pfThis sourcePrefixes) fieldAlias similarArrayFields annSelFields let allExtractors = HM.fromList $ annFieldsExtr : orderByAndDistinctExtrs pure (selectSource, allExtractors) where AnnSelectG annSelFields tableFrom tablePermissions tableArgs _ = annSimpleSel similarArrayFields = mkSimilarArrayFields annSelFields $ _saOrderBy tableArgs processAnnAggregateSelect :: forall pgKind m . ( MonadReader Bool m , MonadWriter JoinTree m , Backend ('Postgres pgKind) , PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON pgKind ) => SourcePrefixes -> FieldName -> AnnAggregateSelect ('Postgres pgKind) -> m ( SelectSource , HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp , S.Extractor ) processAnnAggregateSelect sourcePrefixes fieldAlias annAggSel = do (selectSource, orderByAndDistinctExtrs, _) <- processSelectParams sourcePrefixes fieldAlias similarArrayFields tableFrom permLimitSubQuery tablePermissions tableArgs let thisSourcePrefix = _pfThis sourcePrefixes processedFields <- forM aggSelFields $ \(fieldName, field) -> (fieldName,) <$> case field of TAFAgg aggFields -> pure ( aggregateFieldsToExtractorExps thisSourcePrefix aggFields , aggregateFieldToExp aggFields strfyNum ) TAFNodes _ annFields -> do annFieldExtr <- processAnnFields thisSourcePrefix fieldName similarArrayFields annFields pure ( [annFieldExtr] , withJsonAggExtr permLimitSubQuery (_ssOrderBy selectSource) $ S.Alias $ toIdentifier fieldName ) TAFExp e -> pure ( [] , withForceAggregation S.textTypeAnn $ S.SELit e ) let topLevelExtractor = flip S.Extractor (Just $ S.Alias $ toIdentifier fieldAlias) $ S.applyJsonBuildObj $ flip concatMap (map (second snd) processedFields) $ \(FieldName fieldText, fieldExp) -> [S.SELit fieldText, fieldExp] nodeExtractors = HM.fromList $ concatMap (fst . snd) processedFields <> orderByAndDistinctExtrs pure (selectSource, nodeExtractors, topLevelExtractor) where AnnSelectG aggSelFields tableFrom tablePermissions tableArgs strfyNum = annAggSel permLimit = _tpLimit tablePermissions orderBy = _saOrderBy tableArgs permLimitSubQuery = mkPermissionLimitSubQuery permLimit aggSelFields orderBy similarArrayFields = HM.unions $ flip map (map snd aggSelFields) $ \case TAFAgg _ -> mempty TAFNodes _ annFlds -> mkSimilarArrayFields annFlds orderBy TAFExp _ -> mempty mkPermissionLimitSubQuery :: Maybe Int -> TableAggregateFields ('Postgres pgKind) -> Maybe (NE.NonEmpty (AnnotatedOrderByItem ('Postgres pgKind))) -> PermissionLimitSubQuery mkPermissionLimitSubQuery permLimit aggFields orderBys = case permLimit of Nothing -> PLSQNotRequired Just limit -> if hasAggregateField || hasAggOrderBy then PLSQRequired limit else PLSQNotRequired where hasAggregateField = flip any (map snd aggFields) $ \case TAFAgg _ -> True _ -> False hasAggOrderBy = case orderBys of Nothing -> False Just l -> flip any (concatMap toList $ toList l) $ \case AOCArrayAggregation{} -> True _ -> False processArrayRelation :: forall pgKind m . ( MonadReader Bool m , MonadWriter JoinTree m , Backend ('Postgres pgKind) , PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON pgKind ) => SourcePrefixes -> FieldName -> S.Alias -> ArraySelect ('Postgres pgKind) -> m () processArrayRelation sourcePrefixes fieldAlias relAlias arrSel = case arrSel of ASSimple annArrRel -> withWriteArrayRelation $ do let AnnRelationSelectG _ colMapping sel = annArrRel permLimitSubQuery = maybe PLSQNotRequired PLSQRequired $ _tpLimit $ _asnPerm sel (source, nodeExtractors) <- processAnnSimpleSelect sourcePrefixes fieldAlias permLimitSubQuery sel let topExtr = asJsonAggExtr JASMultipleRows (S.toAlias fieldAlias) permLimitSubQuery $ _ssOrderBy source pure ( ArrayRelationSource relAlias colMapping source , topExtr , nodeExtractors , () ) ASAggregate aggSel -> withWriteArrayRelation $ do let AnnRelationSelectG _ colMapping sel = aggSel (source, nodeExtractors, topExtr) <- processAnnAggregateSelect sourcePrefixes fieldAlias sel pure ( ArrayRelationSource relAlias colMapping source , topExtr , nodeExtractors , () ) ASConnection connSel -> withWriteArrayConnection $ do let AnnRelationSelectG _ colMapping sel = connSel (source, topExtractor, nodeExtractors) <- processConnectionSelect sourcePrefixes fieldAlias relAlias colMapping sel pure ( source , topExtractor , nodeExtractors , () ) processSelectParams :: forall pgKind m . ( MonadReader Bool m , MonadWriter JoinTree m , Backend ('Postgres pgKind) ) => SourcePrefixes -> FieldName -> SimilarArrayFields -> SelectFrom ('Postgres pgKind) -> PermissionLimitSubQuery -> TablePerm ('Postgres pgKind) -> SelectArgs ('Postgres pgKind) -> m ( SelectSource , [(S.Alias, S.SQLExp)] , Maybe S.SQLExp -- Order by cursor ) processSelectParams sourcePrefixes fieldAlias similarArrFields selectFrom permLimitSubQ tablePermissions tableArgs = do maybeOrderBy <- mapM (processOrderByItems thisSourcePrefix fieldAlias similarArrFields) orderByM let fromItem = selectFromToFromItem (_pfBase sourcePrefixes) selectFrom (maybeDistinct, distinctExtrs) = maybe (Nothing, []) (first Just) $ processDistinctOnColumns thisSourcePrefix <$> distM finalWhere = toSQLBoolExp (selectFromToQual selectFrom) $ maybe permFilter (andAnnBoolExps permFilter) whereM selectSource = SelectSource thisSourcePrefix fromItem maybeDistinct finalWhere ((^. _2) <$> maybeOrderBy) finalLimit offsetM orderByExtrs = maybe [] (^. _1) maybeOrderBy pure ( selectSource , orderByExtrs <> distinctExtrs , (^. _3) <$> maybeOrderBy ) where thisSourcePrefix = _pfThis sourcePrefixes SelectArgs whereM orderByM inpLimitM offsetM distM = tableArgs TablePerm permFilter permLimit = tablePermissions finalLimit = -- if sub query is required, then only use input limit -- because permission limit is being applied in subquery -- else compare input and permission limits case permLimitSubQ of PLSQRequired _ -> inpLimitM PLSQNotRequired -> compareLimits compareLimits = case (inpLimitM, permLimit) of (inpLim, Nothing) -> inpLim (Nothing, permLim) -> permLim (Just inp, Just perm) -> Just $ if inp < perm then inp else perm processOrderByItems :: forall pgKind m . ( MonadReader Bool m , MonadWriter JoinTree m , Backend ('Postgres pgKind) ) => Identifier -> FieldName -> SimilarArrayFields -> NE.NonEmpty (AnnotatedOrderByItem ('Postgres pgKind)) -> m ( [(S.Alias, S.SQLExp)] -- Order by Extractors , S.OrderByExp , S.SQLExp -- The cursor expression ) processOrderByItems sourcePrefix' fieldAlias' similarArrayFields orderByItems = do orderByItemExps <- forM orderByItems processAnnOrderByItem let orderByExp = S.OrderByExp $ toOrderByExp <$> orderByItemExps orderByExtractors = concat $ toList $ map snd . toList <$> orderByItemExps cursor = mkCursorExp $ toList orderByItemExps pure (orderByExtractors, orderByExp, cursor) where processAnnOrderByItem :: AnnotatedOrderByItem ('Postgres pgKind) -> m (OrderByItemG ('Postgres pgKind) (AnnotatedOrderByElement ('Postgres pgKind) (SQLExpression ('Postgres pgKind)), (S.Alias, SQLExpression ('Postgres pgKind)))) processAnnOrderByItem orderByItem = forM orderByItem $ \ordByCol -> (ordByCol,) <$> processAnnotatedOrderByElement sourcePrefix' fieldAlias' ordByCol processAnnotatedOrderByElement :: Identifier -> FieldName -> AnnotatedOrderByElement ('Postgres pgKind) S.SQLExp -> m (S.Alias, S.SQLExp) processAnnotatedOrderByElement sourcePrefix fieldAlias annObCol = do let ordByAlias = mkAnnOrderByAlias sourcePrefix fieldAlias similarArrayFields annObCol (ordByAlias, ) <$> case annObCol of AOCColumn pgColInfo -> pure $ S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias sourcePrefix) $ toIdentifier $ pgiColumn pgColInfo AOCObjectRelation relInfo relFilter rest -> withWriteObjectRelation $ do let RelInfo relName _ colMapping relTable _ _ = relInfo relSourcePrefix = mkObjectRelationTableAlias sourcePrefix relName fieldName = mkOrderByFieldName relName (relOrderByAlias, relOrdByExp) <- processAnnotatedOrderByElement relSourcePrefix fieldName rest let selectSource = ObjectSelectSource relSourcePrefix (S.FISimple relTable Nothing) (toSQLBoolExp (S.QualTable relTable) relFilter) relSource = ObjectRelationSource relName colMapping selectSource pure ( relSource , HM.singleton relOrderByAlias relOrdByExp , S.mkQIdenExp relSourcePrefix relOrderByAlias ) AOCArrayAggregation relInfo relFilter aggOrderBy -> withWriteArrayRelation $ do let RelInfo relName _ colMapping relTable _ _ = relInfo fieldName = mkOrderByFieldName relName relSourcePrefix = mkArrayRelationSourcePrefix sourcePrefix fieldAlias similarArrayFields fieldName relAlias = mkArrayRelationAlias fieldAlias similarArrayFields fieldName (topExtractor, fields) = mkAggregateOrderByExtractorAndFields aggOrderBy selectSource = SelectSource relSourcePrefix (S.FISimple relTable Nothing) Nothing (toSQLBoolExp (S.QualTable relTable) relFilter) Nothing Nothing Nothing relSource = ArrayRelationSource relAlias colMapping selectSource pure ( relSource , topExtractor , HM.fromList $ aggregateFieldsToExtractorExps relSourcePrefix fields , S.mkQIdenExp relSourcePrefix (mkAggregateOrderByAlias aggOrderBy) ) AOCComputedField ComputedFieldOrderBy{..} -> case _cfobOrderByElement of CFOBEScalar _ -> do let functionArgs = fromTableRowArgs sourcePrefix _cfobFunctionArgsExp functionExp = S.FunctionExp _cfobFunction functionArgs Nothing pure $ S.SEFunction functionExp CFOBETableAggregation _ tableFilter aggOrderBy -> withWriteComputedFieldTableSet $ do let fieldName = mkOrderByFieldName _cfobName computedFieldSourcePrefix = mkComputedFieldTableAlias sourcePrefix fieldName (topExtractor, fields) = mkAggregateOrderByExtractorAndFields aggOrderBy fromItem = selectFromToFromItem sourcePrefix $ FromFunction _cfobFunction _cfobFunctionArgsExp Nothing functionQual = S.QualifiedIdentifier (functionToIdentifier _cfobFunction) Nothing selectSource = SelectSource computedFieldSourcePrefix fromItem Nothing (toSQLBoolExp functionQual tableFilter) Nothing Nothing Nothing source = ComputedFieldTableSetSource fieldName selectSource pure ( source , topExtractor , HM.fromList $ aggregateFieldsToExtractorExps computedFieldSourcePrefix fields , S.mkQIdenExp computedFieldSourcePrefix (mkAggregateOrderByAlias aggOrderBy) ) toOrderByExp :: OrderByItemG ('Postgres pgKind) (AnnotatedOrderByElement ('Postgres pgKind) (SQLExpression ('Postgres pgKind)), (S.Alias, SQLExpression ('Postgres pgKind))) -> S.OrderByItem toOrderByExp orderByItemExp = let OrderByItemG obTyM expAlias obNullsM = fst . snd <$> orderByItemExp in S.OrderByItem (S.SEIdentifier $ toIdentifier expAlias) obTyM obNullsM mkCursorExp :: [OrderByItemG ('Postgres pgKind) (AnnotatedOrderByElement ('Postgres pgKind) (SQLExpression ('Postgres pgKind)), (S.Alias, SQLExpression ('Postgres pgKind)))] -> S.SQLExp mkCursorExp orderByItemExps = S.applyJsonBuildObj $ flip concatMap orderByItemExps $ \orderByItemExp -> let OrderByItemG _ (annObCol, (_, valExp)) _ = orderByItemExp in annObColToJSONField valExp annObCol where mkAggOrderByValExp valExp = \case AAOCount -> [S.SELit "count", valExp] AAOOp opText colInfo -> [ S.SELit opText , S.applyJsonBuildObj [S.SELit $ getPGColTxt $ pgiColumn colInfo, valExp] ] annObColToJSONField valExp = \case AOCColumn pgCol -> [S.SELit $ getPGColTxt $ pgiColumn pgCol, valExp] AOCObjectRelation relInfo _ obCol -> [ S.SELit $ relNameToTxt $ riName relInfo , S.applyJsonBuildObj $ annObColToJSONField valExp obCol ] AOCArrayAggregation relInfo _ aggOrderBy -> [ S.SELit $ relNameToTxt (riName relInfo) <> "_aggregate" , S.applyJsonBuildObj $ mkAggOrderByValExp valExp aggOrderBy ] AOCComputedField cfOrderBy -> let fieldNameText = computedFieldNameToText $ _cfobName cfOrderBy in case _cfobOrderByElement cfOrderBy of CFOBEScalar _ -> [S.SELit fieldNameText, valExp] CFOBETableAggregation _ _ aggOrderBy -> [ S.SELit $ fieldNameText <> "_aggregate" , S.applyJsonBuildObj $ mkAggOrderByValExp valExp aggOrderBy ] aggregateFieldsToExtractorExps :: Identifier -> AggregateFields ('Postgres pgKind) -> [(S.Alias, S.SQLExp)] aggregateFieldsToExtractorExps sourcePrefix aggregateFields = flip concatMap aggregateFields $ \(_, field) -> case field of AFCount cty -> case cty of S.CTStar -> [] S.CTSimple cols -> colsToExps cols S.CTDistinct cols -> colsToExps cols AFOp aggOp -> aggOpToExps aggOp AFExp _ -> [] where colsToExps = fmap mkColExp aggOpToExps = mapMaybe colToMaybeExp . _aoFields colToMaybeExp = \case (_, CFCol col _) -> Just $ mkColExp col _ -> Nothing mkColExp c = let qualCol = S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias sourcePrefix) (toIdentifier c) colAls = toIdentifier c in (S.Alias colAls, qualCol) {- Note: [SQL generation for inherited roles] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When a query is executed by an inherited role, each column may contain a predicate (AnnColumnCaseBoolExp ('Postgres pgKind) SQLExp) along with it. The predicate is then converted to a BoolExp, which will be used to check if the said column should be nullified. For example, Suppose there are two roles, role1 gives access only to the `addr` column with row filter P1 and role2 gives access to both addr and phone column with row filter P2. The `OR`ing of the predicates will have already been done while the schema has been generated. The SQL generated will look like this: select (case when (P1 or P2) then addr else null end) as addr, (case when P2 then phone else null end) as phone from employee where (P1 or P2) -} class PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON (pgKind :: PostgresKind) where annRowToJson :: FieldName -> [(FieldName, S.SQLExp)] -> (S.Alias, S.SQLExp) instance PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON 'Vanilla where annRowToJson fieldAlias fieldExps = -- postgres ignores anything beyond 63 chars for an iden -- in this case, we'll need to use json_build_object function -- json_build_object is slower than row_to_json hence it is only -- used when needed if any ( (> 63) . T.length . getFieldNameTxt . fst ) fieldExps then withJsonBuildObj fieldAlias $ concatMap toJsonBuildObjectExps fieldExps else withRowToJSON fieldAlias $ map toRowToJsonExtr fieldExps where toJsonBuildObjectExps (fieldName, fieldExp) = [S.SELit $ getFieldNameTxt fieldName, fieldExp] toRowToJsonExtr (fieldName, fieldExp) = S.Extractor fieldExp $ Just $ S.toAlias fieldName instance PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON 'Citus where annRowToJson fieldAlias fieldExps = -- Due to the restrictions Citus imposes on joins between tables of various -- distribution types we cannot use row_to_json and have to only rely on -- json_build_object. withJsonBuildObj fieldAlias $ concatMap toJsonBuildObjectExps fieldExps where toJsonBuildObjectExps (fieldName, fieldExp) = [S.SELit $ getFieldNameTxt fieldName, fieldExp] processAnnFields :: forall pgKind m . ( MonadReader Bool m , MonadWriter JoinTree m , Backend ('Postgres pgKind) , PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON pgKind ) => Identifier -> FieldName -> SimilarArrayFields -> AnnFields ('Postgres pgKind) -> m (S.Alias, S.SQLExp) processAnnFields sourcePrefix fieldAlias similarArrFields annFields = do fieldExps <- forM annFields $ \(fieldName, field) -> (fieldName,) <$> case field of AFExpression t -> pure $ S.SELit t AFNodeId _ tn pKeys -> pure $ mkNodeId tn pKeys AFColumn c -> toSQLCol c AFObjectRelation objSel -> withWriteObjectRelation $ do let AnnRelationSelectG relName relMapping annObjSel = objSel AnnObjectSelectG objAnnFields tableFrom tableFilter = annObjSel objRelSourcePrefix = mkObjectRelationTableAlias sourcePrefix relName sourcePrefixes = mkSourcePrefixes objRelSourcePrefix annFieldsExtr <- processAnnFields (_pfThis sourcePrefixes) fieldName HM.empty objAnnFields let selectSource = ObjectSelectSource (_pfThis sourcePrefixes) (S.FISimple tableFrom Nothing) (toSQLBoolExp (S.QualTable tableFrom) tableFilter) objRelSource = ObjectRelationSource relName relMapping selectSource pure ( objRelSource , HM.fromList [annFieldsExtr] , S.mkQIdenExp objRelSourcePrefix fieldName ) AFArrayRelation arrSel -> do let arrRelSourcePrefix = mkArrayRelationSourcePrefix sourcePrefix fieldAlias similarArrFields fieldName arrRelAlias = mkArrayRelationAlias fieldAlias similarArrFields fieldName processArrayRelation (mkSourcePrefixes arrRelSourcePrefix) fieldName arrRelAlias arrSel pure $ S.mkQIdenExp arrRelSourcePrefix fieldName AFComputedField _ _ (CFSScalar scalar caseBoolExpMaybe) -> do computedFieldSQLExp <- fromScalarComputedField scalar -- The computed field is conditionally outputed depending -- on the presence of `caseBoolExpMaybe` and the value it -- evaluates to. `caseBoolExpMaybe` will be set only in the -- case of an inherited role. -- See [SQL generation for inherited role] case caseBoolExpMaybe of Nothing -> pure computedFieldSQLExp Just caseBoolExp -> let boolExp = S.simplifyBoolExp $ toSQLBoolExp (S.QualifiedIdentifier baseTableIdentifier Nothing) $ _accColCaseBoolExpField <$> caseBoolExp in pure $ S.SECond boolExp computedFieldSQLExp S.SENull AFComputedField _ _ (CFSTable selectTy sel) -> withWriteComputedFieldTableSet $ do let computedFieldSourcePrefix = mkComputedFieldTableAlias sourcePrefix fieldName (selectSource, nodeExtractors) <- processAnnSimpleSelect (mkSourcePrefixes computedFieldSourcePrefix) fieldName PLSQNotRequired sel let computedFieldTableSetSource = ComputedFieldTableSetSource fieldName selectSource extractor = asJsonAggExtr selectTy (S.toAlias fieldName) PLSQNotRequired $ _ssOrderBy selectSource pure ( computedFieldTableSetSource , extractor , nodeExtractors , S.mkQIdenExp computedFieldSourcePrefix fieldName ) pure $ annRowToJson @pgKind fieldAlias fieldExps where mkSourcePrefixes newPrefix = SourcePrefixes newPrefix sourcePrefix baseTableIdentifier = mkBaseTableAlias sourcePrefix toSQLCol :: AnnColumnField ('Postgres pgKind) S.SQLExp -> m S.SQLExp toSQLCol (AnnColumnField col asText colOpM caseBoolExpMaybe) = do strfyNum <- ask let sqlExpression = withColumnOp colOpM $ S.mkQIdenExp baseTableIdentifier $ pgiColumn col finalSQLExpression = -- Check out [SQL generation for inherited role] case caseBoolExpMaybe of Nothing -> sqlExpression Just caseBoolExp -> let boolExp = S.simplifyBoolExp $ toSQLBoolExp (S.QualifiedIdentifier baseTableIdentifier Nothing) $ _accColCaseBoolExpField <$> caseBoolExp in S.SECond boolExp sqlExpression S.SENull pure $ toJSONableExp strfyNum (pgiType col) asText finalSQLExpression fromScalarComputedField :: ComputedFieldScalarSelect ('Postgres pgKind) S.SQLExp -> m S.SQLExp fromScalarComputedField computedFieldScalar = do strfyNum <- ask pure $ toJSONableExp strfyNum (ColumnScalar ty) False $ withColumnOp colOpM $ S.SEFunction $ S.FunctionExp fn (fromTableRowArgs sourcePrefix args) Nothing where ComputedFieldScalarSelect fn args ty colOpM = computedFieldScalar withColumnOp :: Maybe (ColumnOp ('Postgres pgKind)) -> S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp withColumnOp colOpM sqlExp = case colOpM of Nothing -> sqlExp Just (ColumnOp opText cExp) -> S.mkSQLOpExp opText sqlExp cExp mkNodeId :: QualifiedTable -> PrimaryKeyColumns ('Postgres pgKind) -> S.SQLExp mkNodeId (QualifiedObject tableSchema tableName) pkeyColumns = let columnInfoToSQLExp pgColumnInfo = toJSONableExp False (pgiType pgColumnInfo) False $ S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias sourcePrefix) $ pgiColumn pgColumnInfo -- See Note [Relay Node id]. in encodeBase64 $ flip S.SETyAnn S.textTypeAnn $ S.applyJsonBuildArray $ [ S.intToSQLExp $ nodeIdVersionInt currentNodeIdVersion , S.SELit (getSchemaTxt tableSchema) , S.SELit (toTxt tableName) ] <> map columnInfoToSQLExp (toList pkeyColumns) injectJoinCond :: S.BoolExp -- ^ Join condition -> S.BoolExp -- ^ Where condition -> S.WhereFrag -- ^ New where frag injectJoinCond joinCond whereCond = S.WhereFrag $ S.simplifyBoolExp $ S.BEBin S.AndOp joinCond whereCond mkJoinCond :: S.Alias -> HashMap PGCol PGCol -> S.BoolExp mkJoinCond baseTablepfx colMapn = foldl' (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True) $ flip map (HM.toList colMapn) $ \(lCol, rCol) -> S.BECompare S.SEQ (S.mkQIdenExp baseTablepfx lCol) (S.mkSIdenExp rCol) generateSQLSelect :: S.BoolExp -- ^ Pre join condition -> SelectSource -> SelectNode -> S.Select generateSQLSelect joinCondition selectSource selectNode = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [S.Extractor e $ Just a | (a, e) <- HM.toList extractors] , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [joinedFrom] , S.selOrderBy = maybeOrderby , S.selLimit = S.LimitExp . S.intToSQLExp <$> maybeLimit , S.selOffset = S.OffsetExp . S.int64ToSQLExp <$> maybeOffset , S.selDistinct = maybeDistinct } where SelectSource sourcePrefix fromItem maybeDistinct whereExp maybeOrderby maybeLimit maybeOffset = selectSource SelectNode extractors joinTree = selectNode JoinTree objectRelations arrayRelations arrayConnections computedFields = joinTree -- this is the table which is aliased as "sourcePrefix.base" baseSelect = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [S.Extractor (S.SEStar Nothing) Nothing] , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [fromItem] , S.selWhere = Just $ injectJoinCond joinCondition whereExp } baseSelectAlias = S.Alias $ mkBaseTableAlias sourcePrefix baseFromItem = S.mkSelFromItem baseSelect baseSelectAlias -- function to create a joined from item from two from items leftOuterJoin current new = S.FIJoin $ S.JoinExpr current S.LeftOuter new $ S.JoinOn $ S.BELit True -- this is the from eexp for the final select joinedFrom :: S.FromItem joinedFrom = foldl' leftOuterJoin baseFromItem $ map objectRelationToFromItem (HM.toList objectRelations) <> map arrayRelationToFromItem (HM.toList arrayRelations) <> map arrayConnectionToFromItem (HM.toList arrayConnections) <> map computedFieldToFromItem (HM.toList computedFields) objectRelationToFromItem :: (ObjectRelationSource, SelectNode) -> S.FromItem objectRelationToFromItem (objectRelationSource, node) = let ObjectRelationSource _ colMapping objectSelectSource = objectRelationSource alias = S.Alias $ _ossPrefix objectSelectSource source = objectSelectSourceToSelectSource objectSelectSource select = generateSQLSelect (mkJoinCond baseSelectAlias colMapping) source node in S.mkLateralFromItem select alias arrayRelationToFromItem :: (ArrayRelationSource, MultiRowSelectNode) -> S.FromItem arrayRelationToFromItem (arrayRelationSource, arraySelectNode) = let ArrayRelationSource _ colMapping source = arrayRelationSource alias = S.Alias $ _ssPrefix source select = generateSQLSelectFromArrayNode source arraySelectNode $ mkJoinCond baseSelectAlias colMapping in S.mkLateralFromItem select alias arrayConnectionToFromItem :: (ArrayConnectionSource, MultiRowSelectNode) -> S.FromItem arrayConnectionToFromItem (arrayConnectionSource, arraySelectNode) = let selectWith = connectionToSelectWith baseSelectAlias arrayConnectionSource arraySelectNode alias = S.Alias $ _ssPrefix $ _acsSource arrayConnectionSource in S.FISelectWith (S.Lateral True) selectWith alias computedFieldToFromItem :: (ComputedFieldTableSetSource, MultiRowSelectNode) -> S.FromItem computedFieldToFromItem (computedFieldTableSource, node) = let ComputedFieldTableSetSource _ source = computedFieldTableSource internalSelect = generateSQLSelect (S.BELit True) source $ _mrsnSelectNode node alias = S.Alias $ _ssPrefix source select = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = _mrsnTopExtractors node , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.mkSelFromItem internalSelect alias] } in S.mkLateralFromItem select alias generateSQLSelectFromArrayNode :: SelectSource -> MultiRowSelectNode -> S.BoolExp -> S.Select generateSQLSelectFromArrayNode selectSource arraySelectNode joinCondition = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = topExtractors , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [selectFrom] } where MultiRowSelectNode topExtractors selectNode = arraySelectNode selectFrom = S.mkSelFromItem (generateSQLSelect joinCondition selectSource selectNode) $ S.Alias $ _ssPrefix selectSource mkAggregateSelect :: forall pgKind . ( Backend ('Postgres pgKind) , PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON pgKind ) => AnnAggregateSelect ('Postgres pgKind) -> S.Select mkAggregateSelect annAggSel = let ((selectSource, nodeExtractors, topExtractor), joinTree) = runWriter $ flip runReaderT strfyNum $ processAnnAggregateSelect sourcePrefixes rootFieldName annAggSel selectNode = SelectNode nodeExtractors joinTree arrayNode = MultiRowSelectNode [topExtractor] selectNode in prefixNumToAliases $ generateSQLSelectFromArrayNode selectSource arrayNode $ S.BELit True where strfyNum = _asnStrfyNum annAggSel rootFieldName = FieldName "root" rootIdentifier = toIdentifier rootFieldName sourcePrefixes = SourcePrefixes rootIdentifier rootIdentifier mkSQLSelect :: forall pgKind . ( Backend ('Postgres pgKind) , PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON pgKind ) => JsonAggSelect -> AnnSimpleSelect ('Postgres pgKind) -> S.Select mkSQLSelect jsonAggSelect annSel = let permLimitSubQuery = PLSQNotRequired ((selectSource, nodeExtractors), joinTree) = runWriter $ flip runReaderT strfyNum $ processAnnSimpleSelect sourcePrefixes rootFldName permLimitSubQuery annSel selectNode = SelectNode nodeExtractors joinTree topExtractor = asJsonAggExtr jsonAggSelect rootFldAls permLimitSubQuery $ _ssOrderBy selectSource arrayNode = MultiRowSelectNode [topExtractor] selectNode in prefixNumToAliases $ generateSQLSelectFromArrayNode selectSource arrayNode $ S.BELit True where strfyNum = _asnStrfyNum annSel rootFldIdentifier = toIdentifier rootFldName sourcePrefixes = SourcePrefixes rootFldIdentifier rootFldIdentifier rootFldName = FieldName "root" rootFldAls = S.Alias $ toIdentifier rootFldName mkConnectionSelect :: forall pgKind . ( Backend ('Postgres pgKind) , PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON pgKind ) => ConnectionSelect ('Postgres pgKind) (Const Void) S.SQLExp -> S.SelectWithG S.Select mkConnectionSelect connectionSelect = let ((connectionSource, topExtractor, nodeExtractors), joinTree) = runWriter $ flip runReaderT strfyNum $ processConnectionSelect sourcePrefixes rootFieldName (S.Alias rootIdentifier) mempty connectionSelect selectNode = MultiRowSelectNode [topExtractor] $ SelectNode nodeExtractors joinTree in prefixNumToAliasesSelectWith $ connectionToSelectWith (S.Alias rootIdentifier) connectionSource selectNode where strfyNum = _asnStrfyNum $ _csSelect connectionSelect rootFieldName = FieldName "root" rootIdentifier = toIdentifier rootFieldName sourcePrefixes = SourcePrefixes rootIdentifier rootIdentifier -- | First element extractor expression from given record set -- For example:- To get first "id" column from given row set, -- the function generates the SQL expression AS `(array_agg("id"))[1]` mkFirstElementExp :: S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp mkFirstElementExp expIdentifier = -- For Example S.SEArrayIndex (S.SEFnApp "array_agg" [expIdentifier] Nothing) (S.intToSQLExp 1) -- | Last element extractor expression from given record set. -- For example:- To get first "id" column from given row set, -- the function generates the SQL expression AS `(array_agg("id"))[array_length(array_agg("id"), 1)]` mkLastElementExp :: S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp mkLastElementExp expIdentifier = let arrayExp = S.SEFnApp "array_agg" [expIdentifier] Nothing in S.SEArrayIndex arrayExp $ S.SEFnApp "array_length" [arrayExp, S.intToSQLExp 1] Nothing cursorIdentifier :: Identifier cursorIdentifier = Identifier "__cursor" startCursorIdentifier :: Identifier startCursorIdentifier = Identifier "__start_cursor" endCursorIdentifier :: Identifier endCursorIdentifier = Identifier "__end_cursor" hasPreviousPageIdentifier :: Identifier hasPreviousPageIdentifier = Identifier "__has_previous_page" hasNextPageIdentifier :: Identifier hasNextPageIdentifier = Identifier "__has_next_page" pageInfoSelectAliasIdentifier :: Identifier pageInfoSelectAliasIdentifier = Identifier "__page_info" cursorsSelectAliasIdentifier :: Identifier cursorsSelectAliasIdentifier = Identifier "__cursors_select" encodeBase64 :: S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp encodeBase64 = removeNewline . bytesToBase64Text . convertToBytes where convertToBytes e = S.SEFnApp "convert_to" [e, S.SELit "UTF8"] Nothing bytesToBase64Text e = S.SEFnApp "encode" [e, S.SELit "base64"] Nothing removeNewline e = S.SEFnApp "regexp_replace" [e, S.SELit "\\n", S.SELit "", S.SELit "g"] Nothing processConnectionSelect :: forall pgKind m . ( MonadReader Bool m , MonadWriter JoinTree m , Backend ('Postgres pgKind) , PostgresAnnotatedFieldJSON pgKind ) => SourcePrefixes -> FieldName -> S.Alias -> HM.HashMap PGCol PGCol -> ConnectionSelect ('Postgres pgKind) (Const Void) S.SQLExp -> m ( ArrayConnectionSource , S.Extractor , HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp ) processConnectionSelect sourcePrefixes fieldAlias relAlias colMapping connectionSelect = do (selectSource, orderByAndDistinctExtrs, maybeOrderByCursor) <- processSelectParams sourcePrefixes fieldAlias similarArrayFields selectFrom permLimitSubQuery tablePermissions tableArgs let mkCursorExtractor = (S.Alias cursorIdentifier,) . (`S.SETyAnn` S.textTypeAnn) cursorExtractors = case maybeOrderByCursor of Just orderByCursor -> [mkCursorExtractor orderByCursor] Nothing -> -- Extract primary key columns from base select along with cursor expression. -- Those columns are required to perform connection split via a WHERE clause. mkCursorExtractor primaryKeyColumnsObjectExp : primaryKeyColumnExtractors orderByExp = _ssOrderBy selectSource (topExtractorExp, exps) <- flip runStateT [] $ processFields orderByExp let topExtractor = S.Extractor topExtractorExp $ Just $ S.Alias fieldIdentifier allExtractors = HM.fromList $ cursorExtractors <> exps <> orderByAndDistinctExtrs arrayConnectionSource = ArrayConnectionSource relAlias colMapping (mkSplitBoolExp <$> maybeSplit) maybeSlice selectSource pure ( arrayConnectionSource , topExtractor , allExtractors ) where ConnectionSelect _ primaryKeyColumns maybeSplit maybeSlice select = connectionSelect AnnSelectG fields selectFrom tablePermissions tableArgs _ = select fieldIdentifier = toIdentifier fieldAlias thisPrefix = _pfThis sourcePrefixes permLimitSubQuery = PLSQNotRequired primaryKeyColumnsObjectExp = S.applyJsonBuildObj $ flip concatMap (toList primaryKeyColumns) $ \pgColumnInfo -> [ S.SELit $ getPGColTxt $ pgiColumn pgColumnInfo , toJSONableExp False (pgiType pgColumnInfo) False $ S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias thisPrefix) $ pgiColumn pgColumnInfo ] primaryKeyColumnExtractors = flip map (toList primaryKeyColumns) $ \pgColumnInfo -> let pgColumn = pgiColumn pgColumnInfo in ( S.Alias $ mkBaseTableColumnAlias thisPrefix pgColumn , S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAlias thisPrefix) pgColumn ) mkSplitBoolExp (firstSplit NE.:| rest) = S.BEBin S.OrOp (mkSplitCompareExp firstSplit) $ mkBoolExpFromRest firstSplit rest where mkBoolExpFromRest previousSplit = S.BEBin S.AndOp (mkEqualityCompareExp previousSplit) . \case [] -> S.BELit False (thisSplit:remainingSplit) -> mkSplitBoolExp (thisSplit NE.:| remainingSplit) mkSplitCompareExp (ConnectionSplit kind v (OrderByItemG obTyM obCol _)) = let obAlias = mkAnnOrderByAlias thisPrefix fieldAlias similarArrayFields obCol obTy = fromMaybe S.OTAsc obTyM compareOp = case (kind, obTy) of (CSKAfter, S.OTAsc) -> S.SGT (CSKAfter, S.OTDesc) -> S.SLT (CSKBefore, S.OTAsc) -> S.SLT (CSKBefore, S.OTDesc) -> S.SGT in S.BECompare compareOp (S.SEIdentifier $ toIdentifier obAlias) v mkEqualityCompareExp (ConnectionSplit _ v orderByItem) = let obAlias = mkAnnOrderByAlias thisPrefix fieldAlias similarArrayFields $ obiColumn orderByItem in S.BECompare S.SEQ (S.SEIdentifier $ toIdentifier obAlias) v similarArrayFields = HM.unions $ flip map (map snd fields) $ \case ConnectionTypename{} -> mempty ConnectionPageInfo{} -> mempty ConnectionEdges edges -> HM.unions $ flip map (map snd edges) $ \case EdgeTypename{} -> mempty EdgeCursor{} -> mempty EdgeNode annFields -> mkSimilarArrayFields annFields $ _saOrderBy tableArgs mkSimpleJsonAgg rowExp ob = let jsonAggExp = S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [rowExp] ob in S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [jsonAggExp, S.SELit "[]"] Nothing processFields :: forall n . ( MonadReader Bool n , MonadWriter JoinTree n , MonadState [(S.Alias, S.SQLExp)] n ) => Maybe S.OrderByExp -> n S.SQLExp processFields orderByExp = fmap (S.applyJsonBuildObj . concat) $ forM fields $ \(FieldName fieldText, field) -> (S.SELit fieldText:) . pure <$> case field of ConnectionTypename t -> pure $ withForceAggregation S.textTypeAnn $ S.SELit t ConnectionPageInfo pageInfoFields -> pure $ processPageInfoFields pageInfoFields ConnectionEdges edges -> fmap (flip mkSimpleJsonAgg orderByExp . S.applyJsonBuildObj . concat) $ forM edges $ \(FieldName edgeText, edge) -> (S.SELit edgeText:) . pure <$> case edge of EdgeTypename t -> pure $ S.SELit t EdgeCursor -> pure $ encodeBase64 $ S.SEIdentifier (toIdentifier cursorIdentifier) EdgeNode annFields -> do let edgeFieldName = FieldName $ getFieldNameTxt fieldAlias <> "." <> fieldText <> "." <> edgeText edgeFieldIdentifier = toIdentifier edgeFieldName annFieldsExtrExp <- processAnnFields thisPrefix edgeFieldName similarArrayFields annFields modify' (<> [annFieldsExtrExp]) pure $ S.SEIdentifier edgeFieldIdentifier processPageInfoFields infoFields = S.applyJsonBuildObj $ flip concatMap infoFields $ \(FieldName fieldText, field) -> (:) (S.SELit fieldText) $ pure case field of PageInfoTypename t -> withForceAggregation S.textTypeAnn $ S.SELit t PageInfoHasNextPage -> withForceAggregation S.boolTypeAnn $ mkSingleFieldSelect (S.SEIdentifier hasNextPageIdentifier) pageInfoSelectAliasIdentifier PageInfoHasPreviousPage -> withForceAggregation S.boolTypeAnn $ mkSingleFieldSelect (S.SEIdentifier hasPreviousPageIdentifier) pageInfoSelectAliasIdentifier PageInfoStartCursor -> withForceAggregation S.textTypeAnn $ encodeBase64 $ mkSingleFieldSelect (S.SEIdentifier startCursorIdentifier) cursorsSelectAliasIdentifier PageInfoEndCursor -> withForceAggregation S.textTypeAnn $ encodeBase64 $ mkSingleFieldSelect (S.SEIdentifier endCursorIdentifier) cursorsSelectAliasIdentifier where mkSingleFieldSelect field fromIdentifier = S.SESelect S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [S.Extractor field Nothing] , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.FIIdentifier fromIdentifier] } connectionToSelectWith :: S.Alias -> ArrayConnectionSource -> MultiRowSelectNode -> S.SelectWithG S.Select connectionToSelectWith baseSelectAlias arrayConnectionSource arraySelectNode = let extractionSelect = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = topExtractors , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.FIIdentifier finalSelectIdentifier] } in S.SelectWith fromBaseSelections extractionSelect where ArrayConnectionSource _ columnMapping maybeSplit maybeSlice selectSource = arrayConnectionSource MultiRowSelectNode topExtractors selectNode = arraySelectNode baseSelectIdentifier = Identifier "__base_select" splitSelectIdentifier = Identifier "__split_select" sliceSelectIdentifier = Identifier "__slice_select" finalSelectIdentifier = Identifier "__final_select" rowNumberIdentifier = Identifier "__row_number" rowNumberExp = S.SEUnsafe "(row_number() over (partition by 1))" startRowNumberIdentifier = Identifier "__start_row_number" endRowNumberIdentifier = Identifier "__end_row_number" startCursorExp = mkFirstElementExp $ S.SEIdentifier cursorIdentifier endCursorExp = mkLastElementExp $ S.SEIdentifier cursorIdentifier startRowNumberExp = mkFirstElementExp $ S.SEIdentifier rowNumberIdentifier endRowNumberExp = mkLastElementExp $ S.SEIdentifier rowNumberIdentifier fromBaseSelections = let joinCond = mkJoinCond baseSelectAlias columnMapping baseSelectFrom = S.mkSelFromItem (generateSQLSelect joinCond selectSource selectNode) $ S.Alias $ _ssPrefix selectSource select = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [ S.selectStar , S.Extractor rowNumberExp $ Just $ S.Alias rowNumberIdentifier ] , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [baseSelectFrom] } in (S.Alias baseSelectIdentifier, select):fromSplitSelection mkStarSelect fromIdentifier = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [S.selectStar] , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.FIIdentifier fromIdentifier] } fromSplitSelection = case maybeSplit of Nothing -> fromSliceSelection baseSelectIdentifier Just splitBool -> let select = (mkStarSelect baseSelectIdentifier){S.selWhere = Just $ S.WhereFrag splitBool} in (S.Alias splitSelectIdentifier, select):fromSliceSelection splitSelectIdentifier fromSliceSelection prevSelect = case maybeSlice of Nothing -> fromFinalSelect prevSelect Just slice -> let select = case slice of SliceFirst limit -> (mkStarSelect prevSelect) {S.selLimit = (Just . S.LimitExp . S.intToSQLExp) limit} SliceLast limit -> let mkRowNumberOrderBy obType = let orderByItem = S.OrderByItem (S.SEIdentifier rowNumberIdentifier) (Just obType) Nothing in S.OrderByExp $ orderByItem NE.:| [] sliceLastSelect = (mkStarSelect prevSelect) { S.selLimit = (Just . S.LimitExp . S.intToSQLExp) limit , S.selOrderBy = Just $ mkRowNumberOrderBy S.OTDesc } sliceLastSelectFrom = S.mkSelFromItem sliceLastSelect $ S.Alias sliceSelectIdentifier in S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [S.selectStar] , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [sliceLastSelectFrom] , S.selOrderBy = Just $ mkRowNumberOrderBy S.OTAsc } in (S.Alias sliceSelectIdentifier, select):fromFinalSelect sliceSelectIdentifier fromFinalSelect prevSelect = let select = mkStarSelect prevSelect in (S.Alias finalSelectIdentifier, select):fromCursorSelection fromCursorSelection = let extrs = [ S.Extractor startCursorExp $ Just $ S.Alias startCursorIdentifier , S.Extractor endCursorExp $ Just $ S.Alias endCursorIdentifier , S.Extractor startRowNumberExp $ Just $ S.Alias startRowNumberIdentifier , S.Extractor endRowNumberExp $ Just $ S.Alias endRowNumberIdentifier ] select = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = extrs , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.FIIdentifier finalSelectIdentifier] } in (S.Alias cursorsSelectAliasIdentifier, select):fromPageInfoSelection fromPageInfoSelection = let hasPrevPage = S.SEBool $ S.mkExists (S.FIIdentifier baseSelectIdentifier) $ S.BECompare S.SLT (S.SEIdentifier rowNumberIdentifier) $ S.SESelect $ S.mkSelect { S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.FIIdentifier cursorsSelectAliasIdentifier] , S.selExtr = [S.Extractor (S.SEIdentifier startRowNumberIdentifier) Nothing] } hasNextPage = S.SEBool $ S.mkExists (S.FIIdentifier baseSelectIdentifier) $ S.BECompare S.SGT (S.SEIdentifier rowNumberIdentifier) $ S.SESelect $ S.mkSelect { S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.FIIdentifier cursorsSelectAliasIdentifier] , S.selExtr = [S.Extractor (S.SEIdentifier endRowNumberIdentifier) Nothing] } select = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [ S.Extractor hasPrevPage $ Just $ S.Alias hasPreviousPageIdentifier , S.Extractor hasNextPage $ Just $ S.Alias hasNextPageIdentifier ] } in pure (S.Alias pageInfoSelectAliasIdentifier, select)