{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission ( CreatePerm, runCreatePerm, PermDef (..), InsPerm (..), InsPermDef, buildInsPermInfo, SelPerm (..), SelPermDef, buildSelPermInfo, UpdPerm (..), UpdPermDef, buildUpdPermInfo, DelPerm (..), DelPermDef, buildDelPermInfo, DropPerm, runDropPerm, dropPermissionInMetadata, SetPermComment (..), runSetPermComment, PermInfo, buildPermInfo, addPermissionToMetadata, ) where import Control.Lens (Lens', (.~), (^?)) import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as K import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KM import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as OMap import Data.HashSet qualified as HS import Data.Text.Extended import Hasura.Base.Error import Hasura.EncJSON import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission.Internal import Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common import Hasura.RQL.Types.ComputedField import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Backend import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Object import Hasura.RQL.Types.Permission import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.Local import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache.Build import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB import Hasura.SQL.Types import Hasura.Server.Types (StreamingSubscriptionsCtx (..)) import Hasura.Session {- Note [Backend only permissions] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As of writing this note, Hasura permission system is meant to be used by the frontend. After introducing "Actions", the webhook handlers now can make GraphQL mutations to the server with some backend logic. These mutations shouldn't be exposed to frontend for any user since they'll bypass the business logic. Backend only permissions is available for all(insert/update/delete) mutation operations. For example:- ============= We've a table named "user" and it has a "email" column. We need to validate the email address. So we define an action "create_user" and it expects the same inputs as "insert_user" mutation (generated by Hasura). Note that both "create_user" and "insert_user" can insert values into the "user" table but only "create_user" has the logic to validate the email address. In the current Hasura permission system, a role has permission for both 'actions' and 'insert operations' on the table. That means, both the "create_user" and "insert_user" operations will be visible to the frontend client. This is bad, since users can use "insert_user" operation to circumvent the validation logic of "create_user". We can overcome this problem by using "Backend only permissions". In this if the insert/update/delete permission is marked as "backend_only: true", then the insert operation will not be visible to the frontend client unless specifically specified Backend only permissions adds an additional privilege to Hasura generated operations. Those are accessable only if the request is made with all of the following: * `x-hasura-admin-secret` (if authorization is configured), * `x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions` (value must be set to "true"), * `x-hasura-role` to identify the role * other required session variables. backend_only `x-hasura-admin-secret` `x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions` Result ------------ --------------------- ------------------------------------- ------ FALSE ANY ANY Mutation is always visible (Default Case: When no authorization is setup) TRUE FALSE ANY Mutation is always hidden FALSE TRUE ANY Mutation is always visible TRUE TRUE (OR NOT-SET) FALSE Mutation is hidden TRUE TRUE (OR NOT-SET) TRUE Mutation is shown case 1: default case - no authorization is set and no backend_only permission are set then irresepective of the value of `x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions` the mutation will always be visible case 2: the authorization is set and the backend_only permissions are set but the `x-hasura-admin-secret` is not sent along with request then irresepective of the value in `x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions` the mutation will always be hidden case 3: the authorization is set, but no backend_only permission are set, the `x-hasura-admin-secret` is sent along with request then irresepective of the value in `x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions` the mutation will always be visible case 4 and 5: the authz is set and the backend_only permissions are also set and the `x-hasura-admin` secret is also sent along with the request then: * if `x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions` header is sent as FALSE along with the request then the mutation will be hidden (4th case) * if `x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions` header is sent as TRUE along with the request then the mutation will be visible (5th case) How it Works:- =============== Hasura has two scenarios: * Frontend Scenario * Backend Scenario When no backend-only permissions are set then Hasura runs only in frontend scenario, i.e all the mutation operations are visible. When backend-only permissions are set, there comes a notion of: * which mutations are visible by default i.e without any request headers (frontend scenario) * which mutations are visible when `x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions` is set (backend scenario) Hasura maintains two different graphql schema ('frontend schema' and 'backend schema') for all mutation fields of a table: * 'frontend schema': info about the mutation operation allowed to be shown on the frontend client when no backend-only permissions is set * 'backend schema' : info about the mutation operation allowed to be shown on the frontend client when backend-only permissions is set The generation of these schemas happen in the `buildSource` functions of `buildRoleContext` and `buildRelayRoleContext` functions. The internal representation of these schema's look like: {RoleName: (Frontend Schema/Default Schema, Backend Schema)} For example: ------------ We've a table "user" tracked by hasura and a role "public" * If the update permission for the table "user" is marked as backend_only then the GQL context for that table will look like: {"public": (["insert_user","delete_user"], ["update_user"])} In the above '["insert_user","delete_user"]' are the only mutation operation visible by default on the frontend client. And the 'update_user' opertaion is only visible when the `x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions` request header is present. * If there is no backend_only permissions defined on the role then the GQL context looks like: {"public": (["insert_user","delete_user", "update_user"], [])} In the above there is no specific schema for the backend scenario i.e all the mutation operations are visible by default. -} procSetObj :: forall b m. (QErrM m, BackendMetadata b) => SourceName -> TableName b -> FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b) -> Maybe (ColumnValues b Value) -> m (PreSetColsPartial b, [Text], [SchemaDependency]) procSetObj source tn fieldInfoMap mObj = do (setColTups, deps) <- withPathK "set" $ fmap unzip $ forM (HM.toList setObj) $ \(pgCol, val) -> do ty <- askColumnType fieldInfoMap pgCol $ "column " <> pgCol <<> " not found in table " <>> tn sqlExp <- parseCollectableType (CollectableTypeScalar ty) val let dep = mkColDep @b (getDepReason sqlExp) source tn pgCol return ((pgCol, sqlExp), dep) return (HM.fromList setColTups, depHeaders, deps) where setObj = fromMaybe mempty mObj depHeaders = getDepHeadersFromVal $ Object $ KM.fromList $ map (first (K.fromText . toTxt)) $ HM.toList setObj getDepReason = bool DRSessionVariable DROnType . isStaticValue type family PermInfo perm where PermInfo SelPerm = SelPermInfo PermInfo InsPerm = InsPermInfo PermInfo UpdPerm = UpdPermInfo PermInfo DelPerm = DelPermInfo addPermissionToMetadata :: PermDef b a -> TableMetadata b -> TableMetadata b addPermissionToMetadata permDef = case _pdPermission permDef of InsPerm' _ -> tmInsertPermissions %~ OMap.insert (_pdRole permDef) permDef SelPerm' _ -> tmSelectPermissions %~ OMap.insert (_pdRole permDef) permDef UpdPerm' _ -> tmUpdatePermissions %~ OMap.insert (_pdRole permDef) permDef DelPerm' _ -> tmDeletePermissions %~ OMap.insert (_pdRole permDef) permDef buildPermInfo :: (BackendMetadata b, QErrM m, TableCoreInfoRM b m) => SourceName -> TableName b -> FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b) -> RoleName -> StreamingSubscriptionsCtx -> PermDefPermission b perm -> m (WithDeps (PermInfo perm b)) buildPermInfo x1 x2 x3 roleName streamingSubscriptionsCtx = \case SelPerm' p -> buildSelPermInfo x1 x2 x3 roleName streamingSubscriptionsCtx p InsPerm' p -> buildInsPermInfo x1 x2 x3 p UpdPerm' p -> buildUpdPermInfo x1 x2 x3 p DelPerm' p -> buildDelPermInfo x1 x2 x3 p doesPermissionExistInMetadata :: forall b. TableMetadata b -> RoleName -> PermType -> Bool doesPermissionExistInMetadata tableMetadata roleName = \case PTInsert -> hasPermissionTo tmInsertPermissions PTSelect -> hasPermissionTo tmSelectPermissions PTUpdate -> hasPermissionTo tmUpdatePermissions PTDelete -> hasPermissionTo tmDeletePermissions where hasPermissionTo :: forall a. Lens' (TableMetadata b) (Permissions a) -> Bool hasPermissionTo perms = isJust $ tableMetadata ^? perms . ix roleName runCreatePerm :: forall m b a. (UserInfoM m, CacheRWM m, MonadError QErr m, MetadataM m, BackendMetadata b) => CreatePerm a b -> m EncJSON runCreatePerm (CreatePerm (WithTable source tableName permissionDefn)) = do tableMetadata <- askTableMetadata @b source tableName let permissionType = reflectPermDefPermission (_pdPermission permissionDefn) ptText = permTypeToCode permissionType role = _pdRole permissionDefn metadataObject = MOSourceObjId source $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ SMOTableObj @b tableName $ MTOPerm role permissionType -- NOTE: we check if a permission exists for a `(table, role)` entity in the metadata -- and not in the `RolePermInfoMap b` because there may exist a permission for the `role` -- which is an inherited one, so we check it in the metadata directly -- The metadata will not contain the permissions for the admin role, -- because the graphql-engine automatically creates the role and it's -- assumed that the admin role is an implicit role of the graphql-engine. when (doesPermissionExistInMetadata tableMetadata role permissionType || role == adminRoleName) $ throw400 AlreadyExists $ ptText <> " permission already defined on table " <> tableName <<> " with role " <>> role buildSchemaCacheFor metadataObject $ MetadataModifier $ tableMetadataSetter @b source tableName %~ addPermissionToMetadata permissionDefn pure successMsg runDropPerm :: forall b m. (UserInfoM m, CacheRWM m, MonadError QErr m, MetadataM m, BackendMetadata b) => PermType -> DropPerm b -> m EncJSON runDropPerm permType (DropPerm source table role) = do tableMetadata <- askTableMetadata @b source table unless (doesPermissionExistInMetadata tableMetadata role permType) $ do let errMsg = permTypeToCode permType <> " permission on " <> table <<> " for role " <> role <<> " does not exist" throw400 PermissionDenied errMsg withNewInconsistentObjsCheck $ buildSchemaCache $ MetadataModifier $ tableMetadataSetter @b source table %~ dropPermissionInMetadata role permType return successMsg buildInsPermInfo :: forall b m. (QErrM m, TableCoreInfoRM b m, BackendMetadata b) => SourceName -> TableName b -> FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b) -> InsPerm b -> m (WithDeps (InsPermInfo b)) buildInsPermInfo source tn fieldInfoMap (InsPerm checkCond set mCols backendOnly) = withPathK "permission" $ do (be, beDeps) <- withPathK "check" $ procBoolExp source tn fieldInfoMap checkCond (setColsSQL, setHdrs, setColDeps) <- procSetObj source tn fieldInfoMap set void $ withPathK "columns" $ do indexedForM insCols $ \col -> do -- Check that all columns specified do in fact exist and are columns _ <- askColumnType fieldInfoMap col relInInsErr -- Check that the column is insertable ci <- askColInfo fieldInfoMap col "" unless (_cmIsInsertable $ ciMutability ci) $ throw500 ( "Column " <> col <<> " is not insertable and so cannot have insert permissions defined" ) let fltrHeaders = getDependentHeaders checkCond reqHdrs = fltrHeaders `HS.union` (HS.fromList setHdrs) insColDeps = map (mkColDep @b DRUntyped source tn) insCols deps = mkParentDep @b source tn : beDeps ++ setColDeps ++ insColDeps insColsWithoutPresets = insCols \\ HM.keys setColsSQL return (InsPermInfo (HS.fromList insColsWithoutPresets) be setColsSQL backendOnly reqHdrs, deps) where allInsCols = map ciColumn $ filter (_cmIsInsertable . ciMutability) $ getCols fieldInfoMap insCols = interpColSpec allInsCols (fromMaybe PCStar mCols) relInInsErr = "Only table columns can have insert permissions defined, not relationships or other field types" -- | validate the values present in the `query_root_fields` and the `subscription_root_fields` -- present in the select permission validateAllowedRootFields :: forall b m. (QErrM m, TableCoreInfoRM b m, BackendMetadata b) => SourceName -> TableName b -> RoleName -> StreamingSubscriptionsCtx -> SelPerm b -> m (AllowedRootFields QueryRootFieldType, AllowedRootFields SubscriptionRootFieldType) validateAllowedRootFields sourceName tableName roleName streamSubsCtx SelPerm {..} = do tableCoreInfo <- lookupTableCoreInfo @b tableName >>= (`onNothing` (throw500 $ "unexpected: table not found " <>> tableName)) -- validate the query_root_fields and subscription_root_fields values let needToValidatePrimaryKeyRootField = QRFTSelectByPk `rootFieldNeedsValidation` spAllowedQueryRootFields || SRFTSelectByPk `rootFieldNeedsValidation` spAllowedSubscriptionRootFields needToValidateAggregationRootField = QRFTSelectAggregate `rootFieldNeedsValidation` spAllowedQueryRootFields || SRFTSelectAggregate `rootFieldNeedsValidation` spAllowedSubscriptionRootFields needToValidateStreamingRootField = SRFTSelectStream `rootFieldNeedsValidation` spAllowedSubscriptionRootFields when needToValidatePrimaryKeyRootField $ validatePrimaryKeyRootField tableCoreInfo when needToValidateAggregationRootField $ validateAggregationRootField when needToValidateStreamingRootField $ validateStreamingRootField pure (spAllowedQueryRootFields, spAllowedSubscriptionRootFields) where rootFieldNeedsValidation rootField = \case ARFAllowAllRootFields -> False ARFAllowConfiguredRootFields allowedRootFields -> rootField `HS.member` allowedRootFields pkValidationError = throw400 ValidationFailed $ "The \"select_by_pk\" field cannot be included in the query_root_fields or subscription_root_fields" <> " because the role " <> roleName <<> " does not have access to the primary key of the table " <> tableName <<> " in the source " <>> sourceName validatePrimaryKeyRootField TableCoreInfo {..} = case _tciPrimaryKey of Nothing -> pkValidationError Just (PrimaryKey _ pkCols) -> case spColumns of PCStar -> pure () PCCols (HS.fromList -> selPermCols) -> -- Check if all the primary key columns of the table are -- accessible to the current role unless (all ((`HS.member` selPermCols) . ciColumn) pkCols) pkValidationError validateAggregationRootField = unless spAllowAggregations $ throw400 ValidationFailed $ "The \"select_aggregate\" root field can only be enabled in the query_root_fields or " <> " the subscription_root_fields when \"allow_aggregations\" is set to true" validateStreamingRootField = unless (streamSubsCtx == StreamingSubscriptionsEnabled) $ throw400 ValidationFailed $ "The \"select_stream\" root field can only be included in the query_root_fields or " <> " the subscription_root_fields when streaming subscriptions is enabled" buildSelPermInfo :: forall b m. (QErrM m, TableCoreInfoRM b m, BackendMetadata b) => SourceName -> TableName b -> FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b) -> RoleName -> StreamingSubscriptionsCtx -> SelPerm b -> m (WithDeps (SelPermInfo b)) buildSelPermInfo source tableName fieldInfoMap roleName streamSubsCtx sp = withPathK "permission" $ do let pgCols = interpColSpec (map ciColumn $ (getCols fieldInfoMap)) $ spColumns sp (spiFilter, boolExpDeps) <- withPathK "filter" $ procBoolExp source tableName fieldInfoMap $ spFilter sp -- check if the columns exist void $ withPathK "columns" $ indexedForM pgCols $ \pgCol -> askColumnType fieldInfoMap pgCol autoInferredErr -- validate computed fields validComputedFields <- withPathK "computed_fields" $ indexedForM computedFields $ \fieldName -> do computedFieldInfo <- askComputedFieldInfo fieldInfoMap fieldName case computedFieldReturnType @b (_cfiReturnType computedFieldInfo) of ReturnsScalar _ -> pure fieldName ReturnsTable returnTable -> throw400 NotSupported $ "select permissions on computed field " <> fieldName <<> " are auto-derived from the permissions on its returning table " <> returnTable <<> " and cannot be specified manually" ReturnsOthers -> pure fieldName let deps = mkParentDep @b source tableName : boolExpDeps ++ map (mkColDep @b DRUntyped source tableName) pgCols ++ map (mkComputedFieldDep @b DRUntyped source tableName) validComputedFields spiRequiredHeaders = getDependentHeaders $ spFilter sp spiLimit = spLimit sp withPathK "limit" $ for_ spiLimit \value -> when (value < 0) $ throw400 NotSupported "unexpected negative value" let spiCols = HM.fromList $ map (,Nothing) pgCols spiComputedFields = HS.toMap (HS.fromList validComputedFields) $> Nothing (spiAllowedQueryRootFields, spiAllowedSubscriptionRootFields) <- validateAllowedRootFields source tableName roleName streamSubsCtx sp return (SelPermInfo {..}, deps) where spiAllowAgg = spAllowAggregations sp computedFields = spComputedFields sp autoInferredErr = "permissions for relationships are automatically inferred" buildUpdPermInfo :: forall b m. (QErrM m, TableCoreInfoRM b m, BackendMetadata b) => SourceName -> TableName b -> FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b) -> UpdPerm b -> m (WithDeps (UpdPermInfo b)) buildUpdPermInfo source tn fieldInfoMap (UpdPerm colSpec set fltr check backendOnly) = do (be, beDeps) <- withPathK "filter" $ procBoolExp source tn fieldInfoMap fltr checkExpr <- traverse (withPathK "check" . procBoolExp source tn fieldInfoMap) check (setColsSQL, setHeaders, setColDeps) <- procSetObj source tn fieldInfoMap set -- check if the columns exist void $ withPathK "columns" $ indexedForM updCols $ \updCol -> do -- Check that all columns specified do in fact exist and are columns _ <- askColumnType fieldInfoMap updCol relInUpdErr -- Check that the column is updatable ci <- askColInfo fieldInfoMap updCol "" unless (_cmIsUpdatable $ ciMutability ci) $ throw500 ( "Column " <> updCol <<> " is not updatable and so cannot have update permissions defined" ) let updColDeps = map (mkColDep @b DRUntyped source tn) updCols deps = mkParentDep @b source tn : beDeps ++ maybe [] snd checkExpr ++ updColDeps ++ setColDeps depHeaders = getDependentHeaders fltr reqHeaders = depHeaders `HS.union` (HS.fromList setHeaders) updColsWithoutPreSets = updCols \\ HM.keys setColsSQL return (UpdPermInfo (HS.fromList updColsWithoutPreSets) tn be (fst <$> checkExpr) setColsSQL backendOnly reqHeaders, deps) where allUpdCols = map ciColumn $ filter (_cmIsUpdatable . ciMutability) $ getCols fieldInfoMap updCols = interpColSpec allUpdCols colSpec relInUpdErr = "Only table columns can have update permissions defined, not relationships or other field types" buildDelPermInfo :: forall b m. (QErrM m, TableCoreInfoRM b m, BackendMetadata b) => SourceName -> TableName b -> FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b) -> DelPerm b -> m (WithDeps (DelPermInfo b)) buildDelPermInfo source tn fieldInfoMap (DelPerm fltr backendOnly) = do (be, beDeps) <- withPathK "filter" $ procBoolExp source tn fieldInfoMap fltr let deps = mkParentDep @b source tn : beDeps depHeaders = getDependentHeaders fltr return (DelPermInfo tn be backendOnly depHeaders, deps) data SetPermComment b = SetPermComment { apSource :: !SourceName, apTable :: !(TableName b), apRole :: !RoleName, apPermission :: !PermType, apComment :: !(Maybe Text) } instance (Backend b) => FromJSON (SetPermComment b) where parseJSON = withObject "SetPermComment" $ \o -> SetPermComment <$> o .:? "source" .!= defaultSource <*> o .: "table" <*> o .: "role" <*> o .: "permission" <*> o .:? "comment" runSetPermComment :: forall b m. (QErrM m, CacheRWM m, MetadataM m, BackendMetadata b) => SetPermComment b -> m EncJSON runSetPermComment (SetPermComment source table roleName permType comment) = do tableInfo <- askTableInfo @b source table -- assert permission exists and return appropriate permission modifier permModifier <- case permType of PTInsert -> do assertPermDefined roleName PTInsert tableInfo pure $ tmInsertPermissions . ix roleName . pdComment .~ comment PTSelect -> do assertPermDefined roleName PTSelect tableInfo pure $ tmSelectPermissions . ix roleName . pdComment .~ comment PTUpdate -> do assertPermDefined roleName PTUpdate tableInfo pure $ tmUpdatePermissions . ix roleName . pdComment .~ comment PTDelete -> do assertPermDefined roleName PTDelete tableInfo pure $ tmDeletePermissions . ix roleName . pdComment .~ comment let metadataObject = MOSourceObjId source $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ SMOTableObj @b table $ MTOPerm roleName permType buildSchemaCacheFor metadataObject $ MetadataModifier $ tableMetadataSetter @b source table %~ permModifier pure successMsg