{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema ( mkGCtxMap , GCtxMap , getGCtx , GCtx(..) , OpCtx(..) , InsCtx(..) , InsCtxMap , RelationInfoMap , isAggFld ) where import Data.Has import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import qualified Data.HashSet as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal (mkAdminRolePermInfo) import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.SQL.Types defaultTypes :: [TypeInfo] defaultTypes = $(fromSchemaDocQ defaultSchema) getInsPerm :: TableInfo -> RoleName -> Maybe InsPermInfo getInsPerm tabInfo role | role == adminRole = _permIns $ mkAdminRolePermInfo tabInfo | otherwise = Map.lookup role rolePermInfoMap >>= _permIns where rolePermInfoMap = tiRolePermInfoMap tabInfo getTabInfo :: MonadError QErr m => TableCache -> QualifiedTable -> m TableInfo getTabInfo tc t = onNothing (Map.lookup t tc) $ throw500 $ "table not found: " <>> t type OpCtxMap = Map.HashMap G.Name OpCtx data OpCtx -- table, req hdrs = OCInsert QualifiedTable [T.Text] -- tn, filter exp, limit, req hdrs | OCSelect QualifiedTable AnnBoolExpSQL (Maybe Int) [T.Text] -- tn, filter exp, reqt hdrs | OCSelectPkey QualifiedTable AnnBoolExpSQL [T.Text] -- tn, filter exp, limit, req hdrs | OCSelectAgg QualifiedTable AnnBoolExpSQL (Maybe Int) [T.Text] -- tn, filter exp, req hdrs | OCUpdate QualifiedTable AnnBoolExpSQL [T.Text] -- tn, filter exp, req hdrs | OCDelete QualifiedTable AnnBoolExpSQL [T.Text] deriving (Show, Eq) data GCtx = GCtx { _gTypes :: !TypeMap , _gFields :: !FieldMap , _gOrdByCtx :: !OrdByCtx , _gQueryRoot :: !ObjTyInfo , _gMutRoot :: !(Maybe ObjTyInfo) , _gSubRoot :: !(Maybe ObjTyInfo) , _gOpCtxMap :: !OpCtxMap , _gInsCtxMap :: !InsCtxMap } deriving (Show, Eq) instance Has TypeMap GCtx where getter = _gTypes modifier f ctx = ctx { _gTypes = f $ _gTypes ctx } data TyAgg = TyAgg { _taTypes :: !TypeMap , _taFields :: !FieldMap , _taOrdBy :: !OrdByCtx } deriving (Show, Eq) instance Semigroup TyAgg where (TyAgg t1 f1 o1) <> (TyAgg t2 f2 o2) = TyAgg (Map.union t1 t2) (Map.union f1 f2) (Map.union o1 o2) instance Monoid TyAgg where mempty = TyAgg Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty mappend = (<>) type SelField = Either PGColInfo (RelInfo, Bool, AnnBoolExpSQL, Maybe Int, Bool) qualTableToName :: QualifiedTable -> G.Name qualTableToName = G.Name <$> \case QualifiedTable (SchemaName "public") tn -> getTableTxt tn QualifiedTable sn tn -> getSchemaTxt sn <> "_" <> getTableTxt tn isValidTableName :: QualifiedTable -> Bool isValidTableName = isValidName . qualTableToName isValidField :: FieldInfo -> Bool isValidField = \case FIColumn (PGColInfo col _ _) -> isColEligible col FIRelationship (RelInfo rn _ _ remTab _) -> isRelEligible rn remTab where isColEligible = isValidName . G.Name . getPGColTxt isRelEligible rn rt = isValidName (G.Name $ getRelTxt rn) && isValidTableName rt upsertable :: [TableConstraint] -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool upsertable constraints isUpsertAllowed view = not (null uniqueOrPrimaryCons) && isUpsertAllowed && not view where uniqueOrPrimaryCons = filter isUniqueOrPrimary constraints toValidFieldInfos :: FieldInfoMap -> [FieldInfo] toValidFieldInfos = filter isValidField . Map.elems validPartitionFieldInfoMap :: FieldInfoMap -> ([PGColInfo], [RelInfo]) validPartitionFieldInfoMap = partitionFieldInfos . toValidFieldInfos getValidCols :: FieldInfoMap -> [PGColInfo] getValidCols = fst . validPartitionFieldInfoMap getValidRels :: FieldInfoMap -> [RelInfo] getValidRels = snd . validPartitionFieldInfoMap mkValidConstraints :: [TableConstraint] -> [TableConstraint] mkValidConstraints = filter isValid where isValid (TableConstraint _ n) = isValidName $ G.Name $ getConstraintTxt n isRelNullable :: FieldInfoMap -> RelInfo -> Bool isRelNullable fim ri = isNullable where lCols = map fst $ riMapping ri allCols = getValidCols fim lColInfos = getColInfos lCols allCols isNullable = any pgiIsNullable lColInfos numAggOps :: [G.Name] numAggOps = [ "sum", "avg", "stddev", "stddev_samp", "stddev_pop" , "variance", "var_samp", "var_pop" ] compAggOps :: [G.Name] compAggOps = ["max", "min"] isAggFld :: G.Name -> Bool isAggFld = flip elem (numAggOps <> compAggOps) mkColName :: PGCol -> G.Name mkColName (PGCol n) = G.Name n mkRelName :: RelName -> G.Name mkRelName (RelName r) = G.Name r mkAggRelName :: RelName -> G.Name mkAggRelName (RelName r) = G.Name $ r <> "_aggregate" mkCompExpName :: PGColType -> G.Name mkCompExpName pgColTy = G.Name $ T.pack (show pgColTy) <> "_comparison_exp" mkCompExpTy :: PGColType -> G.NamedType mkCompExpTy = G.NamedType . mkCompExpName mkBoolExpName :: QualifiedTable -> G.Name mkBoolExpName tn = qualTableToName tn <> "_bool_exp" mkBoolExpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkBoolExpTy = G.NamedType . mkBoolExpName mkTableTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkTableTy = G.NamedType . qualTableToName mkTableAggTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkTableAggTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_aggregate" mkTableAggFldsTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkTableAggFldsTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_aggregate_fields" mkTableColAggFldsTy :: G.Name -> QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkTableColAggFldsTy op tn = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_" <> op <> "_fields" mkTableByPKeyTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.Name mkTableByPKeyTy tn = qualTableToName tn <> "_by_pk" mkCompExpInp :: PGColType -> InpObjTyInfo mkCompExpInp colTy = InpObjTyInfo (Just tyDesc) (mkCompExpTy colTy) $ fromInpValL $ concat [ map (mk colScalarTy) typedOps , map (mk $ G.toLT colScalarTy) listOps , bool [] (map (mk $ mkScalarTy PGText) stringOps) isStringTy , bool [] (map jsonbOpToInpVal jsonbOps) isJsonbTy , [InpValInfo Nothing "_is_null" $ G.TypeNamed $ G.NamedType "Boolean"] ] where tyDesc = mconcat [ "expression to compare columns of type " , G.Description (T.pack $ show colTy) , ". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'." ] isStringTy = case colTy of PGVarchar -> True PGText -> True _ -> False mk t n = InpValInfo Nothing n $ G.toGT t colScalarTy = mkScalarTy colTy -- colScalarListTy = GA.GTList colGTy typedOps = ["_eq", "_neq", "_gt", "_lt", "_gte", "_lte"] listOps = [ "_in", "_nin" ] -- TODO -- columnOps = -- [ "_ceq", "_cneq", "_cgt", "_clt", "_cgte", "_clte"] stringOps = [ "_like", "_nlike", "_ilike", "_nilike" , "_similar", "_nsimilar" ] isJsonbTy = case colTy of PGJSONB -> True _ -> False jsonbOpToInpVal (op, ty, desc) = InpValInfo (Just desc) op ty jsonbOps = [ ( "_contains" , G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGJSONB , "does the column contain the given json value at the top level" ) , ( "_contained_in" , G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGJSONB , "is the column contained in the given json value" ) , ( "_has_key" , G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGText , "does the string exist as a top-level key in the column" ) , ( "_has_keys_any" , G.toGT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkScalarTy PGText , "do any of these strings exist as top-level keys in the column" ) , ( "_has_keys_all" , G.toGT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkScalarTy PGText , "do all of these strings exist as top-level keys in the column" ) ] mkPGColFld :: PGColInfo -> ObjFldInfo mkPGColFld (PGColInfo colName colTy isNullable) = ObjFldInfo Nothing n Map.empty ty where n = G.Name $ getPGColTxt colName ty = bool notNullTy nullTy isNullable scalarTy = mkScalarTy colTy notNullTy = G.toGT $ G.toNT scalarTy nullTy = G.toGT scalarTy -- where: table_bool_exp -- limit: Int -- offset: Int mkSelArgs :: QualifiedTable -> [InpValInfo] mkSelArgs tn = [ InpValInfo (Just whereDesc) "where" $ G.toGT $ mkBoolExpTy tn , InpValInfo (Just limitDesc) "limit" $ G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGInteger , InpValInfo (Just offsetDesc) "offset" $ G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGInteger , InpValInfo (Just orderByDesc) "order_by" $ G.toGT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkOrdByTy tn ] where whereDesc = "filter the rows returned" limitDesc = "limit the nuber of rows returned" offsetDesc = "skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by" orderByDesc = "sort the rows by one or more columns" fromInpValL :: [InpValInfo] -> Map.HashMap G.Name InpValInfo fromInpValL = mapFromL _iviName {- array_relationship( where: remote_table_bool_exp limit: Int offset: Int ): [remote_table!]! array_relationship_aggregate( where: remote_table_bool_exp limit: Int offset: Int ): remote_table_aggregate! object_relationship: remote_table -} mkRelFld :: Bool -> RelInfo -> Bool -> [ObjFldInfo] mkRelFld allowAgg (RelInfo rn rTy _ remTab isManual) isNullable = case rTy of ArrRel -> bool [arrRelFld] [arrRelFld, aggArrRelFld] allowAgg ObjRel -> [objRelFld] where objRelFld = ObjFldInfo (Just "An object relationship") (G.Name $ getRelTxt rn) Map.empty objRelTy objRelTy = bool (G.toGT $ G.toNT relTabTy) (G.toGT relTabTy) isObjRelNullable isObjRelNullable = isManual || isNullable relTabTy = mkTableTy remTab arrRelFld = ObjFldInfo (Just "An array relationship") (G.Name $ getRelTxt rn) (fromInpValL $ mkSelArgs remTab) arrRelTy arrRelTy = G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkTableTy remTab aggArrRelFld = ObjFldInfo (Just "An aggregated array relationship") (mkAggRelName rn) (fromInpValL $ mkSelArgs remTab) $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkTableAggTy remTab {- type table { col1: colty1 . . rel1: relty1 } -} mkTableObj :: QualifiedTable -> [SelField] -> ObjTyInfo mkTableObj tn allowedFlds = mkObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkTableTy tn) $ mapFromL _fiName flds where flds = concatMap (either (pure . mkPGColFld) mkRelFld') allowedFlds mkRelFld' (relInfo, allowAgg, _, _, isNullable) = mkRelFld allowAgg relInfo isNullable desc = G.Description $ "columns and relationships of " <>> tn {- type table_aggregate { agg: table_aggregate_fields nodes: [table!]! } -} mkTableAggObj :: QualifiedTable -> ObjTyInfo mkTableAggObj tn = mkObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkTableAggTy tn) $ mapFromL _fiName [aggFld, nodesFld] where desc = G.Description $ "aggregated selection of " <>> tn aggFld = ObjFldInfo Nothing "aggregate" Map.empty $ G.toGT $ mkTableAggFldsTy tn nodesFld = ObjFldInfo Nothing "nodes" Map.empty $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkTableTy tn {- type table_aggregate_fields{ count: Int sum: table_sum_fields avg: table_avg_fields stddev: table_stddev_fields stddev_pop: table_stddev_pop_fields variance: table_variance_fields var_pop: table_var_pop_fields max: table_max_fields min: table_min_fields } -} mkTableAggFldsObj :: QualifiedTable -> [PGCol] -> [PGCol] -> ObjTyInfo mkTableAggFldsObj tn numCols compCols = mkObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkTableAggFldsTy tn) $ mapFromL _fiName $ countFld : (numFlds <> compFlds) where desc = G.Description $ "aggregate fields of " <>> tn countFld = ObjFldInfo Nothing "count" countParams $ G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGInteger countParams = fromInpValL [countColInpVal, distinctInpVal] countColInpVal = InpValInfo Nothing "columns" $ G.toGT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkSelColumnInpTy tn distinctInpVal = InpValInfo Nothing "distinct" $ G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGBoolean numFlds = bool (map mkColOpFld numAggOps) [] $ null numCols compFlds = bool (map mkColOpFld compAggOps) [] $ null compCols mkColOpFld op = ObjFldInfo Nothing op Map.empty $ G.toGT $ mkTableColAggFldsTy op tn {- type table__fields{ num_col: Int . . . . } -} mkTableColAggFldsObj :: QualifiedTable -> G.Name -> (PGColType -> G.NamedType) -> [PGColInfo] -> ObjTyInfo mkTableColAggFldsObj tn op f cols = mkObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkTableColAggFldsTy op tn) $ mapFromL _fiName $ map mkColObjFld cols where desc = G.Description $ "aggregate " <> G.unName op <> " on columns" mkColObjFld c = ObjFldInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getPGColTxt $ pgiName c) Map.empty $ G.toGT $ f $ pgiType c {- table( where: table_bool_exp limit: Int offset: Int ): [table!]! -} mkSelFld :: QualifiedTable -> ObjFldInfo mkSelFld tn = ObjFldInfo (Just desc) fldName args ty where desc = G.Description $ "fetch data from the table: " <>> tn fldName = qualTableToName tn args = fromInpValL $ mkSelArgs tn ty = G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkTableTy tn {- table_by_pk( col1: value1!, . . . . coln: valuen! ): table -} mkSelFldPKey :: QualifiedTable -> [PGColInfo] -> ObjFldInfo mkSelFldPKey tn cols = ObjFldInfo (Just desc) fldName args ty where desc = G.Description $ "fetch data from the table: " <> tn <<> " using primary key columns" fldName = mkTableByPKeyTy tn args = fromInpValL $ map colInpVal cols ty = G.toGT $ mkTableTy tn colInpVal (PGColInfo n typ _) = InpValInfo Nothing (mkColName n) $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkScalarTy typ {- table_aggregate( where: table_bool_exp limit: Int offset: Int ): table_aggregate! -} mkAggSelFld :: QualifiedTable -> ObjFldInfo mkAggSelFld tn = ObjFldInfo (Just desc) fldName args ty where desc = G.Description $ "fetch aggregated fields from the table: " <>> tn fldName = qualTableToName tn <> "_aggregate" args = fromInpValL $ mkSelArgs tn ty = G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkTableAggTy tn -- table_mutation_response mkMutRespTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkMutRespTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_mutation_response" {- type table_mutation_response { affected_rows: Int! returning: [table!]! } -} mkMutRespObj :: QualifiedTable -> Bool -- is sel perm defined -> ObjTyInfo mkMutRespObj tn sel = mkObjTyInfo (Just objDesc) (mkMutRespTy tn) $ mapFromL _fiName $ affectedRowsFld : bool [] [returningFld] sel where objDesc = G.Description $ "response of any mutation on the table " <>> tn affectedRowsFld = ObjFldInfo (Just desc) "affected_rows" Map.empty $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkScalarTy PGInteger where desc = "number of affected rows by the mutation" returningFld = ObjFldInfo (Just desc) "returning" Map.empty $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkTableTy tn where desc = "data of the affected rows by the mutation" mkBoolExpInp :: QualifiedTable -- the fields that are allowed -> [SelField] -> InpObjTyInfo mkBoolExpInp tn fields = InpObjTyInfo (Just desc) boolExpTy $ Map.fromList [(_iviName inpVal, inpVal) | inpVal <- inpValues] where desc = G.Description $ "Boolean expression to filter rows from the table " <> tn <<> ". All fields are combined with a logical 'AND'." -- the type of this boolean expression boolExpTy = mkBoolExpTy tn -- all the fields of this input object inpValues = combinators <> map mkFldExpInp fields mk n ty = InpValInfo Nothing n $ G.toGT ty boolExpListTy = G.toLT boolExpTy combinators = [ mk "_not" boolExpTy , mk "_and" boolExpListTy , mk "_or" boolExpListTy ] mkFldExpInp = \case Left (PGColInfo colName colTy _) -> mk (mkColName colName) (mkCompExpTy colTy) Right (RelInfo relName _ _ remTab _, _, _, _, _) -> mk (G.Name $ getRelTxt relName) (mkBoolExpTy remTab) mkPGColInp :: PGColInfo -> InpValInfo mkPGColInp (PGColInfo colName colTy _) = InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getPGColTxt colName) $ G.toGT $ mkScalarTy colTy -- table_set_input mkUpdSetTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkUpdSetTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_set_input" {- input table_set_input { col1: colty1 . . coln: coltyn } -} mkUpdSetInp :: QualifiedTable -> [PGColInfo] -> InpObjTyInfo mkUpdSetInp tn cols = InpObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkUpdSetTy tn) $ fromInpValL $ map mkPGColInp cols where desc = G.Description $ "input type for updating data in table " <>> tn -- table_inc_input mkUpdIncTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkUpdIncTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_inc_input" {- input table_inc_input { integer-col1: int . . integer-coln: int } -} mkUpdIncInp :: QualifiedTable -> Maybe [PGColInfo] -> Maybe InpObjTyInfo mkUpdIncInp tn = maybe Nothing mkType where mkType cols = let intCols = onlyIntCols cols incObjTy = InpObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkUpdIncTy tn) $ fromInpValL $ map mkPGColInp intCols in bool (Just incObjTy) Nothing $ null intCols desc = G.Description $ "input type for incrementing integer columne in table " <>> tn -- table__input mkJSONOpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.Name -> G.NamedType mkJSONOpTy tn op = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> op <> "_input" -- json ops are _concat, _delete_key, _delete_elem, _delete_at_path {- input table_concat_input { jsonb-col1: json . . jsonb-coln: json } -} {- input table_delete_key_input { jsonb-col1: string . . jsonb-coln: string } -} {- input table_delete_elem_input { jsonb-col1: int . . jsonb-coln: int } -} {- input table_delete_at_path_input { jsonb-col1: [string] . . jsonb-coln: [string] } -} -- jsonb operators and descriptions prependOp :: G.Name prependOp = "_prepend" prependDesc :: G.Description prependDesc = "prepend existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value" appendOp :: G.Name appendOp = "_append" appendDesc :: G.Description appendDesc = "append existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value" deleteKeyOp :: G.Name deleteKeyOp = "_delete_key" deleteKeyDesc :: G.Description deleteKeyDesc = "delete key/value pair or string element." <> " key/value pairs are matched based on their key value" deleteElemOp :: G.Name deleteElemOp = "_delete_elem" deleteElemDesc :: G.Description deleteElemDesc = "delete the array element with specified index (negative integers count from the end)." <> " throws an error if top level container is not an array" deleteAtPathOp :: G.Name deleteAtPathOp = "_delete_at_path" deleteAtPathDesc :: G.Description deleteAtPathDesc = "delete the field or element with specified path" <> " (for JSON arrays, negative integers count from the end)" mkUpdJSONOpInp :: QualifiedTable -> [PGColInfo] -> [InpObjTyInfo] mkUpdJSONOpInp tn cols = bool inpObjs [] $ null jsonbCols where jsonbCols = onlyJSONBCols cols jsonbColNames = map pgiName jsonbCols inpObjs = [ prependInpObj, appendInpObj, deleteKeyInpObj , deleteElemInpObj, deleteAtPathInpObj ] appendInpObj = InpObjTyInfo (Just appendDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn appendOp) $ fromInpValL $ map mkPGColInp jsonbCols prependInpObj = InpObjTyInfo (Just prependDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn prependOp) $ fromInpValL $ map mkPGColInp jsonbCols deleteKeyInpObj = InpObjTyInfo (Just deleteKeyDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn deleteKeyOp) $ fromInpValL $ map deleteKeyInpVal jsonbColNames deleteKeyInpVal c = InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getPGColTxt c) $ G.toGT $ G.NamedType "String" deleteElemInpObj = InpObjTyInfo (Just deleteElemDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn deleteElemOp) $ fromInpValL $ map deleteElemInpVal jsonbColNames deleteElemInpVal c = InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getPGColTxt c) $ G.toGT $ G.NamedType "Int" deleteAtPathInpObj = InpObjTyInfo (Just deleteAtPathDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn deleteAtPathOp) $ fromInpValL $ map deleteAtPathInpVal jsonbColNames deleteAtPathInpVal c = InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getPGColTxt c) $ G.toGT $ G.toLT $ G.NamedType "String" {- update_table( where : table_bool_exp! _set : table_set_input _inc : table_inc_input _concat: table_concat_input _delete_key: table_delete_key_input _delete_elem: table_delete_elem_input _delete_path_at: table_delete_path_at_input ): table_mutation_response -} mkIncInpVal :: QualifiedTable -> [PGColInfo] -> Maybe InpValInfo mkIncInpVal tn cols = bool (Just incArg) Nothing $ null intCols where intCols = onlyIntCols cols incArgDesc = "increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values" incArg = InpValInfo (Just incArgDesc) "_inc" $ G.toGT $ mkUpdIncTy tn mkJSONOpInpVals :: QualifiedTable -> [PGColInfo] -> [InpValInfo] mkJSONOpInpVals tn cols = bool jsonbOpArgs [] $ null jsonbCols where jsonbCols = onlyJSONBCols cols jsonbOpArgs = [appendArg, prependArg, deleteKeyArg, deleteElemArg, deleteAtPathArg] appendArg = InpValInfo (Just appendDesc) appendOp $ G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn appendOp prependArg = InpValInfo (Just prependDesc) prependOp $ G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn prependOp deleteKeyArg = InpValInfo (Just deleteKeyDesc) deleteKeyOp $ G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn deleteKeyOp deleteElemArg = InpValInfo (Just deleteElemDesc) deleteElemOp $ G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn deleteElemOp deleteAtPathArg = InpValInfo (Just deleteAtPathDesc) deleteAtPathOp $ G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn deleteAtPathOp mkUpdMutFld :: QualifiedTable -> [PGColInfo] -> ObjFldInfo mkUpdMutFld tn cols = ObjFldInfo (Just desc) fldName (fromInpValL inputValues) $ G.toGT $ mkMutRespTy tn where inputValues = [filterArg, setArg] <> incArg <> mkJSONOpInpVals tn cols desc = G.Description $ "update data of the table: " <>> tn fldName = "update_" <> qualTableToName tn filterArgDesc = "filter the rows which have to be updated" filterArg = InpValInfo (Just filterArgDesc) "where" $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkBoolExpTy tn setArgDesc = "sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values" setArg = InpValInfo (Just setArgDesc) "_set" $ G.toGT $ mkUpdSetTy tn incArg = maybeToList $ mkIncInpVal tn cols {- delete_table( where : table_bool_exp! ): table_mutation_response -} mkDelMutFld :: QualifiedTable -> ObjFldInfo mkDelMutFld tn = ObjFldInfo (Just desc) fldName (fromInpValL [filterArg]) $ G.toGT $ mkMutRespTy tn where desc = G.Description $ "delete data from the table: " <>> tn fldName = "delete_" <> qualTableToName tn filterArgDesc = "filter the rows which have to be deleted" filterArg = InpValInfo (Just filterArgDesc) "where" $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkBoolExpTy tn -- table_insert_input mkInsInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkInsInpTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_insert_input" -- table_obj_rel_insert_input mkObjInsInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkObjInsInpTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_obj_rel_insert_input" -- table_arr_rel_insert_input mkArrInsInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkArrInsInpTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_arr_rel_insert_input" -- table_on_conflict mkOnConflictInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkOnConflictInpTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_on_conflict" -- table_constraint mkConstraintInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkConstraintInpTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_constraint" -- table_update_column mkUpdColumnInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkUpdColumnInpTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_update_column" --table_select_column mkSelColumnInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkSelColumnInpTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_select_column" {- input table_obj_rel_insert_input { data: table_insert_input! on_conflict: table_on_conflict } -} {- input table_arr_rel_insert_input { data: [table_insert_input!]! on_conflict: table_on_conflict } -} mkRelInsInps :: QualifiedTable -> Bool -> [InpObjTyInfo] mkRelInsInps tn upsertAllowed = [objRelInsInp, arrRelInsInp] where onConflictInpVal = InpValInfo Nothing "on_conflict" $ G.toGT $ mkOnConflictInpTy tn onConflictInp = bool [] [onConflictInpVal] upsertAllowed objRelDesc = G.Description $ "input type for inserting object relation for remote table " <>> tn objRelDataInp = InpValInfo Nothing "data" $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkInsInpTy tn objRelInsInp = InpObjTyInfo (Just objRelDesc) (mkObjInsInpTy tn) $ fromInpValL $ objRelDataInp : onConflictInp arrRelDesc = G.Description $ "input type for inserting array relation for remote table " <>> tn arrRelDataInp = InpValInfo Nothing "data" $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkInsInpTy tn arrRelInsInp = InpObjTyInfo (Just arrRelDesc) (mkArrInsInpTy tn) $ fromInpValL $ arrRelDataInp : onConflictInp {- input table_insert_input { col1: colty1 . . coln: coltyn } -} mkInsInp :: QualifiedTable -> InsCtx -> InpObjTyInfo mkInsInp tn insCtx = InpObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkInsInpTy tn) $ fromInpValL $ map mkPGColInp insCols <> relInps where desc = G.Description $ "input type for inserting data into table " <>> tn cols = icColumns insCtx setCols = Map.keys $ icSet insCtx insCols = flip filter cols $ \ci -> pgiName ci `notElem` setCols relInfoMap = icRelations insCtx relInps = flip map (Map.toList relInfoMap) $ \(relName, relInfo) -> let rty = riType relInfo remoteQT = riRTable relInfo in case rty of ObjRel -> InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getRelTxt relName) $ G.toGT $ mkObjInsInpTy remoteQT ArrRel -> InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name $ getRelTxt relName) $ G.toGT $ mkArrInsInpTy remoteQT {- input table_on_conflict { action: conflict_action constraint: table_constraint! update_columns: [table_column!] } -} mkOnConflictInp :: QualifiedTable -> InpObjTyInfo mkOnConflictInp tn = InpObjTyInfo (Just desc) (mkOnConflictInpTy tn) $ fromInpValL [actionInpVal, constraintInpVal, updateColumnsInpVal] where desc = G.Description $ "on conflict condition type for table " <>> tn actionDesc = "action when conflict occurs (deprecated)" actionInpVal = InpValInfo (Just actionDesc) (G.Name "action") $ G.toGT $ G.NamedType "conflict_action" constraintInpVal = InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name "constraint") $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkConstraintInpTy tn updateColumnsInpVal = InpValInfo Nothing (G.Name "update_columns") $ G.toGT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkUpdColumnInpTy tn {- insert_table( objects: [table_insert_input!]! on_conflict: table_on_conflict ): table_mutation_response! -} mkInsMutFld :: QualifiedTable -> Bool -> ObjFldInfo mkInsMutFld tn isUpsertable = ObjFldInfo (Just desc) fldName (fromInpValL inputVals) $ G.toGT $ mkMutRespTy tn where inputVals = catMaybes [Just objectsArg , onConflictInpVal] desc = G.Description $ "insert data into the table: " <>> tn fldName = "insert_" <> qualTableToName tn objsArgDesc = "the rows to be inserted" objectsArg = InpValInfo (Just objsArgDesc) "objects" $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkInsInpTy tn onConflictInpVal = bool Nothing (Just onConflictArg) isUpsertable onConflictDesc = "on conflict condition" onConflictArg = InpValInfo (Just onConflictDesc) "on_conflict" $ G.toGT $ mkOnConflictInpTy tn mkConstriantTy :: QualifiedTable -> [TableConstraint] -> EnumTyInfo mkConstriantTy tn cons = enumTyInfo where enumTyInfo = EnumTyInfo (Just desc) (mkConstraintInpTy tn) $ mapFromL _eviVal $ map (mkConstraintEnumVal . tcName ) cons desc = G.Description $ "unique or primary key constraints on table " <>> tn mkConstraintEnumVal (ConstraintName n) = EnumValInfo (Just "unique or primary key constraint") (G.EnumValue $ G.Name n) False mkColumnEnumVal :: PGCol -> EnumValInfo mkColumnEnumVal (PGCol col) = EnumValInfo (Just "column name") (G.EnumValue $ G.Name col) False mkUpdColumnTy :: QualifiedTable -> [PGCol] -> EnumTyInfo mkUpdColumnTy tn cols = enumTyInfo where enumTyInfo = EnumTyInfo (Just desc) (mkUpdColumnInpTy tn) $ mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkColumnEnumVal cols desc = G.Description $ "update columns of table " <>> tn mkSelColumnTy :: QualifiedTable -> [PGCol] -> EnumTyInfo mkSelColumnTy tn cols = enumTyInfo where enumTyInfo = EnumTyInfo (Just desc) (mkSelColumnInpTy tn) $ mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkColumnEnumVal cols desc = G.Description $ "select columns of table " <>> tn mkConflictActionTy :: EnumTyInfo mkConflictActionTy = EnumTyInfo (Just desc) ty $ mapFromL _eviVal [enumValIgnore, enumValUpdate] where desc = G.Description "conflict action" ty = G.NamedType "conflict_action" enumValIgnore = EnumValInfo (Just "ignore the insert on this row") (G.EnumValue "ignore") False enumValUpdate = EnumValInfo (Just "update the row with the given values") (G.EnumValue "update") False ordByTy :: G.NamedType ordByTy = G.NamedType "order_by" ordByEnumTy :: EnumTyInfo ordByEnumTy = EnumTyInfo (Just desc) ordByTy $ mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkEnumVal enumVals where desc = G.Description "column ordering options" mkEnumVal (n, d) = EnumValInfo (Just d) (G.EnumValue n) False enumVals = [ ( "asc" , "in the ascending order, nulls last" ), ( "desc" , "in the descending order, nulls last" ), ( "asc_nulls_first" , "in the ascending order, nulls first" ), ( "desc_nulls_first" , "in the ascending order, nulls first" ) ] mkOrdByTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkOrdByTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualTableToName tn <> "_order_by" {- input table_order_by { col1: order_by col2: order_by . . . . coln: order_by obj-rel: _order_by } -} mkOrdByInpObj :: QualifiedTable -> [SelField] -> (InpObjTyInfo, OrdByCtx) mkOrdByInpObj tn selFlds = (inpObjTy, ordByCtx) where inpObjTy = InpObjTyInfo (Just desc) namedTy $ fromInpValL $ map mkColOrdBy pgCols <> map mkObjRelOrdBy objRels namedTy = mkOrdByTy tn desc = G.Description $ "ordering options when selecting data from " <>> tn pgCols = lefts selFlds objRels = flip filter (rights selFlds) $ \(ri, _, _, _, _) -> riType ri == ObjRel mkColOrdBy ci = InpValInfo Nothing (mkColName $ pgiName ci) $ G.toGT ordByTy mkObjRelOrdBy (ri, _, _, _, _) = InpValInfo Nothing (mkRelName $ riName ri) $ G.toGT $ mkOrdByTy $ riRTable ri ordByCtx = Map.singleton namedTy $ Map.fromList $ colOrdBys <> relOrdBys colOrdBys = flip map pgCols $ \ci -> ( mkColName $ pgiName ci , OBIPGCol ci ) relOrdBys = flip map objRels $ \(ri, _, fltr, _, _) -> ( mkRelName $ riName ri , OBIRel ri fltr ) newtype RootFlds = RootFlds { _taMutation :: Map.HashMap G.Name (OpCtx, Either ObjFldInfo ObjFldInfo) } deriving (Show, Eq) instance Semigroup RootFlds where (RootFlds m1) <> (RootFlds m2) = RootFlds (Map.union m1 m2) instance Monoid RootFlds where mempty = RootFlds Map.empty mappend = (<>) mkOnConflictTypes :: QualifiedTable -> [TableConstraint] -> [PGCol] -> Bool -> [TypeInfo] mkOnConflictTypes tn c cols = bool [] tyInfos where tyInfos = [ TIEnum mkConflictActionTy , TIEnum $ mkConstriantTy tn constraints , TIEnum $ mkUpdColumnTy tn cols , TIInpObj $ mkOnConflictInp tn ] constraints = filter isUniqueOrPrimary c mkGCtxRole' :: QualifiedTable -- insert perm -> Maybe (InsCtx, Bool) -- select permission -> Maybe (Bool, [SelField]) -- update cols -> Maybe [PGColInfo] -- delete cols -> Maybe () -- primary key columns -> [PGColInfo] -- constraints -> [TableConstraint] -> Maybe ViewInfo -- all columns -> [PGCol] -> TyAgg mkGCtxRole' tn insPermM selPermM updColsM delPermM pkeyCols constraints viM allCols = TyAgg (mkTyInfoMap allTypes) fieldMap ordByCtx where ordByCtx = fromMaybe Map.empty ordByCtxM upsertPerm = or $ fmap snd insPermM isUpsertable = upsertable constraints upsertPerm $ isJust viM onConflictTypes = mkOnConflictTypes tn constraints allCols isUpsertable jsonOpTys = fromMaybe [] updJSONOpInpObjTysM relInsInpObjTys = maybe [] (map TIInpObj) $ mutHelper viIsInsertable relInsInpObjsM allTypes = relInsInpObjTys <> onConflictTypes <> jsonOpTys <> queryTypes <> aggQueryTypes <> mutationTypes queryTypes = catMaybes [ TIInpObj <$> boolExpInpObjM , TIInpObj <$> ordByInpObjM , TIObj <$> selObjM ] aggQueryTypes = map TIObj aggObjs mutationTypes = catMaybes [ TIInpObj <$> mutHelper viIsInsertable insInpObjM , TIInpObj <$> mutHelper viIsUpdatable updSetInpObjM , TIInpObj <$> mutHelper viIsUpdatable updIncInpObjM , TIObj <$> mutRespObjM , TIEnum <$> selColInpTyM ] mutHelper f objM = bool Nothing objM $ isMutable f viM fieldMap = Map.unions $ catMaybes [ insInpObjFldsM, updSetInpObjFldsM, boolExpInpObjFldsM , selObjFldsM, Just selByPKeyObjFlds ] -- helper mkColFldMap ty cols = Map.fromList $ flip map cols $ \c -> ((ty, mkColName $ pgiName c), Left c) insCtxM = fst <$> insPermM insColsM = icColumns <$> insCtxM -- insert input type insInpObjM = mkInsInp tn <$> insCtxM -- column fields used in insert input object insInpObjFldsM = mkColFldMap (mkInsInpTy tn) <$> insColsM -- relationship input objects relInsInpObjsM = const (mkRelInsInps tn isUpsertable) <$> insCtxM -- update set input type updSetInpObjM = mkUpdSetInp tn <$> updColsM -- update increment input type updIncInpObjM = mkUpdIncInp tn updColsM -- update json operator input type updJSONOpInpObjsM = mkUpdJSONOpInp tn <$> updColsM updJSONOpInpObjTysM = map TIInpObj <$> updJSONOpInpObjsM -- fields used in set input object updSetInpObjFldsM = mkColFldMap (mkUpdSetTy tn) <$> updColsM selFldsM = snd <$> selPermM selColsM = (map pgiName . lefts) <$> selFldsM selColInpTyM = mkSelColumnTy tn <$> selColsM -- boolexp input type boolExpInpObjM = case selFldsM of Just selFlds -> Just $ mkBoolExpInp tn selFlds -- no select permission Nothing -> -- but update/delete is defined if isJust updColsM || isJust delPermM then Just $ mkBoolExpInp tn [] else Nothing -- helper mkFldMap ty = Map.fromList . concatMap (mkFld ty) mkFld ty = \case Left ci -> [((ty, mkColName $ pgiName ci), Left ci)] Right (ri, allowAgg, perm, lim, _) -> let relFld = ( (ty, G.Name $ getRelTxt $ riName ri) , Right (ri, False, perm, lim) ) aggRelFld = ( (ty, mkAggRelName $ riName ri) , Right (ri, True, perm, lim) ) in case riType ri of ObjRel -> [relFld] ArrRel -> bool [relFld] [relFld, aggRelFld] allowAgg -- the fields used in bool exp boolExpInpObjFldsM = mkFldMap (mkBoolExpTy tn) <$> selFldsM -- mut resp obj mutRespObjM = if isMut then Just $ mkMutRespObj tn $ isJust selFldsM else Nothing isMut = (isJust insColsM || isJust updColsM || isJust delPermM) && any (`isMutable` viM) [viIsInsertable, viIsUpdatable, viIsDeletable] -- table obj selObjM = mkTableObj tn <$> selFldsM -- aggregate objs aggObjs = case selPermM of Just (True, selFlds) -> let numCols = (map pgiName . getNumCols) selFlds compCols = (map pgiName . getCompCols) selFlds in [ mkTableAggObj tn , mkTableAggFldsObj tn numCols compCols ] <> mkColAggFldsObjs selFlds _ -> [] getNumCols = onlyNumCols . lefts getCompCols = onlyComparableCols . lefts onlyFloat = const $ mkScalarTy PGFloat mkTypeMaker "sum" = mkScalarTy mkTypeMaker _ = onlyFloat mkColAggFldsObjs flds = let numCols = getNumCols flds compCols = getCompCols flds mkNumObjFld n = mkTableColAggFldsObj tn n (mkTypeMaker n) numCols mkCompObjFld n = mkTableColAggFldsObj tn n mkScalarTy compCols numFldsObjs = bool (map mkNumObjFld numAggOps) [] $ null numCols compFldsObjs = bool (map mkCompObjFld compAggOps) [] $ null compCols in numFldsObjs <> compFldsObjs -- the fields used in table object selObjFldsM = mkFldMap (mkTableTy tn) <$> selFldsM -- the field used in table_by_pkey object selByPKeyObjFlds = Map.fromList $ flip map pkeyCols $ \pgi@(PGColInfo col ty _) -> ((mkScalarTy ty, mkColName col), Left pgi) ordByInpCtxM = mkOrdByInpObj tn <$> selFldsM (ordByInpObjM, ordByCtxM) = case ordByInpCtxM of Just (a, b) -> (Just a, Just b) Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing) getRootFldsRole' :: QualifiedTable -> [PGCol] -> [TableConstraint] -> FieldInfoMap -> Maybe ([T.Text], Bool) -- insert perm -> Maybe (AnnBoolExpSQL, Maybe Int, [T.Text], Bool) -- select filter -> Maybe ([PGCol], AnnBoolExpSQL, [T.Text]) -- update filter -> Maybe (AnnBoolExpSQL, [T.Text]) -- delete filter -> Maybe ViewInfo -> RootFlds getRootFldsRole' tn primCols constraints fields insM selM updM delM viM = RootFlds mFlds where mFlds = mapFromL (either _fiName _fiName . snd) $ catMaybes [ mutHelper viIsInsertable getInsDet insM , mutHelper viIsUpdatable getUpdDet updM , mutHelper viIsDeletable getDelDet delM , getSelDet <$> selM, getSelAggDet selM , getPKeySelDet selM $ getColInfos primCols colInfos ] mutHelper f getDet mutM = bool Nothing (getDet <$> mutM) $ isMutable f viM colInfos = fst $ validPartitionFieldInfoMap fields getInsDet (hdrs, upsertPerm) = let isUpsertable = upsertable constraints upsertPerm $ isJust viM in ( OCInsert tn hdrs , Right $ mkInsMutFld tn isUpsertable ) getUpdDet (updCols, updFltr, hdrs) = ( OCUpdate tn updFltr hdrs , Right $ mkUpdMutFld tn $ getColInfos updCols colInfos ) getDelDet (delFltr, hdrs) = (OCDelete tn delFltr hdrs, Right $ mkDelMutFld tn) getSelDet (selFltr, pLimit, hdrs, _) = (OCSelect tn selFltr pLimit hdrs, Left $ mkSelFld tn) getSelAggDet (Just (selFltr, pLimit, hdrs, True)) = Just (OCSelectAgg tn selFltr pLimit hdrs, Left $ mkAggSelFld tn) getSelAggDet _ = Nothing getPKeySelDet Nothing _ = Nothing getPKeySelDet _ [] = Nothing getPKeySelDet (Just (selFltr, _, hdrs, _)) pCols = Just (OCSelectPkey tn selFltr hdrs, Left $ mkSelFldPKey tn pCols) -- getRootFlds -- :: TableCache -- -> Map.HashMap RoleName RootFlds -- getRootFlds tables = -- foldr (Map.unionWith mappend . getRootFldsTable) Map.empty $ -- Map.elems tables -- gets all the selectable fields (cols and rels) of a -- table for a role getSelPermission :: TableInfo -> RoleName -> Maybe SelPermInfo getSelPermission tabInfo role = Map.lookup role (tiRolePermInfoMap tabInfo) >>= _permSel getSelPerm :: (MonadError QErr m) => TableCache -- all the fields of a table -> FieldInfoMap -- role and its permission -> RoleName -> SelPermInfo -> m (Bool, [SelField]) getSelPerm tableCache fields role selPermInfo = do selFlds <- fmap catMaybes $ forM (toValidFieldInfos fields) $ \case FIColumn pgColInfo -> return $ fmap Left $ bool Nothing (Just pgColInfo) $ Set.member (pgiName pgColInfo) allowedCols FIRelationship relInfo -> do remTableInfo <- getTabInfo tableCache $ riRTable relInfo let remTableSelPermM = getSelPermission remTableInfo role return $ flip fmap remTableSelPermM $ \rmSelPermM -> Right ( relInfo , spiAllowAgg rmSelPermM , spiFilter rmSelPermM , spiLimit rmSelPermM , isRelNullable fields relInfo ) return (spiAllowAgg selPermInfo, selFlds) where allowedCols = spiCols selPermInfo mkInsCtx :: MonadError QErr m => RoleName -> TableCache -> FieldInfoMap -> InsPermInfo -> m InsCtx mkInsCtx role tableCache fields insPermInfo = do relTupsM <- forM rels $ \relInfo -> do let remoteTable = riRTable relInfo relName = riName relInfo remoteTableInfo <- getTabInfo tableCache remoteTable let insPermM = getInsPerm remoteTableInfo role viewInfoM = tiViewInfo remoteTableInfo return $ bool Nothing (Just (relName, relInfo)) $ isInsertable insPermM viewInfoM let relInfoMap = Map.fromList $ catMaybes relTupsM return $ InsCtx iView cols setCols relInfoMap where cols = getValidCols fields rels = getValidRels fields iView = ipiView insPermInfo setCols = ipiSet insPermInfo isInsertable Nothing _ = False isInsertable (Just _) viewInfoM = isMutable viIsInsertable viewInfoM mkAdminInsCtx :: MonadError QErr m => QualifiedTable -> TableCache -> FieldInfoMap -> m InsCtx mkAdminInsCtx tn tc fields = do relTupsM <- forM rels $ \relInfo -> do let remoteTable = riRTable relInfo relName = riName relInfo remoteTableInfo <- getTabInfo tc remoteTable let viewInfoM = tiViewInfo remoteTableInfo return $ bool Nothing (Just (relName, relInfo)) $ isMutable viIsInsertable viewInfoM return $ InsCtx tn cols Map.empty $ Map.fromList $ catMaybes relTupsM where cols = getValidCols fields rels = getValidRels fields mkGCtxRole :: (MonadError QErr m) => TableCache -> QualifiedTable -> FieldInfoMap -> [PGCol] -> [TableConstraint] -> Maybe ViewInfo -> RoleName -> RolePermInfo -> m (TyAgg, RootFlds, InsCtxMap) mkGCtxRole tableCache tn fields pCols constraints viM role permInfo = do selPermM <- mapM (getSelPerm tableCache fields role) $ _permSel permInfo tabInsCtxM <- forM (_permIns permInfo) $ \ipi -> do tic <- mkInsCtx role tableCache fields ipi return (tic, ipiAllowUpsert ipi) let updColsM = filterColInfos . upiCols <$> _permUpd permInfo tyAgg = mkGCtxRole' tn tabInsCtxM selPermM updColsM (void $ _permDel permInfo) pColInfos constraints viM allCols rootFlds = getRootFldsRole tn pCols constraints fields viM permInfo insCtxMap = maybe Map.empty (Map.singleton tn) $ fmap fst tabInsCtxM return (tyAgg, rootFlds, insCtxMap) where colInfos = getValidCols fields allCols = map pgiName colInfos pColInfos = getColInfos pCols colInfos filterColInfos allowedSet = filter ((`Set.member` allowedSet) . pgiName) colInfos getRootFldsRole :: QualifiedTable -> [PGCol] -> [TableConstraint] -> FieldInfoMap -> Maybe ViewInfo -> RolePermInfo -> RootFlds getRootFldsRole tn pCols constraints fields viM (RolePermInfo insM selM updM delM) = getRootFldsRole' tn pCols constraints fields (mkIns <$> insM) (mkSel <$> selM) (mkUpd <$> updM) (mkDel <$> delM) viM where mkIns i = (ipiRequiredHeaders i, ipiAllowUpsert i) mkSel s = ( spiFilter s, spiLimit s , spiRequiredHeaders s, spiAllowAgg s ) mkUpd u = ( Set.toList $ upiCols u , upiFilter u , upiRequiredHeaders u ) mkDel d = (dpiFilter d, dpiRequiredHeaders d) mkGCtxMapTable :: (MonadError QErr m) => TableCache -> TableInfo -> m (Map.HashMap RoleName (TyAgg, RootFlds, InsCtxMap)) mkGCtxMapTable tableCache (TableInfo tn _ fields rolePerms constraints pkeyCols viewInfo _) = do m <- Map.traverseWithKey (mkGCtxRole tableCache tn fields pkeyCols validConstraints viewInfo) rolePerms adminInsCtx <- mkAdminInsCtx tn tableCache fields let adminCtx = mkGCtxRole' tn (Just (adminInsCtx, True)) (Just (True, selFlds)) (Just colInfos) (Just ()) pkeyColInfos validConstraints viewInfo allCols adminInsCtxMap = Map.singleton tn adminInsCtx return $ Map.insert adminRole (adminCtx, adminRootFlds, adminInsCtxMap) m where validConstraints = mkValidConstraints constraints colInfos = getValidCols fields allCols = map pgiName colInfos pkeyColInfos = getColInfos pkeyCols colInfos selFlds = flip map (toValidFieldInfos fields) $ \case FIColumn pgColInfo -> Left pgColInfo FIRelationship relInfo -> Right (relInfo, True, noFilter, Nothing, isRelNullable fields relInfo) adminRootFlds = getRootFldsRole' tn pkeyCols validConstraints fields (Just ([], True)) (Just (noFilter, Nothing, [], True)) (Just (allCols, noFilter, [])) (Just (noFilter, [])) viewInfo noFilter :: AnnBoolExpSQL noFilter = annBoolExpTrue mkScalarTyInfo :: PGColType -> ScalarTyInfo mkScalarTyInfo = ScalarTyInfo Nothing type GCtxMap = Map.HashMap RoleName GCtx mkGCtxMap :: (MonadError QErr m) => TableCache -> m (Map.HashMap RoleName GCtx) mkGCtxMap tableCache = do typesMapL <- mapM (mkGCtxMapTable tableCache) $ filter tableFltr $ Map.elems tableCache let typesMap = foldr (Map.unionWith mappend) Map.empty typesMapL return $ flip Map.map typesMap $ \(ty, flds, insCtxMap) -> mkGCtx ty flds insCtxMap where tableFltr ti = not (tiSystemDefined ti) && isValidTableName (tiName ti) mkGCtx :: TyAgg -> RootFlds -> InsCtxMap -> GCtx mkGCtx (TyAgg tyInfos fldInfos ordByEnums) (RootFlds flds) insCtxMap = let queryRoot = mkObjTyInfo (Just "query root") (G.NamedType "query_root") $ mapFromL _fiName (schemaFld:typeFld:qFlds) colTys = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ map pgiType $ lefts $ Map.elems fldInfos scalarTys = map (TIScalar . mkScalarTyInfo) colTys compTys = map (TIInpObj . mkCompExpInp) colTys ordByEnumTyM = bool (Just ordByEnumTy) Nothing $ null qFlds allTys = Map.union tyInfos $ mkTyInfoMap $ catMaybes [ Just $ TIObj queryRoot , TIObj <$> mutRootM , TIObj <$> subRootM , TIEnum <$> ordByEnumTyM ] <> scalarTys <> compTys <> defaultTypes -- for now subscription root is query root in GCtx allTys fldInfos ordByEnums queryRoot mutRootM (Just queryRoot) (Map.map fst flds) insCtxMap where mkMutRoot = mkObjTyInfo (Just "mutation root") (G.NamedType "mutation_root") . mapFromL _fiName mutRootM = bool (Just $ mkMutRoot mFlds) Nothing $ null mFlds mkSubRoot = mkObjTyInfo (Just "subscription root") (G.NamedType "subscription_root") . mapFromL _fiName subRootM = bool (Just $ mkSubRoot qFlds) Nothing $ null qFlds (qFlds, mFlds) = partitionEithers $ map snd $ Map.elems flds schemaFld = ObjFldInfo Nothing "__schema" Map.empty $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.NamedType "__Schema" typeFld = ObjFldInfo Nothing "__type" typeFldArgs $ G.toGT $ G.NamedType "__Type" where typeFldArgs = mapFromL _iviName [ InpValInfo (Just "name of the type") "name" $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.NamedType "String" ] getGCtx :: RoleName -> Map.HashMap RoleName GCtx -> GCtx getGCtx rn = fromMaybe (mkGCtx mempty mempty mempty) . Map.lookup rn