## GraphiQL Demo This version of GraphiQL is a fork of the original version with a simple header management UI. You can access it live here - https://graphiql-online.com ## Usage of Environment Variables This app uses a few environment variables which are required for development. The production build uses values directly present in index.html serving this app. We use [dotenv](https://github.com/motdotla/dotenv) for setting environment variables for development. Create a `.env` file in the root directory (wherever package.json is) and set the following values. Replace accordingly for testing. ``` PORT=3000 NODE_ENV=development GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8090/v1alpha1/graphql HEADER_STRING='{}' VARIABLE_STRING='{}' QUERY_STRING='query { test_table { id } }' ``` **Note** The .env file should not be in version control. ## Deployment ``` $ npm run build ``` The static assets will be generated in `static` folder. There is an index.html file referencing the css and js assets inside `dist` folder. For a quick Docker based deployment, use `docker build -t graphiql .` && `docker run -d -p 8080:8080 graphiql` for running the production build locally. You can also use now.sh for a cloud deployment. Just simply run `now` to deploy this and get a live URL.