.. meta:: :description: Hasura Cloud read replicas :keywords: hasura, docs, cloud, read replicas, connections, pool .. _read_replicas: Read replicas ============= .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 1 :local: Introduction ------------ Hasura Cloud can load balance queries and subscriptions across read replicas while sending all mutations and metadata API calls to the master. Adding read replica urls ------------------------ If you have configured your Postgres instances with replicas, the replica URLs can be added to Hasura using the following environment variable in your project ENV Vars tab: .. code-block:: bash HASURA_GRAPHQL_READ_REPLICA_URLS=postgres://user:password@replica-host:5432/db If you have multiple replicas, their urls can be added as comma separated values. Connection pool parameters -------------------------- Additional environment variables for connection pools, and for read replicas specifically: ``HASURA_GRAPHQL_PG_STRIPES`` ``HASURA_GRAPHQL_PG_CONNECTIONS`` ``HASURA_GRAPHQL_CONNECTIONS_PER_READ_REPLICA`` ``HASURA_GRAPHQL_STRIPES_PER_READ_REPLICA``