module Hasura.Server.SchemaUpdate (startSchemaSync) where import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.Logging import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema (buildSchemaCacheWithoutSetup) import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.Server.App (SchemaCacheRef (..), withSCUpdate) import Hasura.Server.Init (InstanceId (..)) import Hasura.Server.Logging import Hasura.Server.Query import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Casing import Data.Aeson.TH import qualified Control.Concurrent as C import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Time as UTC import qualified Database.PG.Query as PG import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as PQ import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP pgChannel :: PG.PGChannel pgChannel = "hasura_schema_update" data ThreadType = TTListener | TTProcessor deriving (Eq) instance Show ThreadType where show TTListener = "listener" show TTProcessor = "processor" data SchemaSyncThreadLog = SchemaSyncThreadLog { suelLogLevel :: !LogLevel , suelThreadType :: !ThreadType , suelInfo :: !Value } deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToJSON SchemaSyncThreadLog where toJSON (SchemaSyncThreadLog _ t info) = object [ "thread_type" .= show t , "info" .= info ] instance ToEngineLog SchemaSyncThreadLog where toEngineLog threadLog = (suelLogLevel threadLog, ELTSchemaSyncThread, toJSON threadLog) data EventPayload = EventPayload { _epInstanceId :: !InstanceId , _epOccurredAt :: !UTC.UTCTime } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (aesonDrop 3 snakeCase) ''EventPayload) data ThreadError = TEJsonParse !T.Text | TEQueryError !QErr $(deriveToJSON defaultOptions { constructorTagModifier = snakeCase . drop 2 , sumEncoding = TaggedObject "type" "info" } ''ThreadError) -- | An IO action that enables metadata syncing startSchemaSync :: SQLGenCtx -> PG.PGPool -> Logger -> HTTP.Manager -> SchemaCacheRef -> InstanceId -> Maybe UTC.UTCTime -> IO () startSchemaSync sqlGenCtx pool logger httpMgr cacheRef instanceId cacheInitTime = do -- only the latest event is recorded here -- we don't want to store and process all the events, only the latest event updateEventRef <- STM.newTVarIO Nothing -- Start listener thread lTId <- C.forkIO $ listener sqlGenCtx pool logger httpMgr updateEventRef cacheRef instanceId cacheInitTime logThreadStarted TTListener lTId -- Start processor thread pTId <- C.forkIO $ processor sqlGenCtx pool logger httpMgr updateEventRef cacheRef instanceId logThreadStarted TTProcessor pTId where logThreadStarted threadType threadId = let msg = T.pack (show threadType) <> " thread started" in unLogger logger $ StartupLog LevelInfo "schema-sync" $ object [ "instance_id" .= getInstanceId instanceId , "thread_id" .= show threadId , "message" .= msg ] -- | An IO action that listens to postgres for events and pushes them to a Queue listener :: SQLGenCtx -> PG.PGPool -> Logger -> HTTP.Manager -> STM.TVar (Maybe EventPayload) -> SchemaCacheRef -> InstanceId -> Maybe UTC.UTCTime -> IO () listener sqlGenCtx pool logger httpMgr updateEventRef cacheRef instanceId cacheInitTime = -- Never exits forever $ do listenResE <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ PG.listen pool pgChannel notifyHandler either onError return listenResE logWarn C.threadDelay $ 1 * 1000 * 1000 -- 1 second where threadType = TTListener shouldRefresh dbInstId accrdAt = case cacheInitTime of Nothing -> True Just time -> (dbInstId /= instanceId) && accrdAt > time refreshCache Nothing = return () refreshCache (Just (dbInstId, accrdAt)) = when (shouldRefresh dbInstId accrdAt) $ refreshSchemaCache sqlGenCtx pool logger httpMgr cacheRef threadType "schema cache reloaded after postgres listen init" notifyHandler = \case PG.PNEOnStart -> do eRes <- runExceptT $ PG.runTx pool (PG.Serializable, Nothing) fetchLastUpdate case eRes of Left e -> onError e Right mLastUpd -> refreshCache mLastUpd PG.PNEPQNotify notif -> case eitherDecodeStrict $ PQ.notifyExtra notif of Left e -> logError logger threadType $ TEJsonParse $ T.pack e Right payload -> do logInfo logger threadType $ object ["received_event" .= payload] -- Push a notify event to Queue STM.atomically $ STM.writeTVar updateEventRef $ Just payload onError = logError logger threadType . TEQueryError logWarn = unLogger logger $ SchemaSyncThreadLog LevelWarn TTListener $ String "error occurred, retrying postgres listen after 1 second" -- | An IO action that processes events from Queue processor :: SQLGenCtx -> PG.PGPool -> Logger -> HTTP.Manager -> STM.TVar (Maybe EventPayload) -> SchemaCacheRef -> InstanceId -> IO () processor sqlGenCtx pool logger httpMgr updateEventRef cacheRef instanceId = -- Never exits forever $ do event <- STM.atomically getLatestEvent logInfo logger threadType $ object ["processed_event" .= event] when (shouldReload event) $ refreshSchemaCache sqlGenCtx pool logger httpMgr cacheRef threadType "schema cache reloaded" where -- checks if there is an event -- and replaces it with Nothing getLatestEvent = do eventM <- STM.readTVar updateEventRef case eventM of Just event -> do STM.writeTVar updateEventRef Nothing return event Nothing -> STM.retry threadType = TTProcessor -- If event is from another server shouldReload payload = _epInstanceId payload /= instanceId refreshSchemaCache :: SQLGenCtx -> PG.PGPool -> Logger -> HTTP.Manager -> SchemaCacheRef -> ThreadType -> T.Text -> IO () refreshSchemaCache sqlGenCtx pool logger httpManager cacheRef threadType msg = do -- Reload schema cache from catalog resE <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ withSCUpdate cacheRef logger $ peelRun emptySchemaCache runCtx pgCtx PG.ReadWrite buildSchemaCacheWithoutSetup case resE of Left e -> logError logger threadType $ TEQueryError e Right _ -> logInfo logger threadType $ object ["message" .= msg] where runCtx = RunCtx adminUserInfo httpManager sqlGenCtx pgCtx = PGExecCtx pool PG.Serializable logInfo :: Logger -> ThreadType -> Value -> IO () logInfo logger threadType val = unLogger logger $ SchemaSyncThreadLog LevelInfo threadType val logError :: ToJSON a => Logger -> ThreadType -> a -> IO () logError logger threadType err = unLogger logger $ SchemaSyncThreadLog LevelError threadType $ object ["error" .= toJSON err]