-- | How to construct and execute a call to a remote schema for a remote join. -- -- There are three steps required to do this: -- 1. construct the call: given the requested fields, the phantom fields, the -- values extracted by the LHS, construct a GraphQL query -- 2. execute that GraphQL query over the network -- 3. build a index of the variables out of the response -- -- This can be done as one function, but we also export the individual steps for -- debugging / test purposes. We congregate all intermediary state in the opaque -- 'RemoteSchemaCall' type. module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.RemoteSchema ( -- * Executing a remote join makeRemoteSchemaJoinCall, -- * Individual steps RemoteSchemaCall, buildRemoteSchemaCall, executeRemoteSchemaCall, buildJoinIndex, ) where import Control.Lens (view, _2, _3) import Data.Aeson qualified as A import Data.Aeson.Ordered qualified as AO import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map import Data.IntMap.Strict qualified as IntMap import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Extended (commaSeparated, toTxt, (<<>)) import Data.Validation (Validation (..), toEither) import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) import Hasura.Base.Error import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Remote ( getVariableDefinitionAndValue, resolveRemoteVariable, runVariableCache, ) import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.Types import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser qualified as P import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol (GQLReq (..), GQLReqOutgoing) import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.IR.RemoteSchema (convertSelectionSet) import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.Session import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Executing a remote join -- | Construct and execute a call to a remote schema for a remote join. makeRemoteSchemaJoinCall :: (MonadError QErr m) => -- | Function to send a request over the network. (GQLReqOutgoing -> m BL.ByteString) -> -- | User information. UserInfo -> -- | Information about that remote join. RemoteSchemaJoin -> -- | Mapping from 'JoinArgumentId' to its corresponding 'JoinArgument'. IntMap.IntMap JoinArgument -> -- | The resulting join index (see 'buildJoinIndex') if any. m (Maybe (IntMap.IntMap AO.Value)) makeRemoteSchemaJoinCall networkFunction userInfo remoteSchemaJoin joinArguments = do -- step 1: construct the internal intermediary representation maybeRemoteCall <- buildRemoteSchemaCall remoteSchemaJoin joinArguments userInfo -- if there actually is a remote call: for maybeRemoteCall \remoteCall -> do -- step 2: execute it over the network responseValue <- executeRemoteSchemaCall networkFunction remoteCall -- step 3: build the join index buildJoinIndex remoteCall responseValue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal representation -- | Intermediate type containing all of the information required to perform -- a remote schema call, constructed from the static join information. data RemoteSchemaCall = RemoteSchemaCall { rscCustomizer :: ResultCustomizer, rscGQLRequest :: GQLReqOutgoing, rscResponsePaths :: IntMap.IntMap ResponsePath } -- | Used to extract the value from a remote schema response. -- -- For example: if a remote relationship is defined to retrieve data from some -- deeply nested field, this is the path towards that deeply nested field. newtype ResponsePath = ResponsePath (NE.NonEmpty G.Name) deriving stock (Eq, Show) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Step 1: building the remote call -- | Constructs a 'RemoteSchemaCall' from some static information, such as the -- definition of the join, and dynamic information such as the user's -- information and the map of join arguments. buildRemoteSchemaCall :: (MonadError QErr m) => RemoteSchemaJoin -> IntMap.IntMap JoinArgument -> UserInfo -> m (Maybe RemoteSchemaCall) buildRemoteSchemaCall RemoteSchemaJoin {..} arguments userInfo = do -- for each join argument, we generate a unique field, with the alias -- "f" <> argumentId fields <- flip IntMap.traverseWithKey arguments $ \argumentId (JoinArgument argument) -> do graphqlArgs <- fmap Map.fromList $ for (Map.toList argument) \(FieldName columnName, value) -> do graphQLName <- parseGraphQLName columnName graphQLValue <- ordJSONValueToGValue value pure (graphQLName, graphQLValue) -- Creating the alias should never fail. let aliasText = T.pack $ "f" <> show argumentId alias <- G.mkName aliasText `onNothing` throw500 ("'" <> aliasText <> "' is not a valid GraphQL name!") let responsePath = alias NE.:| fmap fcName (NE.tail _rsjFieldCall) rootField = fcName $ NE.head _rsjFieldCall resultCustomizer = applyAliasMapping (singletonAliasMapping rootField alias) _rsjResultCustomizer gqlField <- fieldCallsToField _rsjArgs graphqlArgs (convertSelectionSet _rsjSelSet) alias _rsjFieldCall pure (gqlField, responsePath, resultCustomizer) -- this constructs the actual GraphQL Request that can be sent to the remote for (NE.nonEmpty $ IntMap.elems fields) $ \neFields -> do gqlRequest <- fmap fieldsToRequest . runVariableCache . for neFields $ \(field, _, _) -> traverse (resolveRemoteVariable userInfo) field let customizer = foldMap (view _3) fields responsePath = fmap (ResponsePath . view _2) fields pure $ RemoteSchemaCall customizer gqlRequest responsePath -- | Fold nested 'FieldCall's into a bare 'Field', inserting the passed -- selection set at the leaf of the tree we construct. fieldCallsToField :: forall m. MonadError QErr m => -- | user input arguments to the remote join field Map.HashMap G.Name (P.InputValue RemoteSchemaVariable) -> -- | Contains the values of the variables that have been defined in the remote join definition Map.HashMap G.Name (G.Value Void) -> -- | Inserted at leaf of nested FieldCalls G.SelectionSet G.NoFragments RemoteSchemaVariable -> -- | Top-level name to set for this Field G.Name -> NonEmpty FieldCall -> m (G.Field G.NoFragments RemoteSchemaVariable) fieldCallsToField rrArguments variables finalSelSet topAlias = fmap (\f -> f {G._fAlias = Just topAlias}) . nest where -- almost: `foldr nest finalSelSet` nest :: NonEmpty FieldCall -> m (G.Field G.NoFragments RemoteSchemaVariable) nest ((FieldCall name remoteArgs) :| rest) = do templatedArguments <- convert <$> createArguments variables remoteArgs graphQLarguments <- traverse peel rrArguments (args, selSet) <- case NE.nonEmpty rest of Just f -> do s <- nest f pure (templatedArguments, [G.SelectionField s]) Nothing -> let arguments = Map.unionWith combineValues graphQLarguments -- converting (G.Value Void) -> (G.Value Variable) to merge the -- 'rrArguments' with the 'variables' templatedArguments in pure (arguments, finalSelSet) pure $ G.Field Nothing name args [] selSet convert :: Map.HashMap G.Name (G.Value Void) -> Map.HashMap G.Name (G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable) convert = fmap G.literal peel :: P.InputValue RemoteSchemaVariable -> m (G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable) peel = \case P.GraphQLValue v -> pure v P.JSONValue _ -> -- At this point, it is theoretically impossible that we have -- unpacked a variable into a JSONValue, as there's no "outer -- scope" at which this value could have been peeled. -- FIXME: check that this is correct! throw500 "internal error: encountered an already expanded variable when folding remote field arguments" -- | Create an argument map using the inputs taken from the left hand side. createArguments :: (MonadError QErr m) => Map.HashMap G.Name (G.Value Void) -> RemoteArguments -> m (HashMap G.Name (G.Value Void)) createArguments variables (RemoteArguments arguments) = toEither (traverse substituteVariables arguments) `onLeft` (\errors -> throw400 Unexpected $ "Found errors: " <> commaSeparated errors) where substituteVariables = \case G.VVariable variableName -> Map.lookup variableName variables `onNothing` Failure ["Value for variable " <> variableName <<> " not provided"] G.VList listValue -> fmap G.VList (traverse substituteVariables listValue) G.VObject objectValue -> fmap G.VObject (traverse substituteVariables objectValue) G.VInt i -> pure $ G.VInt i G.VFloat d -> pure $ G.VFloat d G.VString txt -> pure $ G.VString txt G.VEnum e -> pure $ G.VEnum e G.VBoolean b -> pure $ G.VBoolean b G.VNull -> pure $ G.VNull -- | Combine two GraphQL values together. -- -- This is used to combine different input arguments into one. This function can -- only combine objects or lists pairwise, and fails if it has to combine any -- other combination of values. -- -- >>> combineValues (Object (fromList [("id", Number 1)]) (Object (fromList [("name", String "foo")]) -- Object (fromList [("id", Number 1), ("name", String "foo")]) -- -- NOTE: this function *panics* if it fails. combineValues :: HasCallStack => G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable -> G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable -> G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable combineValues (G.VList l) (G.VList r) = G.VList $ l <> r combineValues (G.VObject l) (G.VObject r) = G.VObject $ Map.unionWith combineValues l r combineValues l r = error $ "combineValues: cannot combine values (" <> show l <> ") and (" <> show r <> "); \ \lists can only be merged with lists, objects can only be merged with objects" -- | Craft a GraphQL query document from the list of fields. fieldsToRequest :: NonEmpty (G.Field G.NoFragments P.Variable) -> GQLReqOutgoing fieldsToRequest gFields = GQLReq { _grOperationName = Nothing, _grVariables = if Map.null variableInfos then Nothing else Just $ mapKeys G._vdName variableInfos, _grQuery = G.TypedOperationDefinition { G._todSelectionSet = -- convert from Field Variable to Field Name NE.toList $ G.SelectionField . fmap P.getName <$> gFields, G._todVariableDefinitions = Map.keys variableInfos, G._todType = G.OperationTypeQuery, G._todName = Nothing, G._todDirectives = [] } } where variableInfos :: HashMap G.VariableDefinition A.Value variableInfos = Map.fromList $ concatMap (foldMap getVariableInfo) gFields getVariableInfo :: P.Variable -> [(G.VariableDefinition, A.Value)] getVariableInfo = pure . fmap snd . getVariableDefinitionAndValue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Step 2: sending the call over the network -- | Sends the call over the network, and parse the resulting ByteString. executeRemoteSchemaCall :: (MonadError QErr m) => -- | Function to send a request over the network. (GQLReqOutgoing -> m BL.ByteString) -> -- | Information about that call. RemoteSchemaCall -> -- | Resulting JSON object m AO.Object executeRemoteSchemaCall networkFunction (RemoteSchemaCall customizer request _) = do responseBody <- networkFunction request responseJSON <- AO.eitherDecode responseBody `onLeft` (\e -> throw500 $ "Remote server response is not valid JSON: " <> T.pack e) responseObject <- AO.asObject responseJSON `onLeft` throw500 let errors = AO.lookup "errors" responseObject if | isNothing errors || errors == Just AO.Null -> case AO.lookup "data" responseObject of Nothing -> throw500 "\"data\" field not found in remote response" Just v -> let v' = applyResultCustomizer customizer v in AO.asObject v' `onLeft` throw500 | otherwise -> throwError (err400 Unexpected "Errors from remote server") { qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal $ A.object ["errors" A..= (AO.fromOrdered <$> errors)] } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Step 3: extracting the join index -- | Construct a join index from the remote source's 'AO.Value' response. -- -- This function extracts from the 'RemoteJoinCall' a mapping from -- 'JoinArgumentId' to 'ResponsePath': from an integer that uniquely identifies -- a join argument to the "path" at which we expect that value in the -- response. With it, and with the actual reponse JSON value obtained from the -- remote server, it constructs a corresponding mapping of, for each argument, -- its extracted value. -- -- If the response does not have value at any of the provided 'ResponsePath's, -- throw a generic 'QErr'. -- -- NOTE(jkachmar): If we switch to an 'Applicative' validator, we can collect -- more than one missing 'ResponsePath's (rather than short-circuiting on the -- first missing value). buildJoinIndex :: forall m. (MonadError QErr m) => RemoteSchemaCall -> AO.Object -> m (IntMap.IntMap AO.Value) buildJoinIndex RemoteSchemaCall {..} response = for rscResponsePaths $ \(ResponsePath path) -> go (AO.Object response) (map G.unName . NE.toList $ path) where go :: AO.Value -> [Text] -> m AO.Value go value path = case path of [] -> pure value k : ks -> case value of AO.Object obj -> do objValue <- AO.lookup k obj `onNothing` throw500 ("failed to lookup key '" <> toTxt k <> "' in response") go objValue ks _ -> throw500 $ "unexpected non-object json value found while path not empty: " <> commaSeparated path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Local helpers -- NOTE: Ideally this should be done at the remote relationship validation -- layer. -- -- When validating remote relationships, we should store the validated names so -- that we don't need to continually re-validate them downstream. parseGraphQLName :: (MonadError QErr m) => Text -> m G.Name parseGraphQLName txt = G.mkName txt `onNothing` (throw400 RemoteSchemaError $ errMsg) where errMsg = txt <> " is not a valid GraphQL name" ordJSONValueToGValue :: (MonadError QErr n) => AO.Value -> n (G.Value Void) ordJSONValueToGValue = either (throw400 ValidationFailed) pure . P.jsonToGraphQL . AO.fromOrdered