description: GraphQL introspection query url: /v1/graphql status: 200 query: query: | query IntrospectionQuery { query_root: __type(name: "query_root") { name kind fields { name description } } mutation_root: __type(name: "mutation_root") { name kind fields { name description } } } response: data: query_root: name: query_root kind: OBJECT fields: - name: AutomaticNoCommentInDb description: 'fetch data from the table: "automatic_no_comment_in_db"' - name: AutomaticNoCommentInDbAgg description: 'fetch aggregated fields from the table: "automatic_no_comment_in_db"' - name: AutomaticNoCommentInDbByPk description: 'fetch data from the table: "automatic_no_comment_in_db" using primary key columns' - name: ExplicitCommentInMetadata description: Explicit comment on select - name: ExplicitCommentInMetadataAgg description: Explicit comment on select_aggregate - name: ExplicitCommentInMetadataByPk description: Explicit comment on select_by_pk - name: automatic_comment_in_db description: 'fetch data from the table: "automatic_comment_in_db"' - name: automatic_comment_in_db_aggregate description: 'fetch aggregated fields from the table: "automatic_comment_in_db"' - name: automatic_comment_in_db_by_pk description: 'fetch data from the table: "automatic_comment_in_db" using primary key columns' - name: explicit_no_comment_in_metadata description: null - name: explicit_no_comment_in_metadata_aggregate description: null - name: explicit_no_comment_in_metadata_by_pk description: null mutation_root: name: mutation_root kind: OBJECT fields: - name: DeleteAutomaticNoCommentInDb description: 'delete data from the table: "automatic_no_comment_in_db"' - name: DeleteByPkAutomaticNoCommentInDb description: 'delete single row from the table: "automatic_no_comment_in_db"' - name: DeleteByPkExplicitCommentInMetadata description: Explicit comment on delete_by_pk - name: DeleteExplicitCommentInMetadata description: Explicit comment on delete - name: InsertAutomaticNoCommentInDb description: 'insert data into the table: "automatic_no_comment_in_db"' - name: InsertExplicitCommentInMetadata description: Explicit comment on insert - name: InsertOneAutomaticNoCommentInDb description: 'insert a single row into the table: "automatic_no_comment_in_db"' - name: InsertOneExplicitCommentInMetadata description: Explicit comment on insert_one - name: UpdateAutomaticNoCommentInDb description: 'update data of the table: "automatic_no_comment_in_db"' - name: UpdateByPkAutomaticNoCommentInDb description: 'update single row of the table: "automatic_no_comment_in_db"' - name: UpdateByPkExplicitCommentInMetadata description: Explicit comment on update_by_pk - name: UpdateExplicitCommentInMetadata description: Explicit comment on update - name: delete_automatic_comment_in_db description: 'delete data from the table: "automatic_comment_in_db"' - name: delete_automatic_comment_in_db_by_pk description: 'delete single row from the table: "automatic_comment_in_db"' - name: delete_explicit_no_comment_in_metadata description: null - name: delete_explicit_no_comment_in_metadata_by_pk description: null - name: insert_automatic_comment_in_db description: 'insert data into the table: "automatic_comment_in_db"' - name: insert_automatic_comment_in_db_one description: 'insert a single row into the table: "automatic_comment_in_db"' - name: insert_explicit_no_comment_in_metadata description: null - name: insert_explicit_no_comment_in_metadata_one description: null - name: update_automatic_comment_in_db description: 'update data of the table: "automatic_comment_in_db"' - name: update_automatic_comment_in_db_by_pk description: 'update single row of the table: "automatic_comment_in_db"' - name: update_explicit_no_comment_in_metadata description: null - name: update_explicit_no_comment_in_metadata_by_pk description: null