package commands // TODO: we should make this test check the user actual user interaction // this can be done with some changes in how we get input from the user /* var _ = Describe("actions_create", func() { var dirName string var session *Session var teardown func() BeforeEach(func() { dirName = testutil.RandDirName() hgeEndPort, teardownHGE := testutil.StartHasura(GinkgoT(), testutil.HasuraDockerImage) hgeEndpoint := fmt.Sprintf("", hgeEndPort) testutil.RunCommandAndSucceed(testutil.CmdOpts{ Args: []string{"init", dirName}, }) editEndpointInConfig(filepath.Join(dirName, defaultConfigFilename), hgeEndpoint) teardown = func() { session.Kill() os.RemoveAll(dirName) teardownHGE() } }) AfterEach(func() { teardown() }) Context("actions create tests", func() { data := `type Mutation { # Define your action as a mutation here action1 (arg1: SampleInput!): SampleOutput } type SampleOutput { accessToken: String! } input SampleInput { username: String! password: String! }` It("should create a new action action1 ", func() { filePath := filepath.Join(dirName, "action1.graphql") file, err := os.Create(filePath) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } _, err = file.Write([]byte(data)) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } file.Close() session = testutil.Hasura(testutil.CmdOpts{ Args: []string{"actions", "create", "action1", "--file", filePath}, WorkingDirectory: dirName, }) wantKeywordList := []string{ ".*action created*.", } for _, keyword := range wantKeywordList { Eventually(session, 60*40).Should(Say(keyword)) } Eventually(session, 60*40).Should(Exit(0)) }) }) }) */