const DomParser = require('dom-parser'); const { merge } = require('webpack-merge'); const util = require('util'); const webpack = require('webpack'); const { webpackPlugin } = require('unplugin-dynamic-asset-loader'); // un comment this to test out the circular deps const CircularDependencyPlugin = require('circular-dependency-plugin'); const log = value => console.log( util.inspect(value, { showHidden: false, depth: null, colors: true }) ); const createCircularDependencyPlugin = () => { const shouldLogEveryCircularDep = false; let numCyclesDetected = 0; let filteredCircleDeps = 0; const depCircleFilter = undefined; let storedPaths = []; const shouldLogMostCommonPaths = false; return new CircularDependencyPlugin({ exclude: /node_modules/, failOnError: false, onStart({ compilation }) { numCyclesDetected = 0; filteredCircleDeps = 0; storedPaths = []; }, onDetected({ // `paths` will be an Array of the relative module paths that make up the cycle paths: cyclePaths, compilation, }) { numCyclesDetected++; storedPaths = [...storedPaths, ...cyclePaths]; const err = new Error( `Circular dependency detected!\n * ${cyclePaths.join('\n → ')}` ); if (!shouldLogEveryCircularDep) { return; } if (!depCircleFilter) { compilation.warnings.push(err); return; } if (cyclePaths.some(path => path.includes(depCircleFilter))) { filteredCircleDeps++; compilation.warnings.push(err); } }, onEnd({ compilation }) { const warns = Array.from( Array(Math.round(numCyclesDetected / 100)).keys() ) .map(it => '!') .join(''); compilation.warnings.push( new Error(`Detected ${numCyclesDetected} circular dependency ` + warns) ); if (depCircleFilter) { const filterWarns = Array.from( Array(Math.round(filteredCircleDeps / 100)).keys() ) .map(it => '!') .join(''); compilation.warnings.push( new Error( `Detected ${filteredCircleDeps} circular dependency only for the filter "${depCircleFilter}" ${filterWarns}` ) ); } if (shouldLogMostCommonPaths) { const topTenPaths = storedPaths .sort( (a, b) => storedPaths.filter(v => v === a).length - storedPaths.filter(v => v === b).length ) .slice(0, 10); compilation.warnings.push( new Error( `Here are the top 10 files in the loops :\n${topTenPaths.join( '\n → ' )}` ) ); } }, cwd: process.cwd(), }); }; module.exports = (config, context) => { const isDevBuild = context.configuration === 'development'; let output = merge(config, { output: { publicPath: 'auto', }, plugins: [ new webpack.DefinePlugin({ __CLIENT__: 'true', __SERVER__: false, __DEVELOPMENT__: true, __DEVTOOLS__: true, // <-------- DISABLE redux-devtools HERE CONSOLE_ASSET_VERSION:, }), // un comment this to test out the circular deps. Left here since it can be tricky to configure ], module: { rules: [ /* Rule taken from the old codebase => Do we still need the version naming ? */ { test: /\.svg(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/, use: [ { loader: 'url-loader', options: { limit: 10000, mimetype: 'image/svg+xml' }, }, ], }, ], }, resolve: { fallback: { /* Used by : openapi-to-graphql and it's deps (graphql-upload > fs-capacitor) no real polyfill exists, so this turns it into an empty implementation */ fs: false, /* Used by : openapi-to-graphql and it's deps (graphql-upload > fs-capacitor) */ os: require.resolve('os-browserify/browser'), /* Used by : openapi-to-graphql and it's deps (swagger2openapi) */ http: require.resolve('stream-http'), /* Used by : @graphql-codegen/typescript and it's deps (@graphql-codegen/visitor-plugin-common && parse-filepath) => one usage is found, so we have to check if the usage is still relevant */ path: require.resolve('path-browserify'), /* Used by : jsonwebtoken deps (jwa && jws) => we already have an equivalent in the codebases that don't depend on it,jwt-decode. Might be worth using only the latter */ crypto: require.resolve('crypto-browserify'), /* Used by : jsonwebtoken deps (jwa && jws) @graphql-tools/merge => dependanci of graphiql & graphql-codegen/core, a package upgrade might fix it */ util: require.resolve('util/'), /* Used by : jsonwebtoken deps (jwa && jws) */ stream: require.resolve('stream-browserify'), }, }, }); if (isDevBuild) { output = merge(output, { plugins: [ // un comment this to test out the circular deps. Left here since it can be tricky to configure // createCircularDependencyPlugin(), webpackPlugin(), ], }); } // log(output.plugins); return output; };