{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-| Send anonymized metrics to the telemetry server regarding usage of various features of Hasura. -} module Hasura.Server.Telemetry ( runTelemetry , mkTelemetryLog ) where import Control.Exception (try) import Control.Lens import Data.Text.Conversions (UTF8 (..), decodeText) import Hasura.HTTP import Hasura.Logging import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.Server.Init import Hasura.Server.Telemetry.Counters import Hasura.Server.Version import Hasura.Session import qualified CI import qualified Control.Concurrent.Extended as C import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as A import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as A import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq data RelationshipMetric = RelationshipMetric { _rmManual :: !Int , _rmAuto :: !Int } deriving (Show, Eq) $(A.deriveToJSON (A.aesonDrop 3 A.snakeCase) ''RelationshipMetric) data PermissionMetric = PermissionMetric { _pmSelect :: !Int , _pmInsert :: !Int , _pmUpdate :: !Int , _pmDelete :: !Int , _pmRoles :: !Int } deriving (Show, Eq) $(A.deriveToJSON (A.aesonDrop 3 A.snakeCase) ''PermissionMetric) data ActionMetric = ActionMetric { _amSynchronous :: !Int , _amAsynchronous :: !Int , _amQueryActions :: !Int , _amTypeRelationships :: !Int , _amCustomTypes :: !Int } deriving (Show, Eq) $(A.deriveToJSON (A.aesonDrop 3 A.snakeCase) ''ActionMetric) data Metrics = Metrics { _mtTables :: !Int , _mtViews :: !Int , _mtEnumTables :: !Int , _mtRelationships :: !RelationshipMetric , _mtPermissions :: !PermissionMetric , _mtEventTriggers :: !Int , _mtRemoteSchemas :: !Int , _mtFunctions :: !Int , _mtServiceTimings :: !ServiceTimingMetrics , _mtPgVersion :: !PGVersion , _mtActions :: !ActionMetric } deriving (Show, Eq) $(A.deriveToJSON (A.aesonDrop 3 A.snakeCase) ''Metrics) data HasuraTelemetry = HasuraTelemetry { _htDbUid :: !Text , _htInstanceUid :: !InstanceId , _htVersion :: !Version , _htCi :: !(Maybe CI.CI) , _htMetrics :: !Metrics } deriving (Show) $(A.deriveToJSON (A.aesonDrop 3 A.snakeCase) ''HasuraTelemetry) data TelemetryPayload = TelemetryPayload { _tpTopic :: !Text , _tpData :: !HasuraTelemetry } deriving (Show) $(A.deriveToJSON (A.aesonDrop 3 A.snakeCase) ''TelemetryPayload) telemetryUrl :: Text telemetryUrl = "https://telemetry.hasura.io/v1/http" mkPayload :: Text -> InstanceId -> Version -> Metrics -> IO TelemetryPayload mkPayload dbId instanceId version metrics = do ci <- CI.getCI let topic = case version of VersionDev _ -> "server_test" VersionRelease _ -> "server" pure $ TelemetryPayload topic $ HasuraTelemetry dbId instanceId version ci metrics -- | An infinite loop that sends updated telemetry data ('Metrics') every 24 -- hours. The send time depends on when the server was started and will -- naturally drift. runTelemetry :: HasVersion => Logger Hasura -> HTTP.Manager -> IO SchemaCache -- ^ an action that always returns the latest schema cache -> Text -> InstanceId -> PGVersion -> IO void runTelemetry (Logger logger) manager getSchemaCache dbId instanceId pgVersion = do let options = wreqOptions manager [] forever $ do schemaCache <- getSchemaCache serviceTimings <- dumpServiceTimingMetrics let metrics = computeMetrics schemaCache serviceTimings pgVersion payload <- A.encode <$> mkPayload dbId instanceId currentVersion metrics logger $ debugLBS $ "metrics_info: " <> payload resp <- try $ Wreq.postWith options (T.unpack telemetryUrl) payload either logHttpEx handleHttpResp resp C.sleep $ days 1 where logHttpEx :: HTTP.HttpException -> IO () logHttpEx ex = do let httpErr = Just $ mkHttpError telemetryUrl Nothing (Just $ HttpException ex) logger $ mkTelemetryLog "http_exception" "http exception occurred" httpErr handleHttpResp resp = do let statusCode = resp ^. Wreq.responseStatus . Wreq.statusCode logger $ debugLBS $ "http_success: " <> resp ^. Wreq.responseBody when (statusCode /= 200) $ do let httpErr = Just $ mkHttpError telemetryUrl (Just resp) Nothing logger $ mkTelemetryLog "http_error" "failed to post telemetry" httpErr computeMetrics :: SchemaCache -> ServiceTimingMetrics -> PGVersion -> Metrics computeMetrics sc _mtServiceTimings _mtPgVersion = let _mtTables = countUserTables (isNothing . _tciViewInfo . _tiCoreInfo) _mtViews = countUserTables (isJust . _tciViewInfo . _tiCoreInfo) _mtEnumTables = countUserTables (isJust . _tciEnumValues . _tiCoreInfo) allRels = join $ Map.elems $ Map.map (getRels . _tciFieldInfoMap . _tiCoreInfo) userTables (manualRels, autoRels) = L.partition riIsManual allRels _mtRelationships = RelationshipMetric (length manualRels) (length autoRels) rolePerms = join $ Map.elems $ Map.map permsOfTbl userTables _pmRoles = length $ L.nub $ fst <$> rolePerms allPerms = snd <$> rolePerms _pmInsert = calcPerms _permIns allPerms _pmSelect = calcPerms _permSel allPerms _pmUpdate = calcPerms _permUpd allPerms _pmDelete = calcPerms _permDel allPerms _mtPermissions = PermissionMetric{..} _mtEventTriggers = Map.size $ Map.filter (not . Map.null) $ Map.map _tiEventTriggerInfoMap userTables _mtRemoteSchemas = Map.size $ scRemoteSchemas sc _mtFunctions = Map.size $ Map.filter (not . isSystemDefined . fiSystemDefined) $ scFunctions sc _mtActions = computeActionsMetrics $ scActions sc in Metrics{..} where userTables = Map.filter (not . isSystemDefined . _tciSystemDefined . _tiCoreInfo) $ scTables sc countUserTables predicate = length . filter predicate $ Map.elems userTables calcPerms :: (RolePermInfo -> Maybe a) -> [RolePermInfo] -> Int calcPerms fn perms = length $ mapMaybe fn perms permsOfTbl :: TableInfo -> [(RoleName, RolePermInfo)] permsOfTbl = Map.toList . _tiRolePermInfoMap computeActionsMetrics :: ActionCache -> ActionMetric computeActionsMetrics actionCache = ActionMetric syncActionsLen asyncActionsLen queryActionsLen typeRelationships customTypesLen where actions = Map.elems actionCache syncActionsLen = length . filter ((== ActionMutation ActionSynchronous) . _adType . _aiDefinition) $ actions asyncActionsLen = length . filter ((== ActionMutation ActionAsynchronous) . _adType . _aiDefinition) $ actions queryActionsLen = length . filter ((== ActionQuery) . _adType . _aiDefinition) $ actions outputTypesLen = length . L.nub . map (_adOutputType . _aiDefinition) $ actions inputTypesLen = length . L.nub . concatMap (map _argType . _adArguments . _aiDefinition) $ actions customTypesLen = inputTypesLen + outputTypesLen typeRelationships = length . L.nub . concatMap (map _trName . maybe [] toList . _otdRelationships . _aiOutputObject) $ actions -- | Logging related data TelemetryLog = TelemetryLog { _tlLogLevel :: !LogLevel , _tlType :: !Text , _tlMessage :: !Text , _tlHttpError :: !(Maybe TelemetryHttpError) } deriving (Show) data TelemetryHttpError = TelemetryHttpError { tlheStatus :: !(Maybe HTTP.Status) , tlheUrl :: !T.Text , tlheHttpException :: !(Maybe HttpException) , tlheResponse :: !(Maybe T.Text) } deriving (Show) instance A.ToJSON TelemetryLog where toJSON tl = A.object [ "type" A..= _tlType tl , "message" A..= _tlMessage tl , "http_error" A..= (A.toJSON <$> _tlHttpError tl) ] instance A.ToJSON TelemetryHttpError where toJSON tlhe = A.object [ "status_code" A..= (HTTP.statusCode <$> tlheStatus tlhe) , "url" A..= tlheUrl tlhe , "response" A..= tlheResponse tlhe , "http_exception" A..= (A.toJSON <$> tlheHttpException tlhe) ] instance ToEngineLog TelemetryLog Hasura where toEngineLog tl = (_tlLogLevel tl, ELTInternal ILTTelemetry, A.toJSON tl) mkHttpError :: Text -> Maybe (Wreq.Response BL.ByteString) -> Maybe HttpException -> TelemetryHttpError mkHttpError url mResp httpEx = case mResp of Nothing -> TelemetryHttpError Nothing url httpEx Nothing Just resp -> let status = resp ^. Wreq.responseStatus body = decodeText $ UTF8 (resp ^. Wreq.responseBody) in TelemetryHttpError (Just status) url httpEx body mkTelemetryLog :: Text -> Text -> Maybe TelemetryHttpError -> TelemetryLog mkTelemetryLog = TelemetryLog LevelInfo