{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-inline-rule-shadowing -Wno-orphans #-} -- see Note [Arrow rewrite rules] {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- | The missing standard library for arrows. Some of the functionality in this module is similar to -- Paterson’s original @arrows@ library, but it has been modernized to work with recent versions of -- GHC. module Control.Arrow.Extended ( module Control.Arrow , module Control.Arrow.Trans , (>->) , (<-<) , dup , bothA , orA , foldlA' , traverseA_ , traverseA , onNothingA , ArrowKleisli(..) , bindA ) where import Prelude hiding (id, (.)) import Control.Arrow import Control.Arrow.Trans import Control.Category import Control.Monad import Data.Foldable infixl 1 >-> infixr 1 <-< -- | The analog to '>>=' for arrow commands. In @proc@ notation, '>->' can be used to chain the -- output of one command into the input of another. -- -- See also Note [Weird control operator types]. (>->) :: (Arrow arr) => arr (e, s) a -> arr (e, (a, s)) b -> arr (e, s) b f >-> g = proc (e, s) -> do x <- f -< (e, s) g -< (e, (x, s)) {-# INLINE (>->) #-} (<-<) :: (Arrow arr) => arr (e, (a, s)) b -> arr (e, s) a -> arr (e, s) b (<-<) = flip (>->) {-# INLINE (<-<) #-} dup :: (Arrow arr) => arr a (a, a) dup = arr \x -> (x, x) {-# INLINE dup #-} bothA :: (Arrow arr) => arr a b -> arr (a, a) (b, b) bothA f = f *** f {-# INLINE bothA #-} orA :: (ArrowChoice arr) => arr a Bool -> arr b Bool -> arr (a, b) Bool orA f g = proc (a, b) -> do c <- f -< a if c then returnA -< True else g -< b {-# INLINABLE orA #-} {-# RULES "orA/arr" forall f g. arr f `orA` arr g = arr (f `orA` g) #-} -- | 'foldl'' lifted to arrows. See also Note [Weird control operator types]. foldlA' :: (ArrowChoice arr, Foldable t) => arr (e, (b, (a, s))) b -> arr (e, (b, (t a, s))) b foldlA' f = arr (\(e, (v, (xs, s))) -> (e, (v, (toList xs, s)))) >>> go where go = uncons >>> (id ||| step) uncons = arr \(e, (v, (xs, s))) -> case xs of [] -> Left v x:xs' -> Right ((e, (v, (x, s))), (e, (xs', s))) step = first f >>> arr (\(!v, (e, (xs, s))) -> (e, (v, (xs, s)))) >>> go {-# INLINABLE foldlA' #-} traverseA_ :: (ArrowChoice arr, Foldable t) => arr (e, (a, s)) b -> arr (e, (t a, s)) () traverseA_ f = proc (e, (xs, s)) -> (| foldlA' (\() x -> do { (e, (x, s)) >- f; () >- returnA }) |) () xs {-# INLINABLE traverseA_ #-} -- | An indexed version of Twan van Laarhoven’s @FunList@ type (see -- ). A value of type @'Traversal' a b (t b)@ is a -- concrete representation of a traversal applied to a data structure of type @t a@ and producing a -- value of type @t b@. This explicit representation is used to implement 'traverseA' using only -- 'ArrowChoice'. data Traversal a r b = Done b | Yield a !(r -> Traversal a r b) instance Functor (Traversal a r) where fmap f = \case Done x -> Done (f x) Yield v k -> Yield v (fmap f . k) instance Applicative (Traversal a r) where pure = Done tf <*> tx = case tf of Done f -> fmap f tx Yield v k -> Yield v ((<*> tx) . k) traversal :: (Traversable t) => t a -> Traversal a b (t b) traversal = traverse (flip Yield Done) -- | 'traverse' lifted to arrows. See also Note [Weird control operator types]. traverseA :: (ArrowChoice arr, Traversable t) => arr (e, (a, s)) b -> arr (e, (t a, s)) (t b) traverseA f = second (first $ arr traversal) >>> go where go = proc (e, (as, s)) -> case as of Done bs -> returnA -< bs Yield a k -> do b <- f -< (e, (a, s)) go -< (e, (k b, s)) {-# NOINLINE[1] traverseA #-} -- In the common case of using traverseA on Maybe, the general traverseA generates needlessly -- complex code due to the combination of recursion and indirection through Traversal. Since Maybe -- is finite, we can do much better by avoiding the recursion completely. traverseA_Maybe :: (ArrowChoice arr) => arr (e, (a, s)) b -> arr (e, (Maybe a, s)) (Maybe b) traverseA_Maybe f = proc (e, (v, s)) -> case v of Just a -> arr Just . f -< (e, (a, s)) Nothing -> returnA -< Nothing {-# INLINABLE traverseA_Maybe #-} {-# RULES "traverseA @Maybe" traverseA = traverseA_Maybe #-} onNothingA :: (ArrowChoice arr) => arr (e, s) a -> arr (e, (Maybe a, s)) a onNothingA f = proc (e, (v, s)) -> case v of Just a -> returnA -< a Nothing -> f -< (e, s) {-# INLINABLE onNothingA #-} -- These rules are missing from Control.Arrow; see Note [Arrow rewrite rules] {-# RULES "arr/arr/R" forall f g h. arr f . (arr g . h) = arr (f . g) . h "&&&/id" forall f. f &&& id = first f . dup "id/&&&" forall f. id &&& f = second f . dup "&&&/arr" forall f g. f &&& arr g = first f . arr (id &&& g) "arr/&&&" forall f g. arr f &&& g = second g . arr (f &&& id) "|||/id" forall f. f ||| id = arr (id ||| id) . left f "id/|||" forall f. id ||| f = arr (id ||| id) . right f "|||/arr" forall f g. f ||| arr g = arr (id ||| g) . left f "arr/|||" forall f g. arr f ||| g = arr (f ||| id) . right g #-} -- | The class of /Kleisli arrows/, arrows made from monadic functions. Instances should satisfy -- the following laws: -- -- * @'arrM' ('pure' '.' /f/)@ ≡ @'arr' /f/@ -- * @('arrM' /f/ '>>>' 'arrM' /g/)@ ≡ @'arrM' (/f/ '>=>' /g/)@. class (Monad m, Arrow arr) => ArrowKleisli m arr | arr -> m where arrM :: (a -> m b) -> arr a b {-# RULES -- see Note [Arrow rewrite rules] "arrM/pure" arrM pure = id "arrM/pure/f" forall f. arrM (pure . f) = arr f "arr/arrM" forall f g. arr f . arrM g = arrM (fmap f . g) "arrM/arr" forall f g. arrM f . arr g = arrM (f . g) "arrM/arrM" forall f g. arrM f . arrM g = arrM (f <=< g) "arr/arrM/R" forall f g h. arr f . (arrM g . h) = arrM (fmap f . g) . h "arrM/arr/R" forall f g h. arrM f . (arr g . h) = arrM (f . g) . h "arrM/arrM/R" forall f g h. arrM f . (arrM g . h) = arrM (f <=< g) . h "first/arrM" forall f. first (arrM f) = arrM (runKleisli (first (Kleisli f))) "second/arrM" forall f. second (arrM f) = arrM (runKleisli (second (Kleisli f))) "left/arrM" forall f. left (arrM f) = arrM (runKleisli (left (Kleisli f))) "right/arrM" forall f. right (arrM f) = arrM (runKleisli (right (Kleisli f))) "***/arrM" forall f g. arrM f *** arrM g = arrM (runKleisli (Kleisli f *** Kleisli g)) "&&&/arrM" forall f g. arrM f &&& arrM g = arrM (runKleisli (Kleisli f &&& Kleisli g)) "+++/arrM" forall f g. arrM f +++ arrM g = arrM (runKleisli (Kleisli f +++ Kleisli g)) "|||/arrM" forall f g. arrM f ||| arrM g = arrM (runKleisli (Kleisli f ||| Kleisli g)) #-} -- | A combinator that serves a similar role to 'returnA' in arrow notation, except that the -- argument is a monadic action instead of a pure value. Just as 'returnA' is actually just -- @'arr' 'id'@, 'ruleA' is just @'arrM' 'id'@, but it is provided as a separate function for -- clarity. -- -- 'bindA' is useful primarily because it allows executing a monadic action using arrow inputs -- currently in scope. For example: -- -- @ -- proc (a, b) -> do -- x <- foo -< a -- y <- bar -< b -- 'bindA' -< f x y -- @ -- -- The last statement is equivalent to @'arrM' ('uncurry' f) -< (x, y)@, but the use of 'bindA' -- allows it to be expressed more directly. bindA :: (ArrowKleisli m arr) => arr (m a) a bindA = arrM id {-# INLINE bindA #-} instance (Monad m) => ArrowKleisli m (Kleisli m) where arrM = Kleisli instance (ArrowKleisli m arr, ArrowChoice arr) => ArrowKleisli m (ErrorA e arr) where arrM = liftA . arrM {-# INLINE arrM #-} instance (ArrowKleisli m arr) => ArrowKleisli m (ReaderA r arr) where arrM = liftA . arrM {-# INLINE arrM #-} instance (ArrowKleisli m arr) => ArrowKleisli m (WriterA w arr) where arrM = liftA . arrM {-# INLINE arrM #-} {- Note [Weird control operator types] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arrow notation (i.e. `proc`) has support for so-called “custom control operators,” which allow things like proc (x, y) -> do z <- foo -< x (f -< z) `catchA` \e -> g -< (y, e) to magically work. What’s so magical about that? Well, note that `catchA` is an ordinary function, but it’s being given /commands/ as arguments, not expressions. Also note that the arguments to `catchA` reference the variables `y` and `z`, which are bound earlier in the `proc` expression as arrow-local variables. To make this work, GHC has to thread `y` and `z` through `catchA` in the generated code, which will end up being something like this: arr (\(x, y) -> (x, (x, y))) >>> first foo >>> arr (\(z, (x, y)) -> (z, y)) >>> catchA (first f) (arr (\((_, y), e) -> (y, e)) >>> g) Quite complicated, which is why we’re glad we don’t have to write it all out ourselves! Unfortunately, since GHC 7.8, GHC has required some pretty stupid-looking types for control operators to allow them to be used in `proc` notation. The natural type for `catchA` is catchA :: arr a b -> arr (a, e) b -> arr a b but GHC requires the far uglier catchA :: arr (a, s) b -> arr (a, (e, s)) b -> arr (a, s) b in order to make the type inference work out. I (Alexis) have submitted a GHC proposal to fix this , so hopefully we’ll be able to use the nicer type in the future (GHC 8.12 at the earliest). For now, though, we’ll have to use the ugly version. As of GHC 8.10, the way to read arrow control operator types is to look for arguments with a shape like this: arr (e, (a1, (a2, ... (an, s)))) b The “actual” arguments to the arrow are the `a1` through `an` types, and the `e` and `s` types are sort of “bookends.” So if you see a type like arr (e, (Integer, (Char, (Bool, s)))) String then you should read it as an arrow that takes three “arguments” of type `Integer`, `Char`, and `Bool` and returns a `String`. Stopping there is basically good enough, but if you want to know what’s really going on, the idea is that each command in a `proc` block has an “environment” and an “argument stack,” represented by the types `e` and `s`, respectively. The environment is used to thread arrow-local variables that are currently in scope, and the argument stack (as the name implies) is used to pass the command arguments. Control operators can push and pop things from this argument stack, and in the base case, the empty argument stack is represented by `()`. For a full explanation, see the section of the GHC User’s Guide on arrow notation: https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/8.8.1/docs/html/users_guide/glasgow_exts.html#arrow-notation Yes, this all kind of sucks. Sorry. Note [Arrow rewrite rules] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GHC’s desugaring of `proc` notation is not very clever, so it can generate some pretty inefficient code. Almost everything is translated into uses of `arr`, `first`, and `(|||)`, and arrows end up threading around massive tuples that constantly need to be packed and unpacked. To get good performance, GHC relies on rewrite rules that expose optimizations to the simplifier, allowing the packing and unpacking to be significantly reduced. The most crucial rewrite rules are the ones for “`arr` fusion”, which rewrite expressions like `arr f . arr g` into `arr (f . g)`. It might not be obvious at first why this is so important, but remember that the arguments to `arr` are plain functions, not arrows. These functions might be something like: f (a, (b, c)) = ((a, b), c) g ((a, _), c) = (a, c) The composition of these functions `f . g` can be optimized to f . g = \(a, (_, c)) -> (a, c) skipping the intermediate tuple completely, but GHC can only do that if the two functions are composed directly. If GHC only sees `arr f . arr g`, then it can’t assume anything about `arr` (which might be overloaded), so it gets stuck. The rewrite rules defined in Control.Category, Control.Arrow, and this module take advantage of certain typeclass laws to enable many more optimizations to fire. However, there is a caveat to all this: when GHC knows the concrete type of a particular arrow, it aggressively specializes uses of `arr` and other operations to the concrete type. This process bypasses the rewrite rules completely. GHC tries to warn us about this with the `-Winline-rule-shadowing` warning, but in this case, we want the rules anyway, since they might fire on polymorphic code. However, the takeaway is that the generic rules are not sufficient to get fast code: it’s important to /also/ define type-specific rules in the event that GHC specializes concrete code. The good news is that those type-specific rules can take advantage of type-specific optimizations, getting even better performance than would be possible using the generic rules. The bad news is it’s a bit more work. -}