type: bulk args: #Author table - type: run_sql args: sql: | create table author( id serial primary key, name text unique ); - type: track_table args: schema: public name: author #Article table - type: run_sql args: sql: | CREATE TABLE article ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT, content TEXT, author_id INTEGER REFERENCES author(id), is_published BOOLEAN, published_on TIMESTAMP ) - type: track_table args: schema: public name: article #Object relationship - type: create_object_relationship args: table: article name: author using: foreign_key_constraint_on: author_id #Array relationship - type: create_array_relationship args: table: author name: articles using: foreign_key_constraint_on: table: article column: author_id comment: List all articles of the author #Insert Author table data - type: insert args: table: author objects: - name: Author 1 - name: Author 2 - type: run_sql args: sql: | insert into article (title,content,author_id,is_published) values ( 'Article 1', 'Sample article content 1', 1, false ), ( 'Article 2', 'Sample article content 2', 1, true ), ( 'Article 3', 'Sample article content 3', 2, true ) #Create search article function - type: run_sql args: sql: | create function search_articles(search text) returns setof article as $$ select * from article where title ilike ('%' || search || '%') or content ilike ('%' || search || '%') $$ language sql stable; - type: track_function args: name: search_articles schema: public #Create get_articles computed field - type: run_sql args: sql: | CREATE FUNCTION fetch_articles(search text, author_row author) RETURNS SETOF article AS $$ SELECT * FROM article WHERE ( title ilike ('%' || search || '%') OR content ilike ('%' || search || '%') ) AND author_id = author_row.id $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE; - type: add_computed_field args: table: author name: get_articles definition: function: fetch_articles table_argument: author_row #Computed field with session argument - type: run_sql args: sql: | CREATE FUNCTION test_session(author_row author, key text, session json) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT $3->>$2 $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE; - type: add_computed_field args: table: author name: test_session definition: function: test_session session_argument: session - type: run_sql args: sql: | CREATE TABLE text_result( result text ); CREATE FUNCTION get_session_var(hasura_session json, session_var text) RETURNS SETOF text_result AS $$ SELECT q.* FROM (VALUES (hasura_session ->> session_var)) q $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE;