-- | Translate from the DML to the TSql dialect. module Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.FromIr ( fromSelectRows , mkSQLSelect , fromRootField , fromSelectAggregate , fromAnnBoolExp , Error(..) , runFromIr , FromIr , jsonFieldName , fromDelete ) where import Hasura.Prelude import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Database.ODBC.SQLServer as ODBC --import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as S import Control.Monad.Validate import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import Data.Proxy import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Context as GraphQL import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp as IR import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.Delete as IR import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.OrderBy as IR import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.Select as IR import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types.Column as IR import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types.Common as IR import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationship as IR import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Instances.Types () import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Types as TSQL import Hasura.SQL.Backend -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types -- | Most of these errors should be checked for legitimacy. data Error = UnsupportedOpExpG (IR.OpExpG 'MSSQL Expression) | FunctionNotSupported deriving (Show, Eq) -- | The base monad used throughout this module for all conversion -- functions. -- -- It's a Validate, so it'll continue going when it encounters errors -- to accumulate as many as possible. -- -- It also contains a mapping from entity prefixes to counters. So if -- my prefix is "table" then there'll be a counter that lets me -- generate table1, table2, etc. Same for any other prefix needed -- (e.g. names for joins). -- -- A ReaderT is used around this in most of the module too, for -- setting the current entity that a given field name refers to. See -- @fromPGCol@. newtype FromIr a = FromIr { unFromIr :: StateT (Map Text Int) (Validate (NonEmpty Error)) a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadValidate (NonEmpty Error)) data StringifyNumbers = StringifyNumbers | LeaveNumbersAlone deriving (Eq) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Runners runFromIr :: FromIr a -> Validate (NonEmpty Error) a runFromIr fromIr = evalStateT (unFromIr fromIr) mempty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Similar rendition of old API mkSQLSelect :: IR.JsonAggSelect -> IR.AnnSelectG 'MSSQL (IR.AnnFieldsG 'MSSQL Expression) Expression -> FromIr TSQL.Select mkSQLSelect jsonAggSelect annSimpleSel = case jsonAggSelect of IR.JASMultipleRows -> fromSelectRows annSimpleSel IR.JASSingleObject -> do select <- fromSelectRows annSimpleSel pure select { selectFor = JsonFor ForJson {jsonCardinality = JsonSingleton, jsonRoot = NoRoot} , selectTop = Top 1 } -- | Convert from the IR database query into a select. fromRootField :: GraphQL.QueryDB 'MSSQL Expression -> FromIr Select fromRootField = \case (GraphQL.QDBSingleRow s) -> mkSQLSelect IR.JASSingleObject s (GraphQL.QDBMultipleRows s) -> mkSQLSelect IR.JASMultipleRows s (GraphQL.QDBAggregation s) -> fromSelectAggregate s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Top-level exported functions fromSelectRows :: IR.AnnSelectG 'MSSQL (IR.AnnFieldsG 'MSSQL Expression) Expression -> FromIr TSQL.Select fromSelectRows annSelectG = do selectFrom <- case from of IR.FromTable qualifiedObject -> fromQualifiedTable qualifiedObject IR.FromFunction _ _ _ -> refute $ pure FunctionNotSupported Args { argsOrderBy , argsWhere , argsJoins , argsTop , argsDistinct = Proxy , argsOffset , argsExistingJoins } <- runReaderT (fromSelectArgsG args) (fromAlias selectFrom) fieldSources <- runReaderT (traverse (fromAnnFieldsG argsExistingJoins stringifyNumbers) fields) (fromAlias selectFrom) filterExpression <- runReaderT (fromAnnBoolExp permFilter) (fromAlias selectFrom) let selectProjections = concatMap (toList . fieldSourceProjections) fieldSources pure Select { selectOrderBy = argsOrderBy , selectTop = permissionBasedTop <> argsTop , selectProjections , selectFrom , selectJoins = argsJoins <> mapMaybe fieldSourceJoin fieldSources , selectWhere = argsWhere <> Where [filterExpression] , selectFor = JsonFor ForJson {jsonCardinality = JsonArray, jsonRoot = NoRoot} , selectOffset = argsOffset } where IR.AnnSelectG { _asnFields = fields , _asnFrom = from , _asnPerm = perm , _asnArgs = args , _asnStrfyNum = num } = annSelectG IR.TablePerm {_tpLimit = mPermLimit, _tpFilter = permFilter} = perm permissionBasedTop = case mPermLimit of Nothing -> NoTop Just limit -> Top limit stringifyNumbers = if num then StringifyNumbers else LeaveNumbersAlone fromSelectAggregate :: IR.AnnSelectG 'MSSQL [(IR.FieldName, IR.TableAggregateFieldG 'MSSQL Expression)] Expression -> FromIr TSQL.Select fromSelectAggregate annSelectG = do selectFrom <- case from of IR.FromTable qualifiedObject -> fromQualifiedTable qualifiedObject IR.FromFunction _ _ _ -> refute $ pure FunctionNotSupported fieldSources <- runReaderT (traverse fromTableAggregateFieldG fields) (fromAlias selectFrom) filterExpression <- runReaderT (fromAnnBoolExp permFilter) (fromAlias selectFrom) Args { argsOrderBy , argsWhere , argsJoins , argsTop , argsDistinct = Proxy , argsOffset } <- runReaderT (fromSelectArgsG args) (fromAlias selectFrom) let selectProjections = concatMap (toList . fieldSourceProjections) fieldSources pure Select { selectProjections , selectTop = permissionBasedTop <> argsTop , selectFrom , selectJoins = argsJoins <> mapMaybe fieldSourceJoin fieldSources , selectWhere = argsWhere <> Where [filterExpression] , selectFor = JsonFor ForJson {jsonCardinality = JsonSingleton, jsonRoot = NoRoot} , selectOrderBy = argsOrderBy , selectOffset = argsOffset } where IR.AnnSelectG { _asnFields = fields , _asnFrom = from , _asnPerm = perm , _asnArgs = args , _asnStrfyNum = _num -- TODO: Do we ignore this for aggregates? } = annSelectG IR.TablePerm {_tpLimit = mPermLimit, _tpFilter = permFilter} = perm permissionBasedTop = case mPermLimit of Nothing -> NoTop Just limit -> Top limit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GraphQL Args data Args = Args { argsWhere :: Where , argsOrderBy :: Maybe (NonEmpty OrderBy) , argsJoins :: [Join] , argsTop :: Top , argsOffset :: Maybe Expression , argsDistinct :: Proxy (Maybe (NonEmpty FieldName)) , argsExistingJoins :: Map TableName EntityAlias } deriving (Show) data UnfurledJoin = UnfurledJoin { unfurledJoin :: Join , unfurledObjectTableAlias :: Maybe (TableName, EntityAlias) -- ^ Recorded if we joined onto an object relation. } deriving (Show) fromSelectArgsG :: IR.SelectArgsG 'MSSQL Expression -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Args fromSelectArgsG selectArgsG = do argsWhere <- maybe (pure mempty) (fmap (Where . pure) . fromAnnBoolExp) mannBoolExp argsTop <- maybe (pure mempty) (pure . Top) mlimit argsOffset <- maybe (pure Nothing) (fmap Just . lift . fromSQLExpAsInt) moffset -- Not supported presently, per Vamshi: -- -- > It is hardly used and we don't have to go to great lengths to support it. -- -- But placeholdering the code so that when it's ready to be used, -- you can just drop the Proxy wrapper. argsDistinct <- case mdistinct of Nothing -> pure Proxy Just (x, _) -> case x of {} (argsOrderBy, joins) <- runWriterT (traverse fromAnnOrderByItemG (maybe [] toList orders)) -- Any object-relation joins that we generated, we record their -- generated names into a mapping. let argsExistingJoins = M.fromList (mapMaybe unfurledObjectTableAlias (toList joins)) pure Args { argsJoins = toList (fmap unfurledJoin joins) , argsOrderBy = nonEmpty argsOrderBy , .. } where IR.SelectArgs { _saWhere = mannBoolExp , _saLimit = mlimit , _saOffset = moffset , _saDistinct = mdistinct , _saOrderBy = orders } = selectArgsG -- | Produce a valid ORDER BY construct, telling about any joins -- needed on the side. fromAnnOrderByItemG :: IR.AnnOrderByItemG 'MSSQL Expression -> WriterT (Seq UnfurledJoin) (ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr) OrderBy fromAnnOrderByItemG IR.OrderByItemG {obiType, obiColumn, obiNulls} = do orderByFieldName <- unfurlAnnOrderByElement obiColumn let orderByNullsOrder = fromMaybe NullsAnyOrder obiNulls orderByOrder = fromMaybe AscOrder obiType pure OrderBy {..} -- | Unfurl the nested set of object relations (tell'd in the writer) -- that are terminated by field name (IR.AOCColumn and -- IR.AOCArrayAggregation). unfurlAnnOrderByElement :: IR.AnnOrderByElement 'MSSQL Expression -> WriterT (Seq UnfurledJoin) (ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr) FieldName unfurlAnnOrderByElement = \case IR.AOCColumn pgColumnInfo -> lift (fromPGColumnInfo pgColumnInfo) IR.AOCObjectRelation IR.RelInfo {riMapping = mapping, riRTable = table} annBoolExp annOrderByElementG -> do selectFrom <- lift (lift (fromQualifiedTable table)) joinAliasEntity <- lift (lift (generateEntityAlias (ForOrderAlias (tableNameText table)))) foreignKeyConditions <- lift (fromMapping selectFrom mapping) -- TODO: Because these object relations are re-used by regular -- object mapping queries, this WHERE may be unnecessarily -- restrictive. But I actually don't know from where such an -- expression arises in the source GraphQL syntax. -- -- Worst case scenario, we could put the WHERE in the key of the -- Map in 'argsExistingJoins'. That would guarantee only equal -- selects are re-used. whereExpression <- lift (local (const (fromAlias selectFrom)) (fromAnnBoolExp annBoolExp)) tell (pure UnfurledJoin { unfurledJoin = Join { joinSource = JoinSelect Select { selectTop = NoTop , selectProjections = [StarProjection] , selectFrom , selectJoins = [] , selectWhere = Where (foreignKeyConditions <> [whereExpression]) , selectFor = NoFor , selectOrderBy = Nothing , selectOffset = Nothing } , joinJoinAlias = JoinAlias {joinAliasEntity, joinAliasField = Nothing} } , unfurledObjectTableAlias = Just (table, EntityAlias joinAliasEntity) }) local (const (EntityAlias joinAliasEntity)) (unfurlAnnOrderByElement annOrderByElementG) IR.AOCArrayAggregation IR.RelInfo {riMapping = mapping, riRTable = table} annBoolExp annAggregateOrderBy -> do selectFrom <- lift (lift (fromQualifiedTable table)) let alias = aggFieldName joinAliasEntity <- lift (lift (generateEntityAlias (ForOrderAlias (tableNameText table)))) foreignKeyConditions <- lift (fromMapping selectFrom mapping) whereExpression <- lift (local (const (fromAlias selectFrom)) (fromAnnBoolExp annBoolExp)) aggregate <- lift (local (const (fromAlias selectFrom)) (case annAggregateOrderBy of IR.AAOCount -> pure (CountAggregate StarCountable) IR.AAOOp text pgColumnInfo -> do fieldName <- fromPGColumnInfo pgColumnInfo pure (OpAggregate text (pure (ColumnExpression fieldName))))) tell (pure (UnfurledJoin { unfurledJoin = Join { joinSource = JoinSelect Select { selectTop = NoTop , selectProjections = [ AggregateProjection Aliased { aliasedThing = aggregate , aliasedAlias = alias } ] , selectFrom , selectJoins = [] , selectWhere = Where (foreignKeyConditions <> [whereExpression]) , selectFor = NoFor , selectOrderBy = Nothing , selectOffset = Nothing } , joinJoinAlias = JoinAlias {joinAliasEntity, joinAliasField = Nothing} } , unfurledObjectTableAlias = Nothing })) pure FieldName {fieldNameEntity = joinAliasEntity, fieldName = alias} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Conversion functions tableNameText :: {-PG.QualifiedObject-} TableName -> Text tableNameText (TableName {tableName}) = tableName -- tableNameText qualifiedObject = qname -- where -- PG.QualifiedObject {qName = PG.TableName qname} = qualifiedObject -- | This is really the start where you query the base table, -- everything else is joins attached to it. fromQualifiedTable :: TableName -> FromIr From fromQualifiedTable schemadTableName@(TableName{tableName}) = do alias <- generateEntityAlias (TableTemplate tableName) pure (FromQualifiedTable (Aliased { aliasedThing = schemadTableName {-TableName {tableName = qname, tableNameSchema = schemaName}-} , aliasedAlias = alias })) -- where -- PG.QualifiedObject { qSchema = PG.SchemaName schemaName -- -- TODO: Consider many x.y.z. in schema name. -- , qName = PG.TableName qname -- } = qualifiedObject fromTableName :: TableName -> FromIr EntityAlias fromTableName TableName{tableName} = do alias <- generateEntityAlias (TableTemplate tableName) pure (EntityAlias alias) fromAnnBoolExp :: IR.GBoolExp 'MSSQL (IR.AnnBoolExpFld 'MSSQL Expression) -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Expression fromAnnBoolExp = traverse fromAnnBoolExpFld >=> fromGBoolExp fromAnnBoolExpFld :: IR.AnnBoolExpFld 'MSSQL Expression -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Expression fromAnnBoolExpFld = \case IR.AVCol pgColumnInfo opExpGs -> do expression <- fmap ColumnExpression (fromPGColumnInfo pgColumnInfo) expressions <- traverse (lift . fromOpExpG expression) opExpGs pure (AndExpression expressions) IR.AVRel IR.RelInfo {riMapping = mapping, riRTable = table} annBoolExp -> do selectFrom <- lift (fromQualifiedTable table) foreignKeyConditions <- fromMapping selectFrom mapping whereExpression <- local (const (fromAlias selectFrom)) (fromAnnBoolExp annBoolExp) pure (ExistsExpression Select { selectOrderBy = Nothing , selectProjections = [ ExpressionProjection (Aliased { aliasedThing = trueExpression , aliasedAlias = existsFieldName }) ] , selectFrom , selectJoins = mempty , selectWhere = Where (foreignKeyConditions <> [whereExpression]) , selectTop = NoTop , selectFor = NoFor , selectOffset = Nothing }) fromPGColumnInfo :: IR.ColumnInfo 'MSSQL -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr FieldName fromPGColumnInfo IR.ColumnInfo {pgiColumn = pgCol} = columnNameToFieldName pgCol <$> ask -- entityAlias <- ask -- pure -- (columnNameToFieldName pgCol entityAlias -- FieldName -- {fieldName = PG.getPGColTxt pgCol, fieldNameEntity = entityAliasText}) fromGExists :: IR.GExists 'MSSQL Expression -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Select fromGExists IR.GExists {_geTable, _geWhere} = do selectFrom <- lift (fromQualifiedTable _geTable) whereExpression <- local (const (fromAlias selectFrom)) (fromGBoolExp _geWhere) pure Select { selectOrderBy = Nothing , selectProjections = [ ExpressionProjection (Aliased { aliasedThing = trueExpression , aliasedAlias = existsFieldName }) ] , selectFrom , selectJoins = mempty , selectWhere = Where [whereExpression] , selectTop = NoTop , selectFor = NoFor , selectOffset = Nothing } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Sources of projected fields -- -- Because in the IR, a field projected can be a foreign object, we -- have to both generate a projection AND on the side generate a join. -- -- So a @FieldSource@ couples the idea of the projected thing and the -- source of it (via 'Aliased'). data FieldSource = ExpressionFieldSource (Aliased Expression) | JoinFieldSource (Aliased Join) | AggregateFieldSource [Aliased Aggregate] deriving (Eq, Show) fromTableAggregateFieldG :: (IR.FieldName, IR.TableAggregateFieldG 'MSSQL Expression) -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr FieldSource fromTableAggregateFieldG (IR.FieldName name, field) = case field of IR.TAFAgg (aggregateFields :: [(IR.FieldName, IR.AggregateField 'MSSQL)]) -> do aggregates <- for aggregateFields \(fieldName, aggregateField) -> fromAggregateField aggregateField <&> \aliasedThing -> Aliased {aliasedAlias = IR.getFieldNameTxt fieldName, ..} pure (AggregateFieldSource aggregates) IR.TAFExp text -> pure (ExpressionFieldSource Aliased { aliasedThing = TSQL.ValueExpression (ODBC.TextValue text) , aliasedAlias = name }) IR.TAFNodes x _ -> case x of {} fromAggregateField :: IR.AggregateField 'MSSQL -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Aggregate fromAggregateField aggregateField = case aggregateField of IR.AFExp text -> pure (TextAggregate text) IR.AFCount countType -> CountAggregate <$> case countType of StarCountable -> pure StarCountable NonNullFieldCountable names -> NonNullFieldCountable <$> traverse fromPGCol names DistinctCountable names -> DistinctCountable <$> traverse fromPGCol names -- fmap -- CountAggregate -- (pure countType -- case countType of -- PG.CTStar -> pure StarCountable -- PG.CTSimple fields -> -- case nonEmpty fields of -- Nothing -> refute (pure MalformedAgg) -- Just fields' -> do -- fields'' <- traverse fromPGCol fields' -- pure (NonNullFieldCountable fields'') -- PG.CTDistinct fields -> -- case nonEmpty fields of -- Nothing -> refute (pure MalformedAgg) -- Just fields' -> do -- fields'' <- traverse fromPGCol fields' -- pure (DistinctCountable fields'')) IR.AFOp IR.AggregateOp {_aoOp = op, _aoFields = fields} -> do args <- for fields \(_fieldName, pgColFld) -> case pgColFld of IR.CFCol pgCol _pgType -> fmap ColumnExpression (fromPGCol pgCol) IR.CFExp text -> pure (ValueExpression (ODBC.TextValue text)) pure (OpAggregate op args) -- | The main sources of fields, either constants, fields or via joins. fromAnnFieldsG :: Map TableName EntityAlias -> StringifyNumbers -> (IR.FieldName, IR.AnnFieldG 'MSSQL Expression) -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr FieldSource fromAnnFieldsG existingJoins stringifyNumbers (IR.FieldName name, field) = case field of IR.AFColumn annColumnField -> do expression <- fromAnnColumnField stringifyNumbers annColumnField pure (ExpressionFieldSource Aliased {aliasedThing = expression, aliasedAlias = name}) IR.AFExpression text -> pure (ExpressionFieldSource Aliased { aliasedThing = TSQL.ValueExpression (ODBC.TextValue text) , aliasedAlias = name }) IR.AFObjectRelation objectRelationSelectG -> fmap (\aliasedThing -> JoinFieldSource (Aliased {aliasedThing, aliasedAlias = name})) (fromObjectRelationSelectG existingJoins objectRelationSelectG) IR.AFArrayRelation arraySelectG -> fmap (\aliasedThing -> JoinFieldSource (Aliased {aliasedThing, aliasedAlias = name})) (fromArraySelectG arraySelectG) -- TODO: -- Vamshi said to ignore these three for now: IR.AFNodeId x _ _ -> case x of {} IR.AFRemote x _ -> case x of {} IR.AFComputedField x _ -> case x of {} -- | Here is where we project a field as a column expression. If -- number stringification is on, then we wrap it in a -- 'ToStringExpression' so that it's casted when being projected. fromAnnColumnField :: StringifyNumbers -> IR.AnnColumnField 'MSSQL -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Expression fromAnnColumnField _stringifyNumbers annColumnField = do fieldName <- fromPGCol pgCol if asText || True -- TODO: FIXME: -- TODO: Does MSSQL support bignums? Probably, but needs researching. {-(IR.isScalarColumnWhere PG.isBigNum typ && stringifyNumbers == StringifyNumbers)-} then pure (ToStringExpression (ColumnExpression fieldName)) else pure (ColumnExpression fieldName) where IR.AnnColumnField { _acfInfo = IR.ColumnInfo{pgiColumn=pgCol,pgiType=_typ} , _acfAsText = asText :: Bool , _acfOp = _ :: Maybe (IR.ColumnOp 'MSSQL) -- TODO: What's this? } = annColumnField -- | This is where a field name "foo" is resolved to a fully qualified -- field name [table].[foo]. The table name comes from EntityAlias in -- the ReaderT. fromPGCol :: ColumnName -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr FieldName fromPGCol pgCol = columnNameToFieldName pgCol <$> ask -- entityAlias <- ask -- pure (columnNameToFieldName pgCol entityAlias -- FieldName {fieldName = PG.getPGColTxt pgCol, fieldNameEntity = entityAliasText} -- ) fieldSourceProjections :: FieldSource -> [Projection] fieldSourceProjections = \case ExpressionFieldSource aliasedExpression -> pure (ExpressionProjection aliasedExpression) JoinFieldSource aliasedJoin -> pure (ExpressionProjection (aliasedJoin { aliasedThing = -- Basically a cast, to ensure that SQL Server won't -- double-encode the JSON but will "pass it through" -- untouched. JsonQueryExpression (ColumnExpression (joinAliasToField (joinJoinAlias (aliasedThing aliasedJoin)))) })) AggregateFieldSource aggregates -> fmap AggregateProjection aggregates joinAliasToField :: JoinAlias -> FieldName joinAliasToField JoinAlias {..} = FieldName { fieldNameEntity = joinAliasEntity , fieldName = fromMaybe (error "TODO: Eliminate this case. joinAliasToField") joinAliasField } fieldSourceJoin :: FieldSource -> Maybe Join fieldSourceJoin = \case JoinFieldSource aliasedJoin -> pure (aliasedThing aliasedJoin) ExpressionFieldSource {} -> Nothing AggregateFieldSource {} -> Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Joins fromObjectRelationSelectG :: Map TableName {-PG.QualifiedTable-} EntityAlias -> IR.ObjectRelationSelectG 'MSSQL Expression -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Join fromObjectRelationSelectG existingJoins annRelationSelectG = do eitherAliasOrFrom <- lift (lookupTableFrom existingJoins tableFrom) let entityAlias :: EntityAlias = either id fromAlias eitherAliasOrFrom fieldSources <- local (const entityAlias) (traverse (fromAnnFieldsG mempty LeaveNumbersAlone) fields) let selectProjections = concatMap (toList . fieldSourceProjections) fieldSources joinJoinAlias <- do fieldName <- lift (fromRelName aarRelationshipName) alias <- lift (generateEntityAlias (ObjectRelationTemplate fieldName)) pure JoinAlias {joinAliasEntity = alias, joinAliasField = pure jsonFieldName} let selectFor = JsonFor ForJson {jsonCardinality = JsonSingleton, jsonRoot = NoRoot} filterExpression <- local (const entityAlias) (fromAnnBoolExp tableFilter) case eitherAliasOrFrom of Right selectFrom -> do foreignKeyConditions <- fromMapping selectFrom mapping pure Join { joinJoinAlias , joinSource = JoinSelect Select { selectOrderBy = Nothing , selectTop = NoTop , selectProjections , selectFrom , selectJoins = mapMaybe fieldSourceJoin fieldSources , selectWhere = Where (foreignKeyConditions <> [filterExpression]) , selectFor , selectOffset = Nothing } } Left _entityAlias -> pure Join { joinJoinAlias , joinSource = JoinReselect Reselect { reselectProjections = selectProjections , reselectFor = selectFor , reselectWhere = Where [filterExpression] } } where IR.AnnObjectSelectG { _aosFields = fields :: IR.AnnFieldsG 'MSSQL Expression , _aosTableFrom = tableFrom :: TableName{-PG.QualifiedTable-} , _aosTableFilter = tableFilter :: IR.AnnBoolExp 'MSSQL Expression } = annObjectSelectG IR.AnnRelationSelectG { aarRelationshipName , aarColumnMapping = mapping :: HashMap ColumnName ColumnName -- PG.PGCol PG.PGCol , aarAnnSelect = annObjectSelectG :: IR.AnnObjectSelectG 'MSSQL Expression } = annRelationSelectG lookupTableFrom :: Map TableName {-PG.QualifiedTable-} EntityAlias -> {-PG.QualifiedTable-}TableName -> FromIr (Either EntityAlias From) lookupTableFrom existingJoins tableFrom = do case M.lookup tableFrom existingJoins of Just entityAlias -> pure (Left entityAlias) Nothing -> fmap Right (fromQualifiedTable tableFrom) fromArraySelectG :: IR.ArraySelectG 'MSSQL Expression -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Join fromArraySelectG = \case IR.ASSimple arrayRelationSelectG -> fromArrayRelationSelectG arrayRelationSelectG IR.ASAggregate arrayAggregateSelectG -> fromArrayAggregateSelectG arrayAggregateSelectG fromArrayAggregateSelectG :: IR.AnnRelationSelectG 'MSSQL (IR.AnnAggregateSelectG 'MSSQL Expression) -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Join fromArrayAggregateSelectG annRelationSelectG = do fieldName <- lift (fromRelName aarRelationshipName) select <- lift (fromSelectAggregate annSelectG) joinSelect <- do foreignKeyConditions <- fromMapping (selectFrom select) mapping pure select {selectWhere = Where foreignKeyConditions <> selectWhere select} alias <- lift (generateEntityAlias (ArrayAggregateTemplate fieldName)) pure Join { joinJoinAlias = JoinAlias {joinAliasEntity = alias, joinAliasField = pure jsonFieldName} , joinSource = JoinSelect joinSelect } where IR.AnnRelationSelectG { aarRelationshipName , aarColumnMapping = mapping :: HashMap ColumnName ColumnName-- PG.PGCol PG.PGCol , aarAnnSelect = annSelectG } = annRelationSelectG fromArrayRelationSelectG :: IR.ArrayRelationSelectG 'MSSQL Expression -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Join fromArrayRelationSelectG annRelationSelectG = do fieldName <- lift (fromRelName aarRelationshipName) select <- lift (fromSelectRows annSelectG) joinSelect <- do foreignKeyConditions <- fromMapping (selectFrom select) mapping pure select {selectWhere = Where foreignKeyConditions <> selectWhere select} alias <- lift (generateEntityAlias (ArrayRelationTemplate fieldName)) pure Join { joinJoinAlias = JoinAlias {joinAliasEntity = alias, joinAliasField = pure jsonFieldName} , joinSource = JoinSelect joinSelect } where IR.AnnRelationSelectG { aarRelationshipName , aarColumnMapping = mapping :: HashMap ColumnName ColumnName-- PG.PGCol PG.PGCol , aarAnnSelect = annSelectG } = annRelationSelectG fromRelName :: IR.RelName -> FromIr Text fromRelName relName = pure (IR.relNameToTxt relName) -- | The context given by the reader is of the previous/parent -- "remote" table. The WHERE that we're generating goes in the child, -- "local" query. The @From@ passed in as argument is the local table. -- -- We should hope to see e.g. "post.category = category.id" for a -- local table of post and a remote table of category. -- -- The left/right columns in @HashMap PG.PGCol PG.PGCol@ corresponds -- to the left/right of @select ... join ...@. Therefore left=remote, -- right=local in this context. fromMapping :: From -> HashMap ColumnName ColumnName-- PG.PGCol PG.PGCol -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr [Expression] fromMapping localFrom = traverse (\(remotePgCol, localPgCol) -> do localFieldName <- local (const (fromAlias localFrom)) (fromPGCol localPgCol) remoteFieldName <- fromPGCol remotePgCol pure (EqualExpression (ColumnExpression localFieldName) (ColumnExpression remoteFieldName))) . HM.toList -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Basic SQL expression types fromOpExpG :: Expression -> IR.OpExpG 'MSSQL Expression -> FromIr Expression fromOpExpG expression op = case op of IR.ANISNULL -> pure (IsNullExpression expression) IR.ANISNOTNULL -> pure (IsNotNullExpression expression) IR.AEQ False val -> pure (nullableBoolEquality expression val) IR.AEQ True val -> pure (EqualExpression expression val) IR.ANE False val -> pure (nullableBoolInequality expression val) IR.ANE True val -> pure (NotEqualExpression expression val) IR.AGT val -> pure (OpExpression MoreOp expression val) IR.ALT val -> pure (OpExpression LessOp expression val) IR.AGTE val -> pure (OpExpression MoreOrEqualOp expression val) IR.ALTE val -> pure (OpExpression LessOrEqualOp expression val) IR.ACast _casts -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- mkCastsExp casts IR.AIN _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompareAny S.SEQ lhs val IR.ANIN _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BENot $ S.BECompareAny S.SEQ lhs val IR.ALIKE _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SLIKE lhs val IR.ANLIKE _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SNLIKE lhs val IR.AILIKE _ _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SILIKE lhs val IR.ANILIKE _ _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SNILIKE lhs val IR.ASIMILAR _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SSIMILAR lhs val IR.ANSIMILAR _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SNSIMILAR lhs val IR.AREGEX _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SNSIMILAR lhs val IR.AIREGEX _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SNSIMILAR lhs val IR.ANREGEX _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SNSIMILAR lhs val IR.ANIREGEX _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SNSIMILAR lhs val IR.AContains _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SContains lhs val IR.AContainedIn _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SContainedIn lhs val IR.AHasKey _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SHasKey lhs val IR.AHasKeysAny _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SHasKeysAny lhs val IR.AHasKeysAll _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SHasKeysAll lhs val IR.ASTContains _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- mkGeomOpBe "ST_Contains" val IR.ASTCrosses _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- mkGeomOpBe "ST_Crosses" val IR.ASTEquals _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- mkGeomOpBe "ST_Equals" val IR.ASTIntersects _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- mkGeomOpBe "ST_Intersects" val IR.ASTOverlaps _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- mkGeomOpBe "ST_Overlaps" val IR.ASTTouches _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- mkGeomOpBe "ST_Touches" val IR.ASTWithin _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- mkGeomOpBe "ST_Within" val IR.ASTDWithinGeom {} -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- applySQLFn "ST_DWithin" [lhs, val, r] IR.ASTDWithinGeog {} -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- applySQLFn "ST_DWithin" [lhs, val, r, sph] IR.ASTIntersectsRast _val -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- applySTIntersects [lhs, val] IR.ASTIntersectsNbandGeom {} -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- applySTIntersects [lhs, nband, geommin] IR.ASTIntersectsGeomNband {} -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- applySTIntersects [lhs, geommin, withSQLNull mNband] IR.CEQ _rhsCol -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SEQ lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol IR.CNE _rhsCol -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SNE lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol IR.CGT _rhsCol -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SGT lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol IR.CLT _rhsCol -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SLT lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol IR.CGTE _rhsCol -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SGTE lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol IR.CLTE _rhsCol -> refute (pure (UnsupportedOpExpG op)) -- S.BECompare S.SLTE lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol nullableBoolEquality :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression nullableBoolEquality x y = OrExpression [ EqualExpression x y , AndExpression [IsNullExpression x, IsNullExpression y] ] nullableBoolInequality :: Expression -> Expression -> Expression nullableBoolInequality x y = OrExpression [ NotEqualExpression x y , AndExpression [IsNotNullExpression x, IsNullExpression y] ] fromSQLExpAsInt :: Expression -> FromIr Expression fromSQLExpAsInt = pure fromGBoolExp :: IR.GBoolExp 'MSSQL Expression -> ReaderT EntityAlias FromIr Expression fromGBoolExp = \case IR.BoolAnd expressions -> fmap AndExpression (traverse fromGBoolExp expressions) IR.BoolOr expressions -> fmap OrExpression (traverse fromGBoolExp expressions) IR.BoolNot expression -> fmap NotExpression (fromGBoolExp expression) IR.BoolExists gExists -> fmap ExistsExpression (fromGExists gExists) IR.BoolFld expression -> pure expression -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Delete fromDelete :: IR.AnnDel 'MSSQL -> FromIr Delete fromDelete (IR.AnnDel tableName (permFilter, whereClause) _ _) = do tableAlias <- fromTableName tableName runReaderT (do permissionsFilter <- fromAnnBoolExp permFilter whereExpression <- fromAnnBoolExp whereClause pure Delete { deleteTable = Aliased { aliasedAlias = entityAliasText tableAlias , aliasedThing = tableName } , deleteWhere = Where [permissionsFilter, whereExpression] }) tableAlias -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Misc combinators trueExpression :: Expression trueExpression = ValueExpression (ODBC.BoolValue True) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants jsonFieldName :: Text jsonFieldName = "json" aggFieldName :: Text aggFieldName = "agg" existsFieldName :: Text existsFieldName = "exists_placeholder" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Name generation data NameTemplate = ArrayRelationTemplate Text | ArrayAggregateTemplate Text | ObjectRelationTemplate Text | TableTemplate Text | ForOrderAlias Text generateEntityAlias :: NameTemplate -> FromIr Text generateEntityAlias template = do FromIr (modify' (M.insertWith (+) prefix start)) i <- FromIr get pure (prefix <> tshow (fromMaybe start (M.lookup prefix i))) where start = 1 prefix = T.take 20 rendered rendered = case template of ArrayRelationTemplate sample -> "ar_" <> sample ArrayAggregateTemplate sample -> "aa_" <> sample ObjectRelationTemplate sample -> "or_" <> sample TableTemplate sample -> "t_" <> sample ForOrderAlias sample -> "order_" <> sample fromAlias :: From -> EntityAlias fromAlias (FromQualifiedTable Aliased {aliasedAlias}) = EntityAlias aliasedAlias fromAlias (FromOpenJson Aliased {aliasedAlias}) = EntityAlias aliasedAlias columnNameToFieldName :: ColumnName -> EntityAlias -> FieldName columnNameToFieldName (ColumnName fieldName) EntityAlias {entityAliasText = fieldNameEntity} = FieldName {fieldName, fieldNameEntity}