package commands import ( "bytes" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "strconv" "text/tabwriter" "" "" "" "" "" "" mig "" ) func newMigrateSquashCmd(ec *cli.ExecutionContext) *cobra.Command { opts := &migrateSquashOptions{ EC: ec, } migrateSquashCmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "squash", Short: "(PREVIEW) Squash multiple migrations into a single one", Long: "As you're developing your Hasura GraphQL API, you may find yourself in a situation where you have a lot of migrations that you want to squash into a single one. This command helps you do that. By running this command, you can squash all the iterative migrations you've created into a single file.", Example: ` # NOTE: This command is in PREVIEW. Correctness is not guaranteed and the usage may change. # squash all migrations from version 123 to the latest one: hasura migrate squash --from 123 # Add a name for the new squashed migration hasura migrate squash --name "" --from 123`, SilenceUsage: true, PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { op := genOpName(cmd, "PreRunE") if err := validateConfigV3Flags(cmd, ec); err != nil { return errors.E(op, err) } return nil }, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { op := genOpName(cmd, "RunE") opts.newVersion = getTime() opts.Source = ec.Source if opts.EC.HasMetadataV3 && opts.EC.Config.Version < cli.V2 { return errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("squashing when using metadata V3 is supported from Config V2 only")) } if err :=; err != nil { return errors.E(op, err) } return nil }, } f := migrateSquashCmd.Flags() f.Uint64Var(&opts.from, "from", 0, "start squashing from this version") f.Int64Var(&, "to", -1, "squash up to this version") f.StringVar(&, "name", "squashed", "name for the new squashed migration") f.BoolVar(&opts.deleteSource, "delete-source", false, "delete the source files after squashing without any confirmation") // mark flag as required err := migrateSquashCmd.MarkFlagRequired("from") if err != nil { ec.Logger.WithError(err).Errorf("error while using a dependency library") } return migrateSquashCmd } type migrateSquashOptions struct { EC *cli.ExecutionContext from uint64 to int64 name string newVersion int64 deleteSource bool Source cli.Source } func (o *migrateSquashOptions) run() error { var op errors.Op = "" o.EC.Logger.Warnln("This command is currently experimental and hence in preview, correctness of squashed migration is not guaranteed!") o.EC.Spin(fmt.Sprintf("Squashing migrations from %d to latest...", o.from)) defer o.EC.Spinner.Stop() migrateDrv, err := migrate.NewMigrate(o.EC, true, o.Source.Name, o.Source.Kind) if err != nil { return errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("unable to initialize migrations driver: %w", err)) } status, err := migrateDrv.GetStatus() if err != nil { return errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("finding status: %w", err)) } var toMigration, fromMigration *migrate.MigrationStatus fromMigration, ok := status.Read(o.from) if !ok { return errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("validating 'from' migration failed. Make sure migration with version %v exists", o.from)) } if == -1 { toMigration = status.Migrations[status.Index[status.Index.Len()-1]] } else { var ok bool if int64(o.from) > { return errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("cannot squash from %v to %v: %v (from) should be less than %v (to)", o.from,, o.from, } toMigration, ok = status.Read(uint64( if !ok { return errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("validating 'to' migration failed. Make sure migration with version %v exists", } } if err := validateMigrations(status, fromMigration.Version, toMigration.Version); err != nil { return errors.E(op, err) } versions, err := mig.SquashCmd(migrateDrv, o.from,, o.newVersion,, filepath.Join(o.EC.MigrationDir, o.Source.Name)) o.EC.Spinner.Stop() if err != nil { return errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("unable to squash migrations: %w", err)) } var uversions []uint64 for _, version := range versions { if version < 0 { return errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("operation failed found version value should >= 0, which is not expected")) } uversions = append(uversions, uint64(version)) } newSquashedMigrationsDestination := filepath.Join(o.EC.MigrationDir, o.Source.Name, fmt.Sprintf("squashed_%d_to_%d", uversions[0], uversions[len(uversions)-1])) err = os.MkdirAll(newSquashedMigrationsDestination, os.ModePerm) if err != nil { return errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("creating directory to move squashed migrations: %w", err)) } err = moveMigrations(o.EC, uversions, o.EC.Source, newSquashedMigrationsDestination) if err != nil { return errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("moving squashed migrations: %w", err)) } oldPath := filepath.Join(o.EC.MigrationDir, o.Source.Name, fmt.Sprintf("%d_%s", o.newVersion, newPath := filepath.Join(o.EC.MigrationDir, o.Source.Name, fmt.Sprintf("%d_%s", toMigration.Version, err = os.Rename(oldPath, newPath) if err != nil { return errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("renaming squashed migrations: %w", err)) } o.EC.Logger.Infof("Created '%d_%s' after squashing '%d' till '%d'", toMigration.Version,, versions[0], versions[len(versions)-1]) if !o.deleteSource && o.EC.IsTerminal { o.deleteSource = ask2confirmDeleteMigrations(versions, newSquashedMigrationsDestination, o.EC.Logger) } if o.deleteSource { // If the first argument is true then it deletes all the migration versions err = os.RemoveAll(newSquashedMigrationsDestination) if err != nil { o.EC.Logger.Errorf("deleting directory %v failed: %v", newSquashedMigrationsDestination, err) } // remove everything but the last one from squashed migrations list from state store err = migrateDrv.RemoveVersions(uversions[:len(uversions)-1]) if err != nil { o.EC.Logger.Errorf("removing squashed migration state from server failed: %v", err) } } return nil } func validateMigrations(status *migrate.Status, from uint64, to uint64) error { var op errors.Op = "commands.validateMigrations" // do not allow squashing a set of migrations when they are out of sync // ie if I want to squash the following set of migrations // 1 // 2 // 3 // either all of them should be applied on the database / none of them should be applied // ie we will not allow states like // 1 applied // 2 not applied // 3 applied var fromIndex, toIndex int for idx, m := range status.Index { if m == from { fromIndex = idx } if m == to { toIndex = idx } } prevApplied := status.Migrations[status.Index[fromIndex]].IsApplied for idx := fromIndex + 1; idx <= toIndex; idx++ { migration := status.Migrations[status.Index[idx]] if !(migration.IsApplied == prevApplied && migration.IsPresent) { return errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("migrations are out of sync. all migrations selected to squash should be applied or all should be be unapplied. found first mismatch at %v. use 'hasura migrate status' to inspect", migration.Version)) } } return nil } func moveMigrations(ec *cli.ExecutionContext, versions []uint64, source cli.Source, destination string) error { var op errors.Op = "commands.moveMigrations" for _, v := range versions { moveOpts := mig.CreateOptions{ Version: strconv.FormatUint(v, 10), Directory: filepath.Join(ec.MigrationDir, source.Name), } err := moveOpts.MoveToDir(destination) if err != nil { return errors.E(op, fmt.Errorf("unable to move migrations from project for: %v : %w", v, err)) } } return nil } func ask2confirmDeleteMigrations(versions []int64, squashedDirectoryName string, log *logrus.Logger) bool { log.Infof("The following migrations are squashed into a new one:") out := new(tabwriter.Writer) buf := &bytes.Buffer{} out.Init(buf, 0, 8, 2, ' ', 0) w := util.NewPrefixWriter(out) for _, version := range versions { w.Write(util.LEVEL_0, "%d\n", version, ) } _ = out.Flush() fmt.Println(buf.String()) question := fmt.Sprintf("migrations which were squashed is moved to %v. Delete them permanently?", filepath.Base(squashedDirectoryName)) resp, err := util.GetYesNoPrompt(question) if err != nil { log.Errorf("error getting user input: %v", err) return false } return resp }