.. meta:: :description: Managing teams in Hasura Cloud :keywords: hasura, docs, cloud, teams .. _projects: Projects & collaborators ======================== .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 1 :local: Introduction ------------ The ``Projects`` page show a list of your projects. .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/cloud/projects/projects-list.png :alt: Projects list :width: 1200px For each project, you can do the one of the following actions: .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/cloud/getting-started/project-actions.png :alt: Project actions :width: 860px - Click the gear icon to manage your project .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/cloud/projects/project-details.png :alt: General tab :width: 900px - Click ``Launch Console`` to open the Hasura console in your browser. The ``Pro`` tab lets you use the Pro features that Hasura Cloud has set up for you. .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/cloud/metrics/pro-tab-overview.png :alt: Hasura Console: Pro tab :width: 900px .. note:: Please see the :ref:`API reference ` to create and manage Hasura Cloud projects programmatically. Dig deeper ---------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :titlesonly: Creating projects Project Collaborators Project Env vars Project Domains Securing projects Switching pricing plans Heroku database URL Sync Deleting projects