import { QueryType } from './../integration/validators/validators'; import { ADMIN_SECRET_HEADER_KEY } from './constants'; export const baseUrl = Cypress.config('baseUrl'); export const getDbRoute = (sourceName = 'default') => `/data/${sourceName}`; export const getIndexRoute = (sourceName = 'default', schemaName = 'public') => `${getDbRoute(sourceName)}/schema/${schemaName}/`; export const createVolatileFunction = (name: string) => { return { type: 'run_sql', args: { sql: `CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.${name}() RETURNS SETOF text_result LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ SELECT * FROM text_result; $function$`, cascade: false, }, }; }; export const dataTypes = [ 'serial', 'bigserial', 'integer', 'bigint', 'uuid', 'text', 'numeric', 'date', 'timestamptz', 'timetz', 'boolean', ]; export const typeDefaults: { [key: string]: string } = { integer: '5555', bigint: '5555555555', uuid: 'gen_random_uuid()', text: 'test-text', numeric: '0.55555', date: 'now()', timestamptz: 'now()', timetz: 'now()', boolean: 'false', }; export const queryTypes: QueryType[] = ['insert', 'select', 'update', 'delete']; export const getColName = (i: number) => `Apic_test_column_${i}`; export const getTableName = (i: number, testName = '') => `Apic_test_table_${testName}_${i}`; export const getElementFromAlias = (alias: string) => `[data-test="${alias}"]`; export const getElementFromClassName = (cn: string) => `.${cn}`; export const tableColumnTypeSelector = (alias: string) => { cy.get(`${getElementFromAlias(alias)}`) .children('div') .click() .find('input') .focus(); }; export const makeDataAPIUrl = ( dataApiUrl: string, queryEndpoint: QueryEndpoint = 'query' ) => { if (queryEndpoint === 'query') { return `${dataApiUrl}/v2/query`; } return `${dataApiUrl}/v1/metadata`; }; interface APIPayload { [key: string]: any; } export const queryEndpoints = { query: 'query', metadata: 'metadata', } as const; export type QueryEndpoint = keyof typeof queryEndpoints; export const makeDataAPIOptions = ( dataApiUrl: string, key: string, body: APIPayload, queryType: QueryEndpoint = 'query' ) => ({ method: 'POST', url: makeDataAPIUrl(dataApiUrl, queryType), headers: { [ADMIN_SECRET_HEADER_KEY]: key, }, body, failOnStatusCode: false, }); export const testCustomFunctionDefinition = ( i: string ) => `create function search_posts${`_${i}`} (search text) returns setof post as $$ select * from post where title ilike ('%' || search || '%') or content ilike ('%' || search || '%') $$ language sql stable; `; export const getCustomFunctionName = (i: number) => `search_posts${`_${i}`}`; export const getCreateTestFunctionQuery = (i: number) => { return { type: 'run_sql', args: { sql: `CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.search_posts_${i}(search text)\n RETURNS SETOF post\n LANGUAGE sql\n STABLE\nAS $function$\n select *\n from post\n where\n title ilike ('%' || search || '%') or\n content ilike ('%' || search || '%')\n $function$\n`, cascade: false, }, }; }; export const getTrackTestFunctionQuery = (i: number) => { return { type: 'pg_track_function', args: { function: `search_posts_${i}`, schema: 'public', source: 'default', }, }; }; export const testCustomFunctionSQLWithSessArg = ( name = 'customFunctionWithSessionArg' ) => { return { type: 'run_sql', args: { sql: `CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ${name}( hasura_session json, name text ) RETURNS SETOF text_result LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $$ SELECT q.* FROM ( VALUES (hasura_session ->> 'x-hasura-role') ) q $$`, cascade: false, }, }; }; export const createUntrackedFunctionSQL = ( fnName: string, tableName: string ) => { return { type: 'run_sql', args: { sql: ` CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ${fnName}(table_row "${tableName}") RETURNS int LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $function$ SELECT $function$ `, cascade: false, }, }; }; export const dropUntrackedFunctionSQL = (fnName: string) => { return { type: 'run_sql', args: { sql: ` DROP FUNCTION public.${fnName}; `, cascade: false, }, }; }; export const getTrackFnPayload = (name = 'customfunctionwithsessionarg') => ({ type: 'pg_track_function', args: { function: name, source: 'default', schema: 'public', }, }); // has to go to query export const createFunctionTable = () => { return { type: 'run_sql', args: { sql: 'create table post (id serial PRIMARY KEY,title TEXT,content TEXT);', cascade: false, }, }; }; // has to go to metadata export const trackCreateFunctionTable = () => { return { type: 'pg_track_table', args: { table: { name: 'post', schema: 'public', }, }, }; }; export const createSampleTable = () => ({ type: 'run_sql', source: 'default', args: { sql: 'CREATE TABLE text_result(result text);', cascade: false, }, }); export const dropTableIfExists = ( table: { name: string; schema: string }, source = 'default' ) => ({ type: 'run_sql', source, args: { sql: `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "${table.schema}"."${}";`, cascade: false, }, }); export const getTrackSampleTableQuery = () => { return { type: 'pg_track_table', source: 'default', args: { table: { name: 'text_result', schema: 'public', }, }, }; }; export const dropTable = (table = 'post', cascade = false) => { return { type: 'run_sql', args: { sql: `DROP table "public"."${table}"${cascade ? ' CASCADE;' : ';'}`, cascade, }, }; }; export const getSchema = () => 'public';