GraphQL engine server config examples ===================================== .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 1 :local: The following are a few configuration use cases: .. _add-admin-secret: Add an admin secret ------------------- To add an admin-secret to Hasura, pass the ``--admin-secret`` flag with a secret generated by you. Run server in this mode using following docker command: .. code-block:: bash docker run -P -d hasura/graphql-engine:latest graphql-engine \ --database-url postgres://username:password@host:5432/dbname \ serve \ --admin-secret XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Typically, you will also have a webhook for authentication: .. code-block:: bash docker run -P -d hasura/graphql-engine:latest graphql-engine \ --database-url postgres://username:password@host:5432/dbname \ serve \ --admin-secret XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --auth-hook In addition to flags, the GraphQL Engine also accepts Environment variables. In the above case, for adding an admin secret you will use the ``HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET`` and for the webhook, you will use the ``HASURA_GRAPHQL_AUTH_HOOK`` environment variables. .. _cli-with-admin-secret: Using CLI commands with admin secret ------------------------------------ When you start the GraphQL Engine with an admin secret key, CLI commands will also need this admin secret to contact APIs. It can be set in ``config.yaml`` or as an environment variable or as a flag to the command. For example, let's look at the case of the ``console`` command: In the ``my-project/config.yaml`` file, set a new key ``admin_secret``: .. code-block:: yaml # config.yaml endpoint: admin_secret: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The console can now contact the GraphQL APIs with the specified admin secret. .. note:: If you're setting ``admin_secret`` in ``config.yaml`` please make sure you do not check this file into a public repository. An alternate and safe way is to pass the admin secret value to the command as an environment variable: .. code-block:: bash export HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET=xxxxx hasura console # OR in a single line HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET=xxxxx hasura console You can also set the admin secret using a flag to the command: .. code-block:: bash hasura console --admin-secret=XXXXXXXXXXXX .. note:: The order of precedence for admin secret and endpoint is as follows: CLI flag > Environment variable > Config file .. _configure-cors: Configure CORS -------------- By default, all CORS requests to Hasura GraphQL engine are allowed. To run with more restrictive CORS settings, use the ``--cors-domain`` flag or the ``HASURA_GRAPHQL_CORS_DOMAIN`` ENV variable. The default value is ``*``, which means CORS headers are sent for all domains. Scheme + host with optional wildcard + optional port has to be mentioned. Examples: .. code-block:: bash # Accepts from , etc. HASURA_GRAPHQL_CORS_DOMAIN="https://*" # Accepts from ,, # http://app.localhost, http://api.localhost, http://localhost:3000, # etc. HASURA_GRAPHQL_CORS_DOMAIN="https://*, http://*.localhost, http://localhost:3000," # Accepts from all domain HASURA_GRAPHQL_CORS_DOMAIN="*" # Accepts only from HASURA_GRAPHQL_CORS_DOMAIN="" .. note:: Top-level domains are not considered as part of wildcard domains. You have to add them separately. E.g - ``https://*`` doesn't include ````. You can tell Hasura to disable handling CORS entirely via the ``--disable-cors`` flag. Hasura will not respond with CORS headers. You can use this option if you're already handling CORS on a reverse proxy etc. .. _console-assets-on-server: Load console assets from server instead of CDN ---------------------------------------------- Starting with ``v1.0.0-beta.01``, the static assets (js, css, fonts, img etc.) required by the console are bundled with the Docker image published by Hasura. These files can be found at ``/srv/console-assets``. If you're working in an environment with Hasura running locally and have no access to internet, you can configure server/console to load assets from the docker image itself, instead of the CDN. Set the following env var or flag on the server: .. code-block:: bash # env var HASURA_GRAPHQL_CONSOLE_ASSETS_DIR=/srv/console-assets # flag --console-assets-dir=/srv/console-assets Once the flag is set, all files in ``/srv/console-assets`` directory of the Docker image will be served at ``/console/assets`` endpoint on the server with the right content-type headers. .. note:: Hasura follows a rolling update pattern for console release where assets for a ``major.minor`` version is updated continuously across all patches. If you're using the assets on server Docker image, it might not be that latest version of console.