--- title: Images description: Style for images and screenshots in documentation keywords: - hasura - style - images slug: images --- # Images A picture says a thousand words. Try to use images and diagrams wherever you can if it will provide more clarity to the user. ## Screenshots ### Scale - Screenshots should be captured at a browser viewport width of `1200px`. This helps keep scaling consistent. - You can use this [Chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/window-resizer/kkelicaakdanhinjdeammmilcgefonfh?hl=en) to quickly set your browser viewport to `1200px` - Don't zoom in or out. - When placed in situ in the documentation, the text in the image of a screenshot should closely match the text size of the page itself. ### Cropping - Leave `20px` blank margins in-image around all four sides for breathability of the image. - Crop only the logical contextual area for the feature that you are referencing. For example: - **don't** crop the whole screen UI if you are calling attention to only one small component on the page. - **do** crop the whole screen UI if it is contextual to what you are referencing. - Make sure if you are cropping a smaller area or component that the user understands where to find it and its place in context within their workflow. ### File type - Use PNGs. - PNGs will automatically be optimized when added to the pull request ### File name - Include the Hasura feature and version number in the screenshot name to make it easier to check when screenshots are outdated. - Name the file with this structure: `{{action-depicted}}_{{image-step-or-variation-number-if-needed}}_{{hasura-feature-depicted}}_{{hasura-feature-version}}.png` - eg: `connect-database-google-cloud_step-2_console_2-7-1.png` ### Callouts, arrows and other screenshot markup - Use hex color
for all image markup. - Use rounded corners on callout blocks. - Generally, if you want to show selecting something, use borders. If you want to show clicking on a button, use arrows. - Don't make arrows unnecessarily long or short. - Use step numbering of a number in a circle. Start count from 1, not array 0 notation. - Use the [Skitch markup app](https://evernote.com/products/skitch) if possible. ### Versioning - Always add an `:::info Note` admonitions for new features detailing the version at which the feature is supported from. - Make sure prior versions of documentation are properly kept. ## Animated images Animated images should be used sparingly and should be used to show a user how to perform a task. ### Creating animated images - We use a tool called [ScreenStudio](https://www.screen.studio/) to create animated images. - This is a paid tool; if you don't have access to it, please ask someone on the docs team to create the animated image for you. - If you ask for an animated image, please provide a detailed description of what you want to show in the animated image along with the steps you want to highlight. - If you are creating an animated image, please follow the guidelines below. ### Guidelines - Use Google Chrome with the default dark theme. - Your browser window should be set to `1200px x 900px`. - Ensure your bookmark bar is hidden. - It also helps to [disable autocomplete](https://support.iclasspro.com/hc/en-us/articles/218569268-How-Do-I-Disable-or-Clear-AutoFill-AutoComplete-Information-) in the URL and search bars. - Carefully and deliberately perform the steps you want to show in the animated image. - If needed, you can speed up the playback of your actions during editing. ### Workflow #### Recording and editing - Create a new project in ScreenStudio. - Utilize this background image for a consistent look: ![Background Image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/94021366/226903753-3958eb19-bd3f-4890-9743-5a4a3f03502d.jpg) - As you edit, ensure the camera doesn't zoom in and out constantly; deliberately select when you want to emphasize a particular area of the screen using the zoom tool. - We speak from experience: ☝️ it helps to practice this a few times first! - When you are done, export the video as an mp4. #### Converting and compressing All videos should be converted and compressed to the webm format before being added to the docs. This can be done using [`ffmpeg`](https://ffmpeg.org/): ```bash ffmpeg -i .mp4 -c vp9 -b:v 0 -crf 55 .webm ``` The `-crf` flag controls the quality of the video. The lower the value, the higher the quality. The default value is `23`. The range is `0-63`, with `0` being lossless and `63` being the worst possible quality. A value of `55` is generally considered to be a good balance between quality and file size. #### Adding to the docs Use the `` component to add the video to the docs. The component takes the following props: | Prop | Type | Description | Required | Default | | -------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | ------- | | `src` | string | The path to the video file. | Yes | | | `autoPlay` | boolean | Whether the video should autoplay when the page loads. | | `true` | | `loop` | boolean | Whether the video should loop when it reaches the end. | | `true` | | `muted` | boolean | Whether the video should be muted. | | `true` | | `playsInline` | boolean | Whether the video should play inline. | | `true` | | `showControls` | boolean | Whether the video should show controls. | | `false` | You can import the component inside any `.mdx` file like this: ```jsx import Player from '@site/src/components/Player'; ``` And then use it like this: ```jsx ```