.. meta:: :description: Creating Hasura actions :keywords: hasura, docs, actions, create .. _create_actions: Creating actions ================ .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 1 :local: Introduction ------------ An action is a GraphQL query or mutation. You have to define the GraphQL type of the arguments that the query or mutation accepts and the GraphQL type of its response. To create an action, you have to: 1. Define the query or mutation 2. Define the required types 3. Create a handler Let's look at **examples** for mutation and query type actions. Setup ----- .. rst-class:: api_tabs .. tabs:: .. tab:: Console There is no setup required for defining actions via the console. .. tab:: CLI .. :ref:`Install ` or :ref:`update to ` the latest version of Hasura CLI. Download the latest pre-release CLI version from the `releases page `_ You can either get started with an existing project or create a new project. **For a new project** .. code-block:: bash hasura init This will create a new project. You can set up your GraphQL engine endpoint (and admin secret if it exists) in the ``config.yaml``. Run ``hasura metadata export`` so that you get server's metadata into the ``metadata/`` directory. **For existing projects** Actions are supported only in the v2 config of the CLI. Check the ``config.yaml`` of your Hasura project for the ``version`` key. If you are in ``version: 1``, actions commands are not supported. Upgrade to version 2 by running: .. code-block:: bash hasura scripts update-config-v2 Run ``hasura metadata export`` so that you get server's metadata into the ``metadata/`` directory. Mutation type action -------------------- Let's start with a mutation that accepts a username and password, and returns an access token. We'll call this mutation ``login``. Step 1: Define your mutation and associated types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start with defining the mutation and the required types. These types will reflect in the GraphQL schema. .. rst-class:: api_tabs .. tabs:: .. tab:: Console Go to the ``Actions`` tab on the console and click on ``Create``. This will take you to a page like this: .. thumbnail:: ../../../img/graphql/manual/actions/mutation-action-create.png :alt: Console action create Define the action as follows in the ``Action Definition`` editor. .. code-block:: graphql type Mutation { login (username: String!, password: String!): LoginResponse } In the above action, we called the returning object type to be ``LoginResponse``. Define it in the ``New types definition`` as: .. code-block:: graphql type LoginResponse { accessToken: String! } .. tab:: CLI To create an action, run .. code-block:: bash hasura actions create login This will open up an editor with ``metadata/actions.graphql``. You can enter the action's mutation definition and the required types in this file. For your ``login`` mutation, replace the content of this file with the following and save: .. code-block:: graphql type Mutation { login (username: String!, password: String!): LoginResponse } type LoginResponse { accessToken: String! } The above definition means: * This action will be available in your GraphQL schema as a mutation called ``login``. * It accepts two arguments called ``username`` and ``password`` of type ``String!``. * It returns an output type called ``LoginResponse``. * ``LoginResponse`` is a simple object type with a field called ``accessToken`` of type ``String!``. Step 2: Create the action handler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A handler is an HTTP webhook where you can perform the custom logic for the action. In this case, we will just return an access token, but typically you would want to run all the business logic that the action demands. NodeJS/Express code for this handler would look something like: .. code-block:: js const handler = (req, resp) => { // You can access their arguments input at req.body.input const { username, password } = req.body.input; // perform your custom business logic // check if the username and password are valid and login the user // return the response return resp.json({ accessToken: "Ew8jkGCNDGAo7p35RV72e0Lk3RGJoJKB" }) }; You can deploy this code somewhere and get the URI. For getting started quickly, we also have this handler ready at ``https://hasura-actions-demo.glitch.me/login``. **Set the handler** Now, set the handler for the action: .. rst-class:: api_tabs .. tabs:: .. tab:: Console Set the value of the ``handler`` field to the above endpoint. .. tab:: CLI Go to ``metadata/actions.yaml``. You must see a handler like ``http://localhost:3000`` or ``http://host.docker.internal:3000`` under the action named ``login``. This is a default value taken from ``config.yaml``. Update the ``handler`` to the above endpoint. .. admonition:: URL templating To manage handler endpoints across environments it is possible to template the endpoints using ENV variables. e.g. ``https://my-handler-endpoint/addNumbers`` can be templated to ``{{ACTION_BASE_ENDPOINT}}/addNumbers`` where ``ACTION_BASE_ENDPOINT`` is an ENV variable whose value is set to ``https://my-handler-endpoint`` Step 3: Finish action creation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally, to save the action: .. rst-class:: api_tabs .. tabs:: .. tab:: Console Hit ``Create``. .. tab:: CLI Run ``hasura metadata apply``. Step 4: Try it out ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the Hasura console, head to the ``GraphiQL`` tab and try out the new action. .. graphiql:: :view_only: :query: mutation { login (username: "jondoe", password: "mysecretpassword") { accessToken } } :response: { "data": { "login": { "accessToken": "Ew8jkGCNDGAo7p35RV72e0Lk3RGJoJKB" } } } And that's it. You have extended your Hasura schema with a new mutation. Query type action ----------------- Let's start with a basic query that accepts a list of numbers and returns their sum. We'll call this query ``addNumbers``. Step 1: Define your query and associated types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start with defining the query and the required types. These types will reflect in the GraphQL schema. .. rst-class:: api_tabs .. tabs:: .. tab:: Console Go to the ``Actions`` tab on the console and click on ``Create``. This will take you to a page like this: .. thumbnail:: ../../../img/graphql/manual/actions/query-action-create.png :alt: Console action create Define the action as follows in the ``Action Definition`` editor. .. code-block:: graphql type Query { addNumbers (numbers: [Int]): AddResult } In the above action, we called the returning object type to be ``AddResult``. Define it in the ``New types definition`` as: .. code-block:: graphql type AddResult { sum: Int } .. tab:: CLI To create an action, run .. code-block:: bash hasura actions create addNumbers This will open up an editor with ``metadata/actions.graphql``. You can enter the action's query definition and the required types in this file. For your ``addNumbers`` query, replace the content of this file with the following and save: .. code-block:: graphql type Query { addNumbers (numbers: [Int]): AddResult } type AddResult { sum: Int } The above definition means: * This action will be available in your GraphQL schema as a query called ``addNumbers`` * It accepts an argument called ``numbers`` which is a list of integers. * It returns an output type called ``AddResult``. * ``AddResult`` is a simple object type with a field called ``sum`` of type integer. Step 2: Create the action handler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A handler is an HTTP webhook where you can perform the custom logic for the action. In this case, it is the addition of the numbers. NodeJS/Express code for this handler would look something like: .. code-block:: js const handler = (req, resp) => { // You can access their arguments input at req.body.input const { numbers } = req.body.input; // perform your custom business logic // return an error or response try { return resp.json({ sum: numbers.reduce((s, n) => s + n, 0) }); } catch(e) { console.error(e) return resp.status(500).json({ message: 'unexpected' }) } }; You can deploy this code somewhere and get the URI. For getting started quickly, we also have this handler ready at ``https://hasura-actions-demo.glitch.me/addNumbers``. **Set the handler** Now, set the handler for the action: .. rst-class:: api_tabs .. tabs:: .. tab:: Console Set the value of the ``handler`` field to the above endpoint. .. tab:: CLI Go to ``metadata/actions.yaml``. You must see a handler like ``http://localhost:3000`` or ``http://host.docker.internal:3000`` under the action named ``addNumbers``. This is a default value taken from ``config.yaml``. Update the ``handler`` to the above endpoint. .. admonition:: URL templating To manage handler endpoints across environments it is possible to template the endpoints using ENV variables. e.g. ``https://my-handler-endpoint/addNumbers`` can be templated to ``{{ACTION_BASE_ENDPOINT}}/addNumbers`` where ``ACTION_BASE_ENDPOINT`` is an ENV variable whose value is set to ``https://my-handler-endpoint`` Step 3: Finish action creation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally, to save the action: .. rst-class:: api_tabs .. tabs:: .. tab:: Console Hit ``Create``. .. tab:: CLI Run ``hasura metadata apply``. Step 4: Try it out ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the Hasura console, head to the ``GraphiQL`` tab and try out the new action. .. graphiql:: :view_only: :query: query { addNumbers(numbers: [1, 2, 3, 4]) { sum } } :response: { "data": { "addNumbers": { "sum": 10 } } } And that's it. You have extended your Hasura schema with a new query.