.. meta:: :description: Deriving Hasura actions :keywords: hasura, docs, actions, debug, debugging .. _debugging_actions: Debugging actions ================= .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 1 :local: While you're developing actions for your application, you may want to debug the webhook configured for the action. To do so, start the server in :ref:`debugging mode `. In the case of errors, the GraphQL response contains debugging information of webhook calls in the ``extensions.internal`` field. For example, let's consider the following mutation: .. code-block:: graphql mutation { create_user(email: "foo@bar.com", name: "Foo"){ id user { name email is_admin } } } In case of errors, the response will look like the following if the debugging mode is enabled. .. code-block:: json { "errors": [ { "extensions": { "internal": { "response": { "status": 200, "body": "some-string", "headers": [ { "value": "application/json", "name": "Content-Type" } ] }, "request": { "body": { "session_variables": { "x-hasura-role": "admin" }, "input": { "email": "foo@boo.com", "name": "Foo" }, "action": { "name": "create_user" } }, "url": "", "headers": [ ] }, "error": "expecting object or array of objects for action webhook response" }, "path": "$", "code": "parse-failed" }, "message": "expecting object or array of objects for action webhook response" } ] }