-- Global project configuration. -- -- This file can be overridden with cabal.project.local (see e.g. cabal.project.dev) -- -- If you need to switch between several local configurations you can also -- create a symlink to this file with a different name, e.g.: -- $ ln -s cabal.project cabal.project.myconfig -- $ ln -s cabal.project.freeze cabal.project.myconfig.freeze -- ...and then create a new set of overrides in: -- cabal.project.myconfig.local -- ...and then invoke cabal with -- $ cabal new-build --project-file=cabal.project.myconfig -- -- See: https://www.haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/nix-local-build.html#configuring-builds-with-cabal-project packages: . constraints: -- ensure we don't end up with a freeze file that forces an incompatible -- version in CI for Setup.hs scripts. setup.Cabal <3.4 allow-newer: -- dependent-map depends on constraints-extras, but its bounds have not yet -- been relaxed for GHC 8.10. constraints-extras-, constraints-extras-, constraints-extras- package * optimization: 2 -- For tooling, e.g. 'weeder', and IDE-like stuff: ghc-options: -fwrite-ide-info haddock-html: true haddock-hoogle: true haddock-hyperlink-source: true haddock-quickjump: true package graphql-engine ghc-options: -j haddock-options: "--show-all" source-repository-package type: git location: https://github.com/hasura/pg-client-hs.git tag: dd8a50c1a752e50d998e11a0335de8d41dea4b6c source-repository-package type: git location: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-parser-hs.git tag: f3a20ab6201669bd683d5a0c8580410af264c7d0 source-repository-package type: git location: https://github.com/hasura/ci-info-hs.git tag: be578a01979fc95137cc2c84827f9fafb99df60f source-repository-package type: git location: https://github.com/hasura/pool.git tag: bc4c3f739a8fb8ec4444336a34662895831c9acf source-repository-package type: git location: https://github.com/fpco/odbc.git tag: 7c0cea45d0b779419eb16177407c4ee9e7ba4c6f package odbc ghc-options: -Wwarn -- Our CI compiles with -Werror, which is also applied to those packages -- while it's fine for packages we maintain, we can't actually enforce -- that third-party packages are warning-free, hence this -Wno-error. -- When the changes in odbc are released, we can instead depend on -- the hackage version, and remove it from this list of packages.