{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}

module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.BoolExp
  ( toSQLBoolExp,
    BoolExpRHSParser (..),

import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as M
import Data.Text.Extended (ToTxt)
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML qualified as S
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types hiding (TableName)
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Types.BoolExp
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types

-- | Context to parse a RHS value in a boolean expression
data BoolExpRHSParser (b :: BackendType) m v = BoolExpRHSParser
  { -- | Parse a JSON value with enforcing a column type
    _berpValueParser :: !(ValueParser b m v),
    -- | Required for a computed field SQL function with session argument
    _berpSessionValue :: !v

-- This convoluted expression instead of col = val
-- to handle the case of col : null
equalsBoolExpBuilder :: SQLExpression ('Postgres pgKind) -> SQLExpression ('Postgres pgKind) -> S.BoolExp
equalsBoolExpBuilder qualColExp rhsExp =
    (S.BECompare S.SEQ qualColExp rhsExp)
    ( S.BEBin
        (S.BENull qualColExp)
        (S.BENull rhsExp)

notEqualsBoolExpBuilder :: SQLExpression ('Postgres pgKind) -> SQLExpression ('Postgres pgKind) -> S.BoolExp
notEqualsBoolExpBuilder qualColExp rhsExp =
    (S.BECompare S.SNE qualColExp rhsExp)
    ( S.BEBin
        (S.BENotNull qualColExp)
        (S.BENull rhsExp)

annBoolExp ::
  (QErrM m, TableCoreInfoRM b m, BackendMetadata b) =>
  BoolExpRHSParser b m v ->
  TableName b ->
  FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b) ->
  GBoolExp b ColExp ->
  m (AnnBoolExp b v)
annBoolExp rhsParser rootTable fim boolExp =
  case boolExp of
    BoolAnd exps -> BoolAnd <$> procExps exps
    BoolOr exps -> BoolOr <$> procExps exps
    BoolNot e -> BoolNot <$> annBoolExp rhsParser rootTable fim e
    BoolExists (GExists refqt whereExp) ->
      withPathK "_exists" $ do
        refFields <- withPathK "_table" $ askFieldInfoMapSource refqt
        annWhereExp <- withPathK "_where" $ annBoolExp rhsParser rootTable refFields whereExp
        return $ BoolExists $ GExists refqt annWhereExp
    BoolFld fld -> BoolFld <$> annColExp rhsParser rootTable fim fld
    procExps = mapM (annBoolExp rhsParser rootTable fim)

annColExp ::
  (QErrM m, TableCoreInfoRM b m, BackendMetadata b) =>
  BoolExpRHSParser b m v ->
  TableName b ->
  FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b) ->
  ColExp ->
  m (AnnBoolExpFld b v)
annColExp rhsParser rootTable colInfoMap (ColExp fieldName colVal) = do
  colInfo <- askFieldInfo colInfoMap fieldName
  case colInfo of
    FIColumn pgi -> AVColumn pgi <$> parseBoolExpOperations (_berpValueParser rhsParser) rootTable colInfoMap (ColumnReferenceColumn pgi) colVal
    FIRelationship relInfo -> do
      relBoolExp <- decodeValue colVal
      relFieldInfoMap <- askFieldInfoMapSource $ riRTable relInfo
      annRelBoolExp <- annBoolExp rhsParser rootTable relFieldInfoMap $ unBoolExp relBoolExp
      return $ AVRelationship relInfo annRelBoolExp
    FIComputedField ComputedFieldInfo {..} -> do
      let ComputedFieldFunction {..} = _cfiFunction
      case toList _cffInputArgs of
        [] -> do
          let hasuraSession = _berpSessionValue rhsParser
              sessionArgPresence = mkSessionArgumentPresence hasuraSession _cffSessionArgument _cffTableArgument
          AVComputedField . AnnComputedFieldBoolExp _cfiXComputedFieldInfo _cfiName _cffName sessionArgPresence
            <$> case _cfiReturnType of
              CFRScalar scalarType ->
                  <$> parseBoolExpOperations (_berpValueParser rhsParser) rootTable colInfoMap (ColumnReferenceComputedField _cfiName scalarType) colVal
              CFRSetofTable table -> do
                tableBoolExp <- decodeValue colVal
                tableFieldInfoMap <- askFieldInfoMapSource table
                annTableBoolExp <- annBoolExp rhsParser table tableFieldInfoMap $ unBoolExp tableBoolExp
                pure $ CFBETable table annTableBoolExp
        _ ->
            "Computed columns with input arguments can not be part of the where clause"

    -- TODO Rakesh (from master)
    FIRemoteRelationship {} ->
      throw400 UnexpectedPayload "remote field unsupported"

-- | Translate an IR boolean expression to an SQL boolean expression. References
-- to columns etc are relative to the given 'rootReference'.
toSQLBoolExp ::
  forall pgKind.
  Backend ('Postgres pgKind) =>
  -- | The name of the tabular value in query scope that the boolean expression
  -- applies to
  S.Qual ->
  -- | The boolean expression to translate
  AnnBoolExpSQL ('Postgres pgKind) ->
toSQLBoolExp rootReference e =
    ( runReaderT
        (unBoolExpM (translateBoolExp e))
    initialCtx =
        { currTableReference = rootReference,
          rootReference = rootReference

-- | The table context of boolean expression translation. This is used to
-- resolve references to fields, as those may refer to the so-called 'root
-- table' (identified by a '$'-sign in the expression input syntax) or the
-- 'current' table.
data BoolExpCtx = BoolExpCtx
  { -- | Reference to the current tabular value.
    currTableReference :: S.Qual,
    -- | Reference to the root tabular value.
    rootReference :: S.Qual

-- | The monad that carries the translation of boolean expressions. This
-- supports the generation of fresh names for aliasing sub-expressions and
-- maintains the table context of the expressions being translated.
newtype BoolExpM a = BoolExpM {unBoolExpM :: ReaderT BoolExpCtx (State Word64) a}
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader BoolExpCtx, MonadState Word64)

-- | Translate a 'GBoolExp' with annotated SQLExpressions in the leaves into a
-- bare SQL Boolean Expression.
translateBoolExp ::
  forall pgKind.
  (Backend ('Postgres pgKind)) =>
  AnnBoolExpSQL ('Postgres pgKind) ->
  BoolExpM S.BoolExp
translateBoolExp = \case
  BoolAnd bes -> do
    sqlBExps <- mapM translateBoolExp bes
    return $ foldr (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True) sqlBExps
  BoolOr bes -> do
    sqlBExps <- mapM translateBoolExp bes
    return $ foldr (S.BEBin S.OrOp) (S.BELit False) sqlBExps
  BoolNot notExp -> S.BENot <$> translateBoolExp notExp
  BoolExists (GExists currTableReference wh) -> do
    whereExp <- recCurrentTable (S.QualTable currTableReference) wh
    return $ S.mkExists (S.FISimple currTableReference Nothing) whereExp
  BoolFld boolExp -> case boolExp of
    AVColumn colInfo opExps -> do
      BoolExpCtx {rootReference, currTableReference} <- ask
      let colFld = fromCol @('Postgres pgKind) $ ciColumn colInfo
          bExps = map (mkFieldCompExp rootReference currTableReference $ LColumn colFld) opExps
      return $ foldr (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True) bExps
    AVRelationship (RelInfo _ _ colMapping relTN _ _) nesAnn -> do
      -- Convert the where clause on the relationship
      aliasRelTN <- freshIdentifier relTN
      annRelBoolExp <- recCurrentTable (S.QualifiedIdentifier aliasRelTN Nothing) nesAnn
      BoolExpCtx {currTableReference} <- ask
      let backCompExp = foldr (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True) $
            flip map (M.toList colMapping) $ \(lCol, rCol) ->
                (mkQCol (S.QualifiedIdentifier aliasRelTN Nothing) rCol)
                (mkQCol currTableReference lCol)
          innerBoolExp = S.BEBin S.AndOp backCompExp annRelBoolExp
      return $ S.mkExists (S.FISimple relTN $ Just $ S.Alias aliasRelTN) innerBoolExp
    AVComputedField (AnnComputedFieldBoolExp _ _ function sessionArgPresence cfBoolExp) -> do
      case cfBoolExp of
        CFBEScalar opExps -> do
          BoolExpCtx {rootReference, currTableReference} <- ask
          -- Convert the where clause on scalar computed field
          let bExps = map (mkFieldCompExp rootReference currTableReference $ LComputedField function sessionArgPresence) opExps
          pure $ foldr (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True) bExps
        CFBETable _ be -> do
          -- Convert the where clause on table computed field
          BoolExpCtx {currTableReference} <- ask
          aliasFunction <- freshIdentifier function
          let functionExp =
                mkComputedFieldFunctionExp currTableReference function sessionArgPresence $
                  Just $ S.Alias aliasFunction
          S.mkExists (S.FIFunc functionExp) <$> recCurrentTable (S.QualifiedIdentifier aliasFunction Nothing) be
    mkQCol :: forall a. IsIdentifier a => S.Qual -> a -> S.SQLExp
    mkQCol q = S.SEQIdentifier . S.QIdentifier q . toIdentifier

    -- Draw a fresh identifier intended to alias the given object.
    freshIdentifier :: forall a. ToTxt a => QualifiedObject a -> BoolExpM Identifier
    freshIdentifier obj = do
      curVarNum <- get
      put $ curVarNum + 1
      let newIdentifier =
            Identifier $
              "_be_" <> tshow curVarNum <> "_"
                <> snakeCaseQualifiedObject obj

      return newIdentifier

    -- Call recursively using the given identifier for the 'current' table.
    recCurrentTable :: S.Qual -> AnnBoolExpSQL ('Postgres pgKind) -> BoolExpM S.BoolExp
    recCurrentTable curr = local (\e -> e {currTableReference = curr}) . translateBoolExp

data LHSField b
  = LColumn !FieldName
  | LComputedField !QualifiedFunction !(SessionArgumentPresence (SQLExpression b))

mkComputedFieldFunctionExp ::
  S.Qual ->
  QualifiedFunction ->
  SessionArgumentPresence (SQLExpression ('Postgres pgKind)) ->
  Maybe S.Alias ->
mkComputedFieldFunctionExp qual function sessionArgPresence alias =
  -- "function_schema"."function_name"("qual".*)
  let tableRowInput = S.SEStar $ Just qual
      functionArgs = flip S.FunctionArgs mempty $ case sessionArgPresence of
        SAPNotPresent -> [tableRowInput] -- No session argument
        SAPFirst sessArg -> [sessArg, tableRowInput]
        SAPSecond sessArg -> [tableRowInput, sessArg]
   in S.FunctionExp function functionArgs $ flip S.FunctionAlias Nothing <$> alias

mkFieldCompExp ::
  S.Qual -> S.Qual -> LHSField ('Postgres pgKind) -> OpExpG ('Postgres pgKind) S.SQLExp -> S.BoolExp
mkFieldCompExp rootReference currTableReference lhsField = mkCompExp qLhsField
    qLhsField = case lhsField of
      LColumn fieldName ->
        -- "qual"."column" =
        S.SEQIdentifier $ S.QIdentifier currTableReference $ Identifier $ getFieldNameTxt fieldName
      LComputedField function sessionArgPresence ->
        -- "function_schema"."function_name"("qual".*) =
        S.SEFunction $ mkComputedFieldFunctionExp currTableReference function sessionArgPresence Nothing

    mkQCol :: RootOrCurrentColumn ('Postgres pgKind) -> S.SQLExp
    mkQCol (RootOrCurrentColumn IsRoot col) = S.SEQIdentifier $ S.QIdentifier rootReference $ toIdentifier col
    mkQCol (RootOrCurrentColumn IsCurrent col) = S.SEQIdentifier $ S.QIdentifier currTableReference $ toIdentifier col

    mkCompExp :: SQLExpression ('Postgres pgKind) -> OpExpG ('Postgres pgKind) (SQLExpression ('Postgres pgKind)) -> S.BoolExp
    mkCompExp lhs = \case
      ACast casts -> mkCastsExp casts
      AEQ False val -> equalsBoolExpBuilder lhs val
      AEQ True val -> S.BECompare S.SEQ lhs val
      ANE False val -> notEqualsBoolExpBuilder lhs val
      ANE True val -> S.BECompare S.SNE lhs val
      AIN val -> S.BECompareAny S.SEQ lhs val
      ANIN val -> S.BENot $ S.BECompareAny S.SEQ lhs val
      AGT val -> S.BECompare S.SGT lhs val
      ALT val -> S.BECompare S.SLT lhs val
      AGTE val -> S.BECompare S.SGTE lhs val
      ALTE val -> S.BECompare S.SLTE lhs val
      ALIKE val -> S.BECompare S.SLIKE lhs val
      ANLIKE val -> S.BECompare S.SNLIKE lhs val
      CEQ rhsCol -> S.BECompare S.SEQ lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
      CNE rhsCol -> S.BECompare S.SNE lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
      CGT rhsCol -> S.BECompare S.SGT lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
      CLT rhsCol -> S.BECompare S.SLT lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
      CGTE rhsCol -> S.BECompare S.SGTE lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
      CLTE rhsCol -> S.BECompare S.SLTE lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
      ANISNULL -> S.BENull lhs
      ANISNOTNULL -> S.BENotNull lhs
      ABackendSpecific op -> case op of
        AILIKE val -> S.BECompare S.SILIKE lhs val
        ANILIKE val -> S.BECompare S.SNILIKE lhs val
        ASIMILAR val -> S.BECompare S.SSIMILAR lhs val
        ANSIMILAR val -> S.BECompare S.SNSIMILAR lhs val
        AREGEX val -> S.BECompare S.SREGEX lhs val
        AIREGEX val -> S.BECompare S.SIREGEX lhs val
        ANREGEX val -> S.BECompare S.SNREGEX lhs val
        ANIREGEX val -> S.BECompare S.SNIREGEX lhs val
        AContains val -> S.BECompare S.SContains lhs val
        AContainedIn val -> S.BECompare S.SContainedIn lhs val
        AHasKey val -> S.BECompare S.SHasKey lhs val
        AHasKeysAny val -> S.BECompare S.SHasKeysAny lhs val
        AHasKeysAll val -> S.BECompare S.SHasKeysAll lhs val
        AAncestor val -> S.BECompare S.SContains lhs val
        AAncestorAny val -> S.BECompare S.SContains lhs val
        ADescendant val -> S.BECompare S.SContainedIn lhs val
        ADescendantAny val -> S.BECompare S.SContainedIn lhs val
        AMatches val -> S.BECompare S.SREGEX lhs val
        AMatchesAny val -> S.BECompare S.SHasKey lhs val
        AMatchesFulltext val -> S.BECompare S.SMatchesFulltext lhs val
        ASTContains val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_Contains" val
        ASTCrosses val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_Crosses" val
        ASTEquals val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_Equals" val
        ASTIntersects val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_Intersects" val
        AST3DIntersects val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_3DIntersects" val
        ASTOverlaps val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_Overlaps" val
        ASTTouches val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_Touches" val
        ASTWithin val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_Within" val
        AST3DDWithinGeom (DWithinGeomOp r val) -> applySQLFn "ST_3DDWithin" [lhs, val, r]
        ASTDWithinGeom (DWithinGeomOp r val) -> applySQLFn "ST_DWithin" [lhs, val, r]
        ASTDWithinGeog (DWithinGeogOp r val sph) -> applySQLFn "ST_DWithin" [lhs, val, r, sph]
        ASTIntersectsRast val -> applySTIntersects [lhs, val]
        ASTIntersectsNbandGeom (STIntersectsNbandGeommin nband geommin) -> applySTIntersects [lhs, nband, geommin]
        ASTIntersectsGeomNband (STIntersectsGeomminNband geommin mNband) -> applySTIntersects [lhs, geommin, withSQLNull mNband]
        mkGeomOpBe fn v = applySQLFn fn [lhs, v]

        applySQLFn f exps = S.BEExp $ S.SEFnApp f exps Nothing

        applySTIntersects = applySQLFn "ST_Intersects"

        withSQLNull = fromMaybe S.SENull

        mkCastsExp casts =
          sqlAll . flip map (M.toList casts) $ \(targetType, operations) ->
            let targetAnn = S.mkTypeAnn $ CollectableTypeScalar targetType
             in sqlAll $ map (mkCompExp (S.SETyAnn lhs targetAnn)) operations

        sqlAll = foldr (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True)