module Hasura.RQL.DML.Insert where import Data.Aeson.Types import Instances.TH.Lift () import qualified Data.Aeson.Extended as J import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.HashSet as HS import qualified Data.Sequence as DS import Hasura.EncJSON import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal import Hasura.RQL.DML.Mutation import Hasura.RQL.DML.Returning import Hasura.RQL.GBoolExp import Hasura.RQL.Instances () import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.SQL.Types import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S data ConflictTarget = Column ![PGCol] | Constraint !ConstraintName deriving (Show, Eq) data ConflictClauseP1 = CP1DoNothing !(Maybe ConflictTarget) | CP1Update !ConflictTarget ![PGCol] !PreSetCols !S.BoolExp deriving (Show, Eq) data InsertQueryP1 = InsertQueryP1 { iqp1Table :: !QualifiedTable , iqp1View :: !QualifiedTable , iqp1Cols :: ![PGCol] , iqp1Tuples :: ![[S.SQLExp]] , iqp1Conflict :: !(Maybe ConflictClauseP1) , iqp1MutFlds :: !MutFlds , iqp1AllCols :: ![PGColInfo] } deriving (Show, Eq) mkInsertCTE :: InsertQueryP1 -> S.CTE mkInsertCTE (InsertQueryP1 _ vn cols vals c _ _) = S.CTEInsert insert where tupVals = S.ValuesExp $ map S.TupleExp vals insert = S.SQLInsert vn cols tupVals (toSQLConflict <$> c) $ Just S.returningStar toSQLConflict :: ConflictClauseP1 -> S.SQLConflict toSQLConflict conflict = case conflict of CP1DoNothing Nothing -> S.DoNothing Nothing CP1DoNothing (Just ct) -> S.DoNothing $ Just $ toSQLCT ct CP1Update ct inpCols preSet filtr -> S.Update (toSQLCT ct) (S.buildUpsertSetExp inpCols preSet) $ Just $ S.WhereFrag filtr where toSQLCT ct = case ct of Column pgCols -> S.SQLColumn pgCols Constraint cn -> S.SQLConstraint cn convObj :: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m) => (PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp) -> HM.HashMap PGCol S.SQLExp -> HM.HashMap PGCol S.SQLExp -> FieldInfoMap -> InsObj -> m ([PGCol], [S.SQLExp]) convObj prepFn defInsVals setInsVals fieldInfoMap insObj = do inpInsVals <- flip HM.traverseWithKey insObj $ \c val -> do let relWhenPGErr = "relationships can't be inserted" colType <- askPGType fieldInfoMap c relWhenPGErr -- if column has predefined value then throw error when (c `elem` preSetCols) $ throwNotInsErr c -- Encode aeson's value into prepared value withPathK (getPGColTxt c) $ prepFn colType val let insVals = HM.union setInsVals inpInsVals sqlExps = HM.elems $ HM.union insVals defInsVals inpCols = HM.keys inpInsVals return (inpCols, sqlExps) where preSetCols = HM.keys setInsVals throwNotInsErr c = do role <- userRole <$> askUserInfo throw400 NotSupported $ "column " <> c <<> " is not insertable" <> " for role " <>> role validateInpCols :: (MonadError QErr m) => [PGCol] -> [PGCol] -> m () validateInpCols inpCols updColsPerm = forM_ inpCols $ \inpCol -> unless (inpCol `elem` updColsPerm) $ throw400 ValidationFailed $ "column " <> inpCol <<> " is not updatable" buildConflictClause :: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m) => SessVarBldr m -> TableInfo -> [PGCol] -> OnConflict -> m ConflictClauseP1 buildConflictClause sessVarBldr tableInfo inpCols (OnConflict mTCol mTCons act) = case (mTCol, mTCons, act) of (Nothing, Nothing, CAIgnore) -> return $ CP1DoNothing Nothing (Just col, Nothing, CAIgnore) -> do validateCols col return $ CP1DoNothing $ Just $ Column $ getPGCols col (Nothing, Just cons, CAIgnore) -> do validateConstraint cons return $ CP1DoNothing $ Just $ Constraint cons (Nothing, Nothing, CAUpdate) -> throw400 UnexpectedPayload "Expecting 'constraint' or 'constraint_on' when the 'action' is 'update'" (Just col, Nothing, CAUpdate) -> do validateCols col (updFltr, preSet) <- getUpdPerm resolvedUpdFltr <- convAnnBoolExpPartialSQL sessVarBldr updFltr resolvedPreSet <- mapM (convPartialSQLExp sessVarBldr) preSet return $ CP1Update (Column $ getPGCols col) inpCols resolvedPreSet $ toSQLBool resolvedUpdFltr (Nothing, Just cons, CAUpdate) -> do validateConstraint cons (updFltr, preSet) <- getUpdPerm resolvedUpdFltr <- convAnnBoolExpPartialSQL sessVarBldr updFltr resolvedPreSet <- mapM (convPartialSQLExp sessVarBldr) preSet return $ CP1Update (Constraint cons) inpCols resolvedPreSet $ toSQLBool resolvedUpdFltr (Just _, Just _, _) -> throw400 UnexpectedPayload "'constraint' and 'constraint_on' cannot be set at a time" where fieldInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo toSQLBool = toSQLBoolExp (S.mkQual $ tiName tableInfo) validateCols c = do let targetcols = getPGCols c void $ withPathK "constraint_on" $ indexedForM targetcols $ \pgCol -> askPGType fieldInfoMap pgCol "" validateConstraint c = do let tableConsNames = tiUniqOrPrimConstraints tableInfo withPathK "constraint" $ unless (c `elem` tableConsNames) $ throw400 Unexpected $ "constraint " <> getConstraintTxt c <<> " for table " <> tiName tableInfo <<> " does not exist" getUpdPerm = do upi <- askUpdPermInfo tableInfo let updFiltr = upiFilter upi preSet = upiSet upi updCols = HS.toList $ upiCols upi validateInpCols inpCols updCols return (updFiltr, preSet) convInsertQuery :: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m) => (Value -> m [InsObj]) -> SessVarBldr m -> (PGScalarType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp) -> InsertQuery -> m InsertQueryP1 convInsertQuery objsParser sessVarBldr prepFn (InsertQuery tableName val oC mRetCols) = do insObjs <- objsParser val -- Get the current table information tableInfo <- askTabInfo tableName -- If table is view then check if it is insertable mutableView tableName viIsInsertable (tiViewInfo tableInfo) "insertable" -- Check if the role has insert permissions insPerm <- askInsPermInfo tableInfo -- Check if all dependent headers are present validateHeaders $ ipiRequiredHeaders insPerm let fieldInfoMap = tiFieldInfoMap tableInfo setInsVals = ipiSet insPerm -- convert the returning cols into sql returing exp mAnnRetCols <- forM mRetCols $ \retCols -> do -- Check if select is allowed only if you specify returning selPerm <- modifyErr (<> selNecessaryMsg) $ askSelPermInfo tableInfo withPathK "returning" $ checkRetCols fieldInfoMap selPerm retCols let mutFlds = mkDefaultMutFlds mAnnRetCols let defInsVals = S.mkColDefValMap $ map pgiName $ getCols fieldInfoMap allCols = getCols fieldInfoMap insCols = HM.keys defInsVals insView = ipiView insPerm resolvedPreSet <- mapM (convPartialSQLExp sessVarBldr) setInsVals insTuples <- withPathK "objects" $ indexedForM insObjs $ \obj -> convObj prepFn defInsVals resolvedPreSet fieldInfoMap obj let sqlExps = map snd insTuples inpCols = HS.toList $ HS.fromList $ concatMap fst insTuples conflictClause <- withPathK "on_conflict" $ forM oC $ \c -> do roleName <- askCurRole unless (isTabUpdatable roleName tableInfo) $ throw400 PermissionDenied $ "upsert is not allowed for role " <> roleName <<> " since update permissions are not defined" buildConflictClause sessVarBldr tableInfo inpCols c return $ InsertQueryP1 tableName insView insCols sqlExps conflictClause mutFlds allCols where selNecessaryMsg = "; \"returning\" can only be used if the role has " <> "\"select\" permission on the table" decodeInsObjs :: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m) => Value -> m [InsObj] decodeInsObjs v = do objs <- decodeValue v when (null objs) $ throw400 UnexpectedPayload "objects should not be empty" return objs convInsQ :: (QErrM m, UserInfoM m, CacheRM m, HasSQLGenCtx m) => InsertQuery -> m (InsertQueryP1, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) convInsQ = liftDMLP1 . convInsertQuery (withPathK "objects" . decodeInsObjs) sessVarFromCurrentSetting binRHSBuilder insertP2 :: Bool -> (InsertQueryP1, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) -> Q.TxE QErr EncJSON insertP2 strfyNum (u, p) = runMutation $ Mutation (iqp1Table u) (insertCTE, p) (iqp1MutFlds u) (iqp1AllCols u) strfyNum where insertCTE = mkInsertCTE u data ConflictCtx = CCUpdate !ConstraintName ![PGCol] !PreSetCols !S.BoolExp | CCDoNothing !(Maybe ConstraintName) deriving (Show, Eq) nonAdminInsert :: Bool -> (InsertQueryP1, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) -> Q.TxE QErr EncJSON nonAdminInsert strfyNum (insQueryP1, args) = do conflictCtxM <- mapM extractConflictCtx conflictClauseP1 setConflictCtx conflictCtxM insertP2 strfyNum (withoutConflictClause, args) where withoutConflictClause = insQueryP1{iqp1Conflict=Nothing} conflictClauseP1 = iqp1Conflict insQueryP1 extractConflictCtx :: (MonadError QErr m) => ConflictClauseP1 -> m ConflictCtx extractConflictCtx cp = case cp of (CP1DoNothing mConflictTar) -> do mConstraintName <- mapM extractConstraintName mConflictTar return $ CCDoNothing mConstraintName (CP1Update conflictTar inpCols preSet filtr) -> do constraintName <- extractConstraintName conflictTar return $ CCUpdate constraintName inpCols preSet filtr where extractConstraintName (Constraint cn) = return cn extractConstraintName _ = throw400 NotSupported "\"constraint_on\" not supported for non admin insert. use \"constraint\" instead" setConflictCtx :: Maybe ConflictCtx -> Q.TxE QErr () setConflictCtx conflictCtxM = do let t = maybe "null" conflictCtxToJSON conflictCtxM setVal = toSQL $ S.SELit t setVar = "SET LOCAL hasura.conflict_clause = " q = Q.fromBuilder $ setVar <> setVal Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler q () False where conflictCtxToJSON (CCDoNothing constrM) = J.encodeToStrictText $ InsertTxConflictCtx CAIgnore constrM Nothing conflictCtxToJSON (CCUpdate constr updCols preSet filtr) = J.encodeToStrictText $ InsertTxConflictCtx CAUpdate (Just constr) $ Just $ toSQLTxt (S.buildUpsertSetExp updCols preSet) <> " " <> toSQLTxt (S.WhereFrag filtr) runInsert :: (QErrM m, UserInfoM m, CacheRWM m, MonadTx m, HasSQLGenCtx m) => InsertQuery -> m EncJSON runInsert q = do res <- convInsQ q role <- userRole <$> askUserInfo strfyNum <- stringifyNum <$> askSQLGenCtx liftTx $ bool (nonAdminInsert strfyNum res) (insertP2 strfyNum res) $ isAdmin role