PWD := $(shell pwd) PARENT_DIR := $(shell dirname $(PWD)) VERSION ?= $(shell ../ BUILD_DIR ?= /build BUILD_OUTPUT ?= $(BUILD_DIR)/_cli_migrations_output SERVER_BUILD_OUTPUT ?= $(BUILD_DIR)/_server_output CLI_BUILD_OUTPUT := $(BUILD_DIR)/_cli_output SHELL := /bin/bash .SHELLFLAGS := -ce .ONESHELL: prepare-local-env: # works on *nix systems MAKEFILE_DIR=$(shell pwd) mkdir /tmp/build cd /tmp/build mkdir _cli_migrations_output # get server image and save it LATEST_RELEASE=$(shell curl --silent "" | jq '.[0]' | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/') mkdir _server_output && cd _server_output && docker pull hasura/graphql-engine:$$LATEST_RELEASE && docker save -o image.tar hasura/graphql-engine:$$LATEST_RELEASE && cd - mkdir -p _cli_output/binaries && cd _cli_output/binaries && curl --silent -LO$$LATEST_RELEASE/cli-hasura-linux-amd64 && cd - # edit makefile to use /tmp/build as BUILD_DIR cd $$MAKEFILE_DIR && sed -i 's/BUILD_DIR ?= \/build/BUILD_DIR ?= \/tmp\/build/' Makefile reset-local-env: sed -i 's/BUILD_DIR ?= \/tmp\/build/BUILD_DIR ?= \/build/' Makefile