version: '3' services: # External MongoDB sample database mongodb: image: mongo:6 container_name: mongodb_mongo ports: - 27017:27017 volumes: # Imports sample database: - ./sample_data/ - ./sample_data/sample_mflix:/sample_data/sample_mflix environment: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: root MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: password healthcheck: test: echo 'db.runCommand("ping").ok' | mongosh localhost:27017/test --quiet interval: 5s timeout: 10s retries: 5 start_period: 10s # External service which will be used for sampling mongodb_sampler: image: node container_name: mongodb_sampling environment: MONGO_DATABASE: mongodb://root:password@mongodb:27017/sample_mflix MONGO_USERNAME: root MONGO_PASSWORD: password MONGO_SELECT_COLLECTIONS: '' # which collections to analyze and sample. ('' [all collections]), (movies,comments) MONGO_UPDATE_COLLECTIONS: true # automatically update collections in database with validation schemas. (true or false [or blank]) volumes: # Scripts to analuze the database and create the validation schema: - ./schema_sampler:/schema_sampler # Final results will be stored here: - ./schema_exports:/schema_exports command: bash -c "/schema_sampler/" depends_on: mongodb: condition: service_healthy