--- sidebar_position: 8 --- import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; import GraphiQLIDE from '@site/src/components/GraphiQLIDE'; # GraphiQL IDE We use graphiql editor wherever applicable for example showcase throughout docs. A `GraphiQLIDE` component is already created with the required custom logic. So, use `GraphiQLIDE` just like any other React component. - Use a tab-width of 2 for nesting the requests and responses for optimal use of the space and maintaining consistency. - Nest query arguments for logical readability. Unfortunately, GraphiQL prettify does not do a good job of doing this by default. - Ensure that the order of fields in the responses is the same as in the requests for better readability. Use it as follows: ```jsx import GraphiQLIDE from '@site/src/components/GraphiQLIDE'; ; ``` ```jsx // highlight-start import GraphiQLIDE from '@site/src/components/GraphiQLIDE'; ; ``` ## Result in UI Below is how it should look in UI.