{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Hasura.Server.Auth.JWT ( processJwt , RawJWT , JWTConfig (..) , JWTCtx (..) , Jose.JWKSet (..) , JWTClaimsFormat (..) , JWTClaims(..) , JwkFetchError (..) , JWTNamespace (..) , JWTCustomClaimsMapDefaultRole , JWTCustomClaimsMapAllowedRoles , JWTCustomClaimsMapValue , ClaimsMap , updateJwkRef , jwkRefreshCtrl , defaultClaimsFormat , defaultClaimsNamespace -- * Exposed for testing , processJwt_ , allowedRolesClaim , defaultRoleClaim , parseClaimsMap , JWTCustomClaimsMapValueG(..) , JWTCustomClaimsMap(..) ) where import Control.Exception.Lifted (try) import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.IORef (IORef, readIORef, writeIORef) import Data.Parser.JSONPath (parseJSONPath) import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime, UTCTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime) #ifndef PROFILING import GHC.AssertNF #endif import Network.URI (URI) import Data.Aeson.Internal (JSONPath) import Data.Parser.CacheControl import Data.Parser.Expires import Hasura.HTTP import Hasura.Logging (Hasura, LogLevel (..), Logger (..)) import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.Server.Auth.JWT.Internal (parseHmacKey, parseRsaKey) import Hasura.Server.Auth.JWT.Logging import Hasura.Server.Utils (executeJSONPath, getRequestHeader, userRoleHeader, isSessionVariable) import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion) import Hasura.Session import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing import qualified Control.Concurrent.Extended as C import qualified Crypto.JWT as Jose import qualified Data.Aeson as J import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq newtype RawJWT = RawJWT BL.ByteString data JWTClaimsFormat = JCFJson | JCFStringifiedJson deriving (Show, Eq) $(J.deriveJSON J.defaultOptions { J.sumEncoding = J.ObjectWithSingleField , J.constructorTagModifier = J.snakeCase . drop 3 } ''JWTClaimsFormat) defaultClaimsFormat :: JWTClaimsFormat defaultClaimsFormat = JCFJson allowedRolesClaim :: SessionVariable allowedRolesClaim = mkSessionVariable "x-hasura-allowed-roles" defaultRoleClaim :: SessionVariable defaultRoleClaim = mkSessionVariable "x-hasura-default-role" defaultClaimsNamespace :: Text defaultClaimsNamespace = "https://hasura.io/jwt/claims" -- | 'JWTCustomClaimsMapValueG' is used to represent a single value of -- the 'JWTCustomClaimsMap'. A 'JWTCustomClaimsMapValueG' can either be -- an JSON object or the literal value of the claim. If the value is an -- JSON object, then it should contain a key `path`, which is the JSON path -- to the claim value in the JWT token. There's also an option to specify a -- default value in the map via the 'default' key, which will be used -- when a peek at the JWT token using the JSON path fails (key does not exist). data JWTCustomClaimsMapValueG v = JWTCustomClaimsMapJSONPath !J.JSONPath !(Maybe v) -- ^ JSONPath to the key in the claims map, in case -- the key doesn't exist in the claims map then the default -- value will be used (if provided) | JWTCustomClaimsMapStatic !v deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) instance (J.FromJSON v) => J.FromJSON (JWTCustomClaimsMapValueG v) where parseJSON (J.Object obj) = do path <- obj J..: "path" >>= (either fail pure . parseJSONPath) defaultVal <- obj J..:? "default" >>= traverse pure pure $ JWTCustomClaimsMapJSONPath path defaultVal parseJSON v = JWTCustomClaimsMapStatic <$> J.parseJSON v instance (J.ToJSON v) => J.ToJSON (JWTCustomClaimsMapValueG v) where toJSON (JWTCustomClaimsMapJSONPath jsonPath mDefVal) = J.object $ [ "path" J..= encodeJSONPath jsonPath ] <> [ "default" J..= defVal | Just defVal <- [mDefVal]] toJSON (JWTCustomClaimsMapStatic v) = J.toJSON v type JWTCustomClaimsMapDefaultRole = JWTCustomClaimsMapValueG RoleName type JWTCustomClaimsMapAllowedRoles = JWTCustomClaimsMapValueG [RoleName] -- Used to store other session variables like `x-hasura-user-id` type JWTCustomClaimsMapValue = JWTCustomClaimsMapValueG SessionVariableValue type CustomClaimsMap = Map.HashMap SessionVariable JWTCustomClaimsMapValue -- | JWTClaimsMap is an option to provide a custom JWT claims map. -- The JWTClaimsMap should be specified in the `HASURA_GRAPHQL_JWT_SECRET` -- in the `claims_map`. The JWTClaimsMap, if specified, requires two -- mandatory fields, namely, `x-hasura-allowed-roles` and the -- `x-hasura-default-role`, other claims may also be provided in the claims map. data JWTCustomClaimsMap = JWTCustomClaimsMap { jcmDefaultRole :: !JWTCustomClaimsMapDefaultRole , jcmAllowedRoles :: !JWTCustomClaimsMapAllowedRoles , jcmCustomClaims :: !CustomClaimsMap } deriving (Show,Eq) instance J.ToJSON JWTCustomClaimsMap where toJSON (JWTCustomClaimsMap defaultRole allowedRoles customClaims) = J.Object $ Map.fromList $ [ (sessionVariableToText defaultRoleClaim, J.toJSON defaultRole) , (sessionVariableToText allowedRolesClaim, J.toJSON allowedRoles) ] <> map (sessionVariableToText *** J.toJSON) (Map.toList customClaims) instance J.FromJSON JWTCustomClaimsMap where parseJSON = J.withObject "JWTClaimsMap" $ \obj -> do let withNotFoundError sessionVariable = let errorMsg = T.unpack $ sessionVariableToText sessionVariable <> " is expected but not found" in maybe (fail errorMsg) pure $ Map.lookup (sessionVariableToText sessionVariable) obj allowedRoles <- withNotFoundError allowedRolesClaim >>= J.parseJSON defaultRole <- withNotFoundError defaultRoleClaim >>= J.parseJSON let filteredClaims = Map.delete allowedRolesClaim $ Map.delete defaultRoleClaim $ Map.fromList $ map (first mkSessionVariable) $ Map.toList obj customClaims <- flip Map.traverseWithKey filteredClaims $ const $ J.parseJSON pure $ JWTCustomClaimsMap defaultRole allowedRoles customClaims -- | JWTNamespace is used to locate the claims map within the JWT token. -- The location can be either provided via a JSON path or the name of the -- key in the JWT token. data JWTNamespace = ClaimNsPath JSONPath | ClaimNs Text deriving (Show, Eq) instance J.ToJSON JWTNamespace where toJSON (ClaimNsPath nsPath) = J.String . T.pack $ encodeJSONPath nsPath toJSON (ClaimNs ns) = J.String ns data JWTClaims = JCNamespace !JWTNamespace !JWTClaimsFormat | JCMap !JWTCustomClaimsMap deriving (Show, Eq) -- | The JWT configuration we got from the user. data JWTConfig = JWTConfig { jcKeyOrUrl :: !(Either Jose.JWK URI) , jcAudience :: !(Maybe Jose.Audience) , jcIssuer :: !(Maybe Jose.StringOrURI) , jcClaims :: !JWTClaims } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | The validated runtime JWT configuration returned by 'mkJwtCtx' in 'setupAuthMode'. -- -- This is also evidence that the 'jwkRefreshCtrl' thread is running, if an -- expiration schedule could be determined. data JWTCtx = JWTCtx { jcxKey :: !(IORef Jose.JWKSet) -- ^ This needs to be a mutable variable for 'updateJwkRef'. , jcxAudience :: !(Maybe Jose.Audience) , jcxIssuer :: !(Maybe Jose.StringOrURI) , jcxClaims :: !JWTClaims } deriving (Eq) instance Show JWTCtx where show (JWTCtx _ audM iss claims) = show ["", show audM, show iss, show claims] data HasuraClaims = HasuraClaims { _cmAllowedRoles :: ![RoleName] , _cmDefaultRole :: !RoleName } deriving (Show, Eq) $(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 3 J.snakeCase) ''HasuraClaims) -- | An action that refreshes the JWK at intervals in an infinite loop. jwkRefreshCtrl :: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, Tracing.HasReporter m) => Logger Hasura -> HTTP.Manager -> URI -> IORef Jose.JWKSet -> DiffTime -> m void jwkRefreshCtrl logger manager url ref time = do liftIO $ C.sleep time forever $ Tracing.runTraceT "jwk refresh" do res <- runExceptT $ updateJwkRef logger manager url ref mTime <- onLeft res (const $ logNotice >> return Nothing) -- if can't parse time from header, defaults to 1 min -- let delay = maybe (minutes 1) fromUnits mTime let delay = maybe (minutes 1) convertDuration mTime liftIO $ C.sleep delay where logNotice = do let err = JwkRefreshLog LevelInfo (Just "retrying again in 60 secs") Nothing liftIO $ unLogger logger err -- | Given a JWK url, fetch JWK from it and update the IORef updateJwkRef :: ( HasVersion , MonadIO m , MonadBaseControl IO m , MonadError JwkFetchError m , Tracing.MonadTrace m ) => Logger Hasura -> HTTP.Manager -> URI -> IORef Jose.JWKSet -> m (Maybe NominalDiffTime) updateJwkRef (Logger logger) manager url jwkRef = do let urlT = T.pack $ show url infoMsg = "refreshing JWK from endpoint: " <> urlT liftIO $ logger $ JwkRefreshLog LevelInfo (Just infoMsg) Nothing res <- try $ do initReq <- liftIO $ HTTP.parseRequest $ show url let req = initReq { HTTP.requestHeaders = addDefaultHeaders (HTTP.requestHeaders initReq) } Tracing.tracedHttpRequest req \req' -> do liftIO $ HTTP.httpLbs req' manager resp <- onLeft res logAndThrowHttp let status = resp ^. Wreq.responseStatus respBody = resp ^. Wreq.responseBody statusCode = status ^. Wreq.statusCode unless (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300) $ do let errMsg = "Non-2xx response on fetching JWK from: " <> urlT err = JFEHttpError url status respBody errMsg logAndThrow err let parseErr e = JFEJwkParseError (T.pack e) $ "Error parsing JWK from url: " <> urlT !jwkset <- onLeft (J.eitherDecode' respBody) (logAndThrow . parseErr) liftIO $ do #ifndef PROFILING $assertNFHere jwkset -- so we don't write thunks to mutable vars #endif writeIORef jwkRef jwkset -- first check for Cache-Control header to get max-age, if not found, look for Expires header runMaybeT $ timeFromCacheControl resp <|> timeFromExpires resp where parseCacheControlErr e = JFEExpiryParseError (Just e) "Failed parsing Cache-Control header from JWK response. Could not find max-age or s-maxage" parseTimeErr = JFEExpiryParseError Nothing "Failed parsing Expires header from JWK response. Value of header is not a valid timestamp" timeFromCacheControl resp = do header <- afold $ bsToTxt <$> resp ^? Wreq.responseHeader "Cache-Control" fromInteger <$> parseMaxAge header `onLeft` \err -> logAndThrowInfo $ parseCacheControlErr $ T.pack err timeFromExpires resp = do header <- afold $ bsToTxt <$> resp ^? Wreq.responseHeader "Expires" expiry <- parseExpirationTime header `onLeft` const (logAndThrowInfo parseTimeErr) diffUTCTime expiry <$> liftIO getCurrentTime logAndThrowInfo :: (MonadIO m, MonadError JwkFetchError m) => JwkFetchError -> m a logAndThrowInfo err = do liftIO $ logger $ JwkRefreshLog LevelInfo Nothing (Just err) throwError err logAndThrow :: (MonadIO m, MonadError JwkFetchError m) => JwkFetchError -> m a logAndThrow err = do liftIO $ logger $ JwkRefreshLog (LevelOther "critical") Nothing (Just err) throwError err logAndThrowHttp :: (MonadIO m, MonadError JwkFetchError m) => HTTP.HttpException -> m a logAndThrowHttp httpEx = do let errMsg = "Error fetching JWK: " <> T.pack (getHttpExceptionMsg httpEx) err = JFEHttpException (HttpException httpEx) errMsg logAndThrow err getHttpExceptionMsg = \case HTTP.HttpExceptionRequest _ reason -> show reason HTTP.InvalidUrlException _ reason -> show reason type ClaimsMap = Map.HashMap SessionVariable J.Value -- | Process the request headers to verify the JWT and extract UserInfo from it -- -- Iff no "Authorization" header was passed, we will fall back to the -- unauthenticated user role [1], if one was configured at server start. -- -- When no 'x-hasura-user-role' is specified in the request, the mandatory -- 'x-hasura-default-role' [2] from the JWT claims will be used. -- [1]: https://hasura.io/docs/1.0/graphql/manual/auth/authentication/unauthenticated-access.html -- [2]: https://hasura.io/docs/1.0/graphql/manual/auth/authentication/jwt.html#the-spec processJwt :: ( MonadIO m , MonadError QErr m) => JWTCtx -> HTTP.RequestHeaders -> Maybe RoleName -> m (UserInfo, Maybe UTCTime) processJwt = processJwt_ processAuthZHeader -- Broken out for testing with mocks: processJwt_ :: (MonadError QErr m) => (_JWTCtx -> BLC.ByteString -> m (ClaimsMap, Maybe UTCTime)) -- ^ mock 'processAuthZHeader' -> _JWTCtx -> HTTP.RequestHeaders -> Maybe RoleName -> m (UserInfo, Maybe UTCTime) processJwt_ processAuthZHeader_ jwtCtx headers mUnAuthRole = maybe withoutAuthZHeader withAuthZHeader mAuthZHeader where mAuthZHeader = find (\h -> fst h == CI.mk "Authorization") headers withAuthZHeader (_, authzHeader) = do (claimsMap, expTimeM) <- processAuthZHeader_ jwtCtx $ BL.fromStrict authzHeader HasuraClaims allowedRoles defaultRole <- parseHasuraClaims claimsMap -- see if there is a x-hasura-role header, or else pick the default role. -- The role returned is unauthenticated at this point: let requestedRole = fromMaybe defaultRole $ getRequestHeader userRoleHeader headers >>= mkRoleName . bsToTxt when (requestedRole `notElem` allowedRoles) $ throw400 AccessDenied "Your requested role is not in allowed roles" let finalClaims = Map.delete defaultRoleClaim . Map.delete allowedRolesClaim $ claimsMap -- transform the map of text:aeson-value -> text:text let finalClaimsObject = Map.fromList . map (first sessionVariableToText) . Map.toList $ finalClaims metadata <- parseJwtClaim (J.Object $ finalClaimsObject) "x-hasura-* claims" userInfo <- mkUserInfo (URBPreDetermined requestedRole) UAdminSecretNotSent $ mkSessionVariablesText $ Map.toList metadata pure (userInfo, expTimeM) withoutAuthZHeader = do unAuthRole <- onNothing mUnAuthRole missingAuthzHeader userInfo <- mkUserInfo (URBPreDetermined unAuthRole) UAdminSecretNotSent $ mkSessionVariablesHeaders headers pure (userInfo, Nothing) where missingAuthzHeader = throw400 InvalidHeaders "Missing Authorization header in JWT authentication mode" -- Parse and verify the 'Authorization' header, returning the raw claims -- object, and the expiration, if any. processAuthZHeader :: ( MonadIO m , MonadError QErr m) => JWTCtx -> BLC.ByteString -> m (ClaimsMap, Maybe UTCTime) processAuthZHeader jwtCtx authzHeader = do -- try to parse JWT token from Authorization header jwt <- parseAuthzHeader -- verify the JWT claims <- liftJWTError invalidJWTError $ verifyJwt jwtCtx $ RawJWT jwt let expTimeM = fmap (\(Jose.NumericDate t) -> t) $ claims ^. Jose.claimExp unregisteredClaims = claims ^. Jose.unregisteredClaims claimsObject <- parseClaimsMap unregisteredClaims claimsConfig pure $ (claimsObject, expTimeM) where claimsConfig = jcxClaims jwtCtx parseAuthzHeader = do let tokenParts = BLC.words authzHeader case tokenParts of ["Bearer", jwt] -> return jwt _ -> malformedAuthzHeader liftJWTError :: (MonadError e' m) => (e -> e') -> ExceptT e m a -> m a liftJWTError ef action = do res <- runExceptT action onLeft res (throwError . ef) invalidJWTError e = err400 JWTInvalid $ "Could not verify JWT: " <> T.pack (show e) malformedAuthzHeader = throw400 InvalidHeaders "Malformed Authorization header" -- | parse the claims map from the JWT token or custom claims from the JWT config parseClaimsMap :: (MonadError QErr m) => J.Object -- ^ Unregistered JWT claims -> JWTClaims -- ^ Claims config -> m ClaimsMap -- ^ Hasura claims and other claims parseClaimsMap unregisteredClaims jcxClaims = case jcxClaims of JCNamespace namespace claimsFormat -> do claimsV <- maybe (claimsNotFound namespace) pure $ case namespace of ClaimNs k -> Map.lookup k unregisteredClaims ClaimNsPath path -> iResultToMaybe $ executeJSONPath path (J.toJSON unregisteredClaims) -- get hasura claims value as an object. parse from string possibly claimsObject <- parseObjectFromString namespace claimsFormat claimsV -- filter only x-hasura claims let claimsMap = Map.fromList $ map (first mkSessionVariable) $ filter (\(k, _) -> isSessionVariable k) $ Map.toList claimsObject pure claimsMap JCMap claimsConfig -> do let JWTCustomClaimsMap defaultRoleClaimsMap allowedRolesClaimsMap otherClaimsMap = claimsConfig claimsObjValue = J.Object unregisteredClaims allowedRoles <- case allowedRolesClaimsMap of JWTCustomClaimsMapJSONPath allowedRolesJsonPath defaultVal -> parseAllowedRolesClaim defaultVal $ iResultToMaybe $ executeJSONPath allowedRolesJsonPath claimsObjValue JWTCustomClaimsMapStatic staticAllowedRoles -> pure staticAllowedRoles defaultRole <- case defaultRoleClaimsMap of JWTCustomClaimsMapJSONPath defaultRoleJsonPath defaultVal -> parseDefaultRoleClaim defaultVal $ iResultToMaybe $ executeJSONPath defaultRoleJsonPath claimsObjValue JWTCustomClaimsMapStatic staticDefaultRole -> pure staticDefaultRole otherClaims <- flip Map.traverseWithKey otherClaimsMap $ \k claimObj -> do let throwClaimErr = throw400 JWTInvalidClaims $ "JWT claim from claims_map, " <> sessionVariableToText k <> " not found" case claimObj of JWTCustomClaimsMapJSONPath path defaultVal -> maybe (onNothing (J.String <$> defaultVal) throwClaimErr) pure $ iResultToMaybe $ executeJSONPath path claimsObjValue JWTCustomClaimsMapStatic claimStaticValue -> pure $ J.String claimStaticValue pure $ Map.fromList [ (allowedRolesClaim, J.toJSON allowedRoles), (defaultRoleClaim, J.toJSON defaultRole) ] <> otherClaims where parseAllowedRolesClaim defaultVal = \case Nothing -> onNothing defaultVal $ throw400 JWTRoleClaimMissing $ "JWT claim does not contain " <> sessionVariableToText allowedRolesClaim Just v -> parseJwtClaim v $ "invalid " <> sessionVariableToText allowedRolesClaim <> "; should be a list of roles" parseDefaultRoleClaim defaultVal = \case Nothing -> onNothing defaultVal $ throw400 JWTRoleClaimMissing $ "JWT claim does not contain " <> sessionVariableToText defaultRoleClaim Just v -> parseJwtClaim v $ "invalid " <> sessionVariableToText defaultRoleClaim <> "; should be a role" claimsNotFound namespace = throw400 JWTInvalidClaims $ case namespace of ClaimNsPath path -> T.pack $ "claims not found at claims_namespace_path: '" <> encodeJSONPath path <> "'" ClaimNs ns -> "claims key: '" <> ns <> "' not found" parseObjectFromString namespace claimsFmt jVal = case (claimsFmt, jVal) of (JCFStringifiedJson, J.String v) -> onLeft (J.eitherDecodeStrict $ T.encodeUtf8 v) (const $ claimsErr $ strngfyErr v) (JCFStringifiedJson, _) -> claimsErr "expecting a string when claims_format is stringified_json" (JCFJson, J.Object o) -> return o (JCFJson, _) -> claimsErr "expecting a json object when claims_format is json" where strngfyErr v = let claimsLocation = case namespace of ClaimNsPath path -> T.pack $ "claims_namespace_path " <> encodeJSONPath path ClaimNs ns -> "claims_namespace " <> ns in "expecting stringified json at: '" <> claimsLocation <> "', but found: " <> v claimsErr = throw400 JWTInvalidClaims -- | Verify the JWT against given JWK verifyJwt :: ( MonadError Jose.JWTError m , MonadIO m ) => JWTCtx -> RawJWT -> m Jose.ClaimsSet verifyJwt ctx (RawJWT rawJWT) = do key <- liftIO $ readIORef $ jcxKey ctx jwt <- Jose.decodeCompact rawJWT t <- liftIO getCurrentTime Jose.verifyClaimsAt config key t jwt where config = case jcxIssuer ctx of Nothing -> Jose.defaultJWTValidationSettings audCheck Just iss -> Jose.defaultJWTValidationSettings audCheck & set Jose.issuerPredicate (== iss) audCheck audience = -- dont perform the check if there are no audiences in the conf case jcxAudience ctx of Nothing -> True Just (Jose.Audience audiences) -> audience `elem` audiences instance J.ToJSON JWTConfig where toJSON (JWTConfig keyOrUrl aud iss claims) = let keyOrUrlPairs = case keyOrUrl of Left _ -> [ "type" J..= J.String "" , "key" J..= J.String "" ] Right url -> ["jwk_url" J..= url] claimsPairs = case claims of JCNamespace namespace claimsFormat -> let namespacePairs = case namespace of ClaimNsPath nsPath -> ["claims_namespace_path" J..= encodeJSONPath nsPath] ClaimNs ns -> ["claims_namespace" J..= J.String ns] in namespacePairs <> ["claims_format" J..= claimsFormat] JCMap claimsMap -> ["claims_map" J..= claimsMap] in J.object $ keyOrUrlPairs <> [ "audience" J..= aud , "issuer" J..= iss ] <> claimsPairs -- | Parse from a json string like: -- | `{"type": "RS256", "key": ""}` -- | to JWTConfig instance J.FromJSON JWTConfig where parseJSON = J.withObject "JWTConfig" $ \o -> do mRawKey <- o J..:? "key" claimsNs <- o J..:? "claims_namespace" claimsNsPath <- o J..:? "claims_namespace_path" aud <- o J..:? "audience" iss <- o J..:? "issuer" jwkUrl <- o J..:? "jwk_url" claimsFormat <- o J..:? "claims_format" J..!= defaultClaimsFormat claimsMap <- o J..:? "claims_map" hasuraClaimsNs <- case (claimsNsPath,claimsNs) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> pure $ ClaimNs defaultClaimsNamespace (Just nsPath, Nothing) -> either failJSONPathParsing (return . ClaimNsPath) . parseJSONPath $ nsPath (Nothing, Just ns) -> return $ ClaimNs ns (Just _, Just _) -> fail "claims_namespace and claims_namespace_path both cannot be set" keyOrUrl <- case (mRawKey, jwkUrl) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> fail "key and jwk_url both cannot be empty" (Just _, Just _) -> fail "key, jwk_url both cannot be present" (Just rawKey, Nothing) -> do keyType <- o J..: "type" key <- parseKey keyType rawKey pure $ Left key (Nothing, Just url) -> pure $ Right url pure $ JWTConfig keyOrUrl aud iss $ maybe (JCNamespace hasuraClaimsNs claimsFormat) JCMap claimsMap where parseKey keyType rawKey = case keyType of "HS256" -> runEither $ parseHmacKey rawKey 256 "HS384" -> runEither $ parseHmacKey rawKey 384 "HS512" -> runEither $ parseHmacKey rawKey 512 "RS256" -> runEither $ parseRsaKey rawKey "RS384" -> runEither $ parseRsaKey rawKey "RS512" -> runEither $ parseRsaKey rawKey -- TODO(from master): support ES256, ES384, ES512, PS256, PS384 _ -> invalidJwk ("Key type: " <> T.unpack keyType <> " is not supported") runEither = either (invalidJwk . T.unpack) return invalidJwk msg = fail ("Invalid JWK: " <> msg) failJSONPathParsing err = fail $ "invalid JSON path claims_namespace_path error: " ++ err -- parse x-hasura-allowed-roles, x-hasura-default-role from JWT claims parseHasuraClaims :: forall m. (MonadError QErr m) => ClaimsMap -> m HasuraClaims parseHasuraClaims claimsMap = do HasuraClaims <$> parseClaim allowedRolesClaim "should be a list of roles" <*> parseClaim defaultRoleClaim "should be a single role name" where parseClaim :: J.FromJSON a => SessionVariable -> Text -> m a parseClaim claim hint = do claimV <- onNothing (Map.lookup claim claimsMap) missingClaim parseJwtClaim claimV $ "invalid " <> claimText <> "; " <> hint where missingClaim = throw400 JWTRoleClaimMissing $ "JWT claim does not contain " <> claimText claimText = sessionVariableToText claim -- Utility: parseJwtClaim :: (J.FromJSON a, MonadError QErr m) => J.Value -> Text -> m a parseJwtClaim v errMsg = case J.fromJSON v of J.Success val -> return val J.Error e -> throw400 JWTInvalidClaims $ errMsg <> ": " <> T.pack e