API Reference - Query / Subscription ==================================== .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 3 :local: Query/Subscription syntax ------------------------- .. code-block:: none query|subscription [] { object [([argument])]{ object-fields } } .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Required - Schema - Description * - op-name - false - Value - Name query/subscription for observability * - object - true - Object_ - Name of the table/object * - argument - false - Argument_ - One or more of filter criteria, instructions for sort order or pagination **E.g. QUERY**: .. code-block:: graphql query { author(where: {articles: {rating: {_gte: 4}}} order_by: {name: asc}) { id name } } **E.g. SUBSCRIPTION**: .. code-block:: graphql subscription { author(where: {articles: rating: {_gte: 4}}} order_by: {name: asc}) { id name } } .. note:: For more examples and details of usage, please see :doc:`this <../../queries/index>`. Syntax definitions ------------------ Object ^^^^^^ .. parsed-literal:: SimpleObject_ | AggregateObject_ .. _SimpleObject: Simple Object ************* .. code-block:: none object-name { field1 field2 json_field[(path: String)] .. nested object1 nested object2 aggregate nested object1 .. } .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Required - Schema - Description * - path - false - Value - ``path`` argument of ``json``/``jsonb`` follows simple `JSONPath specification `_. However, prefix symbol ``$.`` is optional. E.g. .. code-block:: graphql author { id # scalar integer field name # scalar text field address(path: "$.city") # scalar JSON field -> property address(path: "city") # scalar JSON field -> property; '$.' prefix is optional contacts(path: "[0]") # scalar JSON field -> array_item contacts(path: "[0].phone") # scalar JSON field -> array_item_property article { # nested object title } article_aggregate { # aggregate nested object aggregate { count } nodes { title } } } .. _AggregateObject: Aggregate Object **************** .. code-block:: none object-name_aggregate { aggregate { count sum { field .. } avg { field .. } stddev { field .. } stddev_samp { field .. } stddev_pop { field .. } variance { field .. } var_samp { field .. } var_pop { field .. } max { field .. } min { field .. } nodes { field1 field2 .. nested object1 nested object2 aggregate nested object1 .. } } (For more details on aggregate functions, refer to `Postgres docs `__.) E.g. .. code-block:: graphql author_aggregate { aggregate { count # total count sum { id # sum aggregate on id } avg { id # avg aggregate on id } stddev { id # stddev aggregate on id } stddev_samp { id # stddev_samp aggregate on id } stddev_pop { id # stddev_pop aggregate on id } variance { id # variance aggregate on id } var_samp { id # var_samp aggregate on id } var_pop { id # var_pop aggregate on id } max { id # max aggregate on id } min { id # min aggregate on id } } nodes { # objects id # scalar field name # scalar field article { # nested object title } article_aggregate { # aggregate nested object aggregate { count } nodes { title } } } } Argument ^^^^^^^^ .. parsed-literal:: DistinctOnExp_ | WhereExp_ | OrderByExp_ | PaginationExp_ .. _DistinctOnExp: DistinctOnExp ************* .. parsed-literal:: distinct_on: [ TableSelectColumnEnum_ ] TableSelectColumnEnum """"""""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: graphql #example table_select_column enum for "article" table enum article_select_column { id title content author_id is_published } .. _WhereExp: WhereExp ******** .. parsed-literal:: where: BoolExp_ BoolExp """"""" .. parsed-literal:: AndExp_ | OrExp_ | NotExp_ | TrueExp_ | ColumnExp_ AndExp ###### .. parsed-literal:: { _and: [BoolExp_] } OrExp ##### .. parsed-literal:: { _or: [BoolExp_] } NotExp ###### .. parsed-literal:: { _not: BoolExp_ } TrueExp ####### .. parsed-literal:: {} ColumnExp ######### .. parsed-literal:: { field-name : {Operator_: Value } } .. _Operator: Operator ######## **Generic operators (all column types except json, jsonb):** - ``_eq`` - ``_neq`` - ``_in`` - ``_nin`` - ``_gt`` - ``_lt`` - ``_gte`` - ``_lte`` **Text related operators:** - ``_like`` - ``_nlike`` - ``_ilike`` - ``_nilike`` - ``_similar`` - ``_nsimilar`` **Checking for NULL values:** - ``_is_null`` (takes true/false as values) **Type casting:** - ``_cast`` (takes a CastExp_ as a value) **JSONB operators:** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Operator - PostgreSQL equivalent * - ``_contains`` - ``@>`` * - ``_contained_in`` - ``<@`` * - ``_has_key`` - ``?`` * - ``_has_keys_any`` - ``?|`` * - ``_has_keys_all`` - ``?&`` (For more details on what these operators do, refer to `Postgres docs `__.) **PostGIS related operators on GEOMETRY columns:** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Operator - PostGIS equivalent * - ``_st_contains`` - ``ST_Contains`` * - ``_st_crosses`` - ``ST_Crosses`` * - ``_st_equals`` - ``ST_Equals`` * - ``_st_intersects`` - ``ST_Intersects`` * - ``_st_overlaps`` - ``ST_Overlaps`` * - ``_st_touches`` - ``ST_Touches`` * - ``_st_within`` - ``ST_Within`` * - ``_st_d_within`` - ``ST_DWithin`` (For more details on what these operators do, refer to `PostGIS docs `__.) .. note:: - All operators take a JSON representation of ``geometry/geography`` values as input value. - Input value for ``_st_d_within`` operator is an object: .. parsed-literal:: { field-name : {_st_d_within: {distance: Float, from: Value} } } .. _CastExp: CastExp ####### .. parsed-literal :: {type-name: {Operator_: Value}} .. note:: Currently, only casting between ``geometry`` and ``geography`` types is allowed. .. _OrderByExp: OrderByExp ********** .. parsed-literal:: order_by: (TableOrderBy_ | [ TableOrderBy_ ]) E.g. .. parsed-literal:: order_by: {id: desc} or .. parsed-literal:: order_by: [{id: desc}, {author: {id: asc}}] or .. parsed-literal:: order_by: {articles_aggregate: {count: asc}} TableOrderBy """""""""""" For columns: .. parsed-literal:: {column: OrderByEnum_} For object relations: .. parsed-literal:: {relation-name: TableOrderBy_} For array relations aggregate: .. parsed-literal:: {relation-name_aggregate: AggregateOrderBy_} E.g. Order by type for "article" table: .. code-block:: graphql input article_order_by { id: order_by title: order_by content: order_by author_id: order_by #order by using "author" object relationship columns author: author_order_by #order by using "likes" array relationship aggregates likes_aggregate: likes_aggregate_order_by } OrderByEnum ########### .. code-block:: graphql #the order_by enum type enum order_by { #in the ascending order, nulls last asc #in the ascending order, nulls last asc_nulls_last #in the ascending order, nulls first asc_nulls_first #in the descending order, nulls first desc #in the descending order, nulls first desc_nulls_first #in the descending order, nulls last desc_nulls_last } AggregateOrderBy ################ Count aggregate .. parsed-literal:: {count: OrderByEnum_} Operation aggregate .. parsed-literal:: {op_name: TableAggOpOrderBy_} Available operations are ``sum``, ``avg``, ``max``, ``min``, ``stddev``, ``stddev_samp``, ``stddev_pop``, ``variance``, ``var_samp`` and ``var_pop`` TableAggOpOrderBy &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .. parsed-literal:: {column: OrderByEnum_} .. _PaginationExp: PaginationExp ************* .. parsed-literal:: limit: Integer [offset: Integer]