CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS hdb_lib; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hdb_lib.pg_attidentity() RETURNS TABLE (attrelid oid, attname name, attnum smallint, attidentity char) AS $$ BEGIN IF current_setting('server_version_num')::int >= 100000 THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT a.attrelid, a.attname, a.attnum, a.attidentity::char FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a; ELSE -- Always return attidentity = '', indicating that the column is not an -- identity column. RETURN QUERY SELECT a.attrelid, a.attname, a.attnum, ''::char as attidentity FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION hdb_lib.pg_attidentity() IS 'The column "pg_catalog.pg_attribute(attidentity)" was only introduced in PG 10, along with with the introduction of identity columns. This function provides the "attidentity" column in a cross-version compatible way. See for details. '; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hdb_lib.pg_attgenerated() RETURNS TABLE (attrelid oid, attname name, attnum smallint, attgenerated char) AS $$ BEGIN IF current_setting('server_version_num')::int >= 120000 THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT a.attrelid, a.attname, a.attnum, a.attgenerated::char FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a; ELSE -- Always return attgenerated = '', indicating that the column is not a -- generated column. RETURN QUERY SELECT a.attrelid, a.attname, a.attnum, ''::char as attgenerated FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION hdb_lib.pg_attgenerated() IS 'The column "pg_catalog.pg_attribute(attgenerated)" was only introduced in PG 12, along with the introduction of generated columns. This function provides the "attgenerated" column in a cross-version compatible way. See for details. ';