{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- | -- Counters used in telemetry collection. Additional counters can be added here.and -- serviced in "Hasura.Server.Telemetry". module Hasura.Server.Telemetry.Counters ( -- * Service timing and counts, by various dimensions -- ** Local metric recording recordTimingMetric, RequestDimensions (..), RequestTimings (..), -- *** Dimensions QueryType (..), Locality (..), Transport (..), -- ** Metric upload dumpServiceTimingMetrics, ServiceTimingMetrics (..), ServiceTimingMetric (..), RunningTimeBucket (..), RequestTimingsCount (..), ) where import Data.Aeson qualified as J import Data.Aeson.TH qualified as J import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap import Data.IORef import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime, getPOSIXTime) import GHC.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Hasura.Prelude -- | The properties that characterize this request. The dimensions over which -- we collect metrics for each serviced request. data RequestDimensions = RequestDimensions { telemQueryType :: !QueryType, telemLocality :: !Locality, telemTransport :: !Transport } deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Ord) instance Hashable RequestDimensions -- | Accumulated time metrics. data RequestTimings = RequestTimings { -- | Time spent waiting on PG/remote http calls telemTimeIO :: !Seconds, -- | Total service time for request (including 'telemTimeIO') telemTimeTot :: !Seconds } -- | Sum instance Semigroup RequestTimings where RequestTimings a b <> RequestTimings x y = RequestTimings (a + x) (b + y) -- | 'RequestTimings' along with the count data RequestTimingsCount = RequestTimingsCount { telemTimeIO :: !Seconds, telemTimeTot :: !Seconds, -- | The number of requests that have contributed to the accumulated timings above. -- So e.g. @telemTimeTot / count@ would give the mean service time. telemCount :: !Word } deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Ord) -- | Sum instance Semigroup RequestTimingsCount where RequestTimingsCount a b c <> RequestTimingsCount x y z = RequestTimingsCount (a + x) (b + y) (c + z) -- | Internal. Counts and durations across many 'RequestDimensions'. -- -- NOTE: We use the global mutable variable pattern for metric collection -- counters for convenience at collection site (don't wear hairshirts that -- discourage useful reporting). requestCounters :: IORef (HashMap.HashMap (RequestDimensions, RunningTimeBucket) RequestTimingsCount) {-# NOINLINE requestCounters #-} requestCounters = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef HashMap.empty -- | Internal. Since these metrics are accumulated while graphql-engine is -- running and sent periodically, we need to include a tag that is unique for -- each start of hge. This lets us e.g. query for just the latest uploaded -- sample for each start of hge. -- -- We use time rather than a UUID since having this be monotonic increasing is -- convenient. approxStartTime :: POSIXTime {-# NOINLINE approxStartTime #-} approxStartTime = unsafePerformIO getPOSIXTime -- | Was this request a mutation (involved DB writes)? data QueryType = Mutation | Query deriving (Enum, Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) instance Hashable QueryType instance J.ToJSON QueryType instance J.FromJSON QueryType -- | Was this a PG local query, or did it involve remote execution? data Locality = -- | No data was fetched Empty | -- | local DB data Local | -- | remote schema Remote | -- | mixed Heterogeneous deriving (Enum, Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) instance Hashable Locality instance J.ToJSON Locality instance J.FromJSON Locality instance Semigroup Locality where Empty <> x = x x <> Empty = x x <> y | x == y = x _ <> _ = Heterogeneous instance Monoid Locality where mempty = Empty -- | Was this a query over http or websockets? data Transport = HTTP | WebSocket deriving (Enum, Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) instance Hashable Transport instance J.ToJSON Transport instance J.FromJSON Transport -- | The timings and counts here were from requests with total time longer than -- 'bucketGreaterThan' (but less than any larger bucket cutoff times). newtype RunningTimeBucket = RunningTimeBucket {bucketGreaterThan :: Seconds} deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Generic, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON, Hashable) -- NOTE: an HDR histogram is a nice way to collect metrics when you don't know -- a priori what the most useful binning is. It's not clear how we'd make use -- of that here though. So these buckets are arbitrary, and can be adjusted as -- needed, but we shouldn't have more than a handful to keep payload size down. totalTimeBuckets :: [RunningTimeBucket] totalTimeBuckets = coerce [0.000, 0.001, 0.050, 1.000, 3600.000 :: Seconds] -- | Save a timing metric sample in our in-memory store. These will be -- accumulated and uploaded periodically in "Hasura.Server.Telemetry". recordTimingMetric :: (MonadIO m) => RequestDimensions -> RequestTimings -> m () recordTimingMetric reqDimensions RequestTimings {..} = liftIO $ do let ourBucket = fromMaybe (RunningTimeBucket 0) $ listToMaybe -- although we expect 'head' would be safe here $ dropWhile (> coerce telemTimeTot) $ reverse $ sort totalTimeBuckets atomicModifyIORef' requestCounters $ (,()) . HashMap.insertWith (<>) (reqDimensions, ourBucket) RequestTimingsCount {telemCount = 1, ..} -- | The final shape of this part of our metrics data JSON. This should allow -- reasonably efficient querying using GIN indexes and JSONB containment -- operations (which treat arrays as sets). data ServiceTimingMetrics = ServiceTimingMetrics { -- | This is set to a new unique value when the counters reset (e.g. because of a restart) collectionTag :: Int, serviceTimingMetrics :: [ServiceTimingMetric] } deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Ord) data ServiceTimingMetric = ServiceTimingMetric { dimensions :: RequestDimensions, bucket :: RunningTimeBucket, metrics :: RequestTimingsCount } deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Ord) $(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''RequestTimingsCount) $(J.deriveJSON hasuraJSON ''RequestDimensions) instance J.ToJSON ServiceTimingMetric instance J.FromJSON ServiceTimingMetric instance J.ToJSON ServiceTimingMetrics instance J.FromJSON ServiceTimingMetrics dumpServiceTimingMetrics :: (MonadIO m) => m ServiceTimingMetrics dumpServiceTimingMetrics = liftIO $ do cs <- readIORef requestCounters let serviceTimingMetrics = flip map (HashMap.toList cs) $ \((dimensions, bucket), metrics) -> ServiceTimingMetric {..} collectionTag = round approxStartTime return ServiceTimingMetrics {..}