#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pytest import queue import time from validate import check_query_f, check_event usefixtures = pytest.mark.usefixtures # Every test in this class requires the events webhook to be running first # We are also going to mark as server upgrade tests are allowed # A few tests are going to be excluded with skip_server_upgrade_test mark pytestmark = [usefixtures('evts_webhook'), pytest.mark.allow_server_upgrade_test] def select_last_event_fromdb(hge_ctx): q = { "type": "select", "args": { "table": {"schema": "hdb_catalog", "name": "event_log"}, "columns": ["*"], "order_by": ["-created_at"], "limit": 1 } } st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q(q) return st_code, resp def insert(hge_ctx, table, row, returning=[], headers = {}): return insert_many(hge_ctx, table, [row], returning, headers) def insert_many(hge_ctx, table, rows, returning=[], headers = {}): q = { "type": "insert", "args": { "table": table, "objects": rows, "returning": returning } } st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q(q, headers = headers) return st_code, resp def update(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, set_exp, headers = {}): q = { "type": "update", "args": { "table": table, "where": where_exp, "$set": set_exp } } st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q(q, headers = headers) return st_code, resp def delete(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, headers = {}): q = { "type": "delete", "args": { "table": table, "where": where_exp } } st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q(q, headers = headers) return st_code, resp @usefixtures("per_method_tests_db_state") class TestCreateAndDelete: def test_create_delete(self, hge_ctx): check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + "/create_and_delete.yaml") def test_create_reset(self, hge_ctx): check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + "/create_and_reset.yaml") # Can't run server upgrade tests, as this test has a schema change @pytest.mark.skip_server_upgrade_test def test_create_operation_spec_not_provider_err(self, hge_ctx): check_query_f(hge_ctx, self.dir() + "/create_trigger_operation_specs_not_provided_err.yaml") @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/event_triggers/create-delete' # Smoke test for handling a backlog of events @usefixtures("per_method_tests_db_state") class TestEventFlood(object): @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/event_triggers/basic' def test_flood(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t1"} payload = range(1,1001) rows = list(map(lambda x: {"c1": x, "c2": "hello"}, payload)) st_code, resp = insert_many(hge_ctx, table, rows) assert st_code == 200, resp def get_evt(): # TODO ThreadedHTTPServer helps locally (I only need a timeout of # 10 here), but we still need a bit of a long timeout here for CI # it seems, since webhook can't keep up there: ev_full = evts_webhook.get_event(600) return ev_full['body']['event']['data']['new']['c1'] # Make sure we got all payloads (probably out of order): ns = list(map(lambda _: get_evt(), payload)) ns.sort() assert ns == list(payload) @usefixtures("per_class_tests_db_state") class TestCreateEvtQuery(object): @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/event_triggers/basic' def test_basic(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t1"} init_row = {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello"} exp_ev_data = { "old": None, "new": init_row } st_code, resp = insert(hge_ctx, table, init_row) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "INSERT", exp_ev_data) where_exp = {"c1": 1} set_exp = {"c2": "world"} exp_ev_data = { "old": init_row, "new": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world"} } st_code, resp = update(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, set_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "UPDATE", exp_ev_data) exp_ev_data = { "old": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world"}, "new": None } st_code, resp = delete(hge_ctx, table, where_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "DELETE", exp_ev_data) def test_partitioned_table_basic_insert(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): if hge_ctx.pg_version < 110000: pytest.skip('Event triggers on partioned tables are not supported in Postgres versions < 11') return st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q_f(self.dir() + '/partition_table_setup.yaml') assert st_code == 200, resp table = { "schema":"hge_tests", "name": "measurement"} init_row = { "city_id": 1, "logdate": "2006-02-02", "peaktemp": 1, "unitsales": 1} exp_ev_data = { "old": None, "new": init_row } st_code, resp = insert(hge_ctx, table, init_row) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "measurement_all", table, "INSERT", exp_ev_data) st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q_f(self.dir() + '/partition_table_teardown.yaml') assert st_code == 200, resp @usefixtures('per_method_tests_db_state') class TestRetryConf(object): @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/event_triggers/retry_conf' def test_basic(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t1"} init_row = {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello"} exp_ev_data = { "old": None, "new": init_row } st_code, resp = insert(hge_ctx, table, init_row) assert st_code == 200, resp time.sleep(15) tries = evts_webhook.get_error_queue_size() assert tries == 5, tries def test_timeout_short(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t2"} init_row = {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello"} exp_ev_data = { "old": None, "new": init_row } st_code, resp = insert(hge_ctx, table, init_row) assert st_code == 200, resp time.sleep(20) tries = evts_webhook.get_error_queue_size() assert tries == 3, tries def test_timeout_long(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t3"} init_row = {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello"} exp_ev_data = { "old": None, "new": init_row } st_code, resp = insert(hge_ctx, table, init_row) assert st_code == 200, resp time.sleep(15) check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t3_timeout_long", table, "INSERT", exp_ev_data, webhook_path = "/timeout_long") @usefixtures('per_method_tests_db_state') class TestEvtHeaders(object): @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/event_triggers/headers' def test_basic(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t1"} init_row = {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello"} exp_ev_data = { "old": None, "new": init_row } headers = {"X-Header-From-Value": "MyValue", "X-Header-From-Env": "MyEnvValue"} st_code, resp = insert(hge_ctx, table, init_row) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "INSERT", exp_ev_data, headers = headers) class TestUpdateEvtQuery(object): @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def transact(self, request, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): print("In setup method") st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q_f('queries/event_triggers/update_query/create-setup.yaml') assert st_code == 200, resp st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q_f('queries/event_triggers/update_query/update-setup.yaml') assert st_code == 200, '{}'.format(resp) assert resp[1]["sources"][0]["tables"][0]["event_triggers"][0]["webhook"] == '' yield st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q_f('queries/event_triggers/update_query/teardown.yaml') assert st_code == 200, resp def test_update_basic(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t1"} init_row = {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello", "c3": {"name": "clarke"}} exp_ev_data = { "old": None, "new": {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello", "c3": {"name": "clarke"}} } st_code, resp = insert(hge_ctx, table, init_row) assert st_code == 200, resp with pytest.raises(queue.Empty): check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_cols", table, "INSERT", exp_ev_data, webhook_path = "/new") where_exp = {"c1": 1} set_exp = {"c2": "world"} # expected no event hence previous expected data st_code, resp = update(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, set_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp with pytest.raises(queue.Empty): check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_cols", table, "UPDATE", exp_ev_data, webhook_path = "/new") where_exp = {"c1": 1} set_exp = {"c3": {"name": "bellamy"}} exp_ev_data = { "old": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world", "c3": {"name": "clarke"}}, "new": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world", "c3": {"name": "bellamy"}} } st_code, resp = update(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, set_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_cols", table, "UPDATE", exp_ev_data, webhook_path ="/new") where_exp = {"c1": 1} set_exp = {"c1": 2} exp_ev_data = { "old": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world", "c3": {"name": "bellamy"}}, "new": {"c1": 2, "c2": "world", "c3": {"name": "bellamy"}} } st_code, resp = update(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, set_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_cols", table, "UPDATE", exp_ev_data, webhook_path ="/new") where_exp = {"c1": 2} exp_ev_data = { "old": {"c1": 2, "c2": "world", "c3": {"name": "bellamy"}}, "new": None } st_code, resp = delete(hge_ctx, table, where_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_cols", table, "DELETE", exp_ev_data, webhook_path = "/new") @usefixtures('per_method_tests_db_state') class TestDeleteEvtQuery(object): directory = 'queries/event_triggers' setup_files = [ directory + '/basic/setup.yaml', directory + '/delete_query/setup.yaml' ] teardown_files = [ directory + '/delete_query/teardown.yaml'] def test_delete_basic(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t1"} init_row = {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello"} exp_ev_data = { "old": None, "new": init_row } st_code, resp = insert(hge_ctx, table, init_row) assert st_code == 200, resp with pytest.raises(queue.Empty): check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "INSERT", exp_ev_data) where_exp = {"c1": 1} set_exp = {"c2": "world"} exp_ev_data = { "old": init_row, "new": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world"} } st_code, resp = update(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, set_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp with pytest.raises(queue.Empty): check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "UPDATE", exp_ev_data) exp_ev_data = { "old": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world"}, "new": None } st_code, resp = delete(hge_ctx, table, where_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp with pytest.raises(queue.Empty): check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "DELETE", exp_ev_data) @usefixtures('per_class_tests_db_state') class TestEvtSelCols: @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/event_triggers/selected_cols' def test_selected_cols(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t1"} init_row = {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello"} exp_ev_data = { "old": None, "new": {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello"} } st_code, resp = insert(hge_ctx, table, init_row) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_cols", table, "INSERT", exp_ev_data) where_exp = {"c1": 1} set_exp = {"c2": "world"} # expected no event hence previous expected data st_code, resp = update(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, set_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp with pytest.raises(queue.Empty): check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_cols", table, "UPDATE", exp_ev_data) where_exp = {"c1": 1} set_exp = {"c1": 2} exp_ev_data = { "old": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world"}, "new": {"c1": 2, "c2": "world"} } st_code, resp = update(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, set_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_cols", table, "UPDATE", exp_ev_data) where_exp = {"c1": 2} exp_ev_data = { "old": {"c1": 2, "c2": "world"}, "new": None } st_code, resp = delete(hge_ctx, table, where_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_cols", table, "DELETE", exp_ev_data) @pytest.mark.skip_server_upgrade_test def test_selected_cols_dep(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q({ "type": "run_sql", "args": { "sql": "alter table hge_tests.test_t1 drop column c1" } }) assert st_code == 400, resp assert resp['code'] == "dependency-error", resp st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q({ "type": "run_sql", "args": { "sql": "alter table hge_tests.test_t1 drop column c2" } }) assert st_code == 200, resp @usefixtures('per_method_tests_db_state') class TestEvtInsertOnly: @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/event_triggers/insert_only' def test_insert_only(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t1"} init_row = {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello"} exp_ev_data = { "old": None, "new": init_row } st_code, resp = insert(hge_ctx, table, init_row) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_insert", table, "INSERT", exp_ev_data) where_exp = {"c1": 1} set_exp = {"c2": "world"} exp_ev_data = { "old": init_row, "new": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world"} } st_code, resp = update(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, set_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp with pytest.raises(queue.Empty): check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_insert", table, "UPDATE", exp_ev_data) exp_ev_data = { "old": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world"}, "new": None } st_code, resp = delete(hge_ctx, table, where_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp with pytest.raises(queue.Empty): check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_insert", table, "DELETE", exp_ev_data) @usefixtures('per_class_tests_db_state') class TestEvtSelPayload: @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/event_triggers/selected_payload' def test_selected_payload(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t1"} init_row = {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello"} exp_ev_data = { "old": None, "new": {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello"} } st_code, resp = insert(hge_ctx, table, init_row) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_payload", table, "INSERT", exp_ev_data) where_exp = {"c1": 1} set_exp = {"c2": "world"} exp_ev_data = { "old": {"c1": 1}, "new": {"c1": 1} } st_code, resp = update(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, set_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_payload", table, "UPDATE", exp_ev_data) where_exp = {"c1": 1} set_exp = {"c1": 2} exp_ev_data = { "old": {"c1": 1}, "new": {"c1": 2} } st_code, resp = update(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, set_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_payload", table, "UPDATE", exp_ev_data) where_exp = {"c1": 2} exp_ev_data = { "old": {"c2": "world"}, "new": None } st_code, resp = delete(hge_ctx, table, where_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_payload", table, "DELETE", exp_ev_data) def test_selected_payload_dep(self, hge_ctx): st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q({ "type": "run_sql", "args": { "sql": "alter table hge_tests.test_t1 drop column c1" } }) assert st_code == 400, resp assert resp['code'] == "dependency-error", resp st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q({ "type": "run_sql", "args": { "sql": "alter table hge_tests.test_t1 drop column c2" } }) assert st_code == 400, resp assert resp['code'] == "dependency-error", resp @usefixtures('per_method_tests_db_state') class TestWebhookEnv(object): @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/event_triggers/webhook_env' def test_basic(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t1"} init_row = {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello"} exp_ev_data = { "old": None, "new": init_row } st_code, resp = insert(hge_ctx, table, init_row) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "INSERT", exp_ev_data) where_exp = {"c1": 1} set_exp = {"c2": "world"} exp_ev_data = { "old": init_row, "new": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world"} } st_code, resp = update(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, set_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "UPDATE", exp_ev_data) exp_ev_data = { "old": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world"}, "new": None } st_code, resp = delete(hge_ctx, table, where_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "DELETE", exp_ev_data) @usefixtures('per_method_tests_db_state') class TestWebhookTemplateURL(object): @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/event_triggers/webhook_template_url' def test_basic(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t1"} init_row = {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello"} exp_ev_data = { "old": None, "new": init_row } st_code, resp = insert(hge_ctx, table, init_row) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "INSERT", exp_ev_data, webhook_path = '/trigger') where_exp = {"c1": 1} set_exp = {"c2": "world"} exp_ev_data = { "old": init_row, "new": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world"} } st_code, resp = update(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, set_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "UPDATE", exp_ev_data, webhook_path = '/trigger') exp_ev_data = { "old": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world"}, "new": None } st_code, resp = delete(hge_ctx, table, where_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "DELETE", exp_ev_data, webhook_path = '/trigger') @usefixtures('per_method_tests_db_state') class TestSessionVariables(object): @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/event_triggers/basic' def test_basic(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t1"} init_row = {"c1": 1, "c2": "hello"} exp_ev_data = { "old": None, "new": init_row } session_variables = { 'x-hasura-role': 'admin', 'x-hasura-allowed-roles': "['admin','user']", 'x-hasura-user-id': '1'} st_code, resp = insert(hge_ctx, table, init_row, headers = session_variables) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "INSERT", exp_ev_data, session_variables = session_variables) where_exp = {"c1": 1} set_exp = {"c2": "world"} exp_ev_data = { "old": init_row, "new": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world"} } session_variables = { 'x-hasura-role': 'admin', 'x-hasura-random': 'some_random_info', 'X-Random-Header': 'not_session_variable'} st_code, resp = update(hge_ctx, table, where_exp, set_exp, headers = session_variables) assert st_code == 200, resp session_variables.pop('X-Random-Header') check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "UPDATE", exp_ev_data, session_variables = session_variables) exp_ev_data = { "old": {"c1": 1, "c2": "world"}, "new": None } st_code, resp = delete(hge_ctx, table, where_exp) assert st_code == 200, resp check_event(hge_ctx, evts_webhook, "t1_all", table, "DELETE", exp_ev_data) @usefixtures('per_method_tests_db_state') class TestManualEvents(object): @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/event_triggers/manual_events' def test_basic(self, hge_ctx, evts_webhook): st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q_f('queries/event_triggers/manual_events/enabled.yaml') assert st_code == 200, resp st_code, resp = hge_ctx.v1q_f('queries/event_triggers/manual_events/disabled.yaml') assert st_code == 400, resp @usefixtures('per_method_tests_db_state') class TestEventsAsynchronousExecution(object): @classmethod def dir(cls): return 'queries/event_triggers/async_execution' def test_async_execution(self,hge_ctx,evts_webhook): """ A test to check if the events generated by the graphql-engine are processed asynchronously. This test measures the time taken to process all the events and that time should definitely be lesser than the time taken if the events were to be executed sequentially. This test inserts 5 rows and the webhook(/timeout_long) takes ~5 seconds to process one request. So, if the graphql-engine were to process the events sequentially it will take 5 * 5 = 25 seconds. Theorotically, all the events should have been processed in ~5 seconds, adding a 5 seconds buffer to the comparision, so that this test doesn't flake in the CI. """ table = {"schema": "hge_tests", "name": "test_t1"} payload = range(1,6) rows = list(map(lambda x: {"c1": x, "c2": "hello"}, payload)) st_code, resp = insert_many(hge_ctx, table, rows) start_time = time.perf_counter() assert st_code == 200, resp for i in range(1,6): _ = evts_webhook.get_event(7) # webhook takes 5 seconds to process a request end_time = time.perf_counter() time_elapsed = end_time - start_time assert time_elapsed < 10