{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Source ( BigQueryConnSourceConfig (..), RetryOptions (..), BigQueryProjectId (..), BigQueryDataset (..), BigQueryConnection (..), BigQuerySourceConfig (..), ConfigurationInput (..), ConfigurationInputs (..), ConfigurationJSON (..), GoogleAccessToken (GoogleAccessToken), PKey (unPKey), ServiceAccount (..), TokenResp (..), ) where import Autodocodec import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Types qualified as Cry import Data.Aeson qualified as J import Data.Aeson.Casing qualified as J import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KM import Data.Aeson.TH qualified as J import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL import Data.Int qualified as Int import Data.Scientific (Scientific) import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as TE import Data.X509 qualified as X509 import Data.X509.Memory qualified as X509 import Hasura.Metadata.DTO.Utils (fromEnvCodec) import Hasura.Prelude newtype BigQueryProjectId = BigQueryProjectId {getBigQueryProjectId :: Text} deriving newtype (Eq, Show, NFData, Hashable, J.FromJSON, J.ToJSON) deriving stock (Data, Generic) instance HasCodec BigQueryProjectId where codec = bimapCodec (Right . BigQueryProjectId) getBigQueryProjectId textCodec newtype BigQueryDataset = BigQueryDataset {getBigQueryDataset :: Text} deriving newtype (Eq, Show, NFData, Hashable, J.FromJSON, J.ToJSON) deriving stock (Data, Generic) instance HasCodec BigQueryDataset where codec = bimapCodec (Right . BigQueryDataset) getBigQueryDataset textCodec data PKey = PKey { unPKey :: Cry.PrivateKey, originalBS :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Generic, NFData, Hashable) deriving instance Generic Cry.PrivateKey -- orphan deriving instance Generic Cry.PublicKey -- orphan deriving instance J.ToJSON Cry.PrivateKey -- orphan deriving instance J.ToJSON Cry.PublicKey -- orphan deriving instance Hashable Cry.PrivateKey -- orphan deriving instance Hashable Cry.PublicKey -- orphan instance HasCodec PKey where codec = bimapCodec dec originalBS codec where dec k = case X509.readKeyFileFromMemory $ TE.encodeUtf8 k of [X509.PrivKeyRSA k'] -> Right $ PKey k' k _ -> Left "unable to parse private key" instance J.FromJSON PKey where parseJSON = J.withText "private_key" $ \k -> case X509.readKeyFileFromMemory $ TE.encodeUtf8 k of [X509.PrivKeyRSA k'] -> return $ PKey k' k _ -> fail "unable to parse private key" instance J.ToJSON PKey where toJSON PKey {..} = J.toJSON originalBS newtype GoogleAccessToken = GoogleAccessToken Text deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) deriving anyclass (J.FromJSON, J.ToJSON, Hashable, NFData) data TokenResp = TokenResp { _trAccessToken :: GoogleAccessToken, _trExpiresAt :: Integer -- Number of seconds until expiry from `now`, but we add `now` seconds to this for easy tracking } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, NFData, Generic, Hashable) instance J.FromJSON TokenResp where parseJSON = J.withObject "TokenResp" $ \o -> TokenResp <$> o J..: "access_token" <*> o J..: "expires_in" data ServiceAccount = ServiceAccount { _saClientEmail :: Text, _saPrivateKey :: PKey, _saProjectId :: BigQueryProjectId } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, NFData, Generic, Hashable) instance HasCodec ServiceAccount where codec = object "BigQueryServiceAccount" $ ServiceAccount <$> requiredField' "client_email" .= _saClientEmail <*> requiredField' "private_key" .= _saPrivateKey <*> requiredField' "project_id" .= _saProjectId $(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 3 J.snakeCase) {J.omitNothingFields = False} ''ServiceAccount) data ConfigurationJSON a = FromEnvJSON Text | FromYamlJSON a deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (NFData, Hashable) -- This codec has straightforward encoding, but on decoding there is -- a possibility of receiving a string that contains JSON that is recursively -- handled by this codec. There is also the issue that decoding the -- @FromYamlJSON@ case should be attempted last because there is a possibility -- that the decoding for @a@ is not disjoint from the other decoding cases. This -- presents some asymmetry that is a little tricky to capture in a codec. instance HasCodec a => HasCodec (ConfigurationJSON a) where codec = parseAlternative (parseAlternative mainCodec fromEnvEncodedAsNestedJSON) yamlJSONCodec where -- This is the only codec in this implementation that is used for -- encoding. It must cover both the @FromEnvJSON@ and @FromYamlJSON@ cases -- because Autodocodec does not support codecs that are partial in -- encoding. mainCodec :: JSONCodec (ConfigurationJSON a) mainCodec = dimapCodec dec enc $ eitherCodec fromEnvCodec ( bimapCodec -- Fail parsing at this point because @codec \@a@ should only be -- used for parsing after trying @fromEnvEncodedAsNestedJSON@. (const $ Left "not used for parsing") id $ codec @a ) where dec (Left text) = FromEnvJSON text dec (Right a) = FromYamlJSON a enc (FromEnvJSON i) = Left i enc (FromYamlJSON j) = Right j -- The JSON-encoded string case is used as an alternative in -- a 'parseAlternative' because we can implement the decoding direction, -- but not the encoding direction. (There isn't a good way to implement -- @ConfigurationJSON a -> Text@.) Fortunately an alternative in -- a 'parseAlternative' is only used for decoding so we don't need to -- implement encoding logic here. fromEnvEncodedAsNestedJSON :: ValueCodec Text (ConfigurationJSON a) fromEnvEncodedAsNestedJSON = bimapCodec (eitherDecodeJSONViaCodec . BL.fromStrict . TE.encodeUtf8) id $ codec @Text "JSON-encoded string" yamlJSONCodec :: ValueCodec a (ConfigurationJSON a) yamlJSONCodec = FromYamlJSON <$> codec @a instance J.FromJSON a => J.FromJSON (ConfigurationJSON a) where parseJSON = \case J.Object o | Just (J.String text) <- KM.lookup "from_env" o -> pure (FromEnvJSON text) J.String s -> case J.eitherDecode . BL.fromStrict . TE.encodeUtf8 $ s of Left {} -> fail "error parsing configuration json" Right sa -> pure sa j -> fmap FromYamlJSON (J.parseJSON j) instance J.ToJSON a => J.ToJSON (ConfigurationJSON a) where toJSON = \case FromEnvJSON i -> J.object ["from_env" J..= i] FromYamlJSON j -> J.toJSON j -- | Configuration inputs when they are a YAML array or an Env var whose value is -- a comma-separated string data ConfigurationInputs = FromYamls [Text] | FromEnvs Text deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (NFData, Hashable) instance HasCodec ConfigurationInputs where codec = dimapCodec (either FromYamls FromEnvs) (\case FromYamls i -> Left i; FromEnvs i -> Right i) $ disjointEitherCodec (codec @[Text]) fromEnvCodec instance J.ToJSON ConfigurationInputs where toJSON = \case FromYamls i -> J.toJSON i FromEnvs i -> J.object ["from_env" J..= i] instance J.FromJSON ConfigurationInputs where parseJSON = \case J.Object o -> FromEnvs <$> o J..: "from_env" s@(J.Array _) -> FromYamls <$> J.parseJSON s _ -> fail "one of array or object must be provided" -- | Configuration input when the YAML value as well as the Env var have -- singular values data ConfigurationInput = FromYaml Text | FromEnv Text deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (NFData, Hashable) instance HasCodec ConfigurationInput where codec = dimapCodec (either FromYaml FromEnv) (\case FromYaml i -> Left i; FromEnv i -> Right i) $ disjointEitherCodec fromYamls fromEnvCodec where fromYamls = parseAlternative (codec @Text) (tshow <$> codec @Scientific) instance J.ToJSON ConfigurationInput where toJSON = \case FromYaml i -> J.toJSON i FromEnv i -> J.object ["from_env" J..= i] instance J.FromJSON ConfigurationInput where parseJSON = \case J.Object o -> FromEnv <$> o J..: "from_env" s@(J.String _) -> FromYaml <$> J.parseJSON s (J.Number n) -> FromYaml <$> J.parseJSON (J.String (tshow n)) _ -> fail "one of string or number or object must be provided" data BigQueryConnSourceConfig = BigQueryConnSourceConfig { _cscServiceAccount :: ConfigurationJSON ServiceAccount, _cscDatasets :: ConfigurationInputs, _cscProjectId :: ConfigurationInput, -- we use this projectId instead of the one from the service account as a service account may have access to multiple projects and we wish to choose which one to use _cscGlobalSelectLimit :: Maybe ConfigurationInput, _cscRetryBaseDelay :: Maybe ConfigurationInput, _cscRetryLimit :: Maybe ConfigurationInput } deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData) $(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 4 J.snakeCase) {J.omitNothingFields = True} ''BigQueryConnSourceConfig) -- TODO: Write a proper codec, and use it to derive FromJSON and ToJSON -- instances. instance HasCodec BigQueryConnSourceConfig where codec = object "BigQueryConnSourceConfig" $ BigQueryConnSourceConfig <$> requiredField' "service_account" .= _cscServiceAccount <*> requiredField' "datasets" .= _cscDatasets <*> requiredField' "project_id" .= _cscProjectId <*> optionalFieldOrNull' "global_select_limit" .= _cscGlobalSelectLimit <*> optionalFieldOrNull' "retry_base_delay" .= _cscRetryBaseDelay <*> optionalFieldOrNull' "retry_limit" .= _cscRetryLimit deriving stock instance Show BigQueryConnSourceConfig deriving instance Hashable BigQueryConnSourceConfig data RetryOptions = RetryOptions { _retryBaseDelay :: Microseconds, _retryNumRetries :: Int } deriving (Eq) data BigQueryConnection = BigQueryConnection { _bqServiceAccount :: ServiceAccount, _bqProjectId :: BigQueryProjectId, -- we use this projectId instead of the one from the service account as a service account may have access to multiple projects and we wish to choose which one to use _bqRetryOptions :: Maybe RetryOptions, _bqAccessTokenMVar :: MVar (Maybe TokenResp) } deriving (Eq) data BigQuerySourceConfig = BigQuerySourceConfig { _scConnection :: BigQueryConnection, _scDatasets :: [BigQueryDataset], _scGlobalSelectLimit :: Int.Int64 } deriving (Eq) instance Show BigQuerySourceConfig where show _ = "(BigQuerySourceConfig
)" instance J.ToJSON BigQuerySourceConfig where toJSON BigQuerySourceConfig {..} = J.object $ [ "service_account" J..= _bqServiceAccount _scConnection, "datasets" J..= _scDatasets, "project_id" J..= _bqProjectId _scConnection, "global_select_limit" J..= _scGlobalSelectLimit ] <> case _bqRetryOptions _scConnection of Just RetryOptions {..} -> [ "base_delay" J..= diffTimeToMicroSeconds (microseconds _retryBaseDelay), "retry_limit" J..= _retryNumRetries ] Nothing -> []