import os import subprocess import argparse import json import signal import time import contextlib import requests import inflection import docker from colorama import Fore, Style def rm_file_if_exists(f): """Remove a file if it exists""" with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.remove(f) class HGEError(Exception): """Exception type for class HGE""" class HGE: default_graphql_env = { 'HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_TELEMETRY': 'false', 'EVENT_WEBHOOK_HEADER': "MyEnvValue", 'HASURA_GRAPHQL_STRINGIFY_NUMERIC_TYPES': 'true', 'HASURA_GRAPHQL_CONSOLE_ASSETS_DIR' : '../../console/static/dist/', 'HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_CONSOLE' : 'true' } def __init__(self, pg, port_allocator, docker_image=None, log_file='hge.log', url=None, args=[]): = pg self.log_file = log_file if self.log_file: self.tix_file = self.log_file[:-4] + '.tix' self.docker_image = docker_image self.introspection = None self.obj_fk_rels = set() self.arr_fk_rels = set() self.port_allocator = port_allocator self.url = url self.proc = None self.container = None self.args = args def admin_secret(self): admin_secret_env = os.environ.get('HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--admin-secret', metavar='HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET', required=False) admin_secret_arg = parser.parse_known_args(self.args)[0].admin_secret return admin_secret_arg or admin_secret_env @classmethod def do_stack_build(cls): print(Fore.YELLOW + "Performing Stack build first" + Style.RESET_ALL) # 'stack run' below will also build, but we want to make sure that's a # noop so the server starts right away subprocess.check_call( ['cabal', 'new-build', 'exe:graphql-engine']) def get_hge_env(self): hge_env = { **os.environ, **self.default_graphql_env.copy(), 'HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL':, 'HASURA_GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT': str(self.port), 'HASURA_GRAPHQL_SERVER_HOST': '', 'HPCTIXFILE' : self.tix_file } return hge_env def run(self): if self.url: return if self.docker_image: self.run_with_docker() else: self.run_with_cabal() def run_with_docker(self): if self.url: return self.port = self.port_allocator.allocate_port(8080) hge_env = self.get_hge_env() process_args = ['graphql-engine', 'serve', *self.args] docker_ports = {str(self.port) + '/tcp': ('', self.port)} self.docker_client = docker.from_env() print("Running GraphQL Engine docker with image:", self.docker_image, '(port:{})'.format(self.port)) print(process_args) self.container = self.docker_image, command=process_args, detach=True, ports=docker_ports, environment=hge_env, network_mode='host', volumes={} ) self.url = '' + str(self.port) print("Waiting for GraphQL Engine to be running.", end='') self.wait_for_start() def run_with_cabal(self): if self.url: return self.port = self.port_allocator.allocate_port(8080) rm_file_if_exists(self.tix_file) hge_env = self.get_hge_env() process_args = ['cabal', 'new-run', '--', 'exe:graphql-engine', 'serve', *self.args] print("Running GraphQL with 'cabal run': (port:{})".format(self.port)) print(process_args) self.log_fp = open(self.log_file, 'w') self.proc = subprocess.Popen( process_args, env=hge_env, shell=False, bufsize=-1, start_new_session=True, stdout=self.log_fp, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) self.url = '' + str(self.port) print("Waiting for GraphQL Engine to be running.", end='') self.wait_for_start() def check_if_process_is_running(self): if self.proc.poll() is not None: with open(self.log_file) as fr: raise HGEError( "GraphQL engine failed with error: " + def check_if_container_is_running(self): self.container.reload() if self.container.status == 'exited': raise HGEError( "GraphQL engine failed with error: \n" + self.container.logs(stdout=True, stderr=True).decode('ascii') ) def wait_for_start(self, timeout=120): if timeout <= 0: raise HGEError("Timeout waiting for graphql process to start") if self.proc: self.check_if_process_is_running() elif self.container: self.check_if_container_is_running() try: q = { 'query': 'query { __typename }' } r = + '/v1/graphql',json.dumps(q),headers=self.admin_auth_headers()) if r.status_code == 200: print() return except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: pass except ConnectionError: pass print(".", end="", flush=True), sleep_time = 0.5 time.sleep(sleep_time) self.wait_for_start(timeout - sleep_time) def teardown(self): if getattr(self, 'log_fp', None): self.log_fp.close() self.log_fp = None if self.proc: self.cleanup_process() elif self.container: self.cleanup_docker() def cleanup_process(self): # TODO hangs print(Fore.YELLOW + "Stopping graphql engine at port:", self.port, Style.RESET_ALL) pgrp = os.getpgid( os.killpg(pgrp, signal.SIGTERM) # NOTE this doesn't seem to work, although a SIGINT from terminal does ... # self.proc.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) self.proc.wait() self.proc = None def cleanup_docker(self): cntnr_info = "HGE docker container " + + " " + repr(self.container.image) print(Fore.YELLOW + "Stopping " + cntnr_info + Style.RESET_ALL) self.container.stop() print(Fore.YELLOW + "Removing " + cntnr_info + Style.RESET_ALL) self.container.remove() self.container = None def admin_auth_headers(self): headers = {} if self.admin_secret(): headers['X-Hasura-Admin-Secret'] = self.admin_secret() return headers def v1q(self, q, exp_status=200): resp = + '/v1/query', json.dumps(q), headers=self.admin_auth_headers()) assert resp.status_code == exp_status, f'Expected {resp.status_code} to be {exp_status}. Response:\n{json.dumps(resp, indent=2)}' return resp.json() def graphql_q(self, query, variables={}, exp_status = 200): q = {'query': query} if variables: q['variables'] = variables resp = + '/v1/graphql', json.dumps(q), headers=self.admin_auth_headers()) assert resp.status_code == exp_status, (resp.status_code, resp.json()) assert 'errors' not in resp.json(), resp.json() return resp.json() def track_all_tables_in_schema(self, schema='public'): print("Track all tables in schema ", schema) all_tables = all_tables = [ {'schema': schema, 'name': t} for t in all_tables ] return self.track_tables(all_tables) def run_bulk(self, queries, exp_status = 200): bulk_q = { 'type': 'bulk', 'args': queries } return self.v1q(bulk_q, exp_status) def select_simple(self, table, columns): query = { 'type': 'select', 'args': { 'table': table, 'columns': columns } } return self.v1q(query) def get_all_tracked_tables(self): table = { 'schema': 'hdb_catalog', 'name': 'hdb_table' } columns = ['table_schema', 'table_name'] resp = self.select_simple(table, columns) tables = [] for row in resp: tables.append({ 'schema': row['table_schema'], 'name': row['table_name'] }) return tables def track_tables(self, tables, exp_status=200): queries = [] for table in tables: q = { 'type' : 'track_table', 'args' : table } queries.append(q) return self.run_bulk(queries, exp_status) def track_table(self, table, exp_status=200): q = self.mk_track_table_q(table) return self.v1q(q, exp_status) def mk_track_table_q(self, table): return { 'type' : 'track_table', 'args' : table } def add_remote_schema(self, name, remote_url, headers={}, client_hdrs=False): def hdr_name_val_pair(headers): nvp = [] for (k,v) in headers.items(): nvp.append({'name': k, 'value': v}) return nvp if len(headers) > 0: client_hdrs = True q = { 'type' : 'add_remote_schema', 'args': { 'name': name, 'comment': name, 'definition': { 'url': remote_url, 'headers': hdr_name_val_pair(headers), 'forward_client_headers': client_hdrs } } } return self.v1q(q) def create_remote_obj_rel_to_itself(self, tables_schema, remote, remote_tables_schema): print("Creating remote relationship to the tables in schema {} to itself using remote {}".format(tables_schema, remote)) fk_constrnts = for (s, _, t, c, _, ft, _) in fk_constrnts: table_cols =, s) if not 'id' in table_cols: continue rel_name = 'remote_' + inflection.singularize(t) + '_via_' + c query ={ 'type': 'create_remote_relationship', 'args' : { 'name' : rel_name, 'table' : { 'schema': s, 'name': t }, 'remote_schema': remote, 'hasura_fields': ['id', c], 'remote_field': { remote_tables_schema + '_' + ft + '_by_pk' : { 'arguments': { 'id': '$' + c }, 'field': { inflection.pluralize(t) + '_by_' + c: { 'arguments' : { 'where': { c : { '_eq': '$id' } } } } } } } } } print(query) self.v1q(query) def create_remote_obj_fk_ish_relationships(self, tables_schema, remote, remote_tables_schema): print("Creating object foreign key ish relationships for tables in schema {} using remote {}".format(tables_schema, remote)) fk_constrnts = for (s, _, t, c, _, ft, _) in fk_constrnts: rel_name = inflection.singularize(ft) if c.endswith('_id'): rel_name = c[:-3] rel_name = 'remote_' + rel_name query ={ 'type': 'create_remote_relationship', 'args' : { 'name' : rel_name, 'table' : { 'schema': s, 'name': t }, 'remote_schema': remote, 'hasura_fields': [c], 'remote_field': { remote_tables_schema + '_' + ft + '_by_pk' : { 'arguments' : { 'id': '$' + c } } } } } print(query) self.v1q(query) def create_obj_fk_relationships(self, schema='public'): print("Creating object foreign key relationships for tables in schema ", schema) fk_constrnts = queries = [] for (s, _, t, c, _, ft, _) in fk_constrnts: rel_name = inflection.singularize(ft) if c.endswith('_id'): rel_name = c[:-3] table_cols =, s) if rel_name in table_cols: rel_name += '_' + inflection.singularize(ft) queries.append({ 'type' : 'create_object_relationship', 'args': { 'table': { 'schema': s, 'name': t }, 'name': rel_name, 'using': { 'foreign_key_constraint_on': c } } }) self.obj_fk_rels.add(((s,t),rel_name)) return self.run_bulk(queries) def create_remote_arr_fk_ish_relationships(self, tables_schema, remote, remote_tables_schema): fk_constrnts = for (_, _, t, c, fs, ft, _) in fk_constrnts: rel_name = 'remote_' + inflection.pluralize(t) + '_by_' + c query ={ 'type': 'create_remote_relationship', 'args' : { 'name' : rel_name, 'table' : { 'schema': fs, 'name': ft }, 'remote_schema': remote, 'hasura_fields': ['id'], 'remote_field': { remote_tables_schema + '_' + t : { 'arguments' : { 'where': { c : { '_eq': '$id' } } } } } } } print(query) self.v1q(query) def create_arr_fk_relationships(self, schema='public'): print("Creating array foreign key relationships for tables in schema ", schema) fk_constrnts = queries = [] for (s, _, t, c, fs, ft, _) in fk_constrnts: rel_name = inflection.pluralize(t) + '_by_' + c queries.append({ 'type' : 'create_array_relationship', 'args': { 'table': { 'schema': fs, 'name': ft }, 'name': rel_name, 'using': { 'foreign_key_constraint_on': { 'table': { 'schema': s, 'name': t }, 'column': c } } } }) self.arr_fk_rels.add(((fs,ft),rel_name)) return self.run_bulk(queries) def run_sql(self, sql): """Run given SQL query""" def mk_run_sql_q(sql): return { 'type' : 'run_sql', 'args': { 'sql' : sql } } return self.v1q(mk_run_sql_q(sql))