# tests-hspec Graphql-engine integration tests written in Haskell using the [hspec](https://hspec.github.io) testing framework. For motivation, rationale, and more, see the [test suite rfc](../../rfcs/hspec-test-suite.md). **Table of Contents** - [tests-hspec](#tests-hspec) - [Required setup for BigQuery tests](#required-setup-for-bigquery-tests) - [Running the test suite](#running-the-test-suite) - [Enabling logging](#enabling-logging) - [Test suite structure](#test-suite-structure) - [Harness](#harness) - [Test](#test) - [Adding a new test](#adding-a-new-test) - [Specifying contexts](#specifying-contexts) - [Make local testEnvironment action](#make-local-testenvironment-action) - [Setup action](#setup-action) - [Teardown action](#teardown-action) - [Writing tests](#writing-tests) - [Debugging](#debugging) - [Using GHCI](#using-ghci) - [Style guide](#style-guide) - [Stick to Simple Haskell](#stick-to-simple-haskell) - [Write small, atomic, autonomous specs](#write-small-atomic-autonomous-specs) - [Use the `Harness.*` hierarchy for common functions](#use-the-harness-hierarchy-for-common-functions) - [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) - [`Database 'hasura' already exists. Choose a different database name.`](#database-hasura-already-exists-choose-a-different-database-name) - [General `DataConnector` failures](#general-dataconnector-failures) - [`SQLServer` failures on Apple M1 chips](#sqlserver-failures-on-apple-m1-chips) ## Required setup for BigQuery tests Running integration tests against a BigQuery data source is a more involved due to the necessary service account requirements: ``` HASURA_BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID=# the project ID of the service account HASURA_BIGQUERY_SERVICE_KEY=# the service account key # optional variable used to verify the account setup in step 4 below HASURA_BIGQUERY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL=# eg. "<>@<>.iam.gserviceaccount.com" ``` Before running the test suite: 1. Ensure you have access to a [Google Cloud Console service account](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/creating-managing-service-accounts#creating). Store the project ID and account email in `HASURA_BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID` variable. 2. [Create and download a new service account key](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/creating-managing-service-account-keys). Store the contents of file in a `HASURA_BIGQUERY_SERVICE_KEY` variable. ```bash export HASURA_BIGQUERY_SERVICE_KEY=$(cat /path/to/service/account) ``` 3. [Login and activate the service account](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/auth/activate-service-account), if it is not already activated. 4. Verify the service account is accessible via the [BigQuery API](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest), by running the following command: ```bash ./scripts/verify-bigquery-creds.sh ``` If the query succeeds, the service account is setup correctly to run tests against BigQuery locally. 5. If necessary, create a dataset called "hasura" in the [BigQuery workspace](https://console.cloud.google.com/bigquery). 6. Finally, run the BigQuery tests once the `HASURA_BIGQUERY_SERVICE_KEY` and `HASURA_BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID` environment variables set. For example: ``` cabal run tests-hspec -- -m "BigQuery" ``` _Note to Hasura team: a service account is already setup for internal use, please check the wiki for further details._ ## Running the test suite 1. To run the Haskell integration test suite, we'll first need to start the backends: ```sh docker compose up ``` This will start up Postgres, SQL Server, Citus, MariaDB and the Hasura Data Connectors' reference agent. > **Note**: on ARM64 architecture we'll need additional steps in order to test mssql properly. > See [`SQLServer` failures on Apple M1 chips](#sqlserver-failures-on-apple-m1-chips) > for more details. 2. Once the containers are up, you can run the test suite via ```sh cabal run tests-hspec ``` You can also further refine which tests to run using the `-m` flag: ```sh cabal run tests-hspec -- -m "SQLServer" ``` For additional information, consult the help section: ```sh cabal run tests-hspec -- --help ``` 3. The local databases persist even after shutting down the containers. If this is undesirable, delete the databases using the following command: ```sh docker compose down --volumes ``` ## Enabling logging In order to enable logging, you have to manually edit the `engineLogLevel` term in [Harness/Constants.hs](Harness/Constants.hs). This pairs well with running a single test via the `-m` flag (see the section above). ## Test suite structure ### Harness Modules under the [Harness/](Harness/) namespace provide the infrastructure and supporting code for writing and running the tests. It includes quasiquoters, interacting with backends, interfacing with HTTP, constants, and so on. Supporting code should be added under the `Harness.*` namespace instead of added ad-hoc in test specs, to improve readability and reuse. ### Test Modules under the [Test/](Test/) namespace define integration test specifications for various features and backends. ## Adding a new test Tests are written using [`hspec`](http://hspec.github.io/) and [`hspec-discover`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hspec-discover): - Modules are declared under the `Test` namespace. - Module names must end with `Spec` (e.g. `HelloWorldSpec`). - Module names must contain some value `spec :: SpecWith TestEnvironment`, which serves as the entry point for the module. See the documentation for `hspec` and `hspec-discover`, as well as other modules in the `Test` namespace, for more guidance. As well as this, the module [Test.HelloWorldSpec](Test/HelloWorldSpec.hs) contains a skeleton for writing new tests. ### Specifying contexts We often want to run the same tests several times with slightly different configuration. Most commonly, we want to assert that a given behaviour works consistently across different backends. [Harness.Test.Context](Harness/Test/Context.hs) defines two functions for running test trees in terms of a list of `Context a`s. Each `Context a` requires: - a unique `name`, of type `ContextName` - a `mkLocalTestEnvironment` action, of type `TestEnvironment -> IO a` - a `setup` action, of type `(TestEnvironment, a) -> IO ()` - a `teardown` action, of type `(TestEnvironment, a) -> IO ()` - an `customOptions` parameter, which will be threaded through the tests themselves to modify behavior for a particular `Context` Of these two functions, whether one wishes to use `Harness.Test.Context.run` or `Harness.Test.Context.runWithLocalTestEnvironment` will depend on if their test can be written in terms of information provided by the global `TestEnvironment` type or if it depends on some additional "local" state. More often than not, test authors should use `Harness.Test.Context.run`, which is written in terms of `Context ()`. This uses `()` for the local test which does not carry any "useful" state information, and is therefore omitted from the body of the tests themselves. In the rare cases where some local state is necessary (either for the test itself, or as an argument to the `teardown` action for some `Context`), test authors should use `Harness.Test.Context.runWithLocalTestEnvironment`. This function takes a type parameter for its local testEnvironment, which will be provided to both the `teardown` action specified in `Context` as well as the body of tests themselves. #### Make local testEnvironment action This refers to the function `mkLocalTestEnvironment` defined for `Context`: ```hs mkLocalTestEnvironment :: TestEnvironment -> IO a ``` Its return value, `IO a`, matches the `a` of `Context a`: it is the additional local state that is required throughout the tests, in addition to the global `TestEnvironment`. Some tests, such as tests which check remote relationships, need to keep some state which is local to the context, but most tests do not need additional state, and define `mkLocalTestEnvironment` to be `Harness.Test.Context.noLocalTestEnvironment`. This local state will be pass to the `setup` function and the `teardown` function. The `teardown` function is responsible to destroy the local state as well, if needed. #### Setup action A setup action is a function of type `(TestEnvironment, a) -> IO ()` which is responsible for creating the environment for the test. It needs to: 1. Clear and reconfigure the metadata 2. Setup tables and insert values 3. Track tables, add relationships, permissions etc. These actions can be created by running POST requests against graphql-engine using `Harness.GraphqlEngine.post_`, or by running SQL requests against the backend using `Backend..run_`. #### Teardown action The teardown action is another function of type `(TestEnvironment, a) -> IO ()` which is responsible for removing the environment created by the test or setup, so that other tests can have a "clean slate" with no artifacts. The `(TestEnvironment, a)` parameter is constructed from the `a` parameter of the `Context a`: it is the local state that is passed throughout the tests. This action is responsible for freeing acquired resources, and reverting all local modifications: dropping newly created tables, deleting custom functions, removing the changes made to the metadata, and so on. These actions can be created by running POST requests against graphql-engine using `Harness.GraphqlEngine.post_`, or by running SQL requests against the backend using `Backend..run_`. ### Writing tests Test should be written (or reachable from) `tests :: SpecWith TestEnvironment`, or `tests :: SpecWith (TestEnvironment, Foo)` for tests that use an additional local state. A typical test will look similar to this: ```hs it "Where id=1" \testEnvironment -> shouldReturnYaml ( GraphqlEngine.postGraphql testEnvironment [graphql| query { hasura_author(where: {id: {_eq: 1}}) { name id } } |] ) [yaml| data: hasura_author: - name: Author 1 id: 1 |] ``` - `it` specifies the name of the test - `shouldReturnYaml` creates an [`Expectation`](https://hspec.github.io/expectations.html) which does the following: - Runs a POST request against graphql-engine which can be specified using the `graphql` quasi-quoter. - Compares the response to an expected result which can be specified using the `yaml` quasi-quoter. **Note**: these quasi-quoter can also perform string interpolation. See the relevant modules under the [Harness.Quoter](Harness/Quoter) namespace. ## Debugging There are times when you would want to debug a test failure by playing around with the Hasura's Graphql engine or by inspecting the database. The default behavior of the test suite is to drop all the data and the tables onces the test suite finishes. To prevent that, you can modify your test module to prevent teardown. Example: ```diff spec :: SpecWith TestEnvironment spec = Context.run [ Context.Context { name = Context.Backend Context.SQLServer, mkLocalTestEnvironment = Context.noLocalTestEnvironment, setup = SqlServer.setup schema, - teardown = SqlServer.teardown schema, + teardown = const $ pure (), customOptions = Nothing }] ``` Now re-run the particular test case again so that the local database is setup. You will still have access to that data once the test suite finishes running. Now based on what you want to, you can either run the Hasura's Graphql engine to debug this further or directly inspect the database using [any of it's clients](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_database_administration_tools). ### Using GHCI Alternatively it is also possible to manually start up the test environment in the GHCI repl. An example session: ``` $ cabal repl graphql-engine:tests-hspec GHCi, version 8.10.7: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help [ 1 of 59] Compiling Harness.Constants ( tests-hspec/Harness/Constants.hs, interpreted ) ... [59 of 59] Compiling Main ( tests-hspec/Spec.hs, interpreted ) Ok, 59 modules loaded. *Main> :module *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> te <- SpecHook.setupTestEnvironment *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> te *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> -- Setup the instance according to the Context *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> cleanupPG <- Context.contextRepl Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping.postgresContext te *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> -- run tests or parts of tests manually here *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping.someExample te *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> -- run the test with the hspec runner *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> hspec (aroundAllWith (\a () ->a te) Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping>.spec) Postgres ... [✔] Citus ... [✔] *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> -- Or perform other manual inspections, e.g. via the console or ghci. *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> -- Cleanup before reloading *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> cleanupPG *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> SpecHook.teardownTestEnvironment te *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> -- Reload changes made to the test module or HGE. *Main *SpecHook *Test.SomeSpecImDeveloping> :reload ``` Points to note: - `SpecHook.setupTestEnvironment` starts the HGE server, and its url is revealed by `instance Show TestEnvironment`. - `SpecHook.teardownTestEnvironment` stops it again. - This is a good idea to do before issuing the `:reload` command, because reloading loses the `te` reference but leaves the thread running! - `Context.contextRepl` runs the setup action of a given `Context` and returns a corresponding teardown action. - After running this you can interact with the HGE console in the same state as when the tests are run. - Or you can run individual test `Example`s or `Spec`s. - To successfully debug/develop a test in the GHCI repl, the test module should: - define its `Context`s as toplevel values, - define its `Example`s as toplevel values, - ... such that they can be used directly in the repl. ## Style guide ### Stick to [Simple Haskell](https://www.simplehaskell.org/) This test suite should remain accessible to contributors who are new to Haskell and/or the GraphQL engine codebase. Consider the [power-to-weight](https://www.snoyman.com/blog/2019/11/boring-haskell-manifesto/#power-to-weight-ratio) ratio of features, language extensions or abstractions before you introduce them. For example, try to fully leverage Haskell '98 or 2010 features before making use of more advanced ones. ### Write small, atomic, autonomous specs Small: Keep specs short and succinct wherever possible. Consider reorganising modules that grow much longer than ~200-300 lines of code. _For example: The [`TestGraphQLQueryBasic` pytest class](../tests-py/test_graphql_queries.py#L251) was ported to the hspec suite as separate `BasicFields`, `LimitOffset`, `Where`, `Ordering`, `Directives`and `Views` specs._ Atomic: Each spec should test only one feature against the backends (or contexts) that support it. Each module should contain only the context setup and teardown, and the tests themselves. The database schema, test data, and feature expectations should be easy to reason about without navigating to different module. _For example: [`BasicFieldsSpec.hs`](Test/BasicFieldsSpec.hs)_ Autonomous: Each test should run independently of other tests, and not be dependent on the results of a previous test. Shared test state, where unavoidable, should be made explicit. _For example: [Remote relationship tests](Test/RemoteRelationship/) explicitly require shared state._ ### Use the `Harness.*` hierarchy for common functions Avoid functions or types in tests, other than calls to the `Harness.*` API. Any supporting code should be in the `Harness.*` hierarchy and apply broadly to the test suites overall. ## Troubleshooting ### `Database 'hasura' already exists. Choose a different database name.` or `schema "hasura" does not exist` This typically indicates persistent DB state between test runs. Try `docker compose down --volumes` to delete the DBs and restart the containers. ### General `DataConnector` failures The DataConnector agent might be out of date. If you are getting a lot of test failures, first try rebuilding the containers with `docker compose build` to make sure you are using the latest version of the agent. ### `SQLServer` failures on Apple M1 chips We have a few problems with SQLServer on M1: 1. Compiler bug in GHC 8.10.7 on M1. Due to compiler bugs in GHC 8.10.7 we need to use patched Haskell ODBC bindings as a workaround for M1 systems. Make the following change in the `cabal.project`: ```diff source-repository-package type: git - location: https://github.com/fpco/odbc.git - tag: 3d80ffdd4a2879f0debecabb56d834d2d898212b + location: https://github.com/soupi/odbc.git + tag: 46ada57c0d8f750280d6c554536c0fbcff02be59 ``` 2. Microsoft did not release SQL Server for M1. We need to use Azure SQL Edge instead. Switch the docker image in `docker-compose/sqlserver/Dockerfile` to `azure-sql-edge`: ```diff - FROM mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-latest@sha256:a098c9ff6fbb8e1c9608ad7511fa42dba8d22e0d50b48302761717840ccc26af + FROM mcr.microsoft.com/azure-sql-edge ``` Note: you might need to rebuild the Docker images with `docker compose build` 3. Azure SQL Edge does not ship with the `sqlcmd` utility with which we use to setup the SQL Server schema. 1. Install it locally instead, with brew: `brew install microsoft/mssql-release/mssql-tools`. 2. To start the test suite's backends, we need to setup the SQL Server schema using our local `sqlcmd`. To start the backends, run this command instead: ```diff - docker compose up + docker compose up & (cd docker-compose/sqlserver/ && ./run-init.sh 65003) && fg ```