-- The project configuration used when building in CI. reject-unconstrained-dependencies: all package * ghc-options: -- We compile with package-level parallelism, so just use a small amount -- of module-level parallelism for dependencies: -j2 -- For performance, with `-j`: +RTS -A64m -n2m -RTS -- Enable optimizations in all local (hasura) packages: flags: +optimize-hasura -- Set common options program-options ghc-options: -j -Werror package graphql-engine tests: true benchmarks: true -- %%%-BEGIN-PRO-ONLY-CONTENT-%%% -- NOTE: -- The label directly above this note marks the beginning of the pro-only -- section of this file that should be removed by `Copybara` when migrating -- this file to the public `graphql-engine` repository. We use a simple -- regular expression to identify these segments (see the "transformations" in -- `copy.bara.sky`), so please take care when manipulating this label! package graphql-engine-pro tests: true