{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Hasura.RQL.DML.Select where import Data.Aeson.Types import Data.List (unionBy) import Instances.TH.Lift () import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.HashSet as HS import qualified Data.Sequence as DS import qualified Data.Text as T import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal import Hasura.RQL.GBoolExp import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.SQL.Types import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S -- Conversion of SelectQ happens in 2 Stages. -- Stage 1 : Convert input query into an annotated AST -- Stage 2 : Convert annotated AST to SQL Select type SelectQExt = SelectG ExtCol BoolExp Int -- Columns in RQL data ExtCol = ECSimple !PGCol | ECRel !RelName !(Maybe RelName) !SelectQExt deriving (Show, Eq, Lift) instance ToJSON ExtCol where toJSON (ECSimple s) = toJSON s toJSON (ECRel rn mrn selq) = object $ [ "name" .= rn , "alias" .= mrn ] ++ selectGToPairs selq instance FromJSON ExtCol where parseJSON v@(Object o) = ECRel <$> o .: "name" <*> o .:? "alias" <*> parseJSON v parseJSON (String s) = return $ ECSimple $ PGCol s parseJSON _ = fail $ mconcat [ "A column should either be a string or an " , "object (relationship)" ] data AnnRel = AnnRel { arName :: !RelName -- Relationship name , arType :: !RelType -- Relationship type (ObjRel, ArrRel) , arMapping :: ![(PGCol, PGCol)] -- Column of the left table to join with , arSelData :: !SelectData -- Current table. Almost ~ to SQL Select } deriving (Show, Eq) data SelectData = SelectData -- Nested annotated columns { sdFlds :: !(HM.HashMap FieldName AnnFld) , sdTable :: !QualifiedTable -- Postgres table name , sdWhere :: !(S.BoolExp, Maybe (GBoolExp AnnSQLBoolExp)) , sdOrderBy :: !(Maybe S.OrderByExp) , sdAddCols :: ![PGCol] -- additional order by columns , sdLimit :: !(Maybe S.SQLExp) , sdOffset :: !(Maybe S.SQLExp) } deriving (Show, Eq) convSelCol :: (P1C m) => FieldInfoMap -> SelPermInfo -> SelCol -> m [ExtCol] convSelCol _ _ (SCExtSimple cn) = return [ECSimple cn] convSelCol fieldInfoMap _ (SCExtRel rn malias selQ) = do -- Point to the name key let pgWhenRelErr = "only relationships can be expanded" relInfo <- withPathK "name" $ askRelType fieldInfoMap rn pgWhenRelErr let (RelInfo _ _ _ relTab _) = relInfo (rfim, rspi) <- fetchRelDet rn relTab resolvedSelQ <- resolveStar rfim rspi selQ return [ECRel rn malias resolvedSelQ] convSelCol fieldInfoMap spi (SCStar wildcard) = convWildcard fieldInfoMap spi wildcard convWildcard :: (P1C m) => FieldInfoMap -> SelPermInfo -> Wildcard -> m [ExtCol] convWildcard fieldInfoMap (SelPermInfo cols _ _ _ _ _) wildcard = case wildcard of Star -> return simpleCols (StarDot wc) -> (simpleCols ++) <$> (catMaybes <$> relExtCols wc) where (pgCols, relColInfos) = partitionFieldInfosWith (pgiName, id) $ HM.elems fieldInfoMap simpleCols = map ECSimple $ filter (`HS.member` cols) pgCols mkRelCol wc relInfo = do let relName = riName relInfo relTab = riRTable relInfo relTabInfo <- fetchRelTabInfo relTab mRelSelPerm <- askPermInfo' PASelect relTabInfo case mRelSelPerm of Nothing -> return Nothing Just rspi -> do rExtCols <- convWildcard (tiFieldInfoMap relTabInfo) rspi wc return $ Just $ ECRel relName Nothing $ SelectG rExtCols Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing relExtCols wc = mapM (mkRelCol wc) relColInfos resolveStar :: (P1C m) => FieldInfoMap -> SelPermInfo -> SelectQ -> m SelectQExt resolveStar fim spi (SelectG selCols mWh mOb mLt mOf) = do procOverrides <- fmap (concat . catMaybes) $ withPathK "columns" $ indexedForM selCols $ \selCol -> case selCol of (SCStar _) -> return Nothing _ -> Just <$> convSelCol fim spi selCol everything <- case wildcards of [] -> return [] _ -> convWildcard fim spi $ maximum wildcards let extCols = unionBy equals procOverrides everything return $ SelectG extCols mWh mOb mLt mOf where wildcards = lefts $ map mkEither selCols mkEither (SCStar wc) = Left wc mkEither selCol = Right selCol equals (ECSimple x) (ECSimple y) = x == y equals (ECRel x _ _) (ECRel y _ _) = x == y equals _ _ = False data AnnFld = FCol (PGCol, PGColType) | FRel AnnRel | FExp T.Text deriving (Show, Eq) partAnnFlds :: [AnnFld] -> ([(PGCol, PGColType)], [AnnRel]) partAnnFlds flds = partitionEithers $ catMaybes $ flip map flds $ \case FCol c -> Just $ Left c FRel r -> Just $ Right r FExp _ -> Nothing processOrderByElem :: (P1C m) => HM.HashMap FieldName AnnFld -> [T.Text] -> m (HM.HashMap FieldName AnnFld) processOrderByElem _ [] = withPathK "column" $ throw400 UnexpectedPayload "can't be empty" processOrderByElem annFlds [colTxt] = case HM.lookup (FieldName colTxt) annFlds of Just (FCol (_, ty)) -> if ty == PGGeography || ty == PGGeometry then throw400 UnexpectedPayload $ mconcat [ (PGCol colTxt) <<> " has type 'geometry'" , " and cannot be used in order_by" ] else return annFlds Just (FRel _) -> throw400 UnexpectedPayload $ mconcat [ (PGCol colTxt) <<> " is a" , " relationship and should be expanded" ] Just (FExp t) -> throw500 $ " found __typename in order_by?: " <> t Nothing -> throw400 UnexpectedPayload $ mconcat [ (PGCol colTxt) <<> " should be" , " included in 'columns'" ] processOrderByElem annFlds (colTxt:xs) = case HM.lookup (FieldName colTxt) annFlds of Just (FRel annRel) -> case arType annRel of ObjRel -> do let relSelData = arSelData annRel relFlds = sdFlds relSelData newRelFlds <- processOrderByElem relFlds xs let newRelSelData = relSelData { sdAddCols = (PGCol $ T.intercalate "__" xs):(sdAddCols relSelData) , sdFlds = newRelFlds } newAnnRel = annRel { arSelData = newRelSelData } return $ HM.insert (FieldName colTxt) (FRel newAnnRel) annFlds ArrRel -> throw400 UnexpectedPayload $ mconcat [ (RelName colTxt) <<> " is an array relationship" ," and can't be used in 'order_by'" ] Just (FCol _) -> throw400 UnexpectedPayload $ mconcat [ (PGCol colTxt) <<> " is a Postgres column" , " and cannot be chained further" ] Just (FExp t) -> throw500 $ " found __typename in order_by?: " <> t Nothing -> throw400 UnexpectedPayload $ mconcat [ (PGCol colTxt) <<> " should be" , " included in 'columns'" ] convOrderByItem :: OrderByItem -> S.OrderByItem convOrderByItem (OrderByItem ot (OrderByCol path) nulls) = S.OrderByItem obiExp ot nulls where obiExp = Left $ PGCol $ T.intercalate "__" path convOrderByExp :: (P1C m) => OrderByExp -> m S.OrderByExp convOrderByExp (OrderByExp obItems) = do when (null obItems) $ throw400 UnexpectedPayload "order_by array should not be empty" return $ S.OrderByExp $ map convOrderByItem obItems partitionExtCols :: [ExtCol] -> ([PGCol], [(RelName, Maybe RelName, SelectQExt)]) partitionExtCols = foldr f ([], []) where f (ECSimple pgCol) ~(l, r) = (pgCol:l, r) f (ECRel relName mAlias selQ) ~(l, r) = (l, (relName, mAlias, selQ):r) -- If query limit > permission limit then consider permission limit Else consider query limit applyPermLimit :: Maybe Int -- Permission limit -> Maybe Int -- Query limit -> Maybe S.SQLExp -- Return SQL exp applyPermLimit mPermLimit mQueryLimit = S.intToSQLExp <$> maybe mQueryLimit compareWithPermLimit mPermLimit where compareWithPermLimit pLimit = maybe (Just pLimit) (compareLimits pLimit) mQueryLimit compareLimits pLimit qLimit = Just $ if qLimit > pLimit then pLimit else qLimit convSelectQ :: (P1C m) => FieldInfoMap -- Table information of current table -> SelPermInfo -- Additional select permission info -> SelectQExt -- Given Select Query -> (PGColType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp) -> m SelectData convSelectQ fieldInfoMap selPermInfo selQ prepValBuilder = do -- let (extPGCols, extRels) = partitionExtCols $ sqColumns selQ annFlds <- fmap HM.fromList $ withPathK "columns" $ indexedForM (sqColumns selQ) $ \case (ECSimple pgCol) -> do colTy <- convExtSimple fieldInfoMap selPermInfo pgCol return (fromPGCol pgCol, FCol (pgCol, colTy)) (ECRel relName mAlias relSelQ) -> do annRel <- convExtRel fieldInfoMap relName mAlias relSelQ prepValBuilder return (fromRel $ fromMaybe relName mAlias, FRel annRel) -- pgColTypes <- withPathK "columns" $ -- indexedForM extPGCols $ \extCol -> -- convExtSimple fieldInfoMap selPermInfo extCol -- let pgColMap = HM.fromList $ zip extPGCols pgColTypes -- annRels <- withPathK "columns" $ -- indexedForM extRels $ \(relName, mAlias, extCol) -> do -- let annRelMap = HM.fromList annRels let spiT = spiTable selPermInfo -- Convert where clause wClause <- forM (sqWhere selQ) $ \be -> withPathK "where" $ convBoolExp' fieldInfoMap spiT selPermInfo be prepValBuilder newAnnFldsM <- forM (sqOrderBy selQ) $ \(OrderByExp obItems) -> withPathK "order_by" $ indexedFoldM processOrderByElem annFlds $ map (getOrderByColPath . obiColumn) obItems let newAnnFlds = fromMaybe annFlds newAnnFldsM -- Convert order by sqlOrderBy <- mapM convOrderByExp $ sqOrderBy selQ -- validate limit and offset values withPathK "limit" $ mapM_ onlyPositiveInt mQueryLimit withPathK "offset" $ mapM_ onlyPositiveInt mQueryOffset -- convert limit expression let limitExp = applyPermLimit mPermLimit mQueryLimit -- convert offset expression offsetExp = S.intToSQLExp <$> mQueryOffset return $ SelectData newAnnFlds (spiTable selPermInfo) (spiFilter selPermInfo, wClause) sqlOrderBy [] limitExp offsetExp where mQueryOffset = sqOffset selQ mQueryLimit = sqLimit selQ mPermLimit = spiLimit selPermInfo convExtSimple :: (P1C m) => FieldInfoMap -> SelPermInfo -> PGCol -> m PGColType convExtSimple fieldInfoMap selPermInfo pgCol = do checkSelOnCol selPermInfo pgCol askPGType fieldInfoMap pgCol relWhenPGErr where relWhenPGErr = "relationships have to be expanded" convExtRel :: (P1C m) => FieldInfoMap -> RelName -> Maybe RelName -> SelectQExt -> (PGColType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp) -> m AnnRel convExtRel fieldInfoMap relName mAlias selQ prepValBuilder = do -- Point to the name key relInfo <- withPathK "name" $ askRelType fieldInfoMap relName pgWhenRelErr let (RelInfo _ relTy colMapping relTab _) = relInfo (relCIM, relSPI) <- fetchRelDet relName relTab selectData <- case relTy of ObjRel -> if misused then throw400 UnexpectedPayload $ mconcat [ "when selecting an 'obj_relationship' " , "'where', 'order_by', 'limit' and 'offset' " , " can't be used" ] else convSelectQ relCIM relSPI selQ prepValBuilder ArrRel -> convSelectQ relCIM relSPI selQ prepValBuilder return $ AnnRel (fromMaybe relName mAlias) relTy colMapping selectData where pgWhenRelErr = "only relationships can be expanded" misused = or [ isJust (sqWhere selQ) , isJust (sqLimit selQ) , isJust (sqOffset selQ) , isJust (sqOrderBy selQ) ] -- SQL Generation helper functions ---------------------------------- -- | Lateral joins are different. For example -- A typical join looks like : -- FromExp1 JOIN FromExp2 ON (condition) -- -- A lateral join is as follows : -- FromExp1 LATERAL JOIN FromExp2' ON (true) -- where condition exists inside FromExp2' joinSel :: S.Select -- ^ left Select expression -> S.Select -- ^ right Select expression -> S.FromExp -- ^ From expression joinSel leftSel rightSel = S.FromExp [S.FIJoin $ S.JoinExpr lhsFI S.LeftOuter rhsFI joinCond] where lhsFI = S.mkSelFromExp False leftSel $ TableName "l" rhsFI = S.mkSelFromExp True rightSel $ TableName "r" joinCond = S.JoinOn $ S.BELit True -- | Injects lateral join condition into given Select expression injectJoinCond :: S.BoolExp -- ^ Join condition -> S.BoolExp -- ^ Where condition -> S.WhereFrag -- ^ New where frag injectJoinCond joinCond whereCond = S.WhereFrag $ S.BEBin S.AndOp joinCond whereCond mkJoinCond :: AnnRel -> S.BoolExp mkJoinCond annRel = foldr (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True) $ flip map colMapping $ \(lCol, rCol) -> S.BECompare S.SEQ (mkLJColFn lCol) (S.mkSIdenExp rCol) where colMapping = arMapping annRel mkLJColFn = S.mkQIdenExp (TableName "l") . mkLJCol (arName annRel) -- | Generates SQL Exp of form -- -- fn_name((SELECT r FROM (SELECT ext1, ext2 ..) as r)) -- | |--------------------------| -- | | inner select | -- |-----------------------------------------| -- | outer select | -- -- This is needed because -- -- row_to_json(col1, col2) -- -- would result in -- -- { "f1" : v1, "f2" : v2 } -- -- But, -- -- row_to_json((SELECT r FROM (SELECT col1, col2) as r)) -- -- would result in -- -- { "col1" : v1, "col2" : v2 } mkInnerSelExtr :: (FieldName, AnnFld) -> S.Extractor mkInnerSelExtr (alias, annFld) = S.mkAliasedExtrFromExp colExp $ Just alias where colExp = case annFld of FCol (pgCol, _) -> S.mkQIdenExp (TableName "r") pgCol FRel annRel -> S.mkQIdenExp (TableName "r") $ arName annRel FExp t -> S.SELit t mkLJCol :: RelName -> PGCol -> PGCol mkLJCol (RelName rTxt) (PGCol cTxt) = PGCol ("__l_" <> rTxt <> "_" <> cTxt) -- | Generates -- -- IF (r.__r_col IS NULL) THEN 'null' ELSE row_to_json(..) mkObjRelExtr :: PGCol -> RelName -> [S.Extractor] -> S.Extractor mkObjRelExtr compCol relName flds = let idCol = S.mkQIdenExp (TableName "r") compCol rowExp = S.mkRowExp flds objAgg = S.SEFnApp "row_to_json" [rowExp] Nothing condExp = S.SECond (S.BENull idCol) (S.SELit "null") objAgg in S.mkAliasedExtrFromExp condExp $ Just relName -- | Generates -- -- IF (first(r.__r_col) IS NULL) THEN '[]' ELSE json_agg(..) mkArrRelExtr :: (Maybe S.OrderByExp) -> PGCol -> RelName -> [S.Extractor] -> S.Extractor mkArrRelExtr mOb compCol relName flds = let refCol = S.SEFnApp "hdb_catalog.first" [ S.mkQIdenExp (TableName "r") compCol ] Nothing rowExp = S.mkRowExp flds arrAgg = S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [rowExp] mOb condExp = S.SECond (S.BENull refCol) (S.SELit "[]") arrAgg in S.mkAliasedExtrFromExp condExp $ Just relName -- | Make order by extr mkOrderByColExtr :: RelName -> PGCol -> S.Extractor mkOrderByColExtr (RelName rTxt) t@(PGCol cTxt) = S.mkAliasedExtrFromExp orderByCol $ Just alias where orderByCol = S.mkQIdenExp (TableName "r") t alias = PGCol ( rTxt <> "__" <> cTxt) -- | mkLColExtrs :: AnnRel -> [S.Extractor] mkLColExtrs ar = map (\lCol -> S.mkAliasedExtr lCol $ Just $ mkLJCol relName lCol) lCols where lCols = map fst $ arMapping ar relName = arName ar -- | mkCompColAlias :: RelName -> PGCol -> PGCol mkCompColAlias relName rCol = PGCol ("__r_" <> getRelTxt relName <> "_" <> getPGColTxt rCol) -- TODO : exception prone, mapping should be nonempty list selDataToSQL :: [S.Extractor] -- ^ Parent's RCol -> S.BoolExp -- ^ Join Condition if any -> SelectData -- ^ Select data -> S.Select -- ^ SQL Select (needs wrapping) selDataToSQL parRCols joinCond (SelectData annFlds tn (fltr, mWc) ob _ lt offst) = let (sCols, relCols) = partAnnFlds $ HM.elems annFlds -- relCols = HM.elems relColsMap childrenLCols = concatMap mkLColExtrs relCols thisTableExtrs = parRCols <> map mkColExtr sCols -- <> (map mkOrderByColExtr obeCols) <> childrenLCols finalWC = S.BEBin S.AndOp fltr $ maybe (S.BELit True) cBoolExp mWc -- Add order by if -- limit or offset is used or when no relationships are requested -- orderByExp = bool Nothing ob $ or [isJust lt, isJust offst, null relCols] baseSel = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = thisTableExtrs , S.selFrom = Just $ S.mkSimpleFromExp tn , S.selWhere = Just $ injectJoinCond joinCond finalWC } joinedSel = foldr ($) baseSel $ map annRelColToSQL relCols in joinedSel { S.selOrderBy = ob , S.selLimit = S.LimitExp <$> lt , S.selOffset = S.OffsetExp <$> offst } -- | Brings the left select columns into the scope of outer select -- If group by, then use first, else just qualify with l exposeLSelExtrs :: Bool -- is group by on outer select? -> [S.Extractor] -- left select's extractors -> [S.Extractor] -- extrs that can be used in outer select exposeLSelExtrs isGrpBy lExtrs = -- TODO : This looks error prone. We'll definitely have -- alised columns as extractors, but type system doesn't -- guarantee it. Fix this. map exposeLCol $ mapMaybe S.getExtrAlias lExtrs where toQual = S.QualIden . toIden exposeLCol al@(S.Alias lCol) = let qLCol = S.SEQIden $ S.QIden (toQual (TableName "l")) lCol faLCol = S.SEFnApp "hdb_catalog.first" [qLCol] Nothing in S.Extractor (bool qLCol faLCol isGrpBy) $ Just al -- | Generates -- -- SELECT -- cols_of_left_sel, -- relationship_extr -- FROM -- left_sel as l -- {JOIN TYPE} generated_right_sel_from_sel_data as r -- ON {JOIN COND} -- {GROUP BY}? annRelColToSQL :: AnnRel -> S.Select -> S.Select annRelColToSQL ar leftSel = let selData = arSelData ar relName = arName ar joinCond = mkJoinCond ar -- The column used to determine whether there the object is null -- or array is empty compCol = snd $ head $ arMapping ar -- An alias for this compColAlias = mkCompColAlias relName compCol -- the comparison column should also be selected rightSel = selDataToSQL [S.mkAliasedExtr compCol $ Just compColAlias] joinCond selData allFlds = map mkInnerSelExtr (HM.toList $ sdFlds selData) -- <> map mkInnerSelExtr (HM.keys $ sdRels selData) -- Lateral joins left and right select fromExp = joinSel leftSel rightSel in case arType ar of ObjRel -> let -- Current relationship's extractor, using row_to_json relExtr = mkObjRelExtr compColAlias relName allFlds -- Qualified left select's columns qLSelCols = exposeLSelExtrs False $ S.selExtr leftSel -- Relationship's order columns relOrderByCols = map (mkOrderByColExtr relName) $ sdAddCols selData in S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = qLSelCols ++ relExtr:relOrderByCols , S.selFrom = Just fromExp } ArrRel -> let -- Current relationship's extractor, using json_agg -- Also add order by in the aggregation as postgres doesn't guarantee it relExtr = mkArrRelExtr (qualifyOrderBy <$> sdOrderBy selData) compColAlias relName allFlds -- Firstified left select's columns qLSelCols = exposeLSelExtrs True $ S.selExtr leftSel -- Group by exp to aggregate relationship as json_array grpByExp = S.GroupByExp $ map (S.mkQIdenExp (TableName "l") . mkLJCol relName) $ map fst $ arMapping ar in S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = relExtr:qLSelCols , S.selFrom = Just fromExp , S.selGroupBy = Just grpByExp } where qualifyOrderByItem (S.OrderByItem e t n) = let qe = case e of Left c -> Right $ S.mkQIden (TableName "r") c Right c -> Right $ c in S.OrderByItem qe t n qualifyOrderBy (S.OrderByExp items) = S.OrderByExp $ map qualifyOrderByItem items -- wrapFinalSel :: S.Select -> [ExtCol] -> S.Select -- wrapFinalSel initSel extCols = -- S.mkSelect -- { S.selExtr = [S.Extractor rowToJSONedCol Nothing] -- , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.mkSelFromExp False initSel (TableName "r")] -- } -- where -- rowExp = S.mkRowExp $ map toExtr extCols -- rowToJSONedCol = S.SEFnApp "coalesce" -- [ S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [rowExp] Nothing -- , S.SELit "[]"] Nothing -- toExtr (ECSimple pgCol) = -- S.mkAliasedExtrFromExp (S.mkQIdenExp (TableName "r") pgCol) $ -- Just pgCol -- toExtr (ECRel relName mAlias _) = -- let rName = fromMaybe relName mAlias -- in S.mkAliasedExtrFromExp (S.mkQIdenExp (TableName "r") rName) $ -- Just rName wrapFinalSel :: S.Select -> [(FieldName, AnnFld)] -> S.Select wrapFinalSel initSel extCols = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [S.Extractor rowToJSONedCol Nothing] , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [S.mkSelFromExp False initSel (TableName "r")] } where rowExp = S.mkRowExp $ map mkInnerSelExtr extCols rowToJSONedCol = S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [ S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [rowExp] Nothing , S.SELit "[]"] Nothing getSelectDeps :: SelectData -> [SchemaDependency] getSelectDeps (SelectData flds tn (_, annWc) _ _ _ _) = mkParentDep tn : fromMaybe [] whereDeps <> colDeps <> relDeps <> nestedDeps where (sCols, rCols) = partAnnFlds $ HM.elems flds colDeps = map (mkColDep "untyped" tn . fst) sCols relDeps = map (mkRelDep . arName) rCols nestedDeps = concatMap (getSelectDeps . arSelData) rCols whereDeps = getBoolExpDeps tn <$> annWc mkRelDep rn = SchemaDependency (SOTableObj tn (TORel rn)) "untyped" -- data SelectQueryP1 -- = SelectQueryP1 -- { sqp1Cols :: ![ExtCol] -- , sqp1Data :: !SelectData -- } deriving (Show, Eq) -- mkSQLSelect :: SelectQueryP1 -> S.Select -- mkSQLSelect (SelectQueryP1 extCols selData) = -- wrapFinalSel (selDataToSQL [] (S.BELit True) selData) extCols mkSQLSelect :: SelectData -> S.Select mkSQLSelect selData = wrapFinalSel (selDataToSQL [] (S.BELit True) selData) $ HM.toList $ sdFlds selData -- convSelectQuery -- :: (P1C m) -- => (PGColType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp) -- -> SelectQuery -- -> m SelectQueryP1 -- convSelectQuery prepArgBuilder (DMLQuery qt selQ) = do -- tabInfo <- withPathK "table" $ askTabInfo qt -- selPermInfo <- askSelPermInfo tabInfo -- extSelQ <- resolveStar (tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) selPermInfo selQ -- let extCols = sqColumns extSelQ -- selData <- convSelectQ (tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) selPermInfo extSelQ prepArgBuilder -- return $ SelectQueryP1 extCols selData convSelectQuery :: (P1C m) => (PGColType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp) -> SelectQuery -> m SelectData convSelectQuery prepArgBuilder (DMLQuery qt selQ) = do tabInfo <- withPathK "table" $ askTabInfo qt selPermInfo <- askSelPermInfo tabInfo extSelQ <- resolveStar (tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) selPermInfo selQ validateHeaders $ spiRequiredHeaders selPermInfo convSelectQ (tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) selPermInfo extSelQ prepArgBuilder -- selectP2 :: (P2C m) => (SelectQueryP1, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) -> m RespBody selectP2 :: (SelectData, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) -> Q.TxE QErr RespBody selectP2 (sel, p) = runIdentity . Q.getRow <$> Q.rawQE dmlTxErrorHandler (Q.fromBuilder selectSQL) (toList p) True where selectSQL = toSQL $ mkSQLSelect sel instance HDBQuery SelectQuery where -- type Phase1Res SelectQuery = (SelectQueryP1, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) type Phase1Res SelectQuery = (SelectData, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) phaseOne q = flip runStateT DS.empty $ convSelectQuery binRHSBuilder q phaseTwo _ = liftTx . selectP2 schemaCachePolicy = SCPNoChange