-- | A simple URL templating that enables interpolating environment variables module Data.URL.Template ( URLTemplate, TemplateItem, Variable, printURLTemplate, mkPlainURLTemplate, parseURLTemplate, renderURLTemplate, ) where import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator (lookAhead) import Data.Attoparsec.Text import Data.Environment qualified as Env import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Extended import Hasura.Prelude import Test.QuickCheck newtype Variable = Variable {unVariable :: Text} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Hashable) printVariable :: Variable -> Text printVariable var = "{{" <> unVariable var <> "}}" data TemplateItem = TIText !Text | TIVariable !Variable deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) instance Hashable TemplateItem printTemplateItem :: TemplateItem -> Text printTemplateItem = \case TIText t -> t TIVariable v -> printVariable v -- | A String with environment variables enclosed in '{{' and '}}' -- http://{{APP_HOST}}:{{APP_PORT}}/v1/api newtype URLTemplate = URLTemplate {unURLTemplate :: [TemplateItem]} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Hashable) printURLTemplate :: URLTemplate -> Text printURLTemplate = T.concat . map printTemplateItem . unURLTemplate mkPlainURLTemplate :: Text -> URLTemplate mkPlainURLTemplate = URLTemplate . pure . TIText parseURLTemplate :: Text -> Either String URLTemplate parseURLTemplate t = parseOnly parseTemplate t where parseTemplate :: Parser URLTemplate parseTemplate = do items <- many parseTemplateItem lastItem <- TIText <$> takeText pure $ URLTemplate $ items <> [lastItem] parseTemplateItem :: Parser TemplateItem parseTemplateItem = (TIVariable <$> parseVariable) <|> (TIText . T.pack <$> manyTill anyChar (lookAhead $ string "{{")) parseVariable :: Parser Variable parseVariable = string "{{" *> (Variable . T.pack <$> manyTill anyChar (string "}}")) renderURLTemplate :: Env.Environment -> URLTemplate -> Either String Text renderURLTemplate env template = case errorVariables of [] -> Right $ T.concat $ rights eitherResults _ -> Left $ T.unpack $ "Value for environment variables not found: " <> commaSeparated errorVariables where eitherResults = map renderTemplateItem $ unURLTemplate template errorVariables = lefts eitherResults renderTemplateItem = \case TIText t -> Right t TIVariable (Variable var) -> let maybeEnvValue = Env.lookupEnv env $ T.unpack var in case maybeEnvValue of Nothing -> Left var Just value -> Right $ T.pack value -- QuickCheck generators instance Arbitrary Variable where arbitrary = Variable . T.pack <$> listOf1 (elements $ alphaNumerics <> " -_") instance Arbitrary URLTemplate where arbitrary = URLTemplate <$> listOf (oneof [genText, genVariable]) where genText = TIText . T.pack <$> listOf1 (elements $ alphaNumerics <> " ://") genVariable = TIVariable <$> arbitrary