Note: This RFC assumes computed fields for **Postgres** backend. OSS issue: Before we proceed to the specification, we shall address the known limitation ### Limitation All the undermentioned implementations assumes computed field function has table row input and/or session (`json` type) input arguments. But we support computed fields with functions having multiple arguments. Input values for additional arguments are provided via GraphQL field [arguments]( For example, defining `get_articles` computed field for `author` table with `get_articles(table_input author, search text)` SQL function to return author's articles containing `search` keyword. ```graphql query { author { id name get_articles(search: "Covid 19"){ title content } } } ``` It is complex to support such additional function inputs via GraphQL arguments. So, here I'm assuming the following limitation: **Allow filter/order by/permission for computed fields with no input arguments other than table row and session json input types** ### Filter Reference OSS ticket: Currently, we only support table columns and relationships (object and array) to filter rows in any GraphQL query. For example, to fetch an author whose `id` is `1` the query would be (using column in filter) ```graphql query { authors(where: {id: {_eq: 1}}){ id first_name last_name } } ``` Similarly, to fetch articles whose `author`'s `first_name` is 'Bob', the query would be (using object relation in filter) ```graphql query { articles(where: {author: {first_name: {_eq: "Bob"}}}){ id title } } ``` Now, I defined a computed field `full_name` to the `author` table using the following SQL function ```sql CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.full_name(author_table author) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql STABLE AS $function$ SELECT author_table.first_name || ' ' || author_table.last_name $function$ ``` I should able to fetch an author whose `full_name` is 'Bob Morley' ```graphql query { authors(where: {full_name: {_eq: "Bob Morley"}}){ id full_name } } ``` The above query isn't possible currently and hence, we need to support computed fields in filter expression (`where` clause). #### Approach ```sql SELECT "base".* FROM "authors" AS "base" WHERE "full_name"("base") = 'Bob Morley' ``` Simply, our approach is to use the SQL function in the `WHERE` expression of the generated SQL. So, aforementioned GraphQL query translates to ```sql SELECT coalesce(json_agg("root"), '[]') AS "root" FROM ( SELECT row_to_json( ( SELECT "_2_e" FROM ( SELECT "_1_root.base"."first_name" AS "first_name", "_1_root.base"."last_name" AS "last_name", "public"."user_full_name"("_1_root.base") AS "full_name" ) AS "_2_e" ) ) AS "root" FROM ( SELECT * FROM "public"."user" AS "_0_base" WHERE ( ("public"."user_full_name"("_0_base".*)) = (('Bob Morley') :: text) ) ) AS "_1_root.base" ) AS "_3_root" ``` ### Permission Reference OSS ticket: Just like using computed fields in `where` expression, similarly we need have an option to include computed fields in permission `check` and `filter` expression For example, I need to define a select permission on `author` table whose `full_name` is like 'Bob' ```json - type: create_select_permission args: table: name: author role: user permission: columns: '*' filter: full_name: _like: 'Bob' ``` #### Approach Similar to `filtering` approach, we generate `where` expression with the `filter`/`check` expression provided in the permission metadata definition ### Order by Reference OSS ticket: Enable using computed fields in order by expresssion. For example, fetch authors ordering by `full_name` ```graphql query { authors(order_by: {full_name: desc}){ id first_name } } ``` #### Approach We extract computed fields with proper aliases and use the same in the `ORDER BY` SQL expression. The generated SQL will look like ```sql SELECT computed_field_function("table_alias") AS "computed_field_alias" (SELECT * FROM our_table) AS "table_alias" ORDER BY "computed_field_alias" DESC ```