# passwords/ports are set in docker-compose/databases.yaml .PHONY: repl-sqlserver ## repl-sqlserver: start a sqlserver docker image and connect to it using sqlcmd repl-sqlserver: @docker compose up -d --wait sqlserver-healthcheck @sqlcmd -S localhost,$(shell docker compose port sqlserver 1433 | sed -e 's#.*:\(\)#\1#') -U SA -P "Password!" .PHONY: repl-postgres ## repl-postgres: start a postgres docker image and connect to it using psql repl-postgres: @docker compose up -d --wait postgres; @PORT=$(shell docker compose port postgres 5432 | sed s/.*://); \ CONNECT_STRING="postgresql://hasura:hasura@localhost:$${PORT}/hasura"; \ psql $${CONNECT_STRING}