module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Value ( PGScalarValue(..) , pgScalarValueToJson , withConstructorFn , parsePGValue , scientificToInteger , scientificToFloat , TxtEncodedPGVal(..) , txtEncodedPGVal , binEncoder , txtEncoder , toPrepParam ) where import Hasura.Prelude import qualified Data.Aeson.Text as AE import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as AT import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Conversions as TC import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.UUID as UUID import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q import qualified Database.PG.Query.PTI as PTI import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as PQ import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Encoding as PE import Data.Aeson import Data.Int import Data.Scientific import Data.Time import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML as S import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types import Hasura.SQL.GeoJSON import Hasura.SQL.Time newtype RasterWKB = RasterWKB { getRasterWKB :: TC.Base16 B.ByteString } deriving (Show, Eq) instance FromJSON RasterWKB where parseJSON = \case String t -> case TC.fromText t of Just v -> return $ RasterWKB v Nothing -> fail "invalid hexadecimal representation of raster well known binary format" _ -> fail "expecting String for raster" instance ToJSON RasterWKB where toJSON = toJSON . TC.toText . getRasterWKB -- Binary value. Used in prepared sq data PGScalarValue = PGValInteger !Int32 | PGValSmallInt !Int16 | PGValBigInt !Int64 | PGValFloat !Float | PGValDouble !Double | PGValNumeric !Scientific | PGValMoney !Scientific | PGValBoolean !Bool | PGValChar !Char | PGValVarchar !Text | PGValText !Text | PGValCitext !Text | PGValDate !Day | PGValTimeStamp !LocalTime | PGValTimeStampTZ !UTCTime | PGValTimeTZ !ZonedTimeOfDay | PGNull !PGScalarType | PGValJSON !Q.JSON | PGValJSONB !Q.JSONB | PGValGeo !GeometryWithCRS | PGValRaster !RasterWKB | PGValUUID !UUID.UUID | PGValUnknown !Text deriving (Show, Eq) pgScalarValueToJson :: PGScalarValue -> Value pgScalarValueToJson = \case PGValInteger i -> toJSON i PGValSmallInt i -> toJSON i PGValBigInt i -> toJSON i PGValFloat f -> toJSON f PGValDouble d -> toJSON d PGValNumeric sc -> toJSON sc PGValMoney m -> toJSON m PGValBoolean b -> toJSON b PGValChar t -> toJSON t PGValVarchar t -> toJSON t PGValText t -> toJSON t PGValCitext t -> toJSON t PGValDate d -> toJSON d PGValTimeStamp u -> toJSON $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%T%QZ" u PGValTimeStampTZ u -> toJSON $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%T%QZ" u PGValTimeTZ (ZonedTimeOfDay tod tz) -> toJSON (show tod ++ timeZoneOffsetString tz) PGNull _ -> Null PGValJSON (Q.JSON j) -> j PGValJSONB (Q.JSONB j) -> j PGValGeo o -> toJSON o PGValRaster r -> toJSON r PGValUUID u -> toJSON u PGValUnknown t -> toJSON t withConstructorFn :: PGScalarType -> S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp withConstructorFn ty v | isGeoType ty = S.SEFnApp "ST_GeomFromGeoJSON" [v] Nothing | ty == PGRaster = S.SEFnApp "ST_RastFromHexWKB" [v] Nothing | otherwise = v scientificToInteger :: (Integral i, Bounded i) => Scientific -> AT.Parser i scientificToInteger num = toBoundedInteger num `onNothing` fail ("The value " ++ show num ++ " lies outside the " ++ "bounds or is not an integer. Maybe it is a " ++ "float, or is there integer overflow?") scientificToFloat :: (RealFloat f) => Scientific -> AT.Parser f scientificToFloat num = toBoundedRealFloat num `onLeft` \ _ -> fail ("The value " ++ show num ++ " lies outside the " ++ "bounds. Is it overflowing the float bounds?") parsePGValue :: PGScalarType -> Value -> AT.Parser PGScalarValue parsePGValue ty val = case (ty, val) of (_ , Null) -> pure $ PGNull ty (PGUnknown _, String t) -> pure $ PGValUnknown t (PGRaster , _) -> parseTyped -- strictly parse raster value (_ , String t) -> parseTyped <|> pure (PGValUnknown t) (_ , _) -> parseTyped where parseBoundedInt :: forall i. (Integral i, Bounded i) => Value -> AT.Parser i parseBoundedInt = withScientific ("Integer expected for input type: " ++ show ty) scientificToInteger parseBoundedFloat :: forall a. (RealFloat a) => Value -> AT.Parser a parseBoundedFloat = withScientific ("Float expected for input type: " ++ show ty) scientificToFloat parseTyped = case ty of PGSmallInt -> PGValSmallInt <$> parseBoundedInt val PGInteger -> PGValInteger <$> parseBoundedInt val PGBigInt -> PGValBigInt <$> parseBoundedInt val PGSerial -> PGValInteger <$> parseBoundedInt val PGBigSerial -> PGValBigInt <$> parseBoundedInt val PGFloat -> PGValFloat <$> parseBoundedFloat val PGDouble -> PGValDouble <$> parseBoundedFloat val PGNumeric -> PGValNumeric <$> parseJSON val PGMoney -> PGValMoney <$> parseJSON val PGBoolean -> PGValBoolean <$> parseJSON val PGChar -> PGValChar <$> parseJSON val PGVarchar -> PGValVarchar <$> parseJSON val PGText -> PGValText <$> parseJSON val PGCitext -> PGValCitext <$> parseJSON val PGDate -> PGValDate <$> parseJSON val PGTimeStamp -> PGValTimeStamp <$> parseJSON val PGTimeStampTZ -> PGValTimeStampTZ <$> parseJSON val PGTimeTZ -> PGValTimeTZ <$> parseJSON val PGJSON -> PGValJSON . Q.JSON <$> parseJSON val PGJSONB -> PGValJSONB . Q.JSONB <$> parseJSON val PGGeometry -> PGValGeo <$> parseJSON val PGGeography -> PGValGeo <$> parseJSON val PGRaster -> PGValRaster <$> parseJSON val PGUUID -> PGValUUID <$> parseJSON val PGUnknown tyName -> fail $ "A string is expected for type: " ++ T.unpack tyName data TxtEncodedPGVal = TENull | TELit !Text deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) instance Hashable TxtEncodedPGVal instance ToJSON TxtEncodedPGVal where toJSON = \case TENull -> Null TELit t -> String t instance FromJSON TxtEncodedPGVal where parseJSON Null = pure TENull parseJSON (String t) = pure $ TELit t parseJSON v = AT.typeMismatch "String" v txtEncodedPGVal :: PGScalarValue -> TxtEncodedPGVal txtEncodedPGVal = \case PGValInteger i -> TELit $ T.pack $ show i PGValSmallInt i -> TELit $ T.pack $ show i PGValBigInt i -> TELit $ T.pack $ show i PGValFloat f -> TELit $ T.pack $ show f PGValDouble d -> TELit $ T.pack $ show d PGValNumeric sc -> TELit $ T.pack $ show sc -- PostgreSQL doesn't like scientific notation for money, so pass it -- with 2 decimal places. PGValMoney m -> TELit $ T.pack $ formatScientific Fixed (Just 2) m PGValBoolean b -> TELit $ bool "false" "true" b PGValChar t -> TELit $ T.pack $ show t PGValVarchar t -> TELit t PGValText t -> TELit t PGValCitext t -> TELit t PGValDate d -> TELit $ T.pack $ showGregorian d PGValTimeStamp u -> TELit $ T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%T%QZ" u PGValTimeStampTZ u -> TELit $ T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%T%QZ" u PGValTimeTZ (ZonedTimeOfDay tod tz) -> TELit $ T.pack (show tod ++ timeZoneOffsetString tz) PGNull _ -> TENull PGValJSON (Q.JSON j) -> TELit $ TL.toStrict $ AE.encodeToLazyText j PGValJSONB (Q.JSONB j) -> TELit $ TL.toStrict $ AE.encodeToLazyText j PGValGeo o -> TELit $ TL.toStrict $ AE.encodeToLazyText o PGValRaster r -> TELit $ TC.toText $ getRasterWKB r PGValUUID u -> TELit $ UUID.toText u PGValUnknown t -> TELit t pgTypeOid :: PGScalarType -> PQ.Oid pgTypeOid = \case PGSmallInt -> PTI.int2 PGInteger -> PTI.int4 PGBigInt -> PTI.int8 PGSerial -> PTI.int4 PGBigSerial -> PTI.int8 PGFloat -> PTI.float4 PGDouble -> PTI.float8 PGNumeric -> PTI.numeric PGMoney -> PTI.numeric PGBoolean -> PTI.bool PGChar -> PTI.char PGVarchar -> PTI.varchar PGText -> PTI.text PGCitext -> PTI.text -- Explict type cast to citext needed, See also Note [Type casting prepared params] PGDate -> PGTimeStamp -> PTI.timestamp PGTimeStampTZ -> PTI.timestamptz PGTimeTZ -> PTI.timetz PGJSON -> PTI.json PGJSONB -> PTI.jsonb PGGeometry -> PTI.text -- we are using the ST_GeomFromGeoJSON($i) instead of $i PGGeography -> PTI.text PGRaster -> PTI.text -- we are using the ST_RastFromHexWKB($i) instead of $i PGUUID -> PTI.uuid (PGUnknown _) -> binEncoder :: PGScalarValue -> Q.PrepArg binEncoder = \case PGValInteger i -> Q.toPrepVal i PGValSmallInt i -> Q.toPrepVal i PGValBigInt i -> Q.toPrepVal i PGValFloat f -> Q.toPrepVal f PGValDouble d -> Q.toPrepVal d PGValNumeric sc -> Q.toPrepVal sc PGValMoney m -> Q.toPrepVal m PGValBoolean b -> Q.toPrepVal b PGValChar t -> Q.toPrepVal t PGValVarchar t -> Q.toPrepVal t PGValText t -> Q.toPrepVal t PGValCitext t -> Q.toPrepVal t PGValDate d -> Q.toPrepVal d PGValTimeStamp u -> Q.toPrepVal u PGValTimeStampTZ u -> Q.toPrepVal u PGValTimeTZ (ZonedTimeOfDay t z) -> Q.toPrepValHelper PTI.timetz PE.timetz_int (t, z) PGNull ty -> (pgTypeOid ty, Nothing) PGValJSON u -> Q.toPrepVal u PGValJSONB u -> Q.toPrepVal u PGValGeo o -> Q.toPrepVal $ TL.toStrict $ AE.encodeToLazyText o PGValRaster r -> Q.toPrepVal $ TC.toText $ getRasterWKB r PGValUUID u -> Q.toPrepVal u PGValUnknown t -> (, Just (TE.encodeUtf8 t, PQ.Text)) txtEncoder :: PGScalarValue -> S.SQLExp txtEncoder colVal = case txtEncodedPGVal colVal of TENull -> S.SENull TELit t -> S.SELit t {- Note [Type casting prepared params] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prepared values are passed to Postgres via text encoding. Explicit type cast for prepared params is needed to distinguish the column types. For example, the parameter for citext column type is generated as ($i)::citext where 'i' is parameter position (integer). Also see -} toPrepParam :: Int -> PGScalarType -> S.SQLExp toPrepParam i ty = -- See Note [Type casting prepared params] above S.withTyAnn ty . withConstructorFn ty $ S.SEPrep i